Enemies of Assad have forgotten 9-11

No it's not.

It's evidence of the sick mindset of an anti semite to say such things though.

please tell us what these 5 Israelis were celebrating?

a new war against Islam?

an opportunity for Israel to fan the flames of anti-Muslim hate?

maybe a chance to finally fulfill you Final Solution to the Palestinian Question?

sick isn't it, how the victims of the Nazis have become the Nazis.
Why do all the anti-Semites read from the same handbook where it says to call the Israelis the new Nazis? We must have heard this about ten thousand times or more from posters just like the dhimmi, Miss Hoffstra. Do they realize how ridiculous they sound when their Muslim friends are treating those who are non Muslims just like the Nazis did. I wonder if Miss Hoffstra, unless she is a Believer, realizes that they would do the same to her as they do to any Infidels. Imagine a taxi driver being beheaded just because he was a Christian and not a Believer!!! And the sadistic reason that a Christian women in Pakistan is in prison!!! As for the Final Solution when millions of Jews were killed, the Palestinians are growing by leaps and bounds. The Israelis sure don't know how to do a Final Solution. Maybe Miss Hoffstra can instruct them how.

EGYPT After church attacks, we live in fear, says Christian woman - Asia News

Sentenced to death for a sip of water - NYPOST.com
You are still a silly woman, Miss Hoffstra. Most everyone in Israel who is an adult was at one time in the IDF. If you think that any member of the Mossad is going to act like those guys, you have rocks in your head. While 3,000 of our citizens have died at the hands of Miss Hoffstra's friends, she is giving them a pass and is trying so hard to blame 9/11 on Israel. Evidently you had no funerals of friends to go to and probably went down to Brooklyn and danced in the streets with the Arabs who were happy that 9/11 happened. It appears that people living in Brooklyn observed them doing this, and I know you had a rollicking good time joining in. Maybe you even threw on your burqa for the occasion.

wow, you really are a fucking idiot.

3,000 people didn't die on 9-11.

surely not 3,000 citizens of any single country.

while I was working down at Ground Zero, you and your ZioNazi buddies were celebrating a new war against Muslims would be coming.

every day at work, I saw FDNY funerals. every fucking day.

what did you see? an opportunity to fan the flames of hatred, in order to profit your right wing extremist fantasies of Lebensraum for Israel.

you are a traitor to this country and you will be punished.

No it's not.

It's evidence of the sick mindset of an anti semite to say such things though.

please tell us what these 5 Israelis were celebrating?

a new war against Islam?

an opportunity for Israel to fan the flames of anti-Muslim hate?

maybe a chance to finally fulfill you Final Solution to the Palestinian Question?

sick isn't it, how the victims of the Nazis have become the Nazis.

Punished, you say? Not according to my DD214.

tell us Horseflea, what's it like to be a traitor to America?

what's it like to forget about 9-11 and support the fiends who attacked us on 9-11?

My goodness you are one sick puppy !!

Just curious, what do you get out of constant lying and demonizing ? You MUST be getting paid !

Did your gf dump you for a Jewish guy or something ??? :lol:
You are still a silly woman, Miss Hoffstra. Most everyone in Israel who is an adult was at one time in the IDF. If you think that any member of the Mossad is going to act like those guys, you have rocks in your head. While 3,000 of our citizens have died at the hands of Miss Hoffstra's friends, she is giving them a pass and is trying so hard to blame 9/11 on Israel. Evidently you had no funerals of friends to go to and probably went down to Brooklyn and danced in the streets with the Arabs who were happy that 9/11 happened. It appears that people living in Brooklyn observed them doing this, and I know you had a rollicking good time joining in. Maybe you even threw on your burqa for the occasion.

wow, you really are a fucking idiot.

3,000 people didn't die on 9-11.

surely not 3,000 citizens of any single country.

while I was working down at Ground Zero, you and your ZioNazi buddies were celebrating a new war against Muslims would be coming.

every day at work, I saw FDNY funerals. every fucking day.

what did you see? an opportunity to fan the flames of hatred, in order to profit your right wing extremist fantasies of Lebensraum for Israel.

you are a traitor to this country and you will be punished.

Punished, you say? Not according to my DD214.

tell us Horseflea, what's it like to be a traitor to America?

what's it like to forget about 9-11 and support the fiends who attacked us on 9-11?

My goodness you are one sick puppy !!

Just curious, what do you get out of constant lying and demonizing ? You MUST be getting paid !

Did your gf dump you for a Jewish guy or something ??? :lol:
Actually I think she is a sick woman and could be posting from a mental ward at Bellevue. Perhaps it would have hit home to her about what her friends did if she attended all the funerals that the people in the different boroughs of New York did for their friends, neighbors and acquaintances. You weren't on a previous venue, Toast, where one of the women posters was working at the WTC and had to undergo several operations. Miss Hoffstra reminds me of those who, on a special forum set up for people to talk about 9/11 right after it happened, were busy blaming the U.S., Israel, and the Mossad even before the dust began to settle. There was a Canadian Nazi posting along with those very similar to Miss Hoffstra, and she might even have been there under a different screen name. She does remind me of some old anti-Semitic poster who was always busy throwing out the term "zionazi."

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