Energy crisis in Germany

Failed alternative energy schemes combined with dependance of russian natural gas equals cold and dark nights this winter
Fuck the globalists. Lets see them come to Pennsylvania and turn off our fireplaces and wood stoves. How the hell do they turn off hot water to residential buildings? Don't German houses have their own hot water heaters? Sounds like a largely disarmed German population is a happy German population—NOT!

You don't have any idea about how stupid you sound in the ears of a German like me. Why do you - and westwall who applauded you - try to speak about things without to have any plan about? Very most Germans - weapon owners or not - have absolutelly not any sympathy for the lack of weapon laws and the mad use of weapons in the USA. And what Hannover decides is a decision of the mayorite of the citizens of Hannover.
They didn't. read the article. It is just public buildings which are going to have to do those things.

Exactly. Hot water in water pipes in public buildings is indeed a waste of energy. And 20°C (68°F) is luxury. 17°C would be hot enough to feel well in winter.
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From the OP's article:

"The citizens of Hanover will be forced to take cold showers at city-run facilities."
Yes, but that is when you go to the gym or for whatever other reason are needing a shower when out. Your home will have everything just as normal. It is a small inconvenience now to avoid a bigger one later.
Neckar? ... "Bald gras ich am Nackar - bald gras ich an Rhein"... Hmmm one moment please ... got it: One of my brothers lives in this region.

But Oberndorff? - That's in Germany an old noble family. ... I guess you try ot speak about Oberndorf am Neckar.


Rheinmetall? Armor blacksmiths?

A German never would call someone else "retard", Volldepp.

And I remember I made a very long time ago a bad experience with some criminal policemen in a police station in Hesse.

I'm not Geeman, verstehen sie? Heckler & Koch is based in Oberndorf. Like I said, you know very little about Germany.
So be happy, enemy of Germany.
It does not make me happy to see germany suffer because we have the same mentality by libs here in America

Meaning the same sort of freaked out liberal greenies who think global warming is the biggest threat in their lives

Stupidity is no respecter of national borders
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It does not make me happy to see germany suffer

Good joke. "You" are a member of an unbelievable bloody culture. "You" love it to see your self defined enemies suffer and die. Or whyelse exist "Guantanamos" in your world?

because we have the same mentality by libs here in America

Your are an egocentralized brainwashed and brainwashing idiot, that's all. You are not even able to translate the word "lib" into the German language. In our view to the world an atheist 'like' Ronald Reagan for example would be a "lib".

Meaning the same sort of freaked out liberal greenies who think global warming is the biggest threat in their lives

Your ideas about the Green political party in Germany are weird - that's all. Your problem is that the USA is not able to bear new political parties. And you hate what you are not able to understand.

Stupidity is no respecter of national borders

No idea what a stupid man of a nation who not respects national borders except the own borders thinks by saying so.
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Good joke. "You" are a member of an unbelievable bloody culture. "You" love it to see your self defined enemies suffer and die. Or whyelse exist "Guantanamos" in your world?

Your are an egocentralized brainwashed and brainwashing idiot, that's all. You are not even able to translate the word "lib" into the German language. In our view to the world an atheist 'like' Ronald Reagan for example would be a "lib".

Your ideas about the Green political party in Germany are weird - that's all. Your problem is that the USA is not able to bear new political parties. And you hate what you are not able to understand.

No idea what a stupid man of a nation who not respects national borders except the own borders thinks by saying

Pot, meet kettle. YOUR culture started the largest war in all of history.

You wrote: "Pot, meet kettle. YOUR culture started the largest war in all of history."

That's wrong. Indeed murdered the USA millions of Germans and wiped out many German nations although Germany never in history had done anything bad to the USA.

Germans are not allowed to use air conditioning now.

But this is how the Left wants things

View attachment 676982

This is our collective future, that is, the northern part.

No energy, no freedom.

Since 2005 DDR 2.0 ( former Germany ) is run by hard-core united commies of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lefts, since 2013 they received a very convenient 'opposition' - socialist AFD.
Both Merkel and Scholz 'governments' abolished all laws and established a communist dictatorship in the country.
Even the people in former DDR was more free as in DDR 2.0 today
If you have a 'wrong' opinion you will lost your job, property, sentenced to prison or murdered by Antifa
Together with Schwab and NWO commies wants to destroy the country, its people and industry completely
As probably revenge for Holocaust story
Which shows how retarded progressive policies are. They result in deevolution and decay.

Progressives aka commies aka socialists aka lefts aka woke aka democrats have murdered more as 100m through the last 100 years

That's wrong. Indeed murdered the USA millions of Germans and wiped out many German nations although Germany never in history had done anything bad to the USA.

Fascinating! So you contend that Adolph Hitler did NOT start the largest war that mankind had ever seen? Who voted this man in as chancellor? Was it the USA or Great Britain; or rather, was it the German people?

After Pearl Harbor, who/whom declared war on who/whom first?

This is history from both sides of the ocean. This is NOT a guess, it is a given by both combatants.

And what do you clowns do not long after having East and West Berlin reunited? Why, you elect Angela Merkel! Have any of you goofs looked her up? She was a STALANIST! Look at her history! She was an East German security force participant. She killed more Germans from 1960 on, than Americans ever did.

You sir, Ma'am, are a phony-e-baloney, and are probably a plant by the Stasi. I have more insight into your history than you do, which is pathetic, because if you are actually German, you know all of this far, far, better than I do!

Germans are not allowed to use air conditioning now.

But this is how the Left wants things

View attachment 676982

This is our collective future, that is, the northern part.

No energy, no freedom.

  • Even Germany's crematoriums are being hit hard by Europe's energy crisis as gas supplies run low.
  • Many are now looking to cut back on energy use at their facilities to save on gas ahead of winter.
  • With Russia slashing natural gas supplies to the West, Europe's energy future remains at risk.
Europe's energy crisis has started to hit Germany's crematorium sector, according to Reuters.


No. Ugly.

So you contend that Adolph Hitler did NOT start the largest war that mankind had ever seen?

The Adolf Hitler who the world thinks to know was born in world war 1 and world war 2 was primarily born because of the criminal behavior of the winners of world war 1. And the direct cause for world war 2 had been the secret part of the Molotow Ribbentrop pact where Stalin and Hitler decided to eliminate Poland aqain. "You" fought on the side of Stalin for his Bolshewism.

Who voted this man in as chancellor?

No one.

Was it the USA or Great Britain; or rather, was it the German people?

In the last free elections in November 1932 Hitler got about 1/3rd of all votes. He lost in this eletions about 15% of his voters. Hitler was by the way never very popular. "Adolf" never had been a popular forename.

After Pearl Harbor, who/whom declared war on who/whom first?

Hitler declared war on the USA after Pearl Harbor - but you was able to ignore this because Germany had not been able to attack the USA.

This is history from both sides of the ocean. This is NOT a guess, it is a given by both combatants.

Your mass murder on Germans and the complete destruction of German nations like for example Prussia, Silesia, Bohemia and others makes you proud to be an American. That's a normal part of your bloody blindness. If someone would wipe out Texas, Pennsylvania and NY - what would you feel in this case?

And what do you clowns


do not long after having East and West Berlin reunited? Why, you elect Angela Merkel!

Angela Merkel?

Have any of you goofs looked her up? She was a STALANIST! ...

Okay. In your case it will also not help you to replace your brain with an exchange brain. This seems to be a genetic defect - and/or your mother did bath you with much too hot water.
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It’s paying the price for its stupid Green policies.
It is your choice to think that wrapped around the word'stupid' no surprise. I wish we could leave you guys to live in what you want to create but unfortunately no.

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