English speaking required

Should every nation do that, too?
Why not? Have you ever tried to emigrate to a country and insist they cater to you in your own country's language?
Here is why the complete assimilation process is thwarted here in the case of the laborers that are here to work at certain levels within this society. It's because if these people learn English then they will be able to have conversations with others who speak English, then they would find out that they are being treated as world class scum by their handlers, just as it was during slavery times. The ones who are immigrants that are kin to the ones being worked, and that do know English, are the ones placed in charge of them just like it was during slavery times, where as they are used to fool the visiting workers into believing that they are being treated great, when we as Americans know better about it all. However, these immigrants usually have had it real bad where it is for which they have come from, so any improvement from that seems fantastic to them, so they go along with anything. But then they are used by US companies to compete against US workers in many cases throughout many industries here, and that has had and does create a huge problem here as well. Americans are not being competed against fairly, but are instead run out of the industry in favor of these knew modern day slaves. My definition of a "Modern day slave" - A person who is worked or used by way of the person having extenuating or leveraging circumstances within their life known about, and therefore these things are then used knowingly against them. Such things entices the handler to use such circumstances and/or leveraging devices all to the handlers advantage against the worker, but yet not necessarily so to the worker or modern day slaves advantage when it comes to their being treated decently, honorably, and in honesty as a fellow human being while here. The difference between a slave of old and that of the new slave, is that the new slave has invisible shackles, but still has shackles just the same.
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Should every nation do that, too?
Why not? Have you ever tried to emigrate to a country and insist they cater to you in your own country's language?
Here is why the complete assimilation process is thwarted here in the case of the laborers that are here to work at certain levels within this society. It's because if these people learn English then they will be able to have conversations with others who speak English, then they would find out that they are being treated as world class scum by their handlers, just as it was during slavery times. The ones who are immigrants that are kin to the ones being worked, and that do know English, are the ones placed in charge of them just like it was during slavery times, where as they are used to fool the visiting workers into believing that they are being treated great, when we as Americans know better about it all. However, these immigrants usually have had it real bad where it is for which they have come from, so any improvement from that seems fantastic to them, so they go along with anything. But then they are used by US companies to compete against US workers in many cases throughout many industries here, and that has had and does create a huge problem here as well. Americans are not being competed against fairly, but are instead run out of the industry in favor of these knew modern day slaves. My definition of a "Modern day slave" - A person who is worked or used by way of the person having extenuating or leveraging circumstances within their life known about, and therefore these things are then used knowingly against them. Such things entices the handler to use such circumstances and/or leveraging devices all to the handlers advantage against the worker, but yet not necessarily so to the worker or modern day slaves advantage when it comes to their being treated decently, honorably, and in honesty as a fellow human being while here. The difference between a slave of old and that of the new slave, is that the new slave has invisible shackles, but still has shackles just the same.

What a huge, steaming load of drama-queen bullshit that was. Workers can't understand the conditions under which they are working just because they speak Spanish? You're an idiot. And these are not the Navajo Code Talkers; lots of people speak Spanish.
Comparing PAID seasonal labor entered into freely to slavery is offensively inappropriate.
Mexico immigration rules;

--Immigrants must have necessary funds for their sustenance and dependents
(Article 34)

--Foreigners may be barred from the country if they are not physically or
mentally healthy(Article 37)

--The General Law on Population says under Mexican Law, Illegal immigration is
a felony (Art.123)

--Foreigners deported from Mexico & attempt to re-enter without
authorization can be
imprisoned up to 10 years (Article 118)

--Non-citizens cannot in any way participate in the political affairs of the

Sensible and enforceable rules.

Medical: No treatment for illegals
Education: No education for illegals
Deportation: No due process required
Misd. Vs. Felony: 2 yrs, 10 yrs, Felony
Aid: No Sustenance, may deport
Why waste time with this silly emoting? Get real. The Supreme Court has already decided on the items on your little list. Stop wallowing in emotional bullshit that will never have a basis in reality and focus on practical issues.
One of the requirements in the Comp. Immig. Reform Bill for work visas should be the requirement to speak English and write English.
ELL class for adults cos taxpayers $630 million.
What do U think illegals cost Taxpayers $630M teaching English to illegal immigrant adults? - Yahoo! Answers

Sandoval has now proposed $50 million in total funding for English-language learners programs. He is the first Nevada governor to dedicate funding to ELL.
Gov. Sandoval proposes additional funding for k-12 education | Inside Nevada Politics
State leaders are debating between $14 million and $66.5 million in state funding for English-language learner students.
"We have an obligation to provide every child with a reasonable educational opportunity," Lazos said. "We haven't been doing a good job (with English-language learner students). We need to be thinking about ways to strengthen them instead of looking at legal loopholes to save money."
Nevada continues to shortchange English-language learner programs, advocate maintains - Las Vegas Sun News
English speaking people get work visas all over the world w/o speaking the native language of the country in which they are working. If it is a standard for working overseas that people need to speak the native language, you are going to put millions of people out of work.
Latino immigrants are adopting English as quickly and as well as those waves of immigrants who came before them.

What an unbelievable crock of shit. As usual.
...sitting on your dead ass in your apartment and never going anywhere...over 40,000 useless posts later...no wonder you havent a clue.

Latino Opinion
A collection of Latino opinions by Ricardo A. López
“U.S. Hispanics need to learn to speak English!” Says who?
Many people get very upset when they hear of someone who has been in this country for years and does not speak any English; and the failure to learn English appears to be increasingly more prevalent among Hispanics. It seems to be an issue that strikes a chord with many Americans. “Why are they not making an effort to learn to speak English like all other immigrants did?” I venture to say that the main reason why many Latinos are not learning English as fast as others did before is because our society no longer requires it. That’s right; my contention is that, as a society, we give Latinos permission to keep their culture and language; and consequently, learning English becomes much more difficult than what other immigrants experienced years ago.
When other big immigration groups came into this country a few generations ago the situation was very different from what it is today. Many early immigrants made the hard decision to come to America with an understanding that they were breaking ties with their old country. Learning a new culture and a new language was not a choice. Our society was a true melting pot and immigrants were expected to fully assimilate into the American culture. They complied. Ever wonder why the children and grandchildren of the Italian immigrants who arrived at Ellis Island in the late 1800s never learned how to speak Italian? These early immigrants understood the importance of becoming American in every respect; and that included speaking only English. Speaking Italian was not important; in fact, it was detrimental in a society that expected assimilation- but things have changed; and assimilation is no longer expected. We are no longer melting into one pot because we no longer believe in that antiquated idea of the melting pot.
It amazes me how the same people who are troubled when everyone around them is speaking Spanish will turn to me and remark on how “important” it is that I teach my children Spanish. “You should speak Spanish to them at home,” they will say. While I wholeheartedly agree that it is important for Latinos to teach their children how to speak Spanish, I want to emphasize that this was never important before. The American society now understands that we live in a multicultural world and that knowing more than one language is beneficial. Our society now also supports (and even exalts) diversity. It is now considered appropriate to uphold and celebrate diversity, especially when it comes to culture and ethnicity. Forcing everyone to melt into one homogeneous pot is no longer considered appropriate.
While our country was founded on the idea of diversity, the practice of diversity was never as alive as it is today. With diversity comes not only permission to speak the language of our ancestors, but also the empowerment to maintain every aspect of our ethnicity. The American society promotes this understanding at many different levels. At a commercial level Latinos see most product labels and instructions written in English and Spanish; ATM machines ask us for our language of preference; and telephone companies insist that we keep in touch with our relatives in Latin America. From a government perspective most services are also offered and/or communicated in Spanish. At a community level there are hundreds of neighborhoods across the country were everyone speaks Spanish. Can someone in one of these neighborhoods get along perfectly well without ever having to learn English? Absolutely! Our society allows it.
We cannot as a society promote diversity and the use of the Spanish language and then wonder why some Latinos are having difficulty learning English. Everyone knows that it is much easier to learn a foreign language when you live in a foreign country and are immersed in a society that only speaks that language. In our society we speak English; but we also speak Spanish. For some Latinos learning English while living in a neighborhood where everyone speaks Spanish is akin to an American student taking a foreign language in school and not grasping it because nobody around them speaks that language. We need to stop pretending that our society expects Latinos to speak English when everything is laid out to make it easy for these new immigrants not to learn the language.
Latino immigrants are adopting English as quickly and as well as those waves of immigrants who came before them.

What an unbelievable crock of shit. As usual.
...sitting on your dead ass in your apartment and never going anywhere...over 40,000 useless posts later...no wonder you havent a clue.

Latino Opinion
A collection of Latino opinions by Ricardo A. López
“U.S. Hispanics need to learn to speak English!” Says who?
Many people get very upset when they hear of someone who has been in this country for years and does not speak any English; and the failure to learn English appears to be increasingly more prevalent among Hispanics. It seems to be an issue that strikes a chord with many Americans. “Why are they not making an effort to learn to speak English like all other immigrants did?” I venture to say that the main reason why many Latinos are not learning English as fast as others did before is because our society no longer requires it. That’s right; my contention is that, as a society, we give Latinos permission to keep their culture and language; and consequently, learning English becomes much more difficult than what other immigrants experienced years ago.
When other big immigration groups came into this country a few generations ago the situation was very different from what it is today. Many early immigrants made the hard decision to come to America with an understanding that they were breaking ties with their old country. Learning a new culture and a new language was not a choice. Our society was a true melting pot and immigrants were expected to fully assimilate into the American culture. They complied. Ever wonder why the children and grandchildren of the Italian immigrants who arrived at Ellis Island in the late 1800s never learned how to speak Italian? These early immigrants understood the importance of becoming American in every respect; and that included speaking only English. Speaking Italian was not important; in fact, it was detrimental in a society that expected assimilation- but things have changed; and assimilation is no longer expected. We are no longer melting into one pot because we no longer believe in that antiquated idea of the melting pot.
It amazes me how the same people who are troubled when everyone around them is speaking Spanish will turn to me and remark on how “important” it is that I teach my children Spanish. “You should speak Spanish to them at home,” they will say. While I wholeheartedly agree that it is important for Latinos to teach their children how to speak Spanish, I want to emphasize that this was never important before. The American society now understands that we live in a multicultural world and that knowing more than one language is beneficial. Our society now also supports (and even exalts) diversity. It is now considered appropriate to uphold and celebrate diversity, especially when it comes to culture and ethnicity. Forcing everyone to melt into one homogeneous pot is no longer considered appropriate.
While our country was founded on the idea of diversity, the practice of diversity was never as alive as it is today. With diversity comes not only permission to speak the language of our ancestors, but also the empowerment to maintain every aspect of our ethnicity. The American society promotes this understanding at many different levels. At a commercial level Latinos see most product labels and instructions written in English and Spanish; ATM machines ask us for our language of preference; and telephone companies insist that we keep in touch with our relatives in Latin America. From a government perspective most services are also offered and/or communicated in Spanish. At a community level there are hundreds of neighborhoods across the country were everyone speaks Spanish. Can someone in one of these neighborhoods get along perfectly well without ever having to learn English? Absolutely! Our society allows it.
We cannot as a society promote diversity and the use of the Spanish language and then wonder why some Latinos are having difficulty learning English. Everyone knows that it is much easier to learn a foreign language when you live in a foreign country and are immersed in a society that only speaks that language. In our society we speak English; but we also speak Spanish. For some Latinos learning English while living in a neighborhood where everyone speaks Spanish is akin to an American student taking a foreign language in school and not grasping it because nobody around them speaks that language. We need to stop pretending that our society expects Latinos to speak English when everything is laid out to make it easy for these new immigrants not to learn the language.

The issue is also a national security one, where as both languages need to be known in order to be able to understand such a language when speaking around those whom speak only the English language in this nation. To be speaking within this day and (age of terrorism gone wild), in a language that the majority who might be around you can't understand, well is insulting and frightening to those whom don't understand such a foreign language like that on this soil. English has been the language of this nation "America" for a very long time now, and it needs to be learned and used appropriately by those who call themselves Americans no matter where they are from in the world, and also by visiting immigrants if possible or to have an interpreter present if speaking out loud in public where many Americans are present. There is a way to be respectful to each other when in public, and this needs to be understood or learned also.

Right now there is a situation where Mexicans (I guess) are using the CB airwaves or what ever airwaves they are using that are coming through the CB radio airwaves in big trucks that use these types of radio's, and it seems that they (certain ones I guess) are doing this in order to spew what sounds like revolutionary or other types of babble over those airwaves now. I have heard this myself, and it is something I thought that I would never hear in America, and especially something that is being so arrogantly done like that, but there it is for the ears to listen to on a daily basis now. It comes from a distance, because if you turn the squelch back a bit, then you don't hear the ranting and carrying on anymore, but when you turn the squelch wide open, this is when you hear nothing but Mexicans carrying on in their language upon what might be base radio frequencies in which they may be communicating on, but we just aren't sure yet how that is happening in the way that it is coming through on the radio like it does. It makes you think that maybe homeland security ought to be notified about it, because it is overwhelming what is going on upon the CB airwaves in which drivers have been hearing more and more as time goes by these sorts of things. Worse than that, who knows what is being said by them in these languages, because most Americans don't know or understand this language. Maybe the American trucking industry is filling up with Mexicans now, and that is what is going on, but it also is being done by base radio's because certain ones are on daily without delay. It's either Immigrants are needing to learn English or Americans need to learn Spanish, because it is a security issue when people can't understand one another, and it is also rude to arrogantly speak in a language that people can't understand also, but I mean why would a person want to do that really ?
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We all speak English on this board, what is the big deal expecting immigrants to respect the culture and speak the same? Why is that so threatening to Hispanics? America is Anglo, and that isn't a racist slant, it's real. But, because Hispanics breed like bunnies and can't get real and face facts, the rest of us Americans have pander? Yeah, right.
To be speaking within this day and (age of terrorism gone wild), in a language that the majority who might be around you can't understand, well is insulting and frightening to those whom don't understand such a foreign language like that on this soil.

What's wrong, you ignorant pussy, afraid people are talking about you? Are you pushing for an eavesdropping amendment to the Constitution, coward? It's none of your fucking business what people who are not talking to you are saying. Should everyone be forced to wear subtitles so your cowardly ass won't feel intimidated?
The Huff-Po cites the "Journal of Transnational American Studies" as their "source"...LMAO..

Journal of Transnational American Studies American Studies Journals

The Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS) is a peer-reviewed online journal that seeks to broaden the interdisciplinary study of American cultures in a transnational context.
JTAS is the first academic journal explicitly focused on what Shelley Fisher Fishkin in her 2004 American Studies Association presidential address called the “transnational turn” in American Studies.

JTAS functions as an open-access forum for Americanists in the global academic community, where scholars are increasingly interrogating borders both within and outside the nation and focusing instead on the multiple intersections and exchanges that flow across those borders.

Moving beyond disciplinary and geographic boundaries that might confine the field of American Studies, JTAS is a new critical conduit that brings together innovative transnational work from diverse, but often disconnected, sites in the U.S. and abroad. In order to facilitate the broadest possible cultural conversation about transnational American Studies, the journal will be available without cost to anyone with access to the Internet.

LMFAO...doubletalk and meaningless jargon...but it sounds so intelligent and meaningful...to an idiot...

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