End corporate welfare!

I see, so you are a zionist who can not believe that a high US government official has publicly exposed the Israeli Lobby. Life is a bitch then you die.


High overnment official? High like high on drugs, you mean. Anyone who believes that shit must be high. Or stupid.

Karen U. Kwiatkowsk
i (born September 24, 1960) is a retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel whose assignments included duties as a Pentagon desk officer and a variety of roles for the National Security Agency.


Air Force lt.col with assignment to a desk? That's a high gov't official in your book? Seriously? No wonder you're a jew-hater. You're downright stupid.
I understand we live in a democracy and citizens have a nominal right to vote and make laws which limit the power of big corporations and the banking and finance system, but in the end, Capitalism is your form of government.


Capitalism is SUPPOSED to be our socioeconomic system. that ended in 1913 with the adoption of the central bank and the heavy graduated income tax.

Also corporations exist because of government intervention. They are not creatures of the free market.

Just so you know.

the first line is the only thing I've seen you say I agree with. The second smacks of black helicopter nonsense.

No he's right on both counts.

Corporations exist as STATE chartered organizations.

I mean if there was no state there'd be no need for corporations to exist.

People incorporate because of the advantages that corporations provide (like LIMITED LIABILITY) to their stock holders.

Capitalism is SUPPOSED to be our socioeconomic system. that ended in 1913 with the adoption of the central bank and the heavy graduated income tax.

Also corporations exist because of government intervention. They are not creatures of the free market.

Just so you know.

the first line is the only thing I've seen you say I agree with. The second smacks of black helicopter nonsense.

No he's right on both counts.

Corporations exist as STATE chartered organizations.

I mean if there was no state there'd be no need for corporations to exist.

People incorporate because of the advantages that corporations provide (like LIMITED LIABILITY) to their stock holders.
That's a distinction without a meaning.
Green energy government spending, subsidies, and tax write offs. That is how GE paid no taxes last year. The tax payers subsidized GE, virtually paying for all their taxes and profit. This downsizes the people, reducing their ability to purchase other goods and services locally, thus costing local jobs that would supply those goods and services.

The government takes our tax money to pay GE, instead of letting us keep it to spend locally, and pay local workers in the local economy. The government economy thrives. The local economy is the one in the hopper. Same goes for all levels of government. Government workers and contractors thrive on our tax dollars, while we have less to spend to drive the local private sector and create local jobs for local workers. Do you see what government taxing and spending does to you and your neighbors?

Note too that business taxes are simply passed on, through higher prices for you to pay. Money that simply comes from you to the government, again reducing our ability to drive the local economy, thus costing local jobs. Not to mention higher prices due to government regulation compliance costs.

The government does not have an income problem, it has a spending problem. Over spending and the ballooning of the debt: The government creates a false economy by printing and borrowing money. This actually creates more problems of inflation, devaluation of the dollar, a lowering of the standard of living, and, as we shall see in the future, a slowing/shrinking/impediment/drag on economic growth as money is taken from the private sector workers to pay off the debt.

There should be no new taxes until the budget is balanced. Then any tax increases should ONLY go to reducing the debt. Currently government is growing. This downsizes the private sector worker. This downsizes the economy. Instead: Downsize the government. Grow the People. Grow the economy. Create productive jobs and prosperity. A certain amount of government is necessary for a smooth running society. But what we have is government gone Wild.
Hysteria. "the poor people will starve to death." "OH NO! We can't have that! Please take more of my money PLEASE!" Never do you hear "Cut the duplication and waste in the bloated bureaucracy full of political hacks." Its always Grow Government. Grow spending. Grow my political power. What's actually best for the people and the nation is NEVER seriously considered. Hysteria. It's the answer to herding cats.
the first line is the only thing I've seen you say I agree with. The second smacks of black helicopter nonsense.

No he's right on both counts.

Corporations exist as STATE chartered organizations.

I mean if there was no state there'd be no need for corporations to exist.

People incorporate because of the advantages that corporations provide (like LIMITED LIABILITY) to their stock holders.
That's a distinction without a meaning.

Not at all, Fritz.

The difference between (as the most obvious example) being PERSONALLY liable for a business failure and NOT beling PERSONALLY liable for corporate failure is vast.
Hysteria. "the poor people will starve to death." "OH NO! We can't have that! Please take more of my money PLEASE!" Never do you hear "Cut the duplication and waste in the bloated bureaucracy full of political hacks." Its always Grow Government. Grow spending. Grow my political power. What's actually best for the people and the nation is NEVER seriously considered. Hysteria. It's the answer to herding cats.

Two point three trillion dollars "missing" from the pentagon. One point one trillion "missing" from HUD. The pentagon loses about 1/4 of it money every year.

And some people worry about someone getting a few hundred bucks in food stamps.
"No matter how nice the suit, how pleasant the smile and how ingratiating the manner, bankers and insurers are not your friend."
No one that wants your money is your friend. ESPECIALLY Government. Less government spending is the answer not more. Less taxes is the answer not more.
Hysteria. "the poor people will starve to death." "OH NO! We can't have that! Please take more of my money PLEASE!" Never do you hear "Cut the duplication and waste in the bloated bureaucracy full of political hacks." Its always Grow Government. Grow spending. Grow my political power. What's actually best for the people and the nation is NEVER seriously considered. Hysteria. It's the answer to herding cats.

There's merit in your complaints, of course.

But that's only part of the story.

Saving the big banks (and their bond holders) was a fairly good example of that "hysteria" , too, though, don't you think?


Three times in the last 30 years or so.
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Hysteria. "the poor people will starve to death." "OH NO! We can't have that! Please take more of my money PLEASE!" Never do you hear "Cut the duplication and waste in the bloated bureaucracy full of political hacks." Its always Grow Government. Grow spending. Grow my political power. What's actually best for the people and the nation is NEVER seriously considered. Hysteria. It's the answer to herding cats.

There's merit in your complaints, of course.

But that's only part of the story.

Saving the big banks (and their bond holders) was a fairly good example of that "hysteria" , too, though, don't you think?


Three times in the last 30 years or so.
Citibank is a holder of Class A Fed bonds....Of course they're going to get bailed out.
Hysteria. "the poor people will starve to death." "OH NO! We can't have that! Please take more of my money PLEASE!" Never do you hear "Cut the duplication and waste in the bloated bureaucracy full of political hacks." Its always Grow Government. Grow spending. Grow my political power. What's actually best for the people and the nation is NEVER seriously considered. Hysteria. It's the answer to herding cats.

There's merit in your complaints, of course.

But that's only part of the story.

Saving the big banks (and their bond holders) was a fairly good example of that "hysteria" , too, though, don't you think?


Three times in the last 30 years or so.
Citibank is a holder of Class A Fed bonds....Of course they're going to get bailed out.
Looking at this rationally, if the govt had allowed Citibank to fail decades ago we wouldn't have had to bail it out, and the customers would have migrated to another bank, and its failure would have exposed the problems with the US banking system so that this horrible mess would have never happened. Which was what the corporate bankers didn't want, as they want to get Americans more into debt, and thus become even more their debt slaves. We have the US government (which is run by ex-Merill Lynch ceo's) to thank for letting this mess happen. :eusa_shhh:

PS: Unless you sack the Fed, close it down, and chuck the corporate hoar house (made up of the finance companies that created the recession) 'fixing' the economy out on their ass, the US debt will never go down, and the recession will never end.
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Today the government pays refiners 45 cents a gallon through a tax credit to refine corn-based ethanol. An additional 54 cents a gallon tarirff blocks imports of less expensive and more energy efficient sugar-based ethanol from Brazil. Corn-based ethanol is mandated by federal law benefitting the farm belt.

Big oil, big agra benefit and we the people lose. For details on this bill, which is supported by members of both parties, and opposed by those who represent special interests, see the source below.

Feinstein, GOP senator fight subsidies for ethanol

Corn based ethanol is a waste. If we took all the corn produced and used if for fuel only it would only cover like 5% of our total demand.
No he's right on both counts.

Corporations exist as STATE chartered organizations.

I mean if there was no state there'd be no need for corporations to exist.

People incorporate because of the advantages that corporations provide (like LIMITED LIABILITY) to their stock holders.
That's a distinction without a meaning.

Not at all, Fritz.

The difference between (as the most obvious example) being PERSONALLY liable for a business failure and NOT beling PERSONALLY liable for corporate failure is vast.
in the context of this discussion it remain a distinction without meaning.
Today the government pays refiners 45 cents a gallon through a tax credit to refine corn-based ethanol. An additional 54 cents a gallon tarirff blocks imports of less expensive and more energy efficient sugar-based ethanol from Brazil. Corn-based ethanol is mandated by federal law benefitting the farm belt.

Big oil, big agra benefit and we the people lose. For details on this bill, which is supported by members of both parties, and opposed by those who represent special interests, see the source below.

Feinstein, GOP senator fight subsidies for ethanol

Corn based ethanol is a waste. If we took all the corn produced and used if for fuel only it would only cover like 5% of our total demand.
Ethanol is a waste. It takes more money and energy to produce less energy than what went into the production process all for a crisis that doesn't exist, while creating problems for the rest of the economy beyond that of mere wasted tax monies.
Today the government pays refiners 45 cents a gallon through a tax credit to refine corn-based ethanol. An additional 54 cents a gallon tarirff blocks imports of less expensive and more energy efficient sugar-based ethanol from Brazil. Corn-based ethanol is mandated by federal law benefitting the farm belt.

Big oil, big agra benefit and we the people lose. For details on this bill, which is supported by members of both parties, and opposed by those who represent special interests, see the source below.

Feinstein, GOP senator fight subsidies for ethanol

Corn based ethanol is a waste. If we took all the corn produced and used if for fuel only it would only cover like 5% of our total demand.
Ethanol is a waste. It takes more money and energy to produce less energy than what went into the production process all for a crisis that doesn't exist, while creating problems for the rest of the economy beyond that of mere wasted tax monies.

It will raise the cost of food, on many fronts. The majority of the corn grown in the USA is feed for livestock.
Corn based ethanol is a waste. If we took all the corn produced and used if for fuel only it would only cover like 5% of our total demand.
Ethanol is a waste. It takes more money and energy to produce less energy than what went into the production process all for a crisis that doesn't exist, while creating problems for the rest of the economy beyond that of mere wasted tax monies.

It will raise the cost of food, on many fronts. The majority of the corn grown in the USA is feed for livestock.
It will raise the cost of food on all fronts. Anything that uses corn based products in it's production from feed to derivative products to the land used to grow it. Farmers will decrease less profitable crops and move to corn. They could use switchgrass and still do damage in this regard.

It will damage gas prices by ethanol mandates.

It will damage cars as is well known by mechanics on how alcohol rots seals and rings and all sorts of other parts due to ethanol's corrosive nature.

It causes more accidents by dripping water out the exhaust onto the pavement in winter making intersections more slick and dangerous.

It damages the water table by how much water is needed to produce the product. Plus the ethanol plants give off major health risks in it's waste gases. You cannot have it close to people like a beer brewery or distillery.

Ethanol, when burned has been shown to produce MORE greenhouse gases like CO2 than burning Diesel. It is not nicer on the environment.

Ethanol is a fuckup of the first water.
Ethanol is a waste. It takes more money and energy to produce less energy than what went into the production process all for a crisis that doesn't exist, while creating problems for the rest of the economy beyond that of mere wasted tax monies.

It will raise the cost of food, on many fronts. The majority of the corn grown in the USA is feed for livestock.
It will raise the cost of food on all fronts. Anything that uses corn based products in it's production from feed to derivative products to the land used to grow it. Farmers will decrease less profitable crops and move to corn. They could use switchgrass and still do damage in this regard.

It will damage gas prices by ethanol mandates.

It will damage cars as is well known by mechanics on how alcohol rots seals and rings and all sorts of other parts due to ethanol's corrosive nature.

It causes more accidents by dripping water out the exhaust onto the pavement in winter making intersections more slick and dangerous.

It damages the water table by how much water is needed to produce the product. Plus the ethanol plants give off major health risks in it's waste gases. You cannot have it close to people like a beer brewery or distillery.

Ethanol, when burned has been shown to produce MORE greenhouse gases like CO2 than burning Diesel. It is not nicer on the environment.

Ethanol is a fuckup of the first water.

You don't have to convince me. I am totally not a fan of it. But Walmart is and has invested heavily in it. That should tell you something.
Today the government pays refiners 45 cents a gallon through a tax credit to refine corn-based ethanol. An additional 54 cents a gallon tarirff blocks imports of less expensive and more energy efficient sugar-based ethanol from Brazil. Corn-based ethanol is mandated by federal law benefitting the farm belt.

Big oil, big agra benefit and we the people lose. For details on this bill, which is supported by members of both parties, and opposed by those who represent special interests, see the source below.

Feinstein, GOP senator fight subsidies for ethanol

Stop corporate welfare?

Or stop agra and oil welfare?

I'm all for stopping all of it. If we give to one, we screw ourselves by giving them an edge. If we cut off all of them, they have to compete, and come up with a better service or product.
It will raise the cost of food, on many fronts. The majority of the corn grown in the USA is feed for livestock.
It will raise the cost of food on all fronts. Anything that uses corn based products in it's production from feed to derivative products to the land used to grow it. Farmers will decrease less profitable crops and move to corn. They could use switchgrass and still do damage in this regard.

It will damage gas prices by ethanol mandates.

It will damage cars as is well known by mechanics on how alcohol rots seals and rings and all sorts of other parts due to ethanol's corrosive nature.

It causes more accidents by dripping water out the exhaust onto the pavement in winter making intersections more slick and dangerous.

It damages the water table by how much water is needed to produce the product. Plus the ethanol plants give off major health risks in it's waste gases. You cannot have it close to people like a beer brewery or distillery.

Ethanol, when burned has been shown to produce MORE greenhouse gases like CO2 than burning Diesel. It is not nicer on the environment.

Ethanol is a fuckup of the first water.

You don't have to convince me. I am totally not a fan of it. But Walmart is and has invested heavily in it. That should tell you something.
Walmart is getting in bed with big government because they're being worn down by them and know that the destruction of the dollar, without having government back them is their death knell.

It's called (to their thinking, not mine) "Good Business". It's one of the reasons my shopping there has dramatically dropped off. It's also the same attitude on why I won't buy a GM, Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge.
Also, once again, libs are running like hell to get away from the challenge to end ALL welfare.

Must mean that it's only a political ploy to enrich their allies while impoverishing their enemies.

Didn't see THAT coming... did we?

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