English Told To Pack Up Her Shit And Vacate Her Office At CFPB

They can unless the president appoints one. The Dims believe the former director gets to appoint his replacement, which is clearly unconstitutional.

The President can certainly appoint a new director - with the advise and consent of the Senate.

Until the Senate approves that appointment, according to the statute, the deputy director is appointed interim director.
The statute has been rendered moot according to the court of appeals.
He will boot her out forthwith. No reason to keep her.

Scrape the infection from the bone wherever found.

Actually, he cannot fire her. She is not a political appointee, she is a federal employee and cannot be given "the boot" just because of her political affiliation.
She's a goner Gator. The gutters are strewn with the political corpses of those who opposed the Donald.

But she is not a political player or appointee, she is a civil servant and as such is much harder to get rid of. While she may find a new job, she will not be left in the gutter with the rest of the Trump appointees.
They can unless the president appoints one. The Dims believe the former director gets to appoint his replacement, which is clearly unconstitutional.

The President can certainly appoint a new director - with the advise and consent of the Senate.

Until the Senate approves that appointment, according to the statute, the deputy director is appointed interim director.
The statute has been rendered moot according to the court of appeals.

The Court did not rule on the statue, just the request for an injunction.
They can unless the president appoints one. The Dims believe the former director gets to appoint his replacement, which is clearly unconstitutional.

The President can certainly appoint a new director - with the advise and consent of the Senate.

Until the Senate approves that appointment, according to the statute, the deputy director is appointed interim director.
The statute has been rendered moot according to the court of appeals.


No, it hasn't.

Get the fuck out, bitch!!! Court Rules with POTUS TRUMP – Tells Far Left Hack to Clear Contents of Her Office into Box and Evacuate the Premises

Court Rules with POTUS TRUMP – Tells Far Left Hack to Clear Contents of Her Office into Box and Evacuate the Premises
by Jim Hoft 176 Comments

Recent Trump appointee ruled today in favor of President Trump and rejected a lawsuit from an official who claims that she, and not President Trump appointee Mick Mulvaney, is the rightful director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Judge Timothy Kelly of the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia refused to grant Leandra English a restraining order to bar Mulvaney from serving as the CFPB’s acting director.

English, a committed leftist, sued the Trump administration to lead the far left CFPB bureaucracy. She did not realize Donald Trump won the election in 2016.

Judge Kelly had a different opinion.

The CFPB is nothing more than a money laundering scheme to rob banks of cash and turn it over to leftist groups like Planned-Parenthood.

Let it up to yet another dumbass Trumpette to side with Trump as he over rides Congress, at least for now.

The law passed by Congress said how new department heads would be named. Why?

Because it was supposed to bean independent group.

Why? To protect the everyday consumers from the big banks & other corporations.

But along come the fat-assed orange bastard & he ignores the law & names his own head completely destroying the independence aspect. He named a person who wants to disband it.

So Trump is saying Fuck that piece of shit paper called the US Constitution, Right asswipe?

This will be appealed.
They can unless the president appoints one. The Dims believe the former director gets to appoint his replacement, which is clearly unconstitutional.

The President can certainly appoint a new director - with the advise and consent of the Senate.

Until the Senate approves that appointment, according to the statute, the deputy director is appointed interim director.
The statute has been rendered moot according to the court of appeals.

The Court did not rule on the statue, just the request for an injunction.
What's the difference.
They can unless the president appoints one. The Dims believe the former director gets to appoint his replacement, which is clearly unconstitutional.

The President can certainly appoint a new director - with the advise and consent of the Senate.

Until the Senate approves that appointment, according to the statute, the deputy director is appointed interim director.
The statute has been rendered moot according to the court of appeals.


No, it hasn't.
Yes it has
He will boot her out forthwith. No reason to keep her.

Scrape the infection from the bone wherever found.

Actually, he cannot fire her. She is not a political appointee, she is a federal employee and cannot be given "the boot" just because of her political affiliation.
She can be fired for being an idiot.

Well shit, if that were a firing offense then Trump and 3/4 of his cabinet would be toast as well as 90% of congress.
So you agree it’s a good plan. Awesome. Government should be cut by 95% by the end of the week.
They can unless the president appoints one. The Dims believe the former director gets to appoint his replacement, which is clearly unconstitutional.

The President can certainly appoint a new director - with the advise and consent of the Senate.

Until the Senate approves that appointment, according to the statute, the deputy director is appointed interim director.
The statute has been rendered moot according to the court of appeals.


No, it hasn't.
Yes it has

No, it really hasn't. It was successfully appealled to the DC Circuit en banc, and it has not ruled on it yet.
They can unless the president appoints one. The Dims believe the former director gets to appoint his replacement, which is clearly unconstitutional.

The President can certainly appoint a new director - with the advise and consent of the Senate.

Until the Senate approves that appointment, according to the statute, the deputy director is appointed interim director.
The statute has been rendered moot according to the court of appeals.

The Court did not rule on the statue, just the request for an injunction.
What's the difference.

an injunction holds things in abeyance pending determination of the merits, idiota.

the merits of the statute and the line of succession have NOT been determined. and the failure to issue an injunction can be appealed in any event,
The director no longer exists, as he resigned, and therefore cannot be considered absent or unavailable. The position is vacant. Even the cfpb’s own counsel has stated that-

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top lawyer for the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has concluded that President Donald Trump has the authority to name its acting director, three sources familiar with the matter said on Sunday, rejecting an effort by her former boss at the agency to name his immediate successor.

Exclusive: U.S. consumer finance agency lawyer sides with Trump over succession - sources

As nouns the difference between absence and vacancy is that absence is a state of being away or withdrawn from a place or from companionship; the period of being away while vacancy is an unoccupied position or job.

Care to share it? Considering that Harvard seemed to agree, long before this came up. And Obama appointed Cordray, seeing as CFPB is part of the executive branch..
For the departing director to have been able to appoint her she would have had to be deputy director for at least 90 days prior to that appointment. She was appointed deputy director only a few days before his resignation.

NOV 24, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today announced that Leandra English has been officially named deputy director of the agency. English, who had been most recently serving as the agency’s chief of staff, has previously held key leadership positions at the CFPB, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Office of Personnel Management. David Silberman, who had been serving as acting deputy director, will continue in his role as associate director of the Research, Markets, and Regulations division.

5 U.S. Code § 3345 - Acting officer
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Executive agency (including the Executive Office of the President, and other than the Government Accountability Office) whose appointment to office is required to be made by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, dies, resigns, or is otherwise unable to perform the functions and duties of the office—
made by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to perform the functions and duties of the vacant office temporarily in an acting capacity subject to the time limitations of section 3346; or
employee of such Executive agency to perform the functions and duties of the vacant office temporarily in an acting capacity, subject to the time limitations of section 3346, if—
employee served in a position in such agency for not less than 90 days; and
position described under subparagraph (A) is equal to or greater than the minimum rate of pay payable for a position at GS–15 of the General Schedule.

5 U.S. Code § 3345 - Acting officer
From Harvard when the agency was created-

Thus, when the President exer- cises his appointment power every five years, it will have a more powerful impact on the shape of the Bureau than if the Bureau had a multimember board

Thus the executive branch has control over the appointment of its director. When the director resigned, it then became under the President s authority to appoint a new director, acting or not. The director, if absent for short periods of time, could relegate his duties to someone to act in his behalf- not due to resignation.

That is a question for the courts to answer, and I don't think you should be so confident that they'll see it that way.

There's no question that Trump has the power to appoint the director - with confirmation by the Senate, of course - but the question of who becomes acting director in the interim is not so clear.

You're reading that law wrong - and it's also irrelevant, since the statute creating CFPB itself includes language determining the succession of temporary directors.

12 U.S. Code § 5491 - Establishment of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection

See (b)(5).

Get the fuck out, bitch!!! Court Rules with POTUS TRUMP – Tells Far Left Hack to Clear Contents of Her Office into Box and Evacuate the Premises

Court Rules with POTUS TRUMP – Tells Far Left Hack to Clear Contents of Her Office into Box and Evacuate the Premises
by Jim Hoft 176 Comments

Recent Trump appointee ruled today in favor of President Trump and rejected a lawsuit from an official who claims that she, and not President Trump appointee Mick Mulvaney, is the rightful director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Judge Timothy Kelly of the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia refused to grant Leandra English a restraining order to bar Mulvaney from serving as the CFPB’s acting director.

English, a committed leftist, sued the Trump administration to lead the far left CFPB bureaucracy. She did not realize Donald Trump won the election in 2016.

Judge Kelly had a different opinion.

The CFPB is nothing more than a money laundering scheme to rob banks of cash and turn it over to leftist groups like Planned-Parenthood.
100% Dem Controlled and is nothing but a warehouse for corrupt liberals.

The Left still continues to wage their soft coup against America and this administration....despite being able to accomplish nothing but obstructionism.
Actually, he cannot fire her. She is not a political appointee, she is a federal employee and cannot be given "the boot" just because of her political affiliation.

He will give her the boot toot-suite. She opposed and interfered with his legitimate authority. Watch and learn.
And we all know, Not to love the Furher is a grave mistake, so we heil,(raspberry), heil(raspberry), right in der Fuhrer's face..

She's a full blown Leftist. Why should those diametrically opposed to the Constitution be permitted to hold office?

Clear them out.

One cannot be fired for their party affiliation.

She will not be fired for that.
She should be.
He will give her the boot toot-suite. She opposed and interfered with his legitimate authority. Watch and learn.
And we all know, Not to love the Furher is a grave mistake, so we heil,(raspberry), heil(raspberry), right in der Fuhrer's face..

She's a full blown Leftist. Why should those diametrically opposed to the Constitution be permitted to hold office?

Clear them out.

One cannot be fired for their party affiliation.

She will not be fired for that.
She should be.

Under current circumstances, I must agree. A relatively short time ago, she would have never had that job.

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