ENOUGH....Time for Gun Control....NOW

Still no explanation of how the additional laws demanded by the OP, would affect people who don't obey laws, such as these shooters and mass murderers.
If someone wants to kill themselves with heroin that's their choice. They go shoot up a school full of kids, then it's OUR problem.

There's no correlation between crime rates and drug use, either. New York as an example: Soaring use of heroin but the crime rate hasn't been this low since 1962.

NYC on track to be nation?s safest city | New York Post


So the crack fueled surge in crime never happened in the 80's? The 70's heroin crisis never happened?


I notice you NEVER post links to corroborate your claims. Why is that? Just curious.

Because what I post is accepted as valid by everyone except pea brained trolls such as yourself. Do i really have to link to the 80's Crack epidemic and the decay of NY during the heroin heyday of the 70's?
I see Pee Party is still busy wetting himself...

He's always busy wetting himself.

Still no explanation of how the additional laws demanded by the OP, would affect people who don't obey laws, such as these shooters and mass murderers.

Because he has no explanation. Because there is no explanation. Because for people like PeeParty it's about control, not guns.
I see Pee Party is still busy wetting himself...

The Left are like emotional little children. It takes some incident or other for them to demand that someone "do something." When pressed they throw out solutions. When pressed about the solutions and their effectiveness their response is to attack the questioners and claim they dont care about whatever it is. But they dont have solutions, only feelings.

Liberalism is an ideology based solely on emotion. Logic and facts aren't required.
there is a shooter, so let's make sure everyone is completely unarmed and at the mercy of the next shooter that comes along.

Seriously, why on earth do you think that makes any sense whatsoever?

really? Your thinking is referred to as myopic.

the japan lesson: Can america learn from the country that has almost zero gun deaths?
the japan lesson: Can america learn from the country that has almost zero gun deaths? - the washington post

the contrast between the united states and japan could not be starker. If the united states has the loosest gun laws in the developed world, then japan has the strictest. Most guns are illegal, with onerous restrictions on the few that are legal. Police also have far broader search-and-seizure powers. But the country also has a remarkably low rate of firearm deaths.

in 2008, when the united states experienced over 12,000 gun-related homicides, japan had only 11, or fewer than half as many killed friday in newtown, conn.""""""

can america learn to commit suicide just like the japanese do?

The xenophobic Japanese allows in very little immigration. Japan is for the Japanese. After the earthquake and tsunami, there was zero looting. None. It isn't the lack of guns that make the Japanese differences, it's that the Japanese are very different people.
I see Pee Party is still busy wetting himself...

He's always busy wetting himself.

Still no explanation of how the additional laws demanded by the OP, would affect people who don't obey laws, such as these shooters and mass murderers.

Because he has no explanation. Because there is no explanation. Because for people like PeeParty it's about control, not guns.

Obviously both of you are too lazy to do simple things, as I suggested in my previous post:

""Wrong, oh civic's test "whizzz". If you read any state's gun laws statutes, start with Connecticut and note the repetitive use of the phrase "with the exception of", you will understand why gun laws don't work.
The laws are heavily skewed towards exemptions which are imposed by outside influence to the point they are completely neutralized.""

Since you both are so very smart, I'm sure that after reading through at least 5-6 pages of individual state gun law statutes you will be able to come back here and report your findings, as I did after Sandy Hook.

BUT WAIT...both of you are incredibly lazy, so I'll give you the Cliff Notes: The laws are written to exclude and exempt all previous laws that preceded it, so that the law applies to virtually no one or nothing.
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It would have been interesting to know what the shooters would have done had they known going in if a school police officer, or security guard was armed at the school.
You gotta believe when you know an area is a gun free zone, that it gives a shooter much more confidence entering the premises.

This I agree with. If you're going to call the cops when an active shooter comes into the school, doesn't it make sense to have armed security at the schools.

I think having teachers armed is stupid--they are not trained and guns in the classroom is going to cause more deaths than it prevents.

Having trained, well armed security makes all the sense in the world.

As pointed out, the guard becomes the first target of the shooter(s). It is ineffective. If you think having armed teachers is dangerous why is having armed guards any less dangerous? You dont just hand a teacher a weapon and say Have at it. You train them. And since they would have to volunteer they will be more enthusiastic about training than someone who's job is to be bored until he becomes the sacrificial victim. Not just teachers though. I would be interested to see the number of janitors, cooks, etc in schools who were in the military and had training. The whole point is no one should know who is armed.

I don't see how you can make an across the board conclusion that armed guards are ineffective.
Look at the Seattle shooting, the shooter there was taken out by an armed (albeit pepper spray) guard.
B]Obviously both of you are too lazy to do simple things, as I suggested in my previous post:
B]"I]"Wrong, oh civic's test "whizzz". If you read any state's gun laws statutes, start with Connecticut and note the repetitive use of the phrase "with the exception of", you will understand why gun laws don't work.
The laws are heavily skewed towards exemptions which are imposed by outside influence to the point they are completely neutralized.""[/I]

Since you both are so very smart, I'm sure that after reading through at least 5-6 pages of individual state gun law statutes you will be able to come back here and report your findings, as I did after Sandy Hook. [/B]

Still no explanation of how the additional laws demanded by the OP, would affect people who don't obey laws, such as these shooters and mass murderers.

Nothing but the usual namecalling, plus an occasional "Look it up yourself".
He's always busy wetting himself.

Still no explanation of how the additional laws demanded by the OP, would affect people who don't obey laws, such as these shooters and mass murderers.

Because he has no explanation. Because there is no explanation. Because for people like PeeParty it's about control, not guns.

Obviously both of you are too lazy to do simple things, as I suggested in my previous post:

""Wrong, oh civic's test "whizzz". If you read any state's gun laws statutes, start with Connecticut and note the repetitive use of the phrase "with the exception of", you will understand why gun laws don't work.
The laws are heavily skewed towards exemptions which are imposed by outside influence to the point they are completely neutralized.""

Since you both are so very smart, I'm sure that after reading through at least 5-6 pages of individual state gun law statutes you will be able to come back here and report your findings, as I did after Sandy Hook.
Post 118 awaits your response.
really? Your thinking is referred to as myopic.

the japan lesson: Can america learn from the country that has almost zero gun deaths?
the japan lesson: Can america learn from the country that has almost zero gun deaths? - the washington post

the contrast between the united states and japan could not be starker. If the united states has the loosest gun laws in the developed world, then japan has the strictest. Most guns are illegal, with onerous restrictions on the few that are legal. Police also have far broader search-and-seizure powers. But the country also has a remarkably low rate of firearm deaths.

in 2008, when the united states experienced over 12,000 gun-related homicides, japan had only 11, or fewer than half as many killed friday in newtown, conn.""""""

can america learn to commit suicide just like the japanese do?

The xenophobic Japanese allows in very little immigration. Japan is for the Japanese. After the earthquake and tsunami, there was zero looting. None. It isn't the lack of guns that make the Japanese differences, it's that the Japanese are very different people.

Japan also does not allow Muslim immigration either. This is a policy the entire west should adopt.
Here's an idea.. go fuck yourself you semi-literate, mouth breathing basement dweller.


Love seeing RWs shot down so completely that all they can do is whine 3rd grade level insults.

Try answering the post ...

Its hilarious...especially when you consider the "basement dweller" crack from a man who lives in a city that is technically below sea level.

On the other hand, it's sad and unfortunate that 1/2 of the nation thinks that they still need weapons around them--not because of anecdotal evidence but because some guy who was around before the invention of street lights said you may want to surround yourself with weapons if you're in a militia. In any other society, they'd be committed as paranoid schizophrenics.

Agree. They're terrified to come out from under their beds without a gun clutched in their sweaty paws.

A child was killed this morning. A child left his home this morning and will never return and look what they have to say about killing kids.
He's always busy wetting himself.

Still no explanation of how the additional laws demanded by the OP, would affect people who don't obey laws, such as these shooters and mass murderers.

Because he has no explanation. Because there is no explanation. Because for people like PeeParty it's about control, not guns.

Obviously both of you are too lazy to do simple things, as I suggested in my previous post:

""Wrong, oh civic's test "whizzz". If you read any state's gun laws statutes, start with Connecticut and note the repetitive use of the phrase "with the exception of", you will understand why gun laws don't work.
The laws are heavily skewed towards exemptions which are imposed by outside influence to the point they are completely neutralized.""

Since you both are so very smart, I'm sure that after reading through at least 5-6 pages of individual state gun law statutes you will be able to come back here and report your findings, as I did after Sandy Hook.

BUT WAIT...both of you are incredibly lazy, so I'll give you the Cliff Notes: The laws are written to exclude and exempt all previous laws that preceded it, so that the law applies to virtually no one or nothing.

You know, you really shouldn't accuse people you want to research your points lazy. If you did your job and actually tried to prove your case, they wouldn't have to.

Please tell me how passing a law gets people who violate the law to obey it?
Love seeing RWs shot down so completely that all they can do is whine 3rd grade level insults.

Try answering the post ...

Its hilarious...especially when you consider the "basement dweller" crack from a man who lives in a city that is technically below sea level.

On the other hand, it's sad and unfortunate that 1/2 of the nation thinks that they still need weapons around them--not because of anecdotal evidence but because some guy who was around before the invention of street lights said you may want to surround yourself with weapons if you're in a militia. In any other society, they'd be committed as paranoid schizophrenics.

Agree. They're terrified to come out from under their beds without a gun clutched in their sweaty paws.

A child was killed this morning. A child left his home this morning and will never return and look what they have to say about killing kids.

You're argument might be more persuasive if we didn't know your feelings on killing the unborn.
If the nutters get their way, we will all be shooting at each other.

I don't know of anyone who has all the answer but does that mean we should do as the gun nuts want?

Why is it they want us to just roll over and give up?
They're terrified to come out from under their beds without a gun clutched in their sweaty paws.

Looks like none of the usual gun-haters are able to come up with any solutions. As usual.

Nothing but the usual insults, lies, and hysterical ranting.

BTW, was this shooting in a "Gun-free zone"?

Still no explanation of how the additional laws demanded by the OP, would affect people who don't obey laws, such as these shooters and mass murderers.
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So still no clear explanation how passing laws keeping guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens helps stop violent people from massacring others.
In mass shooting, it's usually a case of law abiding citizens who go off the deep end and massacre others. For gun control to work you must either identify the potential killers and deny them guns or deny guns to all. To do either would take very strong support from the public which is not there, at least not yet.
Its hilarious...especially when you consider the "basement dweller" crack from a man who lives in a city that is technically below sea level.

On the other hand, it's sad and unfortunate that 1/2 of the nation thinks that they still need weapons around them--not because of anecdotal evidence but because some guy who was around before the invention of street lights said you may want to surround yourself with weapons if you're in a militia. In any other society, they'd be committed as paranoid schizophrenics.

Agree. They're terrified to come out from under their beds without a gun clutched in their sweaty paws.

A child was killed this morning. A child left his home this morning and will never return and look what they have to say about killing kids.

You're argument might be more persuasive if we didn't know your feelings on killing the unborn.

You might get away with preaching you're a christian if you were in favor of protecting children.
really? Your thinking is referred to as myopic.

the japan lesson: Can america learn from the country that has almost zero gun deaths?
the japan lesson: Can america learn from the country that has almost zero gun deaths? - the washington post

the contrast between the united states and japan could not be starker. If the united states has the loosest gun laws in the developed world, then japan has the strictest. Most guns are illegal, with onerous restrictions on the few that are legal. Police also have far broader search-and-seizure powers. But the country also has a remarkably low rate of firearm deaths.

in 2008, when the united states experienced over 12,000 gun-related homicides, japan had only 11, or fewer than half as many killed friday in newtown, conn.""""""

can america learn to commit suicide just like the japanese do?

The xenophobic Japanese allows in very little immigration. Japan is for the Japanese. After the earthquake and tsunami, there was zero looting. None. It isn't the lack of guns that make the Japanese differences, it's that the Japanese are very different people.

Bahahahaha....You idiot. The area around Fukushima was RADIOACTIVE after the nuclear power plant melt down of three reactors, you stupid freak. No one in their right mind went up there. What was to loot?


LMAO...and MartyB thanks you for your STUPID post.

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