ENOUGH....Time for Gun Control....NOW

These bitches will scream that their privacy is being invaded, all the while posting the latest intimate details of their lives on Facebook, or worse, posting photos of their GUNS on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

I bet a majority of them use Gmail instead of SSL encrypted email programs. Google OWNS your email as soon as you hit the send button. But these Ammo-sexuals fear an invasion of their privacy.

Tell us again who the child is.

That shouldn't matter.

All children should be precious and protected.

Why don't RWs feel that way about children?
Firearms can be manufactured in homes; "ban" firearms, await bombings.
So we're stooping to false equivalencies?

Has anyone's suicide ever directly caused another person's death or wounding, permanent physical maiming or hospitalization? You know.....like a bullet?

Gee, G, you disappoint me.

Its an example of the differences in culture that play far more of a role than the availability of firearms. Its something you cannot grasp because you are useless pus sucking troll asshole.

Logic escapes you. The Japanese know that if someone fires a bullet from a gun into someone else's body, that person may die. That's why they enacted strict gun laws. When it comes to murder, they seem to have a higher regard for innocent life than assholes like you have, don't they? That's not a cultural difference, that's plain common sense.

Who doesn't know this? I wonder if they also know if someone drives a car into another person that person may die? Or, if you jump of a twenty story building you may die? Or, if you stick your head in a turning airplane prop you may die?

Man, those Japanese are sooooooooooooooo smart.

Sorry, children. It's time to make it harder to get your shiny, dangerous toys. Too many loonies out there. Every week now.

It's a free country. You can keep wishing for that to happen, but it won't. And you referring to other people as children makes this the ironic post of the day.

The "GOOD GUY WITH A GUN" at Walmart ended up in the hospital in Las Vegas. SO there goes that Wayne LaPierre bullshit myth.

How so?

Guess you don't stay up on the news, or perhaps the Las Vegas shooting? The good guy with a gun was outgunned by the bad guy with a gun, little one.
All this proves is that "gun free zones" cost lives. Ban gun free zones now! For the children. We cannot afford more child deaths at the hands of gun free zones.

In Los Angeles, a kid sees a movie, reads a book, or plays a video game where violence is involved, gets up, goes to the local sporting goods store, buys a gun (or takes one his parents have) and uses it thinking the result will be just like the movie, book or video game.

In London, a kid sees the same movie, reads the same book or plays the same video game where violence is involved, gets up and goes out side totally unarmed because he cannot buy a gun and his parent's couldn't either without incredibly close scrutiny.

So why should that mean "I" can't get a gun? Or why "I" should have to wait, or only get a certain type of gun, or be made to pay ridiculous fees to just exercise my constitutional right?

Stop with the "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" crap, its getting old.

Not sure what you mean...I was jut totally debunking your asinine "it's culture" post.

As for your latest post, feel free to get as many guns as you can afford. Every licences should come with a hefty liability policy though...just in case your kid takes your gun to school and opens up on his class mates, yours discharges while cleaning and offs your neighbor, you forget to clear the chamber and the round inside is spent totally by accident, the weapon is dropped and discharges, it's stolen and someone else uses it, etc...

Society has a right to protect itself from paying for the mayhem caused by guns just as we protected ourselves from head injuries from motor cycles, seat belts, etc...

Nope. The imposition of insurance requirements would place an undue burden on my 2nd amendment rights. You seek to nullify the 2nd via pricing gun ownership out of the range of normal law abiding citizens. What will happen is gun grabber states would make the insurance requirements so high that they would be un-affordable.

So kindly go fuck off.
So still no clear explanation how passing laws keeping guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens helps stop violent people from massacring others.

You're not going to get one. It's an emotional argument, not a logical one, made by weak minded people like the OP
When junkies start loading up 30 syringes into a magazine and going to school and shooting them into people from 30-60 feet; your asinine comparison may hold water. Until then STFU.

Here's an idea.. go fuck yourself you semi-literate, mouth breathing basement dweller.


Love seeing RWs shot down so completely that all they can do is whine 3rd grade level insults.

Try answering the post ...

Its hilarious...especially when you consider the "basement dweller" crack from a man who lives in a city that is technically below sea level.

On the other hand, it's sad and unfortunate that 1/2 of the nation thinks that they still need weapons around them--not because of anecdotal evidence but because some guy who was around before the invention of street lights said you may want to surround yourself with weapons if you're in a militia. In any other society, they'd be committed as paranoid schizophrenics.
These bitches will scream that their privacy is being invaded, all the while posting the latest intimate details of their lives on Facebook, or worse, posting photos of their GUNS on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

I bet a majority of them use Gmail instead of SSL encrypted email programs. Google OWNS your email as soon as you hit the send button. But these Ammo-sexuals fear an invasion of their privacy.

Tell us again who the child is.

That shouldn't matter.

All children should be precious and protected.

Why don't RWs feel that way about children?

We do.. that's why we object to your fondness of ripping children from the womb for your convenience.
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"Never go to war.......especially with yourself."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38vd_j7e2HY]Lord of War - Nicolas Cage's Speech Intro and Outro - YouTube[/ame]
Firearms can be manufactured in homes; "ban" firearms, await bombings.

Guess you didn't follow the Columbine kids very closely. They were building bombs in their garages in Littleton, CO along with amassing firearms BOUGHT FOR THEM BY AN 18-YEAR OLD GIRLFRIEND.

And it's been 15 years and we haven't learned a fucking thing from what happened there.
Here's an idea.. go fuck yourself you semi-literate, mouth breathing basement dweller.


Love seeing RWs shot down so completely that all they can do is whine 3rd grade level insults.

Try answering the post ...

Its hilarious...especially when you consider the "basement dweller" crack from a man who lives in a city that is technically below sea level.

On the other hand, it's sad and unfortunate that 1/2 of the nation thinks that they still need weapons around them--not because of anecdotal evidence but because some guy who was around before the invention of street lights said you may want to surround yourself with weapons if you're in a militia. In any other society, they'd be committed as paranoid schizophrenics.

Then kindly move to any other society.
Sorry, children. It's time to make it harder to get your shiny, dangerous toys. Too many loonies out there. Every week now.

It's a free country. You can keep wishing for that to happen, but it won't. And you referring to other people as children makes this the ironic post of the day.

The "GOOD GUY WITH A GUN" at Walmart ended up in the hospital in Las Vegas. SO there goes that Wayne LaPierre bullshit myth.

How so?

Guess you don't stay up on the news, or perhaps the Las Vegas shooting? The good guy with a gun was outgunned by the bad guy with a gun, little one.

I'm quite aware of what happened. I do live in Las Vegas, you know. Now please explain how this incident proves that the "Wayne LaPierre bullshit" is a myth.
All this proves is that "gun free zones" cost lives. Ban gun free zones now! For the children. We cannot afford more child deaths at the hands of gun free zones.

It would have been interesting to know what the shooters would have done had they known going in if a school police officer, or security guard was armed at the school.
You gotta believe when you know an area is a gun free zone, that it gives a shooter much more confidence entering the premises.
Firearms can be manufactured in homes; "ban" firearms, await bombings.

Guess you didn't follow the Columbine kids very closely. They were building bombs in their garages in Littleton, CO along with amassing firearms BOUGHT FOR THEM BY AN 18-YEAR OLD GIRLFRIEND.

And it's been 15 years and we haven't learned a fucking thing from what happened there.

You certainly haven't. You're still pushing teh same failed solutions. Nothing the left wants in gun control will stop a single thing, except honest people from buying guns.
Tell us again who the child is.

That shouldn't matter.

All children should be precious and protected.

Why don't RWs feel that way about children?

We do.. that's why we object to your fondness of ripping children form the womb for your convenience.

BUt it's OK if they get shot at school a few years later, because the Ammo-sexual's rights in this country matter more than the babies you purport to protect.

All this proves is that "gun free zones" cost lives. Ban gun free zones now! For the children. We cannot afford more child deaths at the hands of gun free zones.

It would have been interesting to know what the shooters would have done had they known going in if a school police officer, or security guard was armed at the school.
You gotta believe when you know an area is a gun free zone, that it gives a shooter much more confidence entering the premises.

We dont have to guess. Columbine had a school police officer. He was the first casualty.

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