Enough is enough - use RICO to restore science respect.

There is only one way for science to regain respect.

They must be open and honest.
They must make all data public.
They must show their work (math, methods, Etc)
They must be transparent and be OPEN TO PUBLIC DEBATE..
They must remember the key roll of the scientific method is to disprove the hypothesis by systematically ruling out all possibilities.
They must remain skeptical of all findings.

The science is NOT SETTLED..

The SCIENCE IS NOT CLEAR because the science has been politicized and is being used for a world domination agenda.

The word "CONSENSUS" is political and not scientific.

Threatening those, who do not agree with your religion, with prison or death is not even funny, we might mistake you for a radical Muslim extremist..

Just as the science on gravity is not settled; and yet, we are still stuck to the ground. Some things are obvious.

Man Made Global Warming is fiction. What is obvious, you do not like empirical facts and evidence..

So post up the work which shows what a 120ppm rise in atmospheric CO2 has done to temp. Be sure to show how you came to that conclusion. Data, Math, Methods used to rule out all other sources, etc.. Remember that models are fantasy constructs when you dont know what the mathematical equations really are.. Fudging it is unethical.. I dont accept the IPCC allowed fudging and fantasy used to promote an agenda.
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They [IPCC] are a political organization bent on socialism and world governance.

If that means they are for truth, justice, equal rights, and furthering the common good, I am all for it!

Finally! You admit your a watermelon... Green on the outside and Communist/Socialism agenda on the inside.. The ends justify the means and any lies that must be told to get there...

You admit that this is a ploy to forward your socialist agenda.. Your ilk are more dangerous than radical Islamist. At least with radical Islamist's we know who the enemy is, you come from within and are thus more dangerous to everyone.
Man Made Global Warming is fiction. What is obvious, you do not like empirical facts and evidence..

So post up the work which shows what a 120ppm rise in atmospheric CO2 has done to temp. Be sure to show how you came to that conclusion. Data, Math, Methods used to rule out all other sources, etc.. Remember that models are fantasy constructs when you dont know what the mathematical equations really are.. Fudging it is unethical.. I dont accept the IPCC allowed fudging and fantasy used to promote an agenda.


Summary Information | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Man Made Global Warming is fiction. What is obvious, you do not like empirical facts and evidence..

So post up the work which shows what a 120ppm rise in atmospheric CO2 has done to temp. Be sure to show how you came to that conclusion. Data, Math, Methods used to rule out all other sources, etc.. Remember that models are fantasy constructs when you dont know what the mathematical equations really are.. Fudging it is unethical.. I dont accept the IPCC allowed fudging and fantasy used to promote an agenda.


Summary Information | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

NECI formerly NCDC was wrong and remains wrong.. They changed their name because they were so wrong, so many times, no one trusts them.. That fact remains. In our lab all data from NOAA or NECI must be cross referenced with a neutral source to confirm the data's integrity. ETA: Before the data is used for any purpose..
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Wrong. It's the truth. You can't handle the truth.

LOL@ Truth

All of a sudden in AR5 you have to add in "Warming" that been consumed by the deep oceans just to make your numbers work

Do you think oceans can't absorb heat? Do you understand basic chemistry and physics, energy budget, etc? Do you understand any science whatsoever?

Fact remains ... this year is smashing all record books.

Global warming is real. Feel free to remain ignorant for god only knows what reason.

No, the facts are the "record" temps are five times lower than the instruments can measure. Do you not understand simple math? The claim is the record has been broken by . 038 C. The problem of course is that NOAA admits their instruments are only accurate to within .1 degree C. Do you see the problem there? I'll make it easy for you....I can make the claim that the temps DROPPED by .038 degree and be just as accurate.

Apparently, you are having fun making things up.

Actually, Westwall is grounded in empirical evidence, you however, are not..

Summary Information | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
IPCC Fifth Assessment Synthesis Report
LOL@ Truth

All of a sudden in AR5 you have to add in "Warming" that been consumed by the deep oceans just to make your numbers work

Do you think oceans can't absorb heat? Do you understand basic chemistry and physics, energy budget, etc? Do you understand any science whatsoever?

Fact remains ... this year is smashing all record books.

Global warming is real. Feel free to remain ignorant for god only knows what reason.

No, the facts are the "record" temps are five times lower than the instruments can measure. Do you not understand simple math? The claim is the record has been broken by . 038 C. The problem of course is that NOAA admits their instruments are only accurate to within .1 degree C. Do you see the problem there? I'll make it easy for you....I can make the claim that the temps DROPPED by .038 degree and be just as accurate.

Apparently, you are having fun making things up.

Actually, Westwall is grounded in empirical evidence, you however, are not..

Summary Information | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
IPCC Fifth Assessment Synthesis Report

Posting an appeal to your authority over and over again doesn't prove anything... It doesn't give it more credibility, and it doesn't negate the fact that the models on which they base their advice fail 100% of the time and have no predictive power..

You watermelons are all the same... any lie will do and you repeat them incessantly...
Where did I lie? I quoted experts who know far more than I do. I know you claim "they are lying". But you need to prove that. You are disagreeing with thousands of experts!

You keep posting encyclicals from your church. They are experts in reciting the dogma and scripture of your silly little cult. They are not expert in the presentation of fact.
This is the root of envirowackoism... Otmar Edenhoffer let the cat out of the bag some time ago..

(EDENHOFER): First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.

According to the Media Research Center, Edenhofer was “co-chair of the IPCC’s Working Group III, and was a lead author of the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report released in 2007 which controversially concluded, ‘Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations.’”

Its never been about the earths climate, it has always been about control of people.


ETA: If you control Oil, gas and coal you control how a people can feed themselves, move about, and live without government intervention and intrusion. By making these inaccessible or to expensive you place chains on the people limiting their abilities to support themselves, be self sufficient and live without the need of large government.. Socialists think this is unfair, but poverty and death is all socialism brings.. History is not kind to the failed socialism experiment, that is why James Town, once given to the colonists as their own thrived, where they would have surly died. Americas took that lesson and thrived. Now some want to place us back into that bondage... No thank you!
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Wasn't there a headline or two in the last week or so warning of a coming mini ice age?

And that's good because the climate change kooks have been one ice age down since they warned one was on the way 35-40 years ago.
My, my, another ignorant ass repeating that bullshit. No, most of the papers in scientific journals, even in the '70's, stated that they believed the danger was from warming because of GHG's. No, there may have been headlines in the Weekly Globe and trash of that ilk, but not in scientific papers.

Then why didn't it make the main stream news?

You are full of shit
Yes, meet OR.
Wasn't there a headline or two in the last week or so warning of a coming mini ice age?

And that's good because the climate change kooks have been one ice age down since they warned one was on the way 35-40 years ago.
Misinformation is rampant. That is why we need to clean up all the garbage disguised as facts. Those who create fake facts should be held accountable. Global warming is affecting the climate, so what does lying get you? So far the warming oceans are having a huge impact on the weather.
I completely agree, can you show us your evidence on how brutal 20 PPM of CO2 is? Please post up those test results that show the devastation that is possible with 20 PPM of extra CO2 in the atmosphere. Let's see it? Me as a skeptic have been waiting two years now.
So now you want to criminalize dissent? How very freedom minded of you.
That's not dissent. That's lying to the mass public - the worst kind of lying.
How about when Obama won lie of the year by saying. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ? was that a good kind of lying to the mass public or the worst kind?
so we can prosecute Obama under RICO? I'm all for that. they want to prosecute people just to get Science RESPECT? holy smokes. that is some scary stuff and we might have to start asking what country as we now living in

First let me say I am not and never was a big Obama fan. When he hired Wall Street bankers for his Administration, I knew I was right.

I wanted Medicare for all!

However, keeping your health care plan was the original intent. It turned out some of those plans were terrible plans, therefore had to be discontinued.
no they didn't, obubbacare could have been defunked and the 75% of americans could have kept their plans instead of trying to change things for 10%. But facts aren't your strong suit as represented in your OP. Clueless is you.
So now you want to criminalize dissent? How very freedom minded of you.
That's not dissent. That's lying to the mass public - the worst kind of lying.
How about when Obama won lie of the year by saying. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ? was that a good kind of lying to the mass public or the worst kind?
so we can prosecute Obama under RICO? I'm all for that. they want to prosecute people just to get Science RESPECT? holy smokes. that is some scary stuff and we might have to start asking what country as we now living in

First let me say I am not and never was a big Obama fan. When he hired Wall Street bankers for his Administration, I knew I was right.

I wanted Medicare for all!

However, keeping your health care plan was the original intent. It turned out some of those plans were terrible plans, therefore had to be discontinued.

Terrible by who's definition?
Yours? The government?

Bet you are like Nancy you piece of shit " they don't know what's good for them We know what's good for them"

I hate nanny state , control freak cock suckers like you.

Stay the fuck out of my personal business Jack ass.

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