Enemies of Assad have forgotten 9-11

Where you getting all your information, Mr. Bond?
You don't know that Al Nusra is directly related to Al Qaeda in Iraq?

you don't know that Al Qaeda in Iraq has committed horribl acts of terrorism?

you don't know that we are currently giving aid and assistance to the Syrian rebels and some of that aid makes its way to the extremists?

I read the news, Horsefly. Maybe its time you do too.
Yes, we see this. Let us ALL join together & pray both sides of the Syrian civil war reign victorius in massacring each other on their own soil, until there are none. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

The Syrian governmen has been killing civilians.

The Syrian rebels have been killing civilians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no good side in this war!!!! Don't you guys see this?????????????

are you that that bi-polar that you believe all wars must have a side worthy of support??????????
Where you getting all your information, Mr. Bond?
You don't know that Al Nusra is directly related to Al Qaeda in Iraq?

you don't know that Al Qaeda in Iraq has committed horribl acts of terrorism?

you don't know that we are currently giving aid and assistance to the Syrian rebels and some of that aid makes its way to the extremists?

I read the news, Horsefly. Maybe its time you do too.
All I know is what I read on the Internet.
~~Mark Train
So let the peace loving people of the world help the Syrian terrorists on both sides to massacre each other in greater numbers, until there are none.

All I know is what I read on the Internet.
~~Mark Train

What a nutty question.

and the troll just keeps on trolling.

Those who forget about 9-11 will remember when it happens again.

helping the terrorists against Assad will bring this closer.
There are no good guys in this battle folks.

There might be a side that our Masters have a use for at this time, though.

I think they want Assad out because he and other leaders of the region proposed an end to the petrodollar system.

Naturally he must die for doing that.
All I know is what I read on the Internet.
~~Mark Train

What a nutty question.

and the troll just keeps on trolling.

Those who forget about 9-11 will remember when it happens again.

helping the terrorists against Assad will bring this closer.
I reply to your remarks tpme and it's trolling? Time to give it up and go back to County Cork, boyo.

Seems like everyone who disagrees with him is a troll :lol:
and now the USA is helping and assissting Al Qaeda fight Assad.

Not really, Helping the FSA isn't necessarily helping Al Nusra or ISI(S). They hate each other. Al Nusra beheaded one of the FSA's leaders and gunned down another. If we don't help support the FSA then we risk Al Qaeda domination.

Al Nusra, which is part of Al Qaeda in Iraq, has murdered tens of thousands of innocent people in Iraq.

I agree that the ISI has murdered thousands in Iraq, but the two aren't the same group though they are linked. The ISI went rogue and tried for a power grab by saying that they had merged with Al Nusra. Both Al Nusra and Head of Al Qaeda Central Al-Zawahiri said no to the merger. The ISI basically told both of them to go F themselves.
In other words the same Islamist terrorists like AlQueda, Hamas, Hezbollah and Muslim Brotherhood that committed 9-11 that also want Israel destroyed?

Some people are just confused.
All I know is what I read on the Internet.
~~Mark Train

What a nutty question.

and the troll just keeps on trolling.

Those who forget about 9-11 will remember when it happens again.

helping the terrorists against Assad will bring this closer.
Remember who danced on 9-11?

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=HRA0NKQ0k6E]***MUST SEE Muslims "Palestinians" Celebrating 9/11 (CNN - Fox) September 11 ARABS twin towers 911 - YouTube[/ame]
All I know is what I read on the Internet.
~~Mark Train

What a nutty question.

and the troll just keeps on trolling.

Those who forget about 9-11 will remember when it happens again.

helping the terrorists against Assad will bring this closer.
Speaking of trolls, it looks like Miss Hoffstra of Long Island can't come up for air. I can just imagine what would happen if she ever gets married, has children and consequently becomes a mother-in-law. Oy, oy, oy!!!
Speaking of trolls, it looks like Miss Hoffstra of Long Island can't come up for air. I can just imagine what would happen if she ever gets married, has children and consequently becomes a mother-in-law. Oy, oy, oy!!!

right wing extremists are soo tough.....from behind a computer screen.

maybe if you stopped rooting for our enemies you'll feel better.
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All I know is what I read on the Internet.
~~Mark Train

What a nutty question.

and the troll just keeps on trolling.

Those who forget about 9-11 will remember when it happens again.

helping the terrorists against Assad will bring this closer.
Remember who danced on 9-11?

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=HRA0NKQ0k6E]***MUST SEE Muslims "Palestinians" Celebrating 9/11 (CNN - Fox) September 11 ARABS twin towers 911 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMkX5uemLyk]911 - Dancing Israelis - YouTube[/ame]
Speaking of trolls, it looks like Miss Hoffstra of Long Island can't come up for air. I can just imagine what would happen if she ever gets married, has children and consequently becomes a mother-in-law. Oy, oy, oy!!!

right wing extremists are soo tough.....from behind a computer screen.

maybe if you stopped rooting for our enemies you'll feel better.
Check out my video and link in post #9, then get back to me.

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