Endless War: Obama Killed A 16yr Old In Yemen, Trump Kills His 8yr Old Sister...

Consider the source. Consider it subhuman.

Consider you a fucking idiot.

Clearly you're not one o' them "Pro-Lifers".

Noted for future reference.

I could give shit one about abortion or gays.

Hope you note that for your next asshole comment.

I'm writing all this down.

How 'bout kittens? Crush their skulls with a sledgehammer or toss 'em in the wood stove? :popcorn:

Nope. I have no use for cats but would never hurt one.

I do have three dogs and a horse and believe me they are better cared for than anything or anyone.

Guess You'll have to find something else to spread your bullshit about.

Hey, you've already demonstrated that you may have animals but you have no heart.
Guess you just pump blood out of your Wherever.
These poor folks are often targeted for merely being related to known Terrorists. We need to scale things back. Killing 8yr olds is only gonna make more Muslims hate us.

Is that because the terrorist like to keep their families with them for protection and/or propaganda?

Nobody wants to see collateral damage and little girls getting killed. You sure gran-paw isn't hiding his little girl away and claiming she was killed?

Sadly, she wasn't the only child killed in this attack. Several children were killed.

Yes it is very sad. I wish al Qaeda had not attacked our innocent civilians on 9-11.

So how many more children are we gonna have to murder in order to declare victory in the 'War on Terror?' Americans should really start contemplating that question.
Muslims murder their own children for the "crime" of being raped all the time with the support of the Muslim community.
Where's your faux outrage?


Someone should tell those women not to hide their children in the al Qaeda terrorist training camp. I don't believe the US Is targeting relatives.

We never do because Americans can't stomach the thought of killing innocents. Well, that might not be true for the leftwing radicals on our streets attacking people and calling for a bloody revolution, but most decent Americans want innocent lives protected.

Radical Muslims use their women and children as shields and never take them out of harm's way. They know they can count on fake news, like CNN, to spin things and paint the US as the bad guys when innocents are killed. That is why they deliberately keep civilians near valid military targets. Of course, when it's a Dem in the WH, they don't cover it. We didn't get daily body counts during Obama's years but you can bet they will start again. It's all propaganda.
Hmmm wonder what's the source?

The grandfather?

Sounds a little fishy.

These poor folks are often targeted for merely being related to known Terrorists. We need to scale things back. Killing 8yr olds is only gonna make more Muslims hate us.
Because we all know Muslims love kids!
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I'm sure most Muslims love their children. There are some crazies out there who don't, but they're a small minority.
Muslims openly murder their own children for the "crime" of being raped.
And the entire Muslim world supports it.

Don't give me the faux outrage.
And we incarcerate 25% of the planet's imprisoned population for profit and convict labor leasing, point?
Dufus thinks people in prison are innocent.
No wonder Trump is President.
Is that because the terrorist like to keep their families with them for protection and/or propaganda?

Nobody wants to see collateral damage and little girls getting killed. You sure gran-paw isn't hiding his little girl away and claiming she was killed?

Sadly, she wasn't the only child killed in this attack. Several children were killed.

Yes it is very sad. I wish al Qaeda had not attacked our innocent civilians on 9-11.

So how many more children are we gonna have to murder in order to declare victory in the 'War on Terror?' Americans should really start contemplating that question.
Muslims murder their own children for the "crime" of being raped all the time with the support of the Muslim community.
Where's your faux outrage?


Are you really that ignorant or do you just play one in life?

Honor killing - Wikipedia
These poor folks are often targeted for merely being related to known Terrorists. We need to scale things back. Killing 8yr olds is only gonna make more Muslims hate us.

Is that because the terrorist like to keep their families with them for protection and/or propaganda?

Nobody wants to see collateral damage and little girls getting killed. You sure gran-paw isn't hiding his little girl away and claiming she was killed?

Sadly, she wasn't the only child killed in this attack. Several children were killed.

Yes it is very sad. I wish al Qaeda had not attacked our innocent civilians on 9-11.

So how many more children are we gonna have to murder in order to declare victory in the 'War on Terror?' Americans should really start contemplating that question.

As long as we fight terrorist who hide among their women and children, theirs will be the women and children among the casualties.

Sounds very cold. Sounds eerily similar to how Al Qaeda and ISIS justify their murdering of civilians. Very disturbing.
After 8 years of silence the left notice Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama has started wars with 3 nations.

As if Trump could put a halt so quickly to what Obama started. Obama blamed Bush for the first 7 years. Less than two weeks in, I think Trump can safely blame Obama for this.

Again, for those of you in the shortbus Illiterati secton ---- from my link:

>> Contrary to earlier reporting, the senior military official said, the raid was Trump's first clandestine strike — not a holdover mission approved by President Barack Obama. <<​

Is the military lying? Should we wait for a 3:27 AM Tweet from Hair Grabemführer to tell us all about how they're being mean to him gay: and he "likes helicopters that don't crash, OK?"
Consider you a fucking idiot.

Clearly you're not one o' them "Pro-Lifers".

Noted for future reference.

I could give shit one about abortion or gays.

Hope you note that for your next asshole comment.

I'm writing all this down.

How 'bout kittens? Crush their skulls with a sledgehammer or toss 'em in the wood stove? :popcorn:

Nope. I have no use for cats but would never hurt one.

I do have three dogs and a horse and believe me they are better cared for than anything or anyone.

Guess You'll have to find something else to spread your bullshit about.

Hey, you've already demonstrated that you may have animals but you have no heart.
Guess you just pump blood out of your Wherever.

Oh I have a heart. Just no sympathy for the terrorists dead kid. A girl who would have grown up to be a slave in the death cult.

I feel bad for the Navy SEAL who died. Not some terrorists kid.
After 8 years of silence the left notice Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama has started wars with 3 nations.

As if Trump could put a halt so quickly to what Obama started. Obama blamed Bush for the first 7 years. Less than two weeks in, I think Trump can safely blame Obama for this.

Again, for those of you in the shortbus Illiterati secton ---- from my link:

>> Contrary to earlier reporting, the senior military official said, the raid was Trump's first clandestine strike — not a holdover mission approved by President Barack Obama. <<​

Is the military lying? Should we wait for a 3:27 AM Tweet from Hair Grabemführer to tell us all about how they're being mean to him gay: and he "likes helicopters that don't crash, OK?"
Nice to finally have a President who takes personal responsibility for a change.
Sadly, she wasn't the only child killed in this attack. Several children were killed.

Yes it is very sad. I wish al Qaeda had not attacked our innocent civilians on 9-11.

So how many more children are we gonna have to murder in order to declare victory in the 'War on Terror?' Americans should really start contemplating that question.
Muslims murder their own children for the "crime" of being raped all the time with the support of the Muslim community.
Where's your faux outrage?


Are you really that ignorant or do you just play one in life?

Honor killing - Wikipedia

Nope. I baited, you bit. Because as usual I already know the answer. "Honor" killing is thousands of years old, worldwide, and predates Islam as well as Christianism, Judaism, Hinduism or any other religion coincident with it. Because it's not a religious act. It's a cultural artifact. READ YOUR OWN LINK.

As far as Islam specifically, it's forbidden, just as it is in the other religions. When Muslims or Hindus or Christians "honor" kill, they do so in spite of, not because of, their religion.
After 8 years of silence the left notice Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama has started wars with 3 nations.

As if Trump could put a halt so quickly to what Obama started. Obama blamed Bush for the first 7 years. Less than two weeks in, I think Trump can safely blame Obama for this.

Again, for those of you in the shortbus Illiterati secton ---- from my link:

>> Contrary to earlier reporting, the senior military official said, the raid was Trump's first clandestine strike — not a holdover mission approved by President Barack Obama. <<​

Is the military lying? Should we wait for a 3:27 AM Tweet from Hair Grabemführer to tell us all about how they're being mean to him gay: and he "likes helicopters that don't crash, OK?"
Nice to finally have a President who takes personal responsibility for a change.

But did he really do that? He didn't mention the several children who were killed.
Clearly you're not one o' them "Pro-Lifers".

Noted for future reference.

I could give shit one about abortion or gays.

Hope you note that for your next asshole comment.

I'm writing all this down.

How 'bout kittens? Crush their skulls with a sledgehammer or toss 'em in the wood stove? :popcorn:

Nope. I have no use for cats but would never hurt one.

I do have three dogs and a horse and believe me they are better cared for than anything or anyone.

Guess You'll have to find something else to spread your bullshit about.

Hey, you've already demonstrated that you may have animals but you have no heart.
Guess you just pump blood out of your Wherever.

Oh I have a heart. Just no sympathy for the terrorists dead kid. A girl who would have grown up to be a slave in the death cult.

I feel bad for the Navy SEAL who died. Not some terrorists kid.

That's what I just said -- you have no heart. It's not necessary to repost it although I appreciate the confirmation. But at this point everybody knows.
Yes it is very sad. I wish al Qaeda had not attacked our innocent civilians on 9-11.

So how many more children are we gonna have to murder in order to declare victory in the 'War on Terror?' Americans should really start contemplating that question.
Muslims murder their own children for the "crime" of being raped all the time with the support of the Muslim community.
Where's your faux outrage?


Are you really that ignorant or do you just play one in life?

Honor killing - Wikipedia

Nope. I baited, you bit. Because as usual I already know the answer. "Honor" killing is thousands of years old, worldwide, and predates Islam as well as Christianism, Judaism, Hinduism or any other religion coincident with it. Because it's not a religious act. It's a cultural artifact. READ YOUR OWN LINK.

As far as Islam specifically, it's forbidden, just as it is in the other religions. When Muslims or Hindus or Christians "honor" kill, they do so in spite of, not because of, their religion.
You're a dufus who did not know Muslims openly practice murdering their own children for the "crime" of being raped.
With full support of the Muslim community.
It is never gonna happen. We leave there, they get us here. War sucks.
And why are you not questioning why this family would remain there after losing her brother? Why not question why they became terrorists? Why did these women open fire on our members? Why not blame them? Why not blame this American for moving his family there and becoming an al queda leader? He made a choice and this is the result of it. Does it sicken me? Yes, but we are Not responsible.
Your argument is the same as those blaming a gun for a death rather than the one pulling the trigger.
Now, where is your grief for our Seal member killed?

Killing little 8yr olds will not win your 'War on Terror.' It's only gonna provide more Muslims with more resolve to seek revenge.

Yeah didn't they know what a propaganda gift killing al-Awlaki's little girl would be........?

WTF is mom doing at a terrorist camp?

I can't answer that. But they were obviously in hiding. It's incredibly dangerous just being related to known Terrorists. They're marked for death. Is that just and moral? I guess you have to decide that for yourself.

Someone should tell those women not to hide their children in the al Qaeda terrorist training camp. I don't believe the US Is targeting relatives.

Well, our Government sure is killing a lot of their relatives. But where does all this go? When does it end? How many more children is our Government gonna kill? Is the 'War on Terror' designed to be an 'Endless War?'

According to who? How many more times will the terrorist hide behind the poor children?
I could give shit one about abortion or gays.

Hope you note that for your next asshole comment.

I'm writing all this down.

How 'bout kittens? Crush their skulls with a sledgehammer or toss 'em in the wood stove? :popcorn:

Nope. I have no use for cats but would never hurt one.

I do have three dogs and a horse and believe me they are better cared for than anything or anyone.

Guess You'll have to find something else to spread your bullshit about.

Hey, you've already demonstrated that you may have animals but you have no heart.
Guess you just pump blood out of your Wherever.

Oh I have a heart. Just no sympathy for the terrorists dead kid. A girl who would have grown up to be a slave in the death cult.

I feel bad for the Navy SEAL who died. Not some terrorists kid.

That's what I just said -- you have no heart. It's not necessary to repost it although I appreciate the confirmation. But at this point everybody knows.

Oh I have a heart. A heart for our dead. Not the dead terrorists or their kin.

Everybody knows what a moron you are.
Killing little 8yr olds will not win your 'War on Terror.' It's only gonna provide more Muslims with more resolve to seek revenge.

Yeah didn't they know what a propaganda gift killing al-Awlaki's little girl would be........?

WTF is mom doing at a terrorist camp?

I can't answer that. But they were obviously in hiding. It's incredibly dangerous just being related to known Terrorists. They're marked for death. Is that just and moral? I guess you have to decide that for yourself.

Someone should tell those women not to hide their children in the al Qaeda terrorist training camp. I don't believe the US Is targeting relatives.

Well, our Government sure is killing a lot of their relatives. But where does all this go? When does it end? How many more children is our Government gonna kill? Is the 'War on Terror' designed to be an 'Endless War?'

According to who? How many more times will the terrorist hide behind the poor children?

Let's get out. Let's leave all Muslim Lands. Killing Thousands of Muslim children won't win the 'War on Terror.' It will only make the war a permanent war. But then again, maybe that's what some want. Who knows?
Her name was Nawar.

She was murdered in Arizona by her Muslim father for the crime of becoming too Westernized. Where's your faux outrage?
So how many more children are we gonna have to murder in order to declare victory in the 'War on Terror?' Americans should really start contemplating that question.
Muslims murder their own children for the "crime" of being raped all the time with the support of the Muslim community.
Where's your faux outrage?


Are you really that ignorant or do you just play one in life?

Honor killing - Wikipedia

Nope. I baited, you bit. Because as usual I already know the answer. "Honor" killing is thousands of years old, worldwide, and predates Islam as well as Christianism, Judaism, Hinduism or any other religion coincident with it. Because it's not a religious act. It's a cultural artifact. READ YOUR OWN LINK.

As far as Islam specifically, it's forbidden, just as it is in the other religions. When Muslims or Hindus or Christians "honor" kill, they do so in spite of, not because of, their religion.
You're a dufus who did not know Muslims openly practice murdering their own children for the "crime" of being raped.
With full support of the Muslim community.

You know that and I know that its called an honor killing.

Happens all the time in the middle east with the full support of the death cult.
Yeah didn't they know what a propaganda gift killing al-Awlaki's little girl would be........?

WTF is mom doing at a terrorist camp?

I can't answer that. But they were obviously in hiding. It's incredibly dangerous just being related to known Terrorists. They're marked for death. Is that just and moral? I guess you have to decide that for yourself.

Someone should tell those women not to hide their children in the al Qaeda terrorist training camp. I don't believe the US Is targeting relatives.

Well, our Government sure is killing a lot of their relatives. But where does all this go? When does it end? How many more children is our Government gonna kill? Is the 'War on Terror' designed to be an 'Endless War?'

According to who? How many more times will the terrorist hide behind the poor children?

Let's get out. Let's leave all Muslim Lands. Killing Thousands of Muslim children won't win the 'War on Terror.' It will only make the war a permanent war. But then again, maybe that's what some want. Who knows?
The barbarians are already inside the gate, dufus.

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