Enough with the anti white narrative

Is there ANY way we can force IM2 to watch that video?

That is one together and intelligent black man.
there are other rational, intelligent black people that the lib media refuses to show

someone mentioned Fox News as an outlet for intelligent i.e. conservative blavk people to speak up

and there are a couple of hosts on Fox who are conservative

but no ordinary people, who are the real backbone of this nation, whether black or white

speaking of Fox, Michelle Maulkin has a 45 minute video featuring 3 mature and reasonable black educators who strongly disagree with the BLM movement

that will never be shown on any of the Spoon Feed networks including Fox

if we want to see it we have to get off our butts and go find it

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Being black doesn't mean a Trump supporter isn't completely retarded
He does not sound retarded to me
Keep your expectations of left-wingers low. Ann Coulter pointed out in 2001, that left-wingers can never argue the facts, which is why universally all left-wingers automatically default to "You're stupid!". They call everyone.... absolutely everyone who disagrees stupid. They don't have anything else.

Ya think the brown and black kids wait for the teachers
Then wait for the second time they come on

Lefties ,women ,and the bureaucracy in charge of education for far to long
I blame the white ones
He sounds quite confused.
He does not sound confused to me

you want to dismiss his opinion out of hand because it does not enforce the hysterical BLM message of white racism holding black people down

he correctly puts the blame on black people themselves, which is where it belongs

why does that matter?

because until black people take responsibility for their own failure the will continue to make the same mistakes that keep them in poverty

thats a powerful message that the marxist crazies do not want America to hear

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