English speaking required

Comparing PAID seasonal labor entered into freely to slavery is offensively inappropriate.

"Entered freely"? Who the hell enters the work force freely?? You HAVE to work. You work by nessessity, If you werent so out of touch, youd know.
Working condition, wages and benifits are lowered by illegal aliens and illegal aliens take jobs from citizens so do visa's.
I agree with the first post completely because it IS whats really happining.
You are a complete joke.
You post nonsence over and over again.
Never any facts just insults. Over 40,000 posts and you havent said a word.
Why waste time with this silly emoting? Get real. The Supreme Court has already decided on the items on your little list. Stop wallowing in emotional bullshit that will never have a basis in reality and focus on practical issues.

I dont know where you live but I know that it has put you out of touch with the real world. You cant live on saturn and know whats going on on earth...come to earth uncle terrie.
Y'all just keep on pontificatin'. Y'all's so very illuminatin'.[/QUOTE]

Yes, thank you. Now I know how I DONT want to talk........y'all....
Latino immigrants to the US understand better than most of you, the importance of improving their English. Having TV, radio, and newspapers available in Spanish (and lots of other languages, btw) is not a threat to the Republic.

If you dont want to be American and assimilate you dont learn english.
If you want to come here and rape this good country for what ever you can get, speak spanish.
Latino immigrants to the US understand better than most of you, the importance of improving their English. Having TV, radio, and newspapers available in Spanish (and lots of other languages, btw) is not a threat to the Republic.

If you dont want to be American and assimilate you dont learn english.
If you want to come here and rape this good country for what ever you can get, speak spanish.

My question is why is Unkotare discussing legal immigrants in the illegal immigration forum? Or is that what he is really discussing and defending? For not being Hispanic as he claims he sure has an odd fixation for them.
Latino immigrants to the US understand better than most of you, the importance of improving their English. Having TV, radio, and newspapers available in Spanish (and lots of other languages, btw) is not a threat to the Republic.

If you dont [sic] want to be American and assimilate you dont [sic] learn english [sic]....

Is that why you haven't?
Why waste time with this silly emoting? Get real. The Supreme Court has already decided on the items on your little list. Stop wallowing in emotional bullshit that will never have a basis in reality and focus on practical issues.

I dont know where you live but I know that it has put you out of touch with the real world. You cant live on saturn and know whats going on on earth...come to earth uncle terrie.

Hispanic immigrants are, in fact, assimilating AT LEAST as quickly as earlier groups, whether you want to admit it or not.
Hispanic assimilation has failed

There are several other links I could provide. Assimilation is choosing English as one's primary one of usage and Assimilation also includes respecting our immigration laws and not putting one's ethnic group above them. How many Hispanics fit the above criteria?
Hispanic assimilation has failed

There are several other links I could provide. Assimilation is choosing English as one's primary one of usage and Assimilation also includes respecting our immigration laws and not putting one's ethnic group above them. How many Hispanics fit the above criteria?
How much of a reason do Hispanics have to learn English? They have their own television stations and for the ones that speak English there's SAP. They have their own radio, print media. Stores have been pressured to hire Spanish speakers. Schools have Spanish speaking teachers. Prior waves of immigrants were forced to speak English. There wasn't a Polish equivalent to Telemundo.

We aren't becoming a bilingual culture, we are becoming two monolingual cultures.
Hispanic assimilation has failed

There are several other links I could provide. Assimilation is choosing English as one's primary one of usage and Assimilation also includes respecting our immigration laws and not putting one's ethnic group above them. How many Hispanics fit the above criteria?
How much of a reason do Hispanics have to learn English? ...

As much, and of the same nature, as previous immigrant groups did. And they are well aware of it.

Read the links I put up.
There wasn't a Polish equivalent to Telemundo. ....

Millions of Polish immigrants came here before television existed, genius.

Polish Immigration

"The majority Polish immigrants were Roman Catholics. They tended to stick together in large groups of Polish settlers. ... For the most part the Poles clustered in tight groups in the cities. They continued with their religion, setting up huge churches that were greatly attended. The church was the center of the community where a Pole could discuss social problems, religious beliefs, etc. The Poles felt strongly about their churches. They kept the services in Polish, celebrated Polish holidays and kept Polish saints alive. The Polish culture needed to have Polish churches. Without their own churches the Poles believed they would lose their identity.

In the Polish household, the family's main purpose was to put food on the table and keep everyone clothed. Everyone in the household worked from sunrise to eight, including children and mothers. Poles without special skills were forced to work in the unsanitary and unsafe industrial factories. For the first time in history, Polish mothers were the heads of the household. These mothers were responsible for raising children, and keeping the house clean. Many mothers also supported the family by taking in boarders, and doing laundry.

Polish families did little about education, a luxury at the time, which helped account for their reputation. Very few Poles went to college, or received high paying jobs. They did the dirty work, the menial tasks in the city, but many immigrants were thrilled to be working for in Poland they had been unemployed for years. They were tremendous at saving money. Between 1900 and 1914, Polish Americans sent anaverage of 4 million dollars a year back to Poland."

Sound familiar?

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