Endless war and the demoralization of the American public

moderates are a dying breed. What were once moderate republicans have moved to the far right dragging democrats to where moderate republicans used to be. Moderate democrats are really only 4 people and they have been labeled communist socialists. The proof is in the policies, democrats, well most democrats, have abandoned liberalism and republicans have doubled down on ultraconservative ideals. primarily because of the tea party dragging them farther to the right.

Look at the democratic candidates for president. Hilary is a war hawk, a corporate proxy, has no legislative proposals on gun control, has been openly outspoken against gay marriage, doesn't support campaign finance reform etc etc. The only truly liberal candidate is a self proclaimed socialist
Government is far too large, it really got large in the 40s and already being untrustable.
It's way past the point of no return, the government is its own organism. It will fight for its own existence, therefore an enemy of the people.
14 years since 9/11.

This week we learned that our president is sending special forces as well as stepping up air missions in Syria. Now this is not actually new, we have had so called military advisors on the ground in Syria attempting to train rebels to fight for us. We have also been bombing ISIS positions in Syria. What is different is that now it's official, combat boots on the ground.

Don't worry, you probably missed the announcement because most all news has been covering how unfair the CNBC debate was.

This is the downward spiral we see in our war doctrine. a 14 year war on terror. The invasion of a soverign nation and the removal of its leader. A massive unmanned aerial war led by predator drones equipped with hellfire missles. A surveillance state that has abolished any expectation of privacy in our communications and internet searches. An assassination program that targeted and killed 2 U.S. citizens without due process. War crimes against captured combatants. The rendition program. Selling military hardware that is then used against us. A proxy war with Iran and now Russia.

We as citizens have allowed our political leaders to do basically whatever the hell they want with no accountability.

But why have we done this?

Well, I believe part of it is because we have been at war so long now we as citizens just don't care for the most part. We have become so numbed and disillusioned that we have given the government a blank check.

If their was a draft tomorrow people would wake up for sure. If the police walked into your house without a warrant and put wiretapping devices on your phone and computer people would wake up for sure.

Unfortunately we are so disconnected from what is happening that we choose not to think about it. And when the general public does start to think about it the government just waves the flag and yells terrorism a little bit so we become complacent.

Heroes exist in this world and some wear a battle dress uniform, but some also sit at their home computers.

Edward Snowden
Chelsea Manning
Jeremy Scahill
Glen Greenwald

these are heroes that have come to be demonized because they choose to hold the government accountable

Yes indeed. Obama was adamant about ending TWO wars. It appears he will end his term being involved in THREE wars.
As long as the obastard is presidunce, we should have no one in the middle east at all. No country should ever fight a war they have no intention of winning.

As much as I hate Barack Obama and his middle east policies, I must defend him here. he has been a terrorist/civilian killing machine with his massive expansion of the drone murder program. To say that Obama has been soft on killing muslims in the middle east is a huge fallacy
His strategy is all wrong though, there are no sides over there, just tribes. in or out half a$$ed efforts will only lose.

We should've have never been there to begin with, we as a country are too soft to win any wars.
14 years since 9/11.

This week we learned that our president is sending special forces as well as stepping up air missions in Syria. Now this is not actually new, we have had so called military advisors on the ground in Syria attempting to train rebels to fight for us. We have also been bombing ISIS positions in Syria. What is different is that now it's official, combat boots on the ground.

Don't worry, you probably missed the announcement because most all news has been covering how unfair the CNBC debate was.

This is the downward spiral we see in our war doctrine. a 14 year war on terror. The invasion of a soverign nation and the removal of its leader. A massive unmanned aerial war led by predator drones equipped with hellfire missles. A surveillance state that has abolished any expectation of privacy in our communications and internet searches. An assassination program that targeted and killed 2 U.S. citizens without due process. War crimes against captured combatants. The rendition program. Selling military hardware that is then used against us. A proxy war with Iran and now Russia.

We as citizens have allowed our political leaders to do basically whatever the hell they want with no accountability.

But why have we done this?

Well, I believe part of it is because we have been at war so long now we as citizens just don't care for the most part. We have become so numbed and disillusioned that we have given the government a blank check.

If their was a draft tomorrow people would wake up for sure. If the police walked into your house without a warrant and put wiretapping devices on your phone and computer people would wake up for sure.

Unfortunately we are so disconnected from what is happening that we choose not to think about it. And when the general public does start to think about it the government just waves the flag and yells terrorism a little bit so we become complacent.

Heroes exist in this world and some wear a battle dress uniform, but some also sit at their home computers.

Edward Snowden
Chelsea Manning
Jeremy Scahill
Glen Greenwald

these are heroes that have come to be demonized because they choose to hold the government accountable

Yes indeed. Obama was adamant about ending TWO wars. It appears he will end his term being involved in THREE wars.

I guess his John Lennon uber liberal foreign policy, " give peace a chance" didn't work !
14 years since 9/11.

This week we learned that our president is sending special forces as well as stepping up air missions in Syria. Now this is not actually new, we have had so called military advisors on the ground in Syria attempting to train rebels to fight for us. We have also been bombing ISIS positions in Syria. What is different is that now it's official, combat boots on the ground.

Don't worry, you probably missed the announcement because most all news has been covering how unfair the CNBC debate was.

This is the downward spiral we see in our war doctrine. a 14 year war on terror. The invasion of a soverign nation and the removal of its leader. A massive unmanned aerial war led by predator drones equipped with hellfire missles. A surveillance state that has abolished any expectation of privacy in our communications and internet searches. An assassination program that targeted and killed 2 U.S. citizens without due process. War crimes against captured combatants. The rendition program. Selling military hardware that is then used against us. A proxy war with Iran and now Russia.

We as citizens have allowed our political leaders to do basically whatever the hell they want with no accountability.

But why have we done this?

Well, I believe part of it is because we have been at war so long now we as citizens just don't care for the most part. We have become so numbed and disillusioned that we have given the government a blank check.

If their was a draft tomorrow people would wake up for sure. If the police walked into your house without a warrant and put wiretapping devices on your phone and computer people would wake up for sure.

Unfortunately we are so disconnected from what is happening that we choose not to think about it. And when the general public does start to think about it the government just waves the flag and yells terrorism a little bit so we become complacent.

Heroes exist in this world and some wear a battle dress uniform, but some also sit at their home computers.

Edward Snowden
Chelsea Manning
Jeremy Scahill
Glen Greenwald

these are heroes that have come to be demonized because they choose to hold the government accountable

Yes indeed. Obama was adamant about ending TWO wars. It appears he will end his term being involved in THREE wars.

I guess his John Lennon uber liberal foreign policy, " give peace a chance" didn't work !
Someday we will realize or maybe not, human nature is evil.

It's all in the good book
14 years since 9/11.

This week we learned that our president is sending special forces as well as stepping up air missions in Syria. Now this is not actually new, we have had so called military advisors on the ground in Syria attempting to train rebels to fight for us. We have also been bombing ISIS positions in Syria. What is different is that now it's official, combat boots on the ground.

Don't worry, you probably missed the announcement because most all news has been covering how unfair the CNBC debate was.

This is the downward spiral we see in our war doctrine. a 14 year war on terror. The invasion of a soverign nation and the removal of its leader. A massive unmanned aerial war led by predator drones equipped with hellfire missles. A surveillance state that has abolished any expectation of privacy in our communications and internet searches. An assassination program that targeted and killed 2 U.S. citizens without due process. War crimes against captured combatants. The rendition program. Selling military hardware that is then used against us. A proxy war with Iran and now Russia.

We as citizens have allowed our political leaders to do basically whatever the hell they want with no accountability.

But why have we done this?

Well, I believe part of it is because we have been at war so long now we as citizens just don't care for the most part. We have become so numbed and disillusioned that we have given the government a blank check.

If their was a draft tomorrow people would wake up for sure. If the police walked into your house without a warrant and put wiretapping devices on your phone and computer people would wake up for sure.

Unfortunately we are so disconnected from what is happening that we choose not to think about it. And when the general public does start to think about it the government just waves the flag and yells terrorism a little bit so we become complacent.

Heroes exist in this world and some wear a battle dress uniform, but some also sit at their home computers.

Edward Snowden
Chelsea Manning
Jeremy Scahill
Glen Greenwald

these are heroes that have come to be demonized because they choose to hold the government accountable

A thoughtful, but, more apropos, you have posted a brave opinion.

I will only add, that U.S. wars, by design, are to be sustained, and not won........anymore.
Putin is demonstrating this to our idiot leaders and muppets whom support them, how, ineffective and mis-directed, we really are.
The Syrian civil war is now in its' fifth year! Anyone who thinks Putin jumped the gun, fails to realize that he thought it well through.

As usual, and, oft repeated, Putin plays chess.......Obie plays checkers........
As long as the obastard is presidunce, we should have no one in the middle east at all. No country should ever fight a war they have no intention of winning.

As much as I hate Barack Obama and his middle east policies, I must defend him here. he has been a terrorist/civilian killing machine with his massive expansion of the drone murder program. To say that Obama has been soft on killing muslims in the middle east is a huge fallacy

Wedding parties are his favorite I hear.

So many innocents. So little time.
14 years since 9/11.

This week we learned that our president is sending special forces as well as stepping up air missions in Syria. Now this is not actually new, we have had so called military advisors on the ground in Syria attempting to train rebels to fight for us. We have also been bombing ISIS positions in Syria. What is different is that now it's official, combat boots on the ground.

Don't worry, you probably missed the announcement because most all news has been covering how unfair the CNBC debate was.

This is the downward spiral we see in our war doctrine. a 14 year war on terror. The invasion of a soverign nation and the removal of its leader. A massive unmanned aerial war led by predator drones equipped with hellfire missles. A surveillance state that has abolished any expectation of privacy in our communications and internet searches. An assassination program that targeted and killed 2 U.S. citizens without due process. War crimes against captured combatants. The rendition program. Selling military hardware that is then used against us. A proxy war with Iran and now Russia.

We as citizens have allowed our political leaders to do basically whatever the hell they want with no accountability.

But why have we done this?

Well, I believe part of it is because we have been at war so long now we as citizens just don't care for the most part. We have become so numbed and disillusioned that we have given the government a blank check.

If their was a draft tomorrow people would wake up for sure. If the police walked into your house without a warrant and put wiretapping devices on your phone and computer people would wake up for sure.

Unfortunately we are so disconnected from what is happening that we choose not to think about it. And when the general public does start to think about it the government just waves the flag and yells terrorism a little bit so we become complacent.

Heroes exist in this world and some wear a battle dress uniform, but some also sit at their home computers.

Edward Snowden
Chelsea Manning
Jeremy Scahill
Glen Greenwald

these are heroes that have come to be demonized because they choose to hold the government accountable

Yes indeed. Obama was adamant about ending TWO wars. It appears he will end his term being involved in THREE wars.

I would consider the middle east 1 large theater therefore 1 large war. its 1 dragon with multiple heads.

back to the original point though, I feel like we have become numb to all this
14 years since 9/11.

This week we learned that our president is sending special forces as well as stepping up air missions in Syria. Now this is not actually new, we have had so called military advisors on the ground in Syria attempting to train rebels to fight for us. We have also been bombing ISIS positions in Syria. What is different is that now it's official, combat boots on the ground.

Don't worry, you probably missed the announcement because most all news has been covering how unfair the CNBC debate was.

This is the downward spiral we see in our war doctrine. a 14 year war on terror. The invasion of a soverign nation and the removal of its leader. A massive unmanned aerial war led by predator drones equipped with hellfire missles. A surveillance state that has abolished any expectation of privacy in our communications and internet searches. An assassination program that targeted and killed 2 U.S. citizens without due process. War crimes against captured combatants. The rendition program. Selling military hardware that is then used against us. A proxy war with Iran and now Russia.

We as citizens have allowed our political leaders to do basically whatever the hell they want with no accountability.

But why have we done this?

Well, I believe part of it is because we have been at war so long now we as citizens just don't care for the most part. We have become so numbed and disillusioned that we have given the government a blank check.

If their was a draft tomorrow people would wake up for sure. If the police walked into your house without a warrant and put wiretapping devices on your phone and computer people would wake up for sure.

Unfortunately we are so disconnected from what is happening that we choose not to think about it. And when the general public does start to think about it the government just waves the flag and yells terrorism a little bit so we become complacent.

Heroes exist in this world and some wear a battle dress uniform, but some also sit at their home computers.

Edward Snowden
Chelsea Manning
Jeremy Scahill
Glen Greenwald

these are heroes that have come to be demonized because they choose to hold the government accountable

Yes indeed. Obama was adamant about ending TWO wars. It appears he will end his term being involved in THREE wars.

I would consider the middle east 1 large theater therefore 1 large war. its 1 dragon with multiple heads.

back to the original point though, I feel like we have become numb to all this

Syria is a sovereign nation. Assad is its leader. It's just as separate a nation as is Iran or Iraq.
As long as the obastard is presidunce, we should have no one in the middle east at all. No country should ever fight a war they have no intention of winning.

As much as I hate Barack Obama and his middle east policies, I must defend him here. he has been a terrorist/civilian killing machine with his massive expansion of the drone murder program. To say that Obama has been soft on killing muslims in the middle east is a huge fallacy

Wedding parties are his favorite I hear.

So many innocents. So little time.

Yes indeed. He usually fires off a $2 million dollar rocket and takes out one man who they quickly replace. Sometimes he gets lucky and kills a bunch of innocent people. That Doctors Without Borders fiasco is going to cost the US taxpayers probably a billion dollars to settle.
14 years since 9/11.

This week we learned that our president is sending special forces as well as stepping up air missions in Syria. Now this is not actually new, we have had so called military advisors on the ground in Syria attempting to train rebels to fight for us. We have also been bombing ISIS positions in Syria. What is different is that now it's official, combat boots on the ground.

Don't worry, you probably missed the announcement because most all news has been covering how unfair the CNBC debate was.

This is the downward spiral we see in our war doctrine. a 14 year war on terror. The invasion of a soverign nation and the removal of its leader. A massive unmanned aerial war led by predator drones equipped with hellfire missles. A surveillance state that has abolished any expectation of privacy in our communications and internet searches. An assassination program that targeted and killed 2 U.S. citizens without due process. War crimes against captured combatants. The rendition program. Selling military hardware that is then used against us. A proxy war with Iran and now Russia.

We as citizens have allowed our political leaders to do basically whatever the hell they want with no accountability.

But why have we done this?

Well, I believe part of it is because we have been at war so long now we as citizens just don't care for the most part. We have become so numbed and disillusioned that we have given the government a blank check.

If their was a draft tomorrow people would wake up for sure. If the police walked into your house without a warrant and put wiretapping devices on your phone and computer people would wake up for sure.

Unfortunately we are so disconnected from what is happening that we choose not to think about it. And when the general public does start to think about it the government just waves the flag and yells terrorism a little bit so we become complacent.

Heroes exist in this world and some wear a battle dress uniform, but some also sit at their home computers.

Edward Snowden
Chelsea Manning
Jeremy Scahill
Glen Greenwald

these are heroes that have come to be demonized because they choose to hold the government accountable

Yes indeed. Obama was adamant about ending TWO wars. It appears he will end his term being involved in THREE wars.

I would consider the middle east 1 large theater therefore 1 large war. its 1 dragon with multiple heads.

back to the original point though, I feel like we have become numb to all this

Syria is a sovereign nation. Assad is its leader. It's just as separate a nation as is Iran or Iraq.

ultimately the solution is to put non religious strong men back in place.
14 years since 9/11.

This week we learned that our president is sending special forces as well as stepping up air missions in Syria. Now this is not actually new, we have had so called military advisors on the ground in Syria attempting to train rebels to fight for us. We have also been bombing ISIS positions in Syria. What is different is that now it's official, combat boots on the ground.

Don't worry, you probably missed the announcement because most all news has been covering how unfair the CNBC debate was.

This is the downward spiral we see in our war doctrine. a 14 year war on terror. The invasion of a soverign nation and the removal of its leader. A massive unmanned aerial war led by predator drones equipped with hellfire missles. A surveillance state that has abolished any expectation of privacy in our communications and internet searches. An assassination program that targeted and killed 2 U.S. citizens without due process. War crimes against captured combatants. The rendition program. Selling military hardware that is then used against us. A proxy war with Iran and now Russia.

We as citizens have allowed our political leaders to do basically whatever the hell they want with no accountability.

But why have we done this?

Well, I believe part of it is because we have been at war so long now we as citizens just don't care for the most part. We have become so numbed and disillusioned that we have given the government a blank check.

If their was a draft tomorrow people would wake up for sure. If the police walked into your house without a warrant and put wiretapping devices on your phone and computer people would wake up for sure.

Unfortunately we are so disconnected from what is happening that we choose not to think about it. And when the general public does start to think about it the government just waves the flag and yells terrorism a little bit so we become complacent.

Heroes exist in this world and some wear a battle dress uniform, but some also sit at their home computers.

Edward Snowden
Chelsea Manning
Jeremy Scahill
Glen Greenwald

these are heroes that have come to be demonized because they choose to hold the government accountable

Yes indeed. Obama was adamant about ending TWO wars. It appears he will end his term being involved in THREE wars.

I would consider the middle east 1 large theater therefore 1 large war. its 1 dragon with multiple heads.

back to the original point though, I feel like we have become numb to all this

Syria is a sovereign nation. Assad is its leader. It's just as separate a nation as is Iran or Iraq.

ultimately the solution is to put non religious strong men back in place.

Leave Assad in power. Those people only respect a ruthless dictator anyway.
"Endless war and the demoralization of the American public"

An endless, illegal, and failed war started by the previous republican administration.

An unwarranted war predicated on the lies and deception fostered and facilitated by the previous republican administration.

A war that the current administration is making a good faith effort to salvage, and to address the disastrous consequences of that failed illegal war started by the previous republican administration.

And if the American people are 'demoralized,' it's the consequence of the foreign policy failures of the previous republican administration.
We need to accept that this is a war of ideology that can't be won with bullets or hellfire missles.

For every Muslim we kill we reinforce their propaganda that the western infidel is an oppressor that is unjustly occupying their lands
"Endless war and the demoralization of the American public"

An endless, illegal, and failed war started by the previous republican administration.

An unwarranted war predicated on the lies and deception fostered and facilitated by the previous republican administration.

A war that the current administration is making a good faith effort to salvage, and to address the disastrous consequences of that failed illegal war started by the previous republican administration.

And if the American people are 'demoralized,' it's the consequence of the foreign policy failures of the previous republican administration.
Partisan hackery. I believe it was our current president that assassinated 2 U.S. citizens. So if that's salvaging an awful policy then OK that's an interesting point
"Endless war and the demoralization of the American public"

An endless, illegal, and failed war started by the previous republican administration.

An unwarranted war predicated on the lies and deception fostered and facilitated by the previous republican administration.

A war that the current administration is making a good faith effort to salvage, and to address the disastrous consequences of that failed illegal war started by the previous republican administration.

And if the American people are 'demoralized,' it's the consequence of the foreign policy failures of the previous republican administration.
So Bush attacked Assad???

Gawd, you Libs are getting desperate!!!
"Endless war and the demoralization of the American public"

An endless, illegal, and failed war started by the previous republican administration.

An unwarranted war predicated on the lies and deception fostered and facilitated by the previous republican administration.

A war that the current administration is making a good faith effort to salvage, and to address the disastrous consequences of that failed illegal war started by the previous republican administration.

And if the American people are 'demoralized,' it's the consequence of the foreign policy failures of the previous republican administration.
So Bush attacked Assad???

Gawd, you Libs are getting desperate!!!
Partisan hackery on top of partisan hackery.

Can we agree this is 1 subject that isn't left versus right
14 years since 9/11.

This week we learned that our president is sending special forces as well as stepping up air missions in Syria. Now this is not actually new, we have had so called military advisors on the ground in Syria attempting to train rebels to fight for us. We have also been bombing ISIS positions in Syria. What is different is that now it's official, combat boots on the ground.

Don't worry, you probably missed the announcement because most all news has been covering how unfair the CNBC debate was.

This is the downward spiral we see in our war doctrine. a 14 year war on terror. The invasion of a soverign nation and the removal of its leader. A massive unmanned aerial war led by predator drones equipped with hellfire missles. A surveillance state that has abolished any expectation of privacy in our communications and internet searches. An assassination program that targeted and killed 2 U.S. citizens without due process. War crimes against captured combatants. The rendition program. Selling military hardware that is then used against us. A proxy war with Iran and now Russia.

We as citizens have allowed our political leaders to do basically whatever the hell they want with no accountability.

But why have we done this?

Well, I believe part of it is because we have been at war so long now we as citizens just don't care for the most part. We have become so numbed and disillusioned that we have given the government a blank check.

If their was a draft tomorrow people would wake up for sure. If the police walked into your house without a warrant and put wiretapping devices on your phone and computer people would wake up for sure.

Unfortunately we are so disconnected from what is happening that we choose not to think about it. And when the general public does start to think about it the government just waves the flag and yells terrorism a little bit so we become complacent.

Heroes exist in this world and some wear a battle dress uniform, but some also sit at their home computers.

Edward Snowden
Chelsea Manning
Jeremy Scahill
Glen Greenwald

these are heroes that have come to be demonized because they choose to hold the government accountable

Yes indeed. Obama was adamant about ending TWO wars. It appears he will end his term being involved in THREE wars.

I would consider the middle east 1 large theater therefore 1 large war. its 1 dragon with multiple heads.

back to the original point though, I feel like we have become numb to all this

Syria is a sovereign nation. Assad is its leader. It's just as separate a nation as is Iran or Iraq.

Thank you.

Thank you so much for recognizing this. I think what I have hated from the get go from my world America/Canada is that they don't have one lick of sense when it comes to the middle east.

They are not "one lump sum". It's not that way at all. No idea of the nuances between countries. The ignorance is beyond the pale.

When I actually started learning about Ghaddafi I was shocked beyond belief on what he did for his people. I'm a conservative but I was going holy toledo this guy really cared about his people.

I digress. Sorries

Back to Assad. As far as dictators go he's been pretty decent.
14 years since 9/11.

This week we learned that our president is sending special forces as well as stepping up air missions in Syria. Now this is not actually new, we have had so called military advisors on the ground in Syria attempting to train rebels to fight for us. We have also been bombing ISIS positions in Syria. What is different is that now it's official, combat boots on the ground.

Don't worry, you probably missed the announcement because most all news has been covering how unfair the CNBC debate was.

This is the downward spiral we see in our war doctrine. a 14 year war on terror. The invasion of a soverign nation and the removal of its leader. A massive unmanned aerial war led by predator drones equipped with hellfire missles. A surveillance state that has abolished any expectation of privacy in our communications and internet searches. An assassination program that targeted and killed 2 U.S. citizens without due process. War crimes against captured combatants. The rendition program. Selling military hardware that is then used against us. A proxy war with Iran and now Russia.

We as citizens have allowed our political leaders to do basically whatever the hell they want with no accountability.

But why have we done this?

Well, I believe part of it is because we have been at war so long now we as citizens just don't care for the most part. We have become so numbed and disillusioned that we have given the government a blank check.

If their was a draft tomorrow people would wake up for sure. If the police walked into your house without a warrant and put wiretapping devices on your phone and computer people would wake up for sure.

Unfortunately we are so disconnected from what is happening that we choose not to think about it. And when the general public does start to think about it the government just waves the flag and yells terrorism a little bit so we become complacent.

Heroes exist in this world and some wear a battle dress uniform, but some also sit at their home computers.

Edward Snowden
Chelsea Manning
Jeremy Scahill
Glen Greenwald

these are heroes that have come to be demonized because they choose to hold the government accountable

Yes indeed. Obama was adamant about ending TWO wars. It appears he will end his term being involved in THREE wars.

I would consider the middle east 1 large theater therefore 1 large war. its 1 dragon with multiple heads.

back to the original point though, I feel like we have become numb to all this

Syria is a sovereign nation. Assad is its leader. It's just as separate a nation as is Iran or Iraq.

Thank you.

Thank you so much for recognizing this. I think what I have hated from the get go from my world America/Canada is that they don't have one lick of sense when it comes to the middle east.

They are not "one lump sum". It's not that way at all. No idea of the nuances between countries. The ignorance is beyond the pale.

When I actually started learning about Ghaddafi I was shocked beyond belief on what he did for his people. I'm a conservative but I was going holy toledo this guy really cared about his people.

I digress. Sorries

Back to Assad. As far as dictators go he's been pretty decent.
What I mean by the many headed dragon is that yes each country is different our policy is the same. Overthrow a dictator and hope for the best. Neither bush nor Obama understands the concept of unintended consequences

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