Enter the Age of Censorship, FCC circumvents Congress to classify internet as Public Utility

farting......I disagree with ALL your points

I am so overwhelmed by your gross stupidity that I don't even know where to start.


Then show us where in the FCC regulation passed yesterday grants the FCC more authority to 'censor' the internet that it already had before the net neutrality vote.

I strongly suggested that you go back to night school and take US History for a reason.

Thorough out our history the government started programs with noble purposes then slowly, when no one was watching , changed the program altogether

One such program was PAPER MONEY .as Legal Tender

In the Legal Tender Cases

110 U.S. 421 (1884)

The Corrupt scumbags ruled that PAPER MONEY WAS CONSTITUTIONAL SO LONG AS IT WAS REEDEMABLE FOR GOLD AND SILVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My question to you my ignorant opponent



The FCC regulates paper money? Or did you just plop down a great big red herring?

Can I take it from your utter rout from net neutrality that you don't know enough about the topic to discuss it intelligently.

noun: trend; plural noun: trends
a general direction in which something is developing or changing.
"an upward trend in sales and profit margins"
synonyms: tendency, movement, drift, swing, shift, course, current, direction, progression, inclination, leaning;More


Try "red herring".

Try intellectually challenged

Then show us where in the FCC regulation passed yesterday grants the FCC more authority to 'censor' the internet that it already had before the net neutrality vote.

I strongly suggested that you go back to night school and take US History for a reason.

Thorough out our history the government started programs with noble purposes then slowly, when no one was watching , changed the program altogether

One such program was PAPER MONEY .as Legal Tender

In the Legal Tender Cases

110 U.S. 421 (1884)

The Corrupt scumbags ruled that PAPER MONEY WAS CONSTITUTIONAL SO LONG AS IT WAS REEDEMABLE FOR GOLD AND SILVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My question to you my ignorant opponent



The FCC regulates paper money? Or did you just plop down a great big red herring?

Can I take it from your utter rout from net neutrality that you don't know enough about the topic to discuss it intelligently.

noun: trend; plural noun: trends
a general direction in which something is developing or changing.
"an upward trend in sales and profit margins"
synonyms: tendency, movement, drift, swing, shift, course, current, direction, progression, inclination, leaning;More


Try "red herring".

Try intellectually challenged


And you've been reduced to pointless personal insults after being run off the topic. When and if you'd ever like to return to a discussion of the FCC's new ruling on the internet or net neutrality, I'll be around.
I strongly suggested that you go back to night school and take US History for a reason.

Thorough out our history the government started programs with noble purposes then slowly, when no one was watching , changed the program altogether

One such program was PAPER MONEY .as Legal Tender

In the Legal Tender Cases

110 U.S. 421 (1884)

The Corrupt scumbags ruled that PAPER MONEY WAS CONSTITUTIONAL SO LONG AS IT WAS REEDEMABLE FOR GOLD AND SILVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My question to you my ignorant opponent



The FCC regulates paper money? Or did you just plop down a great big red herring?

Can I take it from your utter rout from net neutrality that you don't know enough about the topic to discuss it intelligently.

noun: trend; plural noun: trends
a general direction in which something is developing or changing.
"an upward trend in sales and profit margins"
synonyms: tendency, movement, drift, swing, shift, course, current, direction, progression, inclination, leaning;More


Try "red herring".

Try intellectually challenged


And you've been reduced to pointless personal insults after being run off the topic. When and if you'd ever like to return to a discussion of the FCC's new ruling on the internet or net neutrality, I'll be around.

When you sober up and admit that since the late 1800's the federal government has made , what initially appeared to be innocent extraconstituional inroads, only to later necessitate more intrusive and severe interventions, I will be around.

The FCC regulates paper money? Or did you just plop down a great big red herring?

Can I take it from your utter rout from net neutrality that you don't know enough about the topic to discuss it intelligently.

noun: trend; plural noun: trends
a general direction in which something is developing or changing.
"an upward trend in sales and profit margins"
synonyms: tendency, movement, drift, swing, shift, course, current, direction, progression, inclination, leaning;More


Try "red herring".

Try intellectually challenged


And you've been reduced to pointless personal insults after being run off the topic. When and if you'd ever like to return to a discussion of the FCC's new ruling on the internet or net neutrality, I'll be around.

When you sober up and admit that since the late 1800's the federal government has made , what initially appeared to be innocent extraconstituional inroads, only to later necessitate more intrusive and severe interventions, I will be around.


The FCC didn't make its decision on net neutrality in the late 1800s. It did so yesterday. You're clearly not willing to discuss the topic. Find me if you ever change your mind.
Is that right?


Independent agencies of the United States federal government are those agencies that exist outside of the federal executive departments (those headed by a Cabinet secretary). More specifically, the term may be used to describe agencies that, while constitutionally part of the executive branch, are independent of presidential control, usually because the president's power to dismiss the agency head or a member is limited.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. It licenses radio and television broadcast stations, assigns radio frequencies, and enforces regulations designed to ensure that cable rates are reasonable. The FCC regulates common carriers, such as telephone and telegraph companies, as well as wireless telecommunications service providers.

Welcome to reality.
300 pages of regulations, FCC refuses to talk about in front of congress? now why wouldnt they want to?

Why would they. The FCC works at the pleasure of the President.

Im confused then

Congress Authorizes FCC Incentive Auctions to Clear Part of Broadcast TV Spectrum for Wireless Broadband Users - The Details of the Legislation Broadcast Law Blog

In 2012 according to this article, it was Congress who passed legislation to authorize the FCC. So the Executive branch of the government can also pass legislation?
Im confused then

Congress Authorizes FCC Incentive Auctions to Clear Part of Broadcast TV Spectrum for Wireless Broadband Users - The Details of the Legislation Broadcast Law Blog

In 2012 according to this article, it was Congress who passed legislation to authorize the FCC. So the Executive branch of the government can also pass legislation?

The FCC can't make rules?

Im not an expert on these things at all, but if Congress felt there should be some explaining, it logicaly leads me to believe its not just a matter of FCC making routine rules. If its no big deal, FCC should address Congress. If its just some matter of making random rules, why does the President need to forcefully get behing it with his power? It seems a little bit more. maybe Congress was curious to what was inside 300 pages of rules that will most likely affect most Americans. The Same Americans Congress is suppossed to represent. Seems to me, Congress is just doing their job.

And your oppossed to that?
Im confused then

Congress Authorizes FCC Incentive Auctions to Clear Part of Broadcast TV Spectrum for Wireless Broadband Users - The Details of the Legislation Broadcast Law Blog

In 2012 according to this article, it was Congress who passed legislation to authorize the FCC. So the Executive branch of the government can also pass legislation?

The FCC can't make rules?
According to Uncensored2008 the FCC can repeal legislation.
It is very odd that liberals, who pride themselves on being against censorship and who use the Internet as much as others do, are just blindly backing the government takeover of the Internet. They don't want NSA merely checking the identity of the sender and recipient of e-mails and phone calls that are to/from overseas, but they don't mind if the government takes over the Internet. Very odd.

I really thought that on this one issue, given that it's about the Internet, that most liberals, or at least many liberals, would break ranks with Obama. But, so far, only a few liberals have done so. Most are still blindly supporting the takeover. I'm guessing that most of them don't know the details of the "Net Neutrality" regulations passed by the FCC. They're trusting that the White House talking points on the takeover are accurate.
Avoiding the We the People (via Congress) Obama's FCC classifies the internet as a public utility, a trojan horse for unrestrained censorship against "hate speech."

It passed just this hour in a 3-2 vote.

Good to know that chief lobbyist for the bill was appointed by Obama (and funded by George Soros) to lead the new regulations.
Right out of Josef Goebbels's playbook, you call free speech and net neutrality, censorship.
It is very odd that liberals, who pride themselves on being against censorship and who use the Internet as much as others do, are just blindly backing the government takeover of the Internet. They don't want NSA merely checking the identity of the sender and recipient of e-mails and phone calls that are to/from overseas, but they don't mind if the government takes over the Internet. Very odd.

Define 'taking over the internet'. What restrictions are you suggesting are going to be imposed? I've heard inane babble about 'censorship' and the government slowing down speeds. Met with the vacant stares and obsequiously nodding heads of fellow far right wing echo chamber chattel.

But when you ask them to back this bullshit up with say, the slightest bit of evidence, they've got exactly jack shit.

Very odd. Perhaps you can do better. Can you get specific? Or shall we just slip that manufactured outrage feed bag on?
Oh my God... are you going to play this? Did I say it DID have something to do with the FCC?

No, the OP did. That's the question he can't answer.

Now having to REPEAT myself, I SAID... "net neutrality is the ACA for the internet," MEANING, that now the government can REGULATE, HOW, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY... WHATEVER THEY WANT about the internet, JUST LIKE THE ACA CAN REGULATE HEALTH CARE, and if you think that they won't do it with PREJUDICE, then you need your head examined, brother. That's why I said "THINK."

FCC is not "da gubmint".
And it has never censored anything. So I'm still looking for the basis of this speculation.
OK... whatever... I never knew you you were dense, or such a leftist hack, sorry.

Enjoy your apathy.

That's seven.
Yup, seven times it has been explained to you and you played ignorant.

I'm simply asking where in any of this is any indication of "censorship"; where has the FCC ever censored anything; and how is FCC -- which is a creation of Congress itself -- "circumventing" Congress?

I got no answers. All I get is
. Doesn't impress me.

Big government types are not deep thinkers. They'll never admit government regulation of the Internet will lead to censorship. Power corrupts. IRS is an example; so is the ACA when you have tyrants like Obama in charge.
It's a public utility. It should be. People need it to compete. It isn't a luxury. In fact.....it ought to be free like Broadcast television.
. Do you prefer watching R-rated movies on cable stations or the broadcast networks?

Uh-oh! It's a tricky one! The answer is cable. Do you have a mind blowing point to make? Even if the internet could be censored for "obscene content" like broadcast television......I'd still be in favor of making it essentially free and widely accessible. The option to have it uncensored for a premium would exist. Just like cable television.

It is my contention that internet access is a necessity if one is to succeed in the current US economy. It should flow like clean fluoridated water in every home in this nation. Preferably wirelessly.

By the way.....the fact that broadcast television is censored is not the result of liberal policy being codified. Uptight religious nutbags get credit for that.

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