English speaking required

Do you often call people who make mistakes "dopey"? ?

When they make the same one over and over and over and over again quite self-righteously? Yeah.

It wasn't intentional. I saw the words "illegal immigration" and missed the slash that said just plain old "immigration" when I first came in here. Never read the forum title again. Why do you over and over have to be insulting in this forum and it's not just directed at me either. My God, how old are you.......12?
Do you often call people who make mistakes "dopey"? ?

When they make the same one over and over and over and over again quite self-righteously? Yeah.

It wasn't intentional. I saw the words "illegal immigration" and missed the slash that said just plain old "immigration" when I first came in here. Never read the forum title again. Why do you over and over have to be insulting in this forum and it's not just directed at me either. My God, how old are you.......12?

It doesn't matter if it's illegal or Legal immigration, if they are going to remain here without supervision in this nation (i.e. become Americans), then they should learn the language, and then they should use it appropriately.

If the illegals are allowed to stay here as seasonal workers (come out of the closets so to speak), then they need to have those among them that do speak the language in order to interpret it to us if we need to ask them as employers something or to even work with them as a team and/or as individuals on something that is needed or even in friendship the same.

Become American(?), then I say it's best to learn the language & assimilate, but if just working here temporarily(?) then make sure to have an interpreter present when speaking around people who may be curious as to what is being said, because someone may ask about what one is talking about if it is being done in front of them in a rude or arrogant manor or maybe not as it all just depends. Paul in the "Bible" said let all things be done decent and in order. I believe that It's best to strive towards understanding one another these days better. I think it's best than to be rude and speak in front of each other in an unknown tongue, and worse in an arrogant way regardless of who is doing it. I always remember us as Americans making sure that if someone didn't know the English language while here, then they would be respected by us, and this instead of just carrying on in front of them whilst they look upon us without a clue, and then them feeling as if they are left out in which is sad. Nobody wants to feel that way whether it is us or them, and so it's best that everyone make sure that these kinds of things are few and far between, so breaking down the barriers are important in a lot of ways. People that don't want this or fight against this are highly suspect in my opinion.
Latinos learn English faster than previous immigrants? They hide it well, instead they just keep speaking Española. This is a big time lie. What planet are you from? You are like all those people that tell me global warming isn't happening. Really? You people astound me with your well informed ignorance. You don't have a clue. Thirty years ago, and prior, everyone spoke English and nobody needed to be told that, it was a given. 2/3 of the people at the Wal-Mart I shop at NOW in 2014 are babbling away in hoochie coochie . When a group of immigrants don't speak ENGLISH in public, I take as sign of disrespect, and Mexicans are good at that. I focus on how much THEY ignore my culture but how much they want ME to respect Theirs...They ignore immigration laws and demand respect from anglos? Really? What is wrong with THAT picture?
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I believe that It's best to strive towards understanding one another these days better. I think it's best than to be rude and speak in front of each other in an unknown tongue, and worse in an arrogant way regardless of who is doing it. I always remember us as Americans making sure that if someone didn't know the English language while here, then they would be respected by us, and this instead of just carrying on in front of them whilst they look upon us without a clue, and then them feeling as if they are left out in which is sad. Nobody wants to feel that way whether it is us or them, and so it's best that everyone make sure that these kinds of things are few and far between, so breaking down the barriers are important in a lot of ways. People that don't want this or fight against this are highly suspect in my opinion.

You are a frightened, insecure little child. :lol:
Thirty years ago, and prior, everyone spoke English

No, they didn't. Just because you were locked in a dark room with the shades drawn, watching 'Golden Girls' doesn't mean real life wasn't still happening outside your compound.
.They....demand respect from anglos? Really? What is wrong with THAT picture?

What's wrong is you imagining that you, of all people represent all "anglos" [sic]. Nobody "demands," or even gives a shit, about anything from some faceless, generic racist like you, biddy.
.They....demand respect from anglos? Really? What is wrong with THAT picture?

What's wrong is you imagining that you, of all people represent all "anglos" [sic]. Nobody "demands," or even gives a shit, about anything from some faceless, generic racist like you, biddy.
Do you think it not rude to speak in an unknown tongue, wherefore those around you understand not what you say in a time of war ? While you are busy trying to get everyone to buy into your bull crap, a war on terror still rages in the world. Now do you want us to become victims in this war, and if so why do you want this ? I mean the way you talk in here, people would get the idea that you have an ax to grind with Americans, and especially with white Americans..
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In a time gone by now, it was that people weren't as apprehensive about these sorts of things, but in this time where Americans are being blamed for so much now, and even by those who have allied themselves together here to make the white Americans pay for their past transgressions, then the whites in this nation had best take heed to the speak that goes on today, because it stereo types them here in America as being this evil thing within the world, and so it is that the world (with the help of certain peoples) are going to get even and justice be it sooner and/or later. I mean just look at all the speak going on here about how whites will be the minority soon in this nation, and how the old whites are dying out fast, and so justice will come soon because of this, and on and on it all goes. Yes all of it ties together unkotare, so don't deny it. I have read enough to educate myself on these matters, but the good thing about me is that I am not one to Allie myself to idiots no matter who they are or what side they come from.
.They....demand respect from anglos? Really? What is wrong with THAT picture?

What's wrong is you imagining that you, of all people represent all "anglos" [sic]. Nobody "demands," or even gives a shit, about anything from some faceless, generic racist like you, biddy.
Do you think it not rude to speak in an unknown tongue, wherefore those around you understand not what you say ....

If someone is not talking TO you, it's none of your fucking business what they say. Is it "rude" for people to have a private conversation in public without making sure some insecure, ignorant busybody like you can eavesdrop? If two people are speaking to each other in English, but too softly for you to listen in, do you demand they speak up so you don't miss anything? Who the fuck are you? Your insecurity is nobody's problem but your own.
In a time gone by now, it was that people weren't as apprehensive about these sorts of things, but in this time where Americans are being blamed for so much now, and even by those who have allied themselves together here to make the white Americans pay for their past transgressions, then the whites in this nation had best take heed to the speak that goes on today, because it stereo types them here in America as being this evil thing within the world, and so it is that the world (with the help of certain peoples) are going to get even and justice be it sooner and/or later. I mean just look at all the speak going on here about how whites will be the minority soon in this nation, and how the old whites are dying out fast, and so justice will come soon because of this, and on and on it all goes. Yes all of it ties together unkotare, so don't deny it. I have read enough to educate myself on these matters, but the good thing about me is that I am not one to Allie myself to idiots no matter who they are or what side they come from.

So this is really just about you being a frightened old racist coward? Letting that idiotic racist Batshit Boy get to you? Get the fuck over it, because no one gives a shit about your emotional issues. You and he make a perfect couple, in fact.
I find it unbelievable that ppl cant see the diff between now and 100 yrs ago. Or just use it to prop up their ignorrant beliefs
.They....demand respect from anglos? Really? What is wrong with THAT picture?

What's wrong is you imagining that you, of all people represent all "anglos" [sic]. Nobody "demands," or even gives a shit, about anything from some faceless, generic racist like you, biddy.
Do you think it not rude to speak in an unknown tongue, wherefore those around you understand not what you say ....

If someone is not talking TO you, it's none of your fucking business what they say. Is it "rude" for people to have a private conversation in public without making sure some insecure, ignorant busybody like you can eavesdrop? If two people are speaking to each other in English, but too softly for you to listen in, do you demand they speak up so you don't miss anything? Who the fuck are you? Your insecurity is nobody's problem but your own.

In a time gone by now, it was that people weren't as apprehensive about these sorts of things, but in this time where Americans are being blamed for so much now, and even by those who have allied themselves together here to make the white Americans pay for their past transgressions, then the whites in this nation had best take heed to the speak that goes on today, because it stereo types them here in America as being this evil thing within the world, and so it is that the world (with the help of certain peoples) are going to get even and justice be it sooner and/or later. I mean just look at all the speak going on here about how whites will be the minority soon in this nation, and how the old whites are dying out fast, and so justice will come soon because of this, and on and on it all goes. Yes all of it ties together unkotare, so don't deny it. I have read enough to educate myself on these matters, but the good thing about me is that I am not one to Allie myself to idiots no matter who they are or what side they come from.

So this is really just about you being a frightened old racist coward? Letting that idiotic racist Batshit Boy get to you? Get the fuck over it, because no one gives a shit about your emotional issues. You and he make a perfect couple, in fact.

Damn uncle terrio, you sound a little....put off.
Why dont you go back to mexico today?
There wasn't a Polish equivalent to Telemundo. ....

Millions of Polish immigrants came here before television existed, genius.

Polish Immigration

"The majority Polish immigrants were Roman Catholics. They tended to stick together in large groups of Polish settlers. ... For the most part the Poles clustered in tight groups in the cities. They continued with their religion, setting up huge churches that were greatly attended. The church was the center of the community where a Pole could discuss social problems, religious beliefs, etc. The Poles felt strongly about their churches. They kept the services in Polish, celebrated Polish holidays and kept Polish saints alive. The Polish culture needed to have Polish churches. Without their own churches the Poles believed they would lose their identity.

In the Polish household, the family's main purpose was to put food on the table and keep everyone clothed. Everyone in the household worked from sunrise to eight, including children and mothers. Poles without special skills were forced to work in the unsanitary and unsafe industrial factories. For the first time in history, Polish mothers were the heads of the household. These mothers were responsible for raising children, and keeping the house clean. Many mothers also supported the family by taking in boarders, and doing laundry.

Polish families did little about education, a luxury at the time, which helped account for their reputation. Very few Poles went to college, or received high paying jobs. They did the dirty work, the menial tasks in the city, but many immigrants were thrilled to be working for in Poland they had been unemployed for years. They were tremendous at saving money. Between 1900 and 1914, Polish Americans sent anaverage of 4 million dollars a year back to Poland."

Sound familiar?

Do you comprehend "industrial revolution"? 100 yrs ago? lol. When the unemployment number was 5% average. You say we needed them then, I agree. Now we have a actual unemployment number of about 20% or more. Show me what good will flooding this country with unskilled or skilled or more h1B1 visas will help
sustain our middle class. You know...the part of the population that built the economy we had from just after WW1 to 1970?? I suppose you havent heard of the dwindling middle class.
You just dont get it uncle terrio.
Here uncle terrio:
For many immigrants arriving in the U.S., maintaining ties with their countries and cultures is becoming easier. Their countries, it seems, are coming straight to their doorstep.
Increasingly, Hispanics "have access to their cultural heritage and language through product and service offerings that are targeted to the Latino community," according to Hispanic Research Inc.
Take Pizza Patron, a new Mexican-themed pizza joint opening up in Fresno, California. "From the colorful decor to some of the pizza ingredients, which include Mexican-style chorizo sausage, Pizza Patron is committed to serving the Hispanic market," according to an article by The Business Journal.
Since 2007 all Pizza Patron restaurants accept Mexican Pesos (bills only) as payment. The Dallas-based pizzeria seeking to open franchises in predominantly Hispanic communities throughout the nation and hire bilingual managers and sales teams.
The Latino population continues to grow in the U.S. -- hitting 50.5 million people in 2010-- and to incorporate itself in the American mainstream. Yet, as more Latinos seek to keep strong bonds to their home countries and cultures, there is increasing uncertainty as to whether assimilation is in fact a possibility.
A recent study by The University of Southern California "Assimilation Tomorrow: How America's Immigrants Will Integrate by 2030", reinforces the notion that Latinos will assimilate and integrate more fully into American society in the next 20 years.
The percentage of immigrants speaking English well or very well is projected to rise from 57.5 percent in the year 2000 to 70.3 percent by 2030, according to the study.
Still, despite predictions of the future integration of Latinos in the U.S., many communities increasingly reflect their home countries.
Take, for instance, New York's Jackson Heights neighborhood in Queens, under the tracks of the Roosevelt Avenue elevated train. A row of restaurants with Spanish names such as "La Nueva Colombia," "El Meson Colombiano" and "La Pequena Colombia" sell chorizo and morcilla sausage, arepas and other traditional foods from Colombia. The community is home to nearly 14,000 Colombians.
Parts of Manhattan are no different. "Hispanic families have been settling in East Harlem for decades, of course, but what's new is how they're going about changing community trends", according to Real Estate Weekly which refers to "Mexico Lindo," a bakery on Second Avenue near 116th Street in New York that sells Mexican treats.
And with newer generations of U.S.-born Latinos, assimilation will be a challenge. Instead, some predict the birth a new identity.
"This multigenerational dynamic will see more U.S. born Latinos creating a new identity and opportunities, while still nurturing their connection to their broader Spanish dominant base (many of them parents, and family)," Roberto Ramos, CEO of VOX Collective , said in a blog for HuffPost. "Spanish-dominant and recent arrivals Hispanics will still play a significant if somewhat lesser role, and they will benefit from the greater access procured by a new generation of U.S. born Latinos."

Get that uncle terrio??? pizza patron excepts PESO'S! That ok with you?
I believe that It's best to strive towards understanding one another these days better. I think it's best than to be rude and speak in front of each other in an unknown tongue, and worse in an arrogant way regardless of who is doing it. I always remember us as Americans making sure that if someone didn't know the English language while here, then they would be respected by us, and this instead of just carrying on in front of them whilst they look upon us without a clue, and then them feeling as if they are left out in which is sad. Nobody wants to feel that way whether it is us or them, and so it's best that everyone make sure that these kinds of things are few and far between, so breaking down the barriers are important in a lot of ways. People that don't want this or fight against this are highly suspect in my opinion.

You are a frightened, insecure little child. :lol:

And you are an ostrich, with its head in a hole.
.They....demand respect from anglos? Really? What is wrong with THAT picture?

What's wrong is you imagining that you, of all people represent all "anglos" [sic]. Nobody "demands," or even gives a shit, about anything from some faceless, generic racist like you, biddy.
Do you think it not rude to speak in an unknown tongue, wherefore those around you understand not what you say ....

If someone is not talking TO you, it's none of your fucking business what they say. Is it "rude" for people to have a private conversation in public without making sure some insecure, ignorant busybody like you can eavesdrop? If two people are speaking to each other in English, but too softly for you to listen in, do you demand they speak up so you don't miss anything? Who the fuck are you? Your insecurity is nobody's problem but your own.

In a time gone by now, it was that people weren't as apprehensive about these sorts of things, but in this time where Americans are being blamed for so much now, and even by those who have allied themselves together here to make the white Americans pay for their past transgressions, then the whites in this nation had best take heed to the speak that goes on today, because it stereo types them here in America as being this evil thing within the world, and so it is that the world (with the help of certain peoples) are going to get even and justice be it sooner and/or later. I mean just look at all the speak going on here about how whites will be the minority soon in this nation, and how the old whites are dying out fast, and so justice will come soon because of this, and on and on it all goes. Yes all of it ties together unkotare, so don't deny it. I have read enough to educate myself on these matters, but the good thing about me is that I am not one to Allie myself to idiots no matter who they are or what side they come from.

So this is really just about you being a frightened old racist coward? Letting that idiotic racist Batshit Boy get to you? Get the fuck over it, because no one gives a shit about your emotional issues. You and he make a perfect couple, in fact.

Damn uncle terrio, you sound a little....put off.
Why dont you go back to mexico today?
"Back"? I've never been to mexico. Have you?
lol. I dont think you've even been out of your house in years.
Gold member. What does that mean?
There wasn't a Polish equivalent to Telemundo. ....

Millions of Polish immigrants came here before television existed, genius.

Polish Immigration

"The majority Polish immigrants were Roman Catholics. They tended to stick together in large groups of Polish settlers. ... For the most part the Poles clustered in tight groups in the cities. They continued with their religion, setting up huge churches that were greatly attended. The church was the center of the community where a Pole could discuss social problems, religious beliefs, etc. The Poles felt strongly about their churches. They kept the services in Polish, celebrated Polish holidays and kept Polish saints alive. The Polish culture needed to have Polish churches. Without their own churches the Poles believed they would lose their identity.

In the Polish household, the family's main purpose was to put food on the table and keep everyone clothed. Everyone in the household worked from sunrise to eight, including children and mothers. Poles without special skills were forced to work in the unsanitary and unsafe industrial factories. For the first time in history, Polish mothers were the heads of the household. These mothers were responsible for raising children, and keeping the house clean. Many mothers also supported the family by taking in boarders, and doing laundry.

Polish families did little about education, a luxury at the time, which helped account for their reputation. Very few Poles went to college, or received high paying jobs. They did the dirty work, the menial tasks in the city, but many immigrants were thrilled to be working for in Poland they had been unemployed for years. They were tremendous at saving money. Between 1900 and 1914, Polish Americans sent anaverage of 4 million dollars a year back to Poland."

Sound familiar?

Do you comprehend "industrial revolution"? 100 yrs ago? lol. When the unemployment number was 5% average. You say we needed them then, I agree. Now we have a actual unemployment number of about 20% or more. Show me what good will flooding this country with unskilled or skilled or more h1B1 visas will help
sustain our middle class. You know...the part of the population that built the economy we had from just after WW1 to 1970?? I suppose you havent heard of the dwindling middle class.
You just dont get it uncle terrio.

Don't hold your breath for him to address your valid points. Just be prepared for more profanity and personal attacks instead. I suspect he is suffering from xenophilia.

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