Enough is enough - use RICO to restore science respect.

When people are not informed, or falsely informed, they develop incorrect beliefs. Don't form your beliefs on propaganda. :dig:

The real irony is you actually do form your opinion from conservative propaganda and are too ignorant to admit it.
and yours through liberal propaganda, so what's your argument. They are opposite opinions, why are you afraid of mine/ ours?
Nice false assumption.
I don't fear your opinion however I do fear the consequences of inaction .
Even if climate change was a hoax our waste and pollution will if not acted upon will kill us just surely as climate change would.

Inaction for what? Your localized dry pattern or the fact liberals stopped water planning and threw the money away..?
The real irony is you actually do form your opinion from conservative propaganda and are too ignorant to admit it.
and yours through liberal propaganda, so what's your argument. They are opposite opinions, why are you afraid of mine/ ours?
Nice false assumption.
I don't fear your opinion however I do fear the consequences of inaction .
Even if climate change was a hoax our waste and pollution will if not acted upon will kill us just surely as climate change would.
Based on what? See you all put out these one liners like you have all of this data. And yet, when queried for the data, you ain't got it. SO produce your fear mongering data and let's see how damaging it is.
So you are more worried about keeping the herd calm then the consequences of doing nothing?
Consequences for what?
That line will be a hit when you are in the water ration line.

Or in the bail out line for rain. Or, the blanket line for snow. Or the storm warning line for storms that don't happen. Oh. Lack of storms is climate change.

It's a hoax. Anyone can see that.
with all the rubbing alcohol you consume it's obvious you say that.
says the man drinking kool-aid every day

Since he has no evidence that supports his envirowacko claim.
I don't? Come to California and see for yourself .
You seem like like a cherry flavor kool-aid guy or is it the new denier dingle berry flavor?
what's in California?
Remember when I said you can't be that ignorant?
You've just proven me wrong!
When people are not informed, or falsely informed, they develop incorrect beliefs. Don't form your beliefs on propaganda. :dig:

The real irony is you actually do form your opinion from conservative propaganda and are too ignorant to admit it.
and yours through liberal propaganda, so what's your argument. They are opposite opinions, why are you afraid of mine/ ours?
Nice false assumption.
I don't fear your opinion however I do fear the consequences of inaction .
Even if climate change was a hoax our waste and pollution will if not acted upon will kill us just surely as climate change would.

Inaction for what? Your localized dry pattern or the fact liberals stopped water planning and threw the money away..?
The real irony is you actually do form your opinion from conservative propaganda and are too ignorant to admit it.
and yours through liberal propaganda, so what's your argument. They are opposite opinions, why are you afraid of mine/ ours?
Nice false assumption.
I don't fear your opinion however I do fear the consequences of inaction .
Even if climate change was a hoax our waste and pollution will if not acted upon will kill us just surely as climate change would.
Based on what? See you all put out these one liners like you have all of this data. And yet, when queried for the data, you ain't got it. SO produce your fear mongering data and let's see how damaging it is.
So you are more worried about keeping the herd calm then the consequences of doing nothing?
Consequences for what?
Doing nothing .
The real irony is you actually do form your opinion from conservative propaganda and are too ignorant to admit it.
and yours through liberal propaganda, so what's your argument. They are opposite opinions, why are you afraid of mine/ ours?
Nice false assumption.
I don't fear your opinion however I do fear the consequences of inaction .
Even if climate change was a hoax our waste and pollution will if not acted upon will kill us just surely as climate change would.

Inaction for what? Your localized dry pattern or the fact liberals stopped water planning and threw the money away..?

What are you blathering about? Provide some verifiable facts. The Paleo record is quite clear, most of Cali is in desert or is an arid region. Dry spells last upwards of 200 years with occasional wet spells of about 30 years..
The real irony is you actually do form your opinion from conservative propaganda and are too ignorant to admit it.
and yours through liberal propaganda, so what's your argument. They are opposite opinions, why are you afraid of mine/ ours?
Nice false assumption.
I don't fear your opinion however I do fear the consequences of inaction .
Even if climate change was a hoax our waste and pollution will if not acted upon will kill us just surely as climate change would.
Based on what? See you all put out these one liners like you have all of this data. And yet, when queried for the data, you ain't got it. SO produce your fear mongering data and let's see how damaging it is.
So you are more worried about keeping the herd calm then the consequences of doing nothing?
doing nothing? what does that mean. What is it you're doing? Me I'm working, taking care of my family. What are my consequences? I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about.
and yours through liberal propaganda, so what's your argument. They are opposite opinions, why are you afraid of mine/ ours?
Nice false assumption.
I don't fear your opinion however I do fear the consequences of inaction .
Even if climate change was a hoax our waste and pollution will if not acted upon will kill us just surely as climate change would.
Based on what? See you all put out these one liners like you have all of this data. And yet, when queried for the data, you ain't got it. SO produce your fear mongering data and let's see how damaging it is.
So you are more worried about keeping the herd calm then the consequences of doing nothing?
Consequences for what?
Doing nothing .
To correct what ?
Once again liberals prove they love censorship and hate the 1st amendment

Well let's see... there's this jackass on USMB that is demanding that the Federal Government abuse its authority to silence those laughing at the Chicken Little Cult.

So there's THAT.

Another example would be the recent IRS attempt to silence the Tea Party, through the abuse of its power. Which it appears, may well end up getting the IRS commissioner impeached, but that's yet to be seen.

So there's that too... .

I suppose ya could add in the incessant abuse of reason and the english language, wherein the Left trots out little word bombs designed to silence opposition to it's culture killing lunacy; words such as: homophobe, racist, HATE!, BIGOT, etc, etc... .
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Or in the bail out line for rain. Or, the blanket line for snow. Or the storm warning line for storms that don't happen. Oh. Lack of storms is climate change.

It's a hoax. Anyone can see that.
with all the rubbing alcohol you consume it's obvious you say that.
says the man drinking kool-aid every day

Since he has no evidence that supports his envirowacko claim.
I don't? Come to California and see for yourself .
You seem like like a cherry flavor kool-aid guy or is it the new denier dingle berry flavor?
what's in California?
Remember when I said you can't be that ignorant?
You've just proven me wrong!
well dude, what is so special about climate and California. I'm sorry, I ain't no mind reader. What is your concern? Is it drought? So you're saying that 20 PPM of CO2 caused a drought? Is that what you're trying to say? Let me ask you, how long has California been having droughts? Do you even know that answer?

BTW, California was a desert way before 20 PPM of CO2 went up in the atmosphere. So I'm still lost at what it is you think I should know.
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with all the rubbing alcohol you consume it's obvious you say that.
says the man drinking kool-aid every day

Since he has no evidence that supports his envirowacko claim.
I don't? Come to California and see for yourself .
You seem like like a cherry flavor kool-aid guy or is it the new denier dingle berry flavor?
what's in California?
Remember when I said you can't be that ignorant?
You've just proven me wrong!
well dude, what is so special about climate and California. I'm sorry, I ain't no mind reader. What is your concern? Is it drought? So you're saying that 20 PPM of CO2 caused a drought? Is that what you're trying to say? Let me ask you, how long has California been having droughts? Do you even know that answer?
As has been repeatedly mentioned...


(For the Intellectually Less Fortunate, a desert is a dry, barren area of land, especially one covered with sand, that is characteristically void of, or found with little in the way of water resources, lightly covered in sparse vegetation.)


The only thing that ever made southern California significantly inhabitable was THE COLORADO RIVER, where Southern California has received most of its water for most of its modern existence. The population of SC is simply now considerably larger than that resource can sustain.
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says the man drinking kool-aid every day

Since he has no evidence that supports his envirowacko claim.
I don't? Come to California and see for yourself .
You seem like like a cherry flavor kool-aid guy or is it the new denier dingle berry flavor?
what's in California?
Remember when I said you can't be that ignorant?
You've just proven me wrong!
well dude, what is so special about climate and California. I'm sorry, I ain't no mind reader. What is your concern? Is it drought? So you're saying that 20 PPM of CO2 caused a drought? Is that what you're trying to say? Let me ask you, how long has California been having droughts? Do you even know that answer?
As has been repeatedly mentioned...


The only thing that made southern California inhabitable was THE COLORADO RIVER, where Southern California has received most of its water for most of its modern existence.

The Hover Dam was created to give water to that arid region and produce power. Liberals in California spent the money that was supposed to be for water systems to keep it habitable on other things. They threw it away on social programs and threw away their future..

I guess there is irony to the phrase; Stupid is, as stupid does...
The Hover Dam was created to give water to that arid region and produce power. Liberals in California spent the money that was supposed to be for water systems to keep it habitable on other things. They threw it away on social programs and threw away their future..

I guess there is irony to the phrase; Stupid is, as stupid does...

Yep... ya NAILED IT!
The real irony is you actually do form your opinion from conservative propaganda and are too ignorant to admit it.
and yours through liberal propaganda, so what's your argument. They are opposite opinions, why are you afraid of mine/ ours?
Nice false assumption.
I don't fear your opinion however I do fear the consequences of inaction .
Even if climate change was a hoax our waste and pollution will if not acted upon will kill us just surely as climate change would.
Based on what? See you all put out these one liners like you have all of this data. And yet, when queried for the data, you ain't got it. SO produce your fear mongering data and let's see how damaging it is.
So you are more worried about keeping the herd calm then the consequences of doing nothing?
doing nothing? what does that mean. What is it you're doing? Me I'm working, taking care of my family. What are my consequences? I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about.
that's all good.

The best climate cost estimates we have come from the private sector: industry-funded research centers like the American Petroleum Institute. Businesses and industry have both the most at stake and the most to gain from knowing precisely what will happen, given that their assets are exposed to unanticipated climate events. They need to forecast losses and put recovery plans in place.

For example, a report from the Carbon Disclosure Project reported on a survey of more than 2,000 companies and found that 44 percent of them had suffered a disruption in production from rainfall or drought and 31 percent had experienced higher production costs. A new report from the Partnership for Resilience and Environmental Preparedness provides detailed guidelines on how companies might assess the resilience of their supply chains to climate disruptions, and gives examples of how Levi Strauss and Starbucks have managed climate risks by helping their suppliers reduce water use in cotton or adapt coffee production to warmer temperatures.

Some of the most detailed data comes from global insurers. A case in point, the Thai floods of 2011 inundated the automobile and electronics manufacturing facilities that had been built on former rice paddies in the floodplain of the Chao Praya River, near Bangkok, and caused losses estimated at more than $45 billion, reducing Thai economic growth and seriously affecting the profits of companies such as Sony and Honda. Toyota reported losses of almost one quarter million automobiles and suspended production lines across Southeast Asia and North America. Because of the concentration of computer hard-disk manufacturing in the flooded industrial parks, prices of desk and laptop hard drives doubled worldwide. There were several studies comparing the flood's impacts on different sectors and companies.

The reinsurer Swiss Re advertises a proprietary web tool which maps environmental vulnerability to earthquakes, floods and climate events on its home page. Users can tailor their investigation down to their countries cities, infrastructure, and economic assets.

Even though corporations frequently withhold specific data on operations, strategy, and performance for reasons of competitive advantage, there are many businesses interested enough in climate risks to provide information to researchers and analysts skilled enough to undertake studies. More importantly, businesses belong to associations, which regularly conduct impact reviews of such topics as trade, regulatory change, and workforce development. By aggregating research findings across firms in an industry, this type of information is used to conduct strategic assessments of likely consequences of threats and opportunities.

What Are the Economic Consequences of Climate Change?
and yours through liberal propaganda, so what's your argument. They are opposite opinions, why are you afraid of mine/ ours?
Nice false assumption.
I don't fear your opinion however I do fear the consequences of inaction .
Even if climate change was a hoax our waste and pollution will if not acted upon will kill us just surely as climate change would.
Based on what? See you all put out these one liners like you have all of this data. And yet, when queried for the data, you ain't got it. SO produce your fear mongering data and let's see how damaging it is.
So you are more worried about keeping the herd calm then the consequences of doing nothing?
doing nothing? what does that mean. What is it you're doing? Me I'm working, taking care of my family. What are my consequences? I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about.
that's all good.

The best climate cost estimates we have come from the private sector: industry-funded research centers like the American Petroleum Institute. Businesses and industry have both the most at stake and the most to gain from knowing precisely what will happen, given that their assets are exposed to unanticipated climate events. They need to forecast losses and put recovery plans in place.

For example, a report from the Carbon Disclosure Project reported on a survey of more than 2,000 companies and found that 44 percent of them had suffered a disruption in production from rainfall or drought and 31 percent had experienced higher production costs. A new report from the Partnership for Resilience and Environmental Preparedness provides detailed guidelines on how companies might assess the resilience of their supply chains to climate disruptions, and gives examples of how Levi Strauss and Starbucks have managed climate risks by helping their suppliers reduce water use in cotton or adapt coffee production to warmer temperatures.

Some of the most detailed data comes from global insurers. A case in point, the Thai floods of 2011 inundated the automobile and electronics manufacturing facilities that had been built on former rice paddies in the floodplain of the Chao Praya River, near Bangkok, and caused losses estimated at more than $45 billion, reducing Thai economic growth and seriously affecting the profits of companies such as Sony and Honda. Toyota reported losses of almost one quarter million automobiles and suspended production lines across Southeast Asia and North America. Because of the concentration of computer hard-disk manufacturing in the flooded industrial parks, prices of desk and laptop hard drives doubled worldwide. There were several studies comparing the flood's impacts on different sectors and companies.

The reinsurer Swiss Re advertises a proprietary web tool which maps environmental vulnerability to earthquakes, floods and climate events on its home page. Users can tailor their investigation down to their countries cities, infrastructure, and economic assets.

Even though corporations frequently withhold specific data on operations, strategy, and performance for reasons of competitive advantage, there are many businesses interested enough in climate risks to provide information to researchers and analysts skilled enough to undertake studies. More importantly, businesses belong to associations, which regularly conduct impact reviews of such topics as trade, regulatory change, and workforce development. By aggregating research findings across firms in an industry, this type of information is used to conduct strategic assessments of likely consequences of threats and opportunities.

What Are the Economic Consequences of Climate Change?

Too Funny:

This report is a "what if" report. The problem is the model is broken and their "what if" is a crap shoot with 36 sided dice.. Its statistical relevance is no better than finding one piece of dog crap in a pile of it..

Its kind of telling that it does not address government meddling in free markets and the damage that is causing..
Nice false assumption.
I don't fear your opinion however I do fear the consequences of inaction .
Even if climate change was a hoax our waste and pollution will if not acted upon will kill us just surely as climate change would.
Based on what? See you all put out these one liners like you have all of this data. And yet, when queried for the data, you ain't got it. SO produce your fear mongering data and let's see how damaging it is.
So you are more worried about keeping the herd calm then the consequences of doing nothing?
doing nothing? what does that mean. What is it you're doing? Me I'm working, taking care of my family. What are my consequences? I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about.
that's all good.

The best climate cost estimates we have come from the private sector: industry-funded research centers like the American Petroleum Institute. Businesses and industry have both the most at stake and the most to gain from knowing precisely what will happen, given that their assets are exposed to unanticipated climate events. They need to forecast losses and put recovery plans in place.

For example, a report from the Carbon Disclosure Project reported on a survey of more than 2,000 companies and found that 44 percent of them had suffered a disruption in production from rainfall or drought and 31 percent had experienced higher production costs. A new report from the Partnership for Resilience and Environmental Preparedness provides detailed guidelines on how companies might assess the resilience of their supply chains to climate disruptions, and gives examples of how Levi Strauss and Starbucks have managed climate risks by helping their suppliers reduce water use in cotton or adapt coffee production to warmer temperatures.

Some of the most detailed data comes from global insurers. A case in point, the Thai floods of 2011 inundated the automobile and electronics manufacturing facilities that had been built on former rice paddies in the floodplain of the Chao Praya River, near Bangkok, and caused losses estimated at more than $45 billion, reducing Thai economic growth and seriously affecting the profits of companies such as Sony and Honda. Toyota reported losses of almost one quarter million automobiles and suspended production lines across Southeast Asia and North America. Because of the concentration of computer hard-disk manufacturing in the flooded industrial parks, prices of desk and laptop hard drives doubled worldwide. There were several studies comparing the flood's impacts on different sectors and companies.

The reinsurer Swiss Re advertises a proprietary web tool which maps environmental vulnerability to earthquakes, floods and climate events on its home page. Users can tailor their investigation down to their countries cities, infrastructure, and economic assets.

Even though corporations frequently withhold specific data on operations, strategy, and performance for reasons of competitive advantage, there are many businesses interested enough in climate risks to provide information to researchers and analysts skilled enough to undertake studies. More importantly, businesses belong to associations, which regularly conduct impact reviews of such topics as trade, regulatory change, and workforce development. By aggregating research findings across firms in an industry, this type of information is used to conduct strategic assessments of likely consequences of threats and opportunities.

What Are the Economic Consequences of Climate Change?

Too Funny:

This report is a "what if" report. The problem is the model is broken and their "what if" is a crap shoot with 36 sided dice.. Its statistical relevance is no better than finding one piece of dog crap in a pile of it..

Its kind of telling that it does not address government meddling in free markets and the damage that is causing..
wow nice false comparison
and yours through liberal propaganda, so what's your argument. They are opposite opinions, why are you afraid of mine/ ours?
Nice false assumption.
I don't fear your opinion however I do fear the consequences of inaction .
Even if climate change was a hoax our waste and pollution will if not acted upon will kill us just surely as climate change would.
Based on what? See you all put out these one liners like you have all of this data. And yet, when queried for the data, you ain't got it. SO produce your fear mongering data and let's see how damaging it is.
So you are more worried about keeping the herd calm then the consequences of doing nothing?
doing nothing? what does that mean. What is it you're doing? Me I'm working, taking care of my family. What are my consequences? I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about.
that's all good.

The best climate cost estimates we have come from the private sector: industry-funded research centers like the American Petroleum Institute. Businesses and industry have both the most at stake and the most to gain from knowing precisely what will happen, given that their assets are exposed to unanticipated climate events. They need to forecast losses and put recovery plans in place.

For example, a report from the Carbon Disclosure Project reported on a survey of more than 2,000 companies and found that 44 percent of them had suffered a disruption in production from rainfall or drought and 31 percent had experienced higher production costs. A new report from the Partnership for Resilience and Environmental Preparedness provides detailed guidelines on how companies might assess the resilience of their supply chains to climate disruptions, and gives examples of how Levi Strauss and Starbucks have managed climate risks by helping their suppliers reduce water use in cotton or adapt coffee production to warmer temperatures.

Some of the most detailed data comes from global insurers. A case in point, the Thai floods of 2011 inundated the automobile and electronics manufacturing facilities that had been built on former rice paddies in the floodplain of the Chao Praya River, near Bangkok, and caused losses estimated at more than $45 billion, reducing Thai economic growth and seriously affecting the profits of companies such as Sony and Honda. Toyota reported losses of almost one quarter million automobiles and suspended production lines across Southeast Asia and North America. Because of the concentration of computer hard-disk manufacturing in the flooded industrial parks, prices of desk and laptop hard drives doubled worldwide. There were several studies comparing the flood's impacts on different sectors and companies.

The reinsurer Swiss Re advertises a proprietary web tool which maps environmental vulnerability to earthquakes, floods and climate events on its home page. Users can tailor their investigation down to their countries cities, infrastructure, and economic assets.

Even though corporations frequently withhold specific data on operations, strategy, and performance for reasons of competitive advantage, there are many businesses interested enough in climate risks to provide information to researchers and analysts skilled enough to undertake studies. More importantly, businesses belong to associations, which regularly conduct impact reviews of such topics as trade, regulatory change, and workforce development. By aggregating research findings across firms in an industry, this type of information is used to conduct strategic assessments of likely consequences of threats and opportunities.

What Are the Economic Consequences of Climate Change?

Worse still, beyond the statistical irrelevance is the damage done by excessive regulations and agenda driven damages.

You guys live and die by models and never look at empirical evidence. What is it with people and their fantasy land?

The models they are using for their analysis have all failed to predict anything. They are so wrong that its worse than being wrong.. to the point of absurdity.

ETA: one of the question they asked buisness owners was; Has your buisness been affected by weather related damages? Holy crap, how ambiguous can you get? If you answered yes, they claimed it was from climate change... This is one for the round file.. :bang3::bang3:
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Let me refute your bull shit with facts..

Legates Et Al...


Funny how Cook and Nuttercellie threw out all but 77 papers because they didn't say what they wanted.. Kind of like Mann throwing out 17 of his trees and keep just the one that appeared to prove him right... Never mind the majority that said his theory was bull shit. Most ethical scientists would have revisited their theroys..
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Myths vs. Facts: Denial of Petitions for Reconsideration of the Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act
Myth: The University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) emails prove that temperature data and trends were manipulated.

Fact: Not true. Petitioners say that emails disclosed from CRU provide evidence of a conspiracy to manipulate data. The media coverage after the emails were released was based on email statements quoted out of context and on unsubstantiated theories of conspiracy. The CRU emails do not show either that the science is flawed or that the scientific process has been compromised. EPA carefully reviewed the CRU emails and found no indication of improper data manipulation or misrepresentation of results.

Myth: The jury is still out on climate change and CRU emails undermine the credibility of climate change science overall.

Fact: Climate change is real and it is happening now. The U.S. Global Change Research Program, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have each independently concluded that warming of the climate system in recent decades is "unequivocal." This conclusion is not drawn from any one source of data but is based on multiple lines of evidence, including three worldwide temperature datasets showing nearly identical warming trends as well as numerous other independent indicators of global warming (e.g., rising sea levels, shrinking Arctic sea ice). Some people have "cherry-picked" a limited selection of CRU email statements to draw broad, unsubstantiated conclusions about the validity of all climate science.

Myth: The CRU emails and several errors found in the most recent IPCC report undermine the credibility of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report.

Fact: The IPCC's primary conclusions are based on an assessment of thousands of individual studies and collective insights from the comprehensive climate science literature. Although many errors were alleged, EPA confirmed only two errors. The small number of documented errors are not central to IPCC's main conclusions or to EPA's Endangerment Finding. In a report of such magnitude, a few errors do not undermine the credibility of the entire work of the IPCC. The process used by the IPCC stands as one of the most comprehensive, rigorous, and transparent ever conducted on a complex set of scientific issues.

Myth: EPA misstepped when it did not do its own scientific analysis of climate change to inform the Endangerment Finding and instead relied on existing scientific assessments.

Fact: EPA relied on major scientific assessments, including reports from the U.S. Global Change Research Program, National Academy of Sciences, and IPCC, because they represent the best available information to determine the state of climate change science. These assessments are designed to address the breadth and scope of all published literature and undergo multiple levels of rigorous review. This approach ensures that EPA benefits from the depth and strength of thousands of climate scientists.

Myths vs. Facts: Denial of Petitions for Reconsideration of the Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act | Climate Change | US EPA

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