End All US Support to Israel

Palestinks belong in Jordan
They've done the same thing several times. All or nothing is going to leave them with...NOTHING.
Think Wylie Coyote with a turban

You do understand tht Bibi is up on corruption charges and can't form a coalition government. He's belligerent as usual and trying to hang on
Haven't you ever wondered if Hamas works for the Likkud?
Israel appears to have played a key role in creating Hamas?


"The acronym 'Hamas' first appeared in 1987 in a leaflet that accused the Israeli intelligence services of undermining the moral fiber of Palestinian youth as part of Mossad's recruitment of what Hamas termed 'collaborators.'

"Nonetheless, Israeli military and intelligence was still focused on Fatah, and continued to maintain contacts with Gaza Islamic activists.

"Numerous Islamist leaders, including senior Hamas founder Mahmoud Zahar, met with Yitzhak Rabin as part of 'regular consultations' between Israeli officials and Palestinians not linked to the PLO."

Yep Israel helped create HAMAS.
All military aid on both sides should be on the table.
As well as UN sanctions
Weapons blockades
No fly zone
If you're advocating for an election in Israel/Palestine in which all residents of legal voting age decide their collective fate democratically, I think that event would require UNSC peacekeepers (US and China?) in the Jordan Valley for at least a generation.

Dozens of Palestinians injured in police clashes as Jewish extremists chanting 'Death of Arabs'
Do you have the guts to watch this?....

What does "guts" have to do with it?
I can see footage like that nearly every day from many places in the world.

There are no good guys here.
Just 15% or so of both populations who will not stop till they kill one another.

I don't have a solution.
No one's come up with a solution for over 70 years.
This is not about Jews and Muslims.
It is about people craving power and willing to murder innocents to get it.
I say if they want to kill one another
Let them,

The statement that there are no good guys here is debatable.....look at the picture...one side is trying to kill innocent civilians and the other is defending itself from rocket fire....is right from wrong this hard for libs to recognize?....if so it answers a lot of questions in our domestic politics....

The Godless will always side with the evil muslims.

Great idea dumbass.
Let's take a religious conflict
Add more useless religion to the mix.

You're one of the murderers who doesn't want peace, only power.

Oh, go to hell, you ignorant idiot. There will never be peace until the Lord returns. This isn't about religion, you ignorant snot. This is about the Living God's chosen and the devil's disciples. Again, there will never be peace until the Lord returns.

Who do you think hired Cyrus Scofield? It was Samuel Untermyer, the leading Zionist in the US and the guy who declared war on all things German from the safety of Madison Square Grden in 1933.
All military aid on both sides should be on the table.
As well as UN sanctions
Weapons blockades
No fly zone
If you're advocating for an election in Israel/Palestine in which all residents of legal voting age decide their collective fate democratically, I think that event would require UNSC peacekeepers (US and China?) in the Jordan Valley for at least a generation.

Dozens of Palestinians injured in police clashes as Jewish extremists chanting 'Death of Arabs'
Do you have the guts to watch this?....

What does "guts" have to do with it?
I can see footage like that nearly every day from many places in the world.

There are no good guys here.
Just 15% or so of both populations who will not stop till they kill one another.

I don't have a solution.
No one's come up with a solution for over 70 years.
This is not about Jews and Muslims.
It is about people craving power and willing to murder innocents to get it.
I say if they want to kill one another
Let them,

The statement that there are no good guys here is debatable.....look at the picture...one side is trying to kill innocent civilians and the other is defending itself from rocket fire....is right from wrong this hard for libs to recognize?....if so it answers a lot of questions in our domestic politics....

The Godless will always side with the evil muslims.

Great idea dumbass.
Let's take a religious conflict
Add more useless religion to the mix.

You're one of the murderers who doesn't want peace, only power.

Oh, go to hell, you ignorant idiot. There will never be peace until the Lord returns. This isn't about religion, you ignorant snot. This is about the Living God's chosen and the devil's disciples. Again, there will never be peace until the Lord returns.

Who do you think hired Cyrus Scofield? It was Samuel Untermyer, the leading Zionist in the US and the guy who declared war on all things German from the safety of Madison Square Grden in 1933.

All military aid on both sides should be on the table.
As well as UN sanctions
Weapons blockades
No fly zone
If you're advocating for an election in Israel/Palestine in which all residents of legal voting age decide their collective fate democratically, I think that event would require UNSC peacekeepers (US and China?) in the Jordan Valley for at least a generation.

Dozens of Palestinians injured in police clashes as Jewish extremists chanting 'Death of Arabs'
Do you have the guts to watch this?....

What does "guts" have to do with it?
I can see footage like that nearly every day from many places in the world.

There are no good guys here.
Just 15% or so of both populations who will not stop till they kill one another.

I don't have a solution.
No one's come up with a solution for over 70 years.
This is not about Jews and Muslims.
It is about people craving power and willing to murder innocents to get it.
I say if they want to kill one another
Let them,

The statement that there are no good guys here is debatable.....look at the picture...one side is trying to kill innocent civilians and the other is defending itself from rocket fire....is right from wrong this hard for libs to recognize?....if so it answers a lot of questions in our domestic politics....

The Godless will always side with the evil muslims.

Great idea dumbass.
Let's take a religious conflict
Add more useless religion to the mix.

You're one of the murderers who doesn't want peace, only power.

Oh, go to hell, you ignorant idiot. There will never be peace until the Lord returns. This isn't about religion, you ignorant snot. This is about the Living God's chosen and the devil's disciples. Again, there will never be peace until the Lord returns.

Please. Get your dumbass religious crapfest out of here.
Give me access to a hundred dozen tactical nukes and I'll bring peace to the middle east in about 20 minutes.
You do understand tht Bibi is up on corruption charges and can't form a coalition government. He's belligerent as usual and trying to hang on
he's doing a great job

The Israelis don't think so.
All military aid on both sides should be on the table.
As well as UN sanctions
Weapons blockades
No fly zone
If you're advocating for an election in Israel/Palestine in which all residents of legal voting age decide their collective fate democratically, I think that event would require UNSC peacekeepers (US and China?) in the Jordan Valley for at least a generation.

Dozens of Palestinians injured in police clashes as Jewish extremists chanting 'Death of Arabs'
Do you have the guts to watch this?....

What does "guts" have to do with it?
I can see footage like that nearly every day from many places in the world.

There are no good guys here.
Just 15% or so of both populations who will not stop till they kill one another.

I don't have a solution.
No one's come up with a solution for over 70 years.
This is not about Jews and Muslims.
It is about people craving power and willing to murder innocents to get it.
I say if they want to kill one another
Let them,

The statement that there are no good guys here is debatable.....look at the picture...one side is trying to kill innocent civilians and the other is defending itself from rocket fire....is right from wrong this hard for libs to recognize?....if so it answers a lot of questions in our domestic politics....

The Godless will always side with the evil muslims.

Great idea dumbass.
Let's take a religious conflict
Add more useless religion to the mix.

You're one of the murderers who doesn't want peace, only power.

Oh, go to hell, you ignorant idiot. There will never be peace until the Lord returns. This isn't about religion, you ignorant snot. This is about the Living God's chosen and the devil's disciples. Again, there will never be peace until the Lord returns.

Who do you think hired Cyrus Scofield? It was Samuel Untermyer, the leading Zionist in the US and the guy who declared war on all things German from the safety of Madison Square Grden in 1933.


Your futurism is based on Scofield.
They've done the same thing several times. All or nothing is going to leave them with...NOTHING.
Think Wylie Coyote with a turban

You do understand tht Bibi is up on corruption charges and can't form a coalition government. He's belligerent as usual and trying to hang on
Haven't you ever wondered if Hamas works for the Likkud?
Israel appears to have played a key role in creating Hamas?


"The acronym 'Hamas' first appeared in 1987 in a leaflet that accused the Israeli intelligence services of undermining the moral fiber of Palestinian youth as part of Mossad's recruitment of what Hamas termed 'collaborators.'

"Nonetheless, Israeli military and intelligence was still focused on Fatah, and continued to maintain contacts with Gaza Islamic activists.

"Numerous Islamist leaders, including senior Hamas founder Mahmoud Zahar, met with Yitzhak Rabin as part of 'regular consultations' between Israeli officials and Palestinians not linked to the PLO."

Yep Israel helped create HAMAS.
So? He's doing a good job killing muslims. Yahoo.
All military aid on both sides should be on the table.
As well as UN sanctions
Weapons blockades
No fly zone
If you're advocating for an election in Israel/Palestine in which all residents of legal voting age decide their collective fate democratically, I think that event would require UNSC peacekeepers (US and China?) in the Jordan Valley for at least a generation.

Dozens of Palestinians injured in police clashes as Jewish extremists chanting 'Death of Arabs'
Do you have the guts to watch this?....

What does "guts" have to do with it?
I can see footage like that nearly every day from many places in the world.

There are no good guys here.
Just 15% or so of both populations who will not stop till they kill one another.

I don't have a solution.
No one's come up with a solution for over 70 years.
This is not about Jews and Muslims.
It is about people craving power and willing to murder innocents to get it.
I say if they want to kill one another
Let them,

The statement that there are no good guys here is debatable.....look at the picture...one side is trying to kill innocent civilians and the other is defending itself from rocket fire....is right from wrong this hard for libs to recognize?....if so it answers a lot of questions in our domestic politics....

The Godless will always side with the evil muslims.

Great idea dumbass.
Let's take a religious conflict
Add more useless religion to the mix.

You're one of the murderers who doesn't want peace, only power.

Oh, go to hell, you ignorant idiot. There will never be peace until the Lord returns. This isn't about religion, you ignorant snot. This is about the Living God's chosen and the devil's disciples. Again, there will never be peace until the Lord returns.

Please. Get your dumbass religious crapfest out of here.
Give me access to a hundred dozen tactical nukes and I'll bring peace to the middle east in about 20 minutes.

We have the right to free speech here, you sick ignorant goat fucker.
Israel has a right to self defense. Hamas hides in civilian buildings and infrastructure Israel is being as careful as they can be and have killed very few considering the targets they must strike.

Read to understand the current violence in Palestine.

On Monday, an apocalyptic video from Jerusalem began to circulate on social media. In the background, it showed a large fire raging on the site Muslims call al-Aqsa or al-Haram al-Sharif, and Jews call the Temple Mount. A tree was ablaze next to al-Aqsa mosque (some blamed Israeli police stun grenades, others blamed Palestinians shooting fireworks, perhaps aiming at Jewish worshippers).

Below, the large plaza of the Western Wall was full with young Jewish Israelis, identified with the religious Zionist right, celebrating “Jerusalem Day” (marking the occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967).

They were cheering at the sight of the fire, singing an anthem of vengeance popular in extreme-right circles. The lyrics are the words of Samson, just before he pulled down the pillars of the Temple in Gaza: “O God, that I may with one blow take vengeance on the Philistines for my two eyes!” The Israeli teenagers, visibly ecstatic, jumped up and down and shouted: “May their name be effaced!”

This is not the first time that the holy sites have been ground zero for a major violent escalation in the conflict, and it is therefore tempting to interpret this vengeful frenzy as merely the latest eruption of an atavistic devotion to ancient stones, one bound to spiral out of control. But this is a misleading story: the political significance of these places – and their very meaning – has changed dramatically over the past century, particularly for Jewish Israelis.


Thr Jews didn't worship at the Western wall until the 16th century.
Ah, there it is! You're just another lefty anti-semite. Tell us how much you love the fact that Hamas hangs homosexuals and practices female genital mutilation. I know you support it.
Where did Hamas come from?

How Israel helped create Hamas.

"Israel first encountered Islamists that would later form Hamas in Gaza in the 1970s. Back then they seemed focused on studying the Quran, not on confrontation with Israel.

"So Israel helped and even gave funds to Hamas in the 1980s so it could establish itself in Gaza.

"The Israeli government officially recognized the precursor to Hamas, called 'Mujama Al-Islamiya' back then, registered the group as a charity and even supported it with funds to help it spread its influence in Gaza and in the occupied Palestinian territories."

Now that Israel is helping to uncreate Hamas, you're whining like a little bitch.

Arab Muslims and Christian tried to stop the formation of HAMAS.. See Sabeel.

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