ENOUGH....Time for Gun Control....NOW

Guess you didn't follow the Columbine kids very closely. They were building bombs in their garages in Littleton, CO along with amassing firearms BOUGHT FOR THEM BY AN 18-YEAR OLD GIRLFRIEND.

Which was already illegal, yet it strangely happened :eusa_whistle:

Should an 18-year-old be able to buy guns? We won't let them drink.

That may be strange to you, but it's sheer idiotic laws passed by gun nuts with NRA backing to me.

An 18 year old is an adult and as such is entitled to all protections under the U.S. Constitution. If you don't like it, amend it.
All this proves is that "gun free zones" cost lives. Ban gun free zones now! For the children. We cannot afford more child deaths at the hands of gun free zones.

It would have been interesting to know what the shooters would have done had they known going in if a school police officer, or security guard was armed at the school.
You gotta believe when you know an area is a gun free zone, that it gives a shooter much more confidence entering the premises.

This I agree with. If you're going to call the cops when an active shooter comes into the school, doesn't it make sense to have armed security at the schools.

I think having teachers armed is stupid--they are not trained and guns in the classroom is going to cause more deaths than it prevents.

Having trained, well armed security makes all the sense in the world.

As pointed out, the guard becomes the first target of the shooter(s). It is ineffective. If you think having armed teachers is dangerous why is having armed guards any less dangerous? You dont just hand a teacher a weapon and say Have at it. You train them. And since they would have to volunteer they will be more enthusiastic about training than someone who's job is to be bored until he becomes the sacrificial victim. Not just teachers though. I would be interested to see the number of janitors, cooks, etc in schools who were in the military and had training. The whole point is no one should know who is armed.
Which was already illegal, yet it strangely happened :eusa_whistle:

Should an 18-year-old be able to buy guns? We won't let them drink.

That may be strange to you, but it's sheer idiotic laws passed by gun nuts with NRA backing to me.

What the age where you can volunteer for the Army?

I'll answer that if you think it's a good idea to let unsupervised 18-year-old civilian kids, not trained for defense or combat within a military structure, to buy guns and take them to school.
That shouldn't matter.

All children should be precious and protected.

Why don't RWs feel that way about children?

We do.. that's why we object to your fondness of ripping children form the womb for your convenience.

BUt it's OK if they get shot at school a few years later, because the Ammo-sexual's rights in this country matter more than the babies you purport to protect.


I don't think you know what hypocrite means. It's precisely because we want to protect the lives of our wives and children that we are in favor of having the means to protect ourselves.

Rather than empower people, you want to empower government and that won't fix societies problem. It will just make things worse.
Reports now say that the shooter is dead, killed by police. No other deaths reported so far. One teacher was shot, "grazed on the hip", that injury is not serious.

Early reports, such things often change later.
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We do.. that's why we object to your fondness of ripping children form the womb for your convenience.

BUt it's OK if they get shot at school a few years later, because the Ammo-sexual's rights in this country matter more than the babies you purport to protect.


Tell us again who the child is.

You just can't come up with a rational, logical counterpoint, can you?
Should an 18-year-old be able to buy guns? We won't let them drink.

That may be strange to you, but it's sheer idiotic laws passed by gun nuts with NRA backing to me.

What the age where you can volunteer for the Army?

I'll answer that if you think it's a good idea to let unsupervised 18-year-old civilian kids, not trained for defense or combat within a military structure, to buy guns and take them to school.

Taking guns to school is illegal. What part of that do you not get?
Active Shooter at Oregon High School

BREAKING: Reports of active shooter at high school near Portland | Q13 FOX News

PORTLAND — There were multiple reports of an active shooter around 8:30 a.m. at a high school in Troutdale, Oregon.

According to the Columbian Newspaper, area police requested assistance from Clark County Washington sheriff’s deputies at Reynolds High School in Troutdale, Ore. to respond to calls of a possible shooting.

Read more: BREAKING: Reports of active shooter at high school near Portland | Q13 FOX News

Sorry, children. It's time to make it harder to get your shiny, dangerous toys. Too many loonies out there. Every week now.

The "GOOD GUY WITH A GUN" at Walmart ended up in the hospital in Las Vegas. SO there goes that Wayne LaPierre bullshit myth.
Thank you for helping to prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Should an 18-year-old be able to buy guns? We won't let them drink.

That may be strange to you, but it's sheer idiotic laws passed by gun nuts with NRA backing to me.

What the age where you can volunteer for the Army?

I'll answer that if you think it's a good idea to let unsupervised 18-year-old civilian kids, not trained for defense or combat within a military structure, to buy guns and take them to school.

I think we should teach gun safety in school.

I went to high school in the South Bronx in the mid 70's so I'm a little tired of your Chicken Little Act that even making a hand gesture resembling a gun is dangerous
Who cares?

It is a small price to pay for a second ammendment. Suck it up.....there will be another one in a week or so

Violent crime has been going down NOT up,there are no more shooting cases then in the past,but then you know that,just doesn't fit your narrative.

Get the 2nd changed,instead of blubbering like a school girl.
BUt it's OK if they get shot at school a few years later, because the Ammo-sexual's rights in this country matter more than the babies you purport to protect.


Tell us again who the child is.

You just can't come up with a rational, logical counterpoint, can you?

How can I make a rational, logical counterpoint to an irrational, illogical individual who behaves like a 12 year old?
I see Pee Party is still busy wetting himself...

The Left are like emotional little children. It takes some incident or other for them to demand that someone "do something." When pressed they throw out solutions. When pressed about the solutions and their effectiveness their response is to attack the questioners and claim they dont care about whatever it is. But they dont have solutions, only feelings.
I issue this challenge: present a sound argument for more gun control.

1: Define the additional gun control measures you seek
2: Show the necessity for these measures
3: Show that these measures will meet the need you described
4: Show that these measures do not infringe upon the rights of the law abiding
5: Do all of this without arguing from emotion, ignorance, dishonesty or any other logical fallacies.

Example of a failed argument
1: We need to ban the sale of assault weapons
2: These guns are far too dangerous for civilians to own
3: Banning assault weapons will prevent massacres like we saw in Newtown
4: No one needs an assault weapon to hunt

Failures of this argument:
2: There is no way to support this statement, given how few ‘assault weapons’, proportionately and absolutely, are used in crime, especially homicide
3: Banning the sale of ‘assault weapons’ does not remove existing ‘assault weapons’, and so cannot prevent another such shooting
4: The right to arms is protected by the constitution so that, when necessary, people will have access to the most effective means through which kill other people, not hunt. As such, any argument relating infringement to the capacity to hunt is meaningless.

Ok – have at it. Good luck!
When junkies start loading up 30 syringes into a magazine and going to school and shooting them into people from 30-60 feet; your asinine comparison may hold water. Until then STFU.

If someone wants to kill themselves with heroin that's their choice. They go shoot up a school full of kids, then it's OUR problem.

There's no correlation between crime rates and drug use, either. New York as an example: Soaring use of heroin but the crime rate hasn't been this low since 1962.

NYC on track to be nation?s safest city | New York Post


So the crack fueled surge in crime never happened in the 80's? The 70's heroin crisis never happened?


I notice you NEVER post links to corroborate your claims. Why is that? Just curious.

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