Enough is Enough

You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
I does. Me oldest cousins brother uncle might be my daddy
You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
you must talk a lot of shit because you feel the need to wear a face diaper
Just being a good citizen my man. Not letting my ego be a nuisance to others.

It's common courtesy. I wear a mask, during a pandemic, for the same reasons I don't piss on the sidewalk or fart in a crowded elevator. Of course these sick motherfuckers probably do both of those things. You know, to show they're not afraid!
Yo wore a mask because you were told to do so
I wear a mask covering my chin that's all
Why do you wear a mask to cover your chin? The fact that you are anti mask yet you still wear one makes you more of a sheep than those who are actually wearing them out of concern for others dontchya think?!
Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.

I do not think you ever learned what this country is about. If you did you have forgotten.
Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness my man. Good I’ll America! Can’t have any of those things with the Rona killing half a million a year. Too bad we couldn’t unite in an effort to squash it. No no, always gotta have turds like you fighting against the greater good in place of your own personal needs
The greater good is people making their own decisions. You have made dissent a mortal sin.
The greater good is putting the safety of others over your own personal conveniences and not being a whining bitch about it
You mean doing what you are told.
Not at all what I meant. I challenge authority all the time. I just pick better battles than you a guess. Masks and a stolen election are two pretty ridiculous swords to fall on
yet if you thought biden won but the electors said he didn't you wouldn't say a thing???? lol
Of course not. Just as I didn’t say anything when Trump won in 2016. In fact I posted here that the Dems should be respectful, give him a chance, and set an example of how to be a good opposition party. They obviously did not do that.
You didn't say anything because it was a clear cut win
But if things happened like they did now during that President Trump win you would be up in arms
Bidens win was much more clear cut, he not only won by the same EC landslide as Trump but he also won the popular vote by millions which Trump failed to do
that's a lie so why try it?
You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
you must talk a lot of shit because you feel the need to wear a face diaper
Just being a good citizen my man. Not letting my ego be a nuisance to others.

It's common courtesy. I wear a mask, during a pandemic, for the same reasons I don't piss on the sidewalk or fart in a crowded elevator. Of course these sick motherfuckers probably do both of those things. You know, to show they're not afraid!
Yo wore a mask because you were told to do so
I wear a mask covering my chin that's all
Why do you wear a mask to cover your chin? The fact that you are anti mask yet you still wear one makes you more of a sheep than those who are actually wearing them out of concern for others dontchya think?!
Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.

I do not think you ever learned what this country is about. If you did you have forgotten.
Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness my man. Good I’ll America! Can’t have any of those things with the Rona killing half a million a year. Too bad we couldn’t unite in an effort to squash it. No no, always gotta have turds like you fighting against the greater good in place of your own personal needs
prove that the masks worked
No need. It’s just common sense that you obvious lack and don’t want to believe. So there is nothing that would convince you. Why would I wast my time?
What's common sense about something that doesn't work for it's intended purpose?
Basic physics. Particles in motion. Force, projection, friction, barriers. It doesn’t take a genius
You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
you must talk a lot of shit because you feel the need to wear a face diaper
Just being a good citizen my man. Not letting my ego be a nuisance to others.
nawh you're just a good little sheep shit talker that needs to wear a face diaper
Whatever you say bucko
plan simple fact it's a face diaper for shit talkers

If what you posted is true, you would be wearing a face diaper on your face, and one on your keyboard.
You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
you must talk a lot of shit because you feel the need to wear a face diaper
Just being a good citizen my man. Not letting my ego be a nuisance to others.

It's common courtesy. I wear a mask, during a pandemic, for the same reasons I don't piss on the sidewalk or fart in a crowded elevator. Of course these sick motherfuckers probably do both of those things. You know, to show they're not afraid!
Yo wore a mask because you were told to do so
I wear a mask covering my chin that's all
Why do you wear a mask to cover your chin? The fact that you are anti mask yet you still wear one makes you more of a sheep than those who are actually wearing them out of concern for others dontchya think?!
Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.

I do not think you ever learned what this country is about. If you did you have forgotten.
Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness my man. Good I’ll America! Can’t have any of those things with the Rona killing half a million a year. Too bad we couldn’t unite in an effort to squash it. No no, always gotta have turds like you fighting against the greater good in place of your own personal needs
The greater good is people making their own decisions. You have made dissent a mortal sin.
The greater good is putting the safety of others over your own personal conveniences and not being a whining bitch about it
those who would give up liberty for safety deserve neither
Those who whine like little bitches that wearing a mask during a pandemic is loss of liberty are exactly that... little bitches
but you wore your face diaper like a little bitch so you could catch the shit you spew
I thought you were the one wearing it on your chin. That’s a bitch move right there. Why wear it on your chin?
You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
you must talk a lot of shit because you feel the need to wear a face diaper
Just being a good citizen my man. Not letting my ego be a nuisance to others.
nawh you're just a good little sheep shit talker that needs to wear a face diaper
Whatever you say bucko
plan simple fact it's a face diaper for shit talkers

If what you posted is true, you would be wearing a face diaper on your face, and one on your keyboard.
I don't wear the mask o my face I wear it on the chin covering nothing but my chin
So nope idiot I don't wear a face diaper
Still waiting on you to prove that the masks people wear actually work for it's intended purpose.
You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
you must talk a lot of shit because you feel the need to wear a face diaper
Just being a good citizen my man. Not letting my ego be a nuisance to others.

It's common courtesy. I wear a mask, during a pandemic, for the same reasons I don't piss on the sidewalk or fart in a crowded elevator. Of course these sick motherfuckers probably do both of those things. You know, to show they're not afraid!
Yo wore a mask because you were told to do so
I wear a mask covering my chin that's all
Why do you wear a mask to cover your chin? The fact that you are anti mask yet you still wear one makes you more of a sheep than those who are actually wearing them out of concern for others dontchya think?!
Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.

I do not think you ever learned what this country is about. If you did you have forgotten.
Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness my man. Good I’ll America! Can’t have any of those things with the Rona killing half a million a year. Too bad we couldn’t unite in an effort to squash it. No no, always gotta have turds like you fighting against the greater good in place of your own personal needs
The greater good is people making their own decisions. You have made dissent a mortal sin.
The greater good is putting the safety of others over your own personal conveniences and not being a whining bitch about it
those who would give up liberty for safety deserve neither
Those who whine like little bitches that wearing a mask during a pandemic is loss of liberty are exactly that... little bitches
but you wore your face diaper like a little bitch so you could catch the shit you spew
I thought you were the one wearing it on your chin. That’s a bitch move right there. Why wear it on your chin?
nope shit talker you wear a mask to cover your mouth so your shit you spew can be caught
From the OP link:

Garner said the legislation would not affect the ability of private businesses to make their own rules about requiring masks inside their establishments. His main concern was preventing government overreach.
I agree with this. No shirt no service. Should be up to the business not the Gov't. Very fair, IMO.
Exactly. It's disturbing how many pretend libertarians and conservatives just don't get that principle.
You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
you must talk a lot of shit because you feel the need to wear a face diaper
Just being a good citizen my man. Not letting my ego be a nuisance to others.

It's common courtesy. I wear a mask, during a pandemic, for the same reasons I don't piss on the sidewalk or fart in a crowded elevator. Of course these sick motherfuckers probably do both of those things. You know, to show they're not afraid!
Yo wore a mask because you were told to do so
I wear a mask covering my chin that's all
Why do you wear a mask to cover your chin? The fact that you are anti mask yet you still wear one makes you more of a sheep than those who are actually wearing them out of concern for others dontchya think?!
Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.

I do not think you ever learned what this country is about. If you did you have forgotten.
Most businesses won’t let you enter without shoes too. Almost all won’t let you enter without clothes. Are these places anti liberty as well?
The voices they listen, or cave, to are anti-liberty.

You don't have a clue what actual liberty is.
Considering you do not either what are you trying to say?
You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
you must talk a lot of shit because you feel the need to wear a face diaper
Just being a good citizen my man. Not letting my ego be a nuisance to others.

It's common courtesy. I wear a mask, during a pandemic, for the same reasons I don't piss on the sidewalk or fart in a crowded elevator. Of course these sick motherfuckers probably do both of those things. You know, to show they're not afraid!
Yo wore a mask because you were told to do so
I wear a mask covering my chin that's all
Why do you wear a mask to cover your chin? The fact that you are anti mask yet you still wear one makes you more of a sheep than those who are actually wearing them out of concern for others dontchya think?!
Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.

I do not think you ever learned what this country is about. If you did you have forgotten.
Most businesses won’t let you enter without shoes too. Almost all won’t let you enter without clothes. Are these places anti liberty as well?
The voices they listen, or cave, to are anti-liberty.

You don't have a clue what actual liberty is.
Considering you do not either what are you trying to say?
Quit pretending you care about, or understand, liberty. You don't have a "right" to go into someone's business, with or without a mask. If they won't let you in, regardless of the reason, it's not violating your rights in any way.
You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
you must talk a lot of shit because you feel the need to wear a face diaper
Just being a good citizen my man. Not letting my ego be a nuisance to others.

It's common courtesy. I wear a mask, during a pandemic, for the same reasons I don't piss on the sidewalk or fart in a crowded elevator. Of course these sick motherfuckers probably do both of those things. You know, to show they're not afraid!
Yo wore a mask because you were told to do so
I wear a mask covering my chin that's all
Why do you wear a mask to cover your chin? The fact that you are anti mask yet you still wear one makes you more of a sheep than those who are actually wearing them out of concern for others dontchya think?!
Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.

I do not think you ever learned what this country is about. If you did you have forgotten.
Most businesses won’t let you enter without shoes too. Almost all won’t let you enter without clothes. Are these places anti liberty as well?
The voices they listen, or cave, to are anti-liberty.

You don't have a clue what actual liberty is.
Considering you do not either what are you trying to say?
Quit pretending you care about, or understand, liberty. You don't have a "right" to go into someone's business, with or without a mask. If they won't let you in, regardless of the reason, it's not violating your rights in any way.
So when did you start allowing non-medical people to dictate medical decisions for you?
It was the government who infringed on the rights of the property owner dictating that a person must wear a mask
You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
you must talk a lot of shit because you feel the need to wear a face diaper
Just being a good citizen my man. Not letting my ego be a nuisance to others.

It's common courtesy. I wear a mask, during a pandemic, for the same reasons I don't piss on the sidewalk or fart in a crowded elevator. Of course these sick motherfuckers probably do both of those things. You know, to show they're not afraid!
Yo wore a mask because you were told to do so
I wear a mask covering my chin that's all
Why do you wear a mask to cover your chin? The fact that you are anti mask yet you still wear one makes you more of a sheep than those who are actually wearing them out of concern for others dontchya think?!
Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.

I do not think you ever learned what this country is about. If you did you have forgotten.
Most businesses won’t let you enter without shoes too. Almost all won’t let you enter without clothes. Are these places anti liberty as well?
The voices they listen, or cave, to are anti-liberty.

You don't have a clue what actual liberty is.
Considering you do not either what are you trying to say?
Quit pretending you care about, or understand, liberty. You don't have a "right" to go into someone's business, with or without a mask. If they won't let you in, regardless of the reason, it's not violating your rights in any way.
I never said they were. It is the choice of the business. It is their right. You need to read what is posted not what you think is there.
Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.

I do not think you ever learned what this country is about. If you did you have forgotten.
Most businesses won’t let you enter without shoes too. Almost all won’t let you enter without clothes. Are these places anti liberty as well?
The voices they listen, or cave, to are anti-liberty.

You don't have a clue what actual liberty is.
Considering you do not either what are you trying to say?
Quit pretending you care about, or understand, liberty. You don't have a "right" to go into someone's business, with or without a mask. If they won't let you in, regardless of the reason, it's not violating your rights in any way.
So when did you start allowing non-medical people to dictate medical decisions for you?
There's no "dictating" going on if a business refuses to serve you.
It was the government who infringed on the rights of the property owner dictating that a person must wear a mask

We're talking about businesses refusing to serve people who won't wear masks. I was responding Lastamenders ridiculous claim:

Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.
You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
you must talk a lot of shit because you feel the need to wear a face diaper
Just being a good citizen my man. Not letting my ego be a nuisance to others.

It's common courtesy. I wear a mask, during a pandemic, for the same reasons I don't piss on the sidewalk or fart in a crowded elevator. Of course these sick motherfuckers probably do both of those things. You know, to show they're not afraid!
Yo wore a mask because you were told to do so
I wear a mask covering my chin that's all
Why do you wear a mask to cover your chin? The fact that you are anti mask yet you still wear one makes you more of a sheep than those who are actually wearing them out of concern for others dontchya think?!
Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.

I do not think you ever learned what this country is about. If you did you have forgotten.
Most businesses won’t let you enter without shoes too. Almost all won’t let you enter without clothes. Are these places anti liberty as well?
The voices they listen, or cave, to are anti-liberty.

You don't have a clue what actual liberty is.
Considering you do not either what are you trying to say?
Quit pretending you care about, or understand, liberty. You don't have a "right" to go into someone's business, with or without a mask. If they won't let you in, regardless of the reason, it's not violating your rights in any way.
I never said they were. It is the choice of the business. It is their right. You need to read what is posted not what you think is there.
the choice was flawed because if the business required the mask for health reasons they would require the proper mask that actually stops a virus. neck gators do not stop the virus
You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
you must talk a lot of shit because you feel the need to wear a face diaper
Just being a good citizen my man. Not letting my ego be a nuisance to others.

It's common courtesy. I wear a mask, during a pandemic, for the same reasons I don't piss on the sidewalk or fart in a crowded elevator. Of course these sick motherfuckers probably do both of those things. You know, to show they're not afraid!
Yo wore a mask because you were told to do so
I wear a mask covering my chin that's all
Why do you wear a mask to cover your chin? The fact that you are anti mask yet you still wear one makes you more of a sheep than those who are actually wearing them out of concern for others dontchya think?!
Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.

I do not think you ever learned what this country is about. If you did you have forgotten.
Most businesses won’t let you enter without shoes too. Almost all won’t let you enter without clothes. Are these places anti liberty as well?
The voices they listen, or cave, to are anti-liberty.

You don't have a clue what actual liberty is.
Considering you do not either what are you trying to say?
Quit pretending you care about, or understand, liberty. You don't have a "right" to go into someone's business, with or without a mask. If they won't let you in, regardless of the reason, it's not violating your rights in any way.
I never said they were. It is the choice of the business. It is their right. You need to read what is posted not what you think is there.
You claimed it was "intimidation" and suggested it violated individual liberty. If you're now walking that back, good. Maybe you've come to your senses.
Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.

I do not think you ever learned what this country is about. If you did you have forgotten.
Most businesses won’t let you enter without shoes too. Almost all won’t let you enter without clothes. Are these places anti liberty as well?
The voices they listen, or cave, to are anti-liberty.

You don't have a clue what actual liberty is.
Considering you do not either what are you trying to say?
Quit pretending you care about, or understand, liberty. You don't have a "right" to go into someone's business, with or without a mask. If they won't let you in, regardless of the reason, it's not violating your rights in any way.
So when did you start allowing non-medical people to dictate medical decisions for you?
There's no "dictating" going on if a business refuses to serve you.
It was the government who infringed on the rights of the property owner dictating that a person must wear a mask

We're talking businesses refusing to serve people who won't wear masks. I was responding Lastamenders ridiculous claim:

Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.
dodge away while you lie faker
on what grounds can they refuse you service?
It's a violation of civil liberties because the Supreme court has ruled businesses cannot refuse services
Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.

I do not think you ever learned what this country is about. If you did you have forgotten.
Most businesses won’t let you enter without shoes too. Almost all won’t let you enter without clothes. Are these places anti liberty as well?
The voices they listen, or cave, to are anti-liberty.

You don't have a clue what actual liberty is.
Considering you do not either what are you trying to say?
Quit pretending you care about, or understand, liberty. You don't have a "right" to go into someone's business, with or without a mask. If they won't let you in, regardless of the reason, it's not violating your rights in any way.
So when did you start allowing non-medical people to dictate medical decisions for you?
There's no "dictating" going on if a business refuses to serve you.
It was the government who infringed on the rights of the property owner dictating that a person must wear a mask

We're talking businesses refusing to serve people who won't wear masks. I was responding Lastamenders ridiculous claim:

Considering most business won't let you in without one, no. It is intimidation. Individual liberty is what this country was founded on.
dodge away while you lie faker
on what grounds can they refuse you service?
It's a violation of civil liberties because the Supreme court has ruled businesses cannot refuse services

The Supreme Court was wrong. Conservatives and libertarians understand this. Trumpsters do not.
From the OP link:

Garner said the legislation would not affect the ability of private businesses to make their own rules about requiring masks inside their establishments. His main concern was preventing government overreach.
I agree with this. No shirt no service. Should be up to the business not the Gov't. Very fair, IMO.
Exactly. It's disturbing how many pretend libertarians and conservatives just don't get that principle.
If you got something to say to me then say it. Your passive aggressive posts are weak sauce.

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