Enter the Age of Censorship, FCC circumvents Congress to classify internet as Public Utility

So what censorship is happening on the internet that wasn't happening before?

The FCC seized the authority to regulate the content of the Internet yesterday. Try to keep up.

And what censorship is there today that wasn't there last week?

The FCC seized the authority to regulate the content of the Internet yesterday. Try to keep up.

So no examples of actual censorship then.
You do not even know what you are fighting for,

Of course, if only I knew I would join you in fighting to end civil liberty in favor of dictatorship/

You must really like the fact that a hand-full of companies control everything that comes out of your TV screen.

It's a hell of a lot better than the FCC monopoly to AT&T that reigned while Title II of the 1934 telecom act was in force - EXACTLY what the Internet was just placed under.

Who do you think the FCC will designate as the sole ISP for the nation? Verizon? Comcast? We'll have to wait and see,

You're what, 14 or 15? You weren't born when these rules were last in place, but many of us were - we remember a government monopoly of telephones and the outrageous long distance charges. We remember only three stations on TV, because the FCC outlawed any competition using the authority of the 1934 act.

That is what you are fighting for on the internet where small start-ups do not have a chance in hell of becoming anything because the big guys have bought up all the artificially limited bandwidth and the cable company will become the gatekeeper of everything you can reasonably access on the net.

Don't be a moron, the FCC will designate a government monopoly as the only ISP. From 1934 to 1987 there was one phone company - AT&T based on the power the FCC just usurped over the internet. If this were to stand, within 2 years there would be only a single ISP. Thankfully, this will not stand.


And where is the FCC's new authority to 'censor content'?
^^^ liberal playbook page 1, deflect with a personal insult. Don't deflect, go ahead tell us who's going to pay the costs of net neutrality I'm sure we'll find your explanation fascinating.
What does neutrality cost now? You need to be reminded that this came about because service providers were seeking to change the internet to be more like cable tv. Any changes that come about because of this are nothing compared with what the cable companies had in store for us

You think government control is free lmao :laugh:

Prehaps not, but the government did not start this shit. If it turns out badly blame the cable companies for not leaving well enough alone.

You realize these are private companies investing their own money to bring a service to their customers, right.

I find it interesting how the left picks and chooses its enemies. There is over $1 trillion dollars of government backed student loan debt on the books, young people are being slaved out to debt before they even start their careers. Why isn't the left calling for regulation and price fixing on universities?
The government started the internet for the public good and built it on principals of free speech and equality. Is that so bad that it needs to be changed to something else that benefits only corporations and leaves us with a poorer, less vibrant internet?

Does it irk the left that corporations built the internet infrastructure with their own money and now charge a fee to utilize their property?
You realize its the poor and middle class who are going to pay for neutrality right, the left screws over the poor and middle class again shocker. /sarcasm

You realize you have no grasp whatsoever of this topic, right?

^^^ liberal playbook page 1, deflect with a personal insult. Don't deflect, go ahead tell us who's going to pay the costs of net neutrality I'm sure we'll find your explanation fascinating.

Purple asparagus.

My answer makes as much sense as your question.

Ah, more deflection. We get it, the left hates it when we point out how they repeatedly screw over the poor and middle class.
Pretty sure we could come up with a solution that didnt involve turning control of the internet over to the government.
How do you think this constitutes government control? This is no more control over the internet than the first amendment is control over speech.

You have way to much trust in the government.
You do not know a bad thing when it is staring you in the face. This is a pretty clear issue once you strip away all the scare tactics of what the government might do. As it stands internet freedom won the day. What might happen down the road is anyone's guess but do not despair, nothing that might harm the internet escapes the notice of the millions of nerds around the world who are VERY protective of it. If internet freedom is your worry then always side with them, they are happy with how this turned out.

No,I'm a realist. The government does nothing unless it benefits government.
There will be taxes and there will be regulations...it's only a matter of time.
Look at the mess the government makes of everything,SS,obamacare the IRS..and speaking of the IRS. Do you really trust a government that would use the IRS as weapon with this kind of control over the internet?
When you can point to a specific policy that makes the internet less accessible, more expensive or less free then I will give credence to your arguments. I do not share your fears because the internet resists government control like no other construct in human history. It's like trying to hold an eel, the harder you squeeze the slipperier it gets.

Yeah...just like SS use to be solvent. It always starts out benign but ends up terminal cancer.
You do not even know what you are fighting for,

Of course, if only I knew I would join you in fighting to end civil liberty in favor of dictatorship/

You must really like the fact that a hand-full of companies control everything that comes out of your TV screen.

It's a hell of a lot better than the FCC monopoly to AT&T that reigned while Title II of the 1934 telecom act was in force - EXACTLY what the Internet was just placed under.

Who do you think the FCC will designate as the sole ISP for the nation? Verizon? Comcast? We'll have to wait and see,

You're what, 14 or 15? You weren't born when these rules were last in place, but many of us were - we remember a government monopoly of telephones and the outrageous long distance charges. We remember only three stations on TV, because the FCC outlawed any competition using the authority of the 1934 act.

That is what you are fighting for on the internet where small start-ups do not have a chance in hell of becoming anything because the big guys have bought up all the artificially limited bandwidth and the cable company will become the gatekeeper of everything you can reasonably access on the net.

Don't be a moron, the FCC will designate a government monopoly as the only ISP. From 1934 to 1987 there was one phone company - AT&T based on the power the FCC just usurped over the internet. If this were to stand, within 2 years there would be only a single ISP. Thankfully, this will not stand.


And where is the FCC's new authority to 'censor content'?

The same authority they use to censor content in radio and television. Hasn't anyone learned from the "camel's nose under the tent" strategy that statists have been using for like EVAR?
You do not even know what you are fighting for,

Of course, if only I knew I would join you in fighting to end civil liberty in favor of dictatorship/

You must really like the fact that a hand-full of companies control everything that comes out of your TV screen.

It's a hell of a lot better than the FCC monopoly to AT&T that reigned while Title II of the 1934 telecom act was in force - EXACTLY what the Internet was just placed under.

Who do you think the FCC will designate as the sole ISP for the nation? Verizon? Comcast? We'll have to wait and see,

You're what, 14 or 15? You weren't born when these rules were last in place, but many of us were - we remember a government monopoly of telephones and the outrageous long distance charges. We remember only three stations on TV, because the FCC outlawed any competition using the authority of the 1934 act.

That is what you are fighting for on the internet where small start-ups do not have a chance in hell of becoming anything because the big guys have bought up all the artificially limited bandwidth and the cable company will become the gatekeeper of everything you can reasonably access on the net.

Don't be a moron, the FCC will designate a government monopoly as the only ISP. From 1934 to 1987 there was one phone company - AT&T based on the power the FCC just usurped over the internet. If this were to stand, within 2 years there would be only a single ISP. Thankfully, this will not stand.


And where is the FCC's new authority to 'censor content'?

The same authority they use to censor content in radio and television. Hasn't anyone learned from the "camel's nose under the tent" strategy that statists have been using for like EVAR?

Show us where in the FCC regulation passed yesterday that affirms net neutrality where the FCC claims any authority to regulate content in a manner they couldn't already do before the vote.
You do not even know what you are fighting for,

Of course, if only I knew I would join you in fighting to end civil liberty in favor of dictatorship/

You must really like the fact that a hand-full of companies control everything that comes out of your TV screen.

It's a hell of a lot better than the FCC monopoly to AT&T that reigned while Title II of the 1934 telecom act was in force - EXACTLY what the Internet was just placed under.

Who do you think the FCC will designate as the sole ISP for the nation? Verizon? Comcast? We'll have to wait and see,

You're what, 14 or 15? You weren't born when these rules were last in place, but many of us were - we remember a government monopoly of telephones and the outrageous long distance charges. We remember only three stations on TV, because the FCC outlawed any competition using the authority of the 1934 act.

That is what you are fighting for on the internet where small start-ups do not have a chance in hell of becoming anything because the big guys have bought up all the artificially limited bandwidth and the cable company will become the gatekeeper of everything you can reasonably access on the net.

Don't be a moron, the FCC will designate a government monopoly as the only ISP. From 1934 to 1987 there was one phone company - AT&T based on the power the FCC just usurped over the internet. If this were to stand, within 2 years there would be only a single ISP. Thankfully, this will not stand.


And where is the FCC's new authority to 'censor content'?

The same authority they use to censor content in radio and television. Hasn't anyone learned from the "camel's nose under the tent" strategy that statists have been using for like EVAR?

Show us where in the FCC regulation passed yesterday that affirms net neutrality where the FCC claims any authority to regulate content in a manner they couldn't already do before the vote.

They claim authority to regulate the Internet, period. Once you accept that little slight of hand, the rest is cake.

If I claim that I can regulate the road running by your home, and you accept that claim as fact, it's no problem for me to start restricting access, charging tolls, etc.
You do not even know what you are fighting for,

Of course, if only I knew I would join you in fighting to end civil liberty in favor of dictatorship/

You must really like the fact that a hand-full of companies control everything that comes out of your TV screen.

It's a hell of a lot better than the FCC monopoly to AT&T that reigned while Title II of the 1934 telecom act was in force - EXACTLY what the Internet was just placed under.

Who do you think the FCC will designate as the sole ISP for the nation? Verizon? Comcast? We'll have to wait and see,

You're what, 14 or 15? You weren't born when these rules were last in place, but many of us were - we remember a government monopoly of telephones and the outrageous long distance charges. We remember only three stations on TV, because the FCC outlawed any competition using the authority of the 1934 act.

That is what you are fighting for on the internet where small start-ups do not have a chance in hell of becoming anything because the big guys have bought up all the artificially limited bandwidth and the cable company will become the gatekeeper of everything you can reasonably access on the net.

Don't be a moron, the FCC will designate a government monopoly as the only ISP. From 1934 to 1987 there was one phone company - AT&T based on the power the FCC just usurped over the internet. If this were to stand, within 2 years there would be only a single ISP. Thankfully, this will not stand.


And where is the FCC's new authority to 'censor content'?

The same authority they use to censor content in radio and television. Hasn't anyone learned from the "camel's nose under the tent" strategy that statists have been using for like EVAR?

Show us where in the FCC regulation passed yesterday that affirms net neutrality where the FCC claims any authority to regulate content in a manner they couldn't already do before the vote.

They claim authority to regulate the Internet, period. Once you accept that little slight of hand, the rest is cake.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to find where in the FCC regulations passed yesterday that the FCC was granted new authority to regulate content on the internet that they didn't have before.

Please do so now.
Avoiding the We the People (via Congress) Obama's FCC classifies the internet as a public utility, a trojan horse for unrestrained censorship against "hate speech."

It passed just this hour in a 3-2 vote.

Good to know that chief lobbyist for the bill was appointed by Obama (and funded by George Soros) to lead the new regulations.

Yes, indeed.

The internet, the last bastion of Liberty, has been nationalized, infiltrated by the fascists.

Avoiding the We the People (via Congress) Obama's FCC classifies the internet as a public utility, a trojan horse for unrestrained censorship against "hate speech."

It passed just this hour in a 3-2 vote.

Good to know that chief lobbyist for the bill was appointed by Obama (and funded by George Soros) to lead the new regulations.

Yes, indeed.

The internet, the last bastion of Liberty, has been nationalized, infiltrated by the fascists.


I don't think 'fascist' means what you think it means. And so far, the only indication of 'regulation' we've seen is that internet service providers have to treat all data equally.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to find where in the FCC regulations passed yesterday that the FCC was granted new authority to regulate content on the internet that they didn't have before.

Please do so now.

The naive, the gullible , and ignorasses never cease to amaze me

The Net Neutrality Scam

By Ryan McMaken


February 27, 2015

Yet again, the government wants to fix a problem that doesn’t exist. According to the Obama administration and the FCC, it is necessary to regulate internet service providers so that they don’t interfere with people’s access to the web. The claim immediately prompts one to ask: Who is being denied access to the web?"

Avoiding the We the People (via Congress) Obama's FCC classifies the internet as a public utility, a trojan horse for unrestrained censorship against "hate speech."

It passed just this hour in a 3-2 vote.

Good to know that chief lobbyist for the bill was appointed by Obama (and funded by George Soros) to lead the new regulations.

Yes, indeed.

The internet, the last bastion of Liberty, has been nationalized, infiltrated by the fascists.


I don't think 'fascist' means what you think it means. And so far, the only indication of 'regulation' we've seen is that internet service providers have to treat all data equally.

I don't think lucid means what you think it means.

Go back to night school, take a US History Course, then , AND ONLY THEN, repost.

Avoiding the We the People (via Congress) Obama's FCC classifies the internet as a public utility, a trojan horse for unrestrained censorship against "hate speech."

It passed just this hour in a 3-2 vote.

Good to know that chief lobbyist for the bill was appointed by Obama (and funded by George Soros) to lead the new regulations.

Yes, indeed.

The internet, the last bastion of Liberty, has been nationalized, infiltrated by the fascists.


I don't think 'fascist' means what you think it means. And so far, the only indication of 'regulation' we've seen is that internet service providers have to treat all data equally.

I don't think lucid means what you think it means.

Go back to night school, take a US History Course, then , AND ONLY THEN, repost.


Laughing.....notice you don't actually disagree with any point I've raised. Nor raise any of your own related to the topic.

When you can manage either, feel free to rejoin the conversation.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to find where in the FCC regulations passed yesterday that the FCC was granted new authority to regulate content on the internet that they didn't have before.

Please do so now.

The naive, the gullible , and ignorasses never cease to amaze me

The Net Neutrality Scam

By Ryan McMaken


February 27, 2015

Yet again, the government wants to fix a problem that doesn’t exist. According to the Obama administration and the FCC, it is necessary to regulate internet service providers so that they don’t interfere with people’s access to the web. The claim immediately prompts one to ask: Who is being denied access to the web?"


Who said that someone was being 'denied' access to the web?

Oh, and notice how spectacularly you just failed to quote the FCC regulation passed yesterday that grants the FCC powers of 'censorship' on the internet that they didn't already have.

Remember that failure. Because I certainly will.
Avoiding the We the People (via Congress) Obama's FCC classifies the internet as a public utility, a trojan horse for unrestrained censorship against "hate speech."

It passed just this hour in a 3-2 vote.

Good to know that chief lobbyist for the bill was appointed by Obama (and funded by George Soros) to lead the new regulations.

Yes, indeed.

The internet, the last bastion of Liberty, has been nationalized, infiltrated by the fascists.


I don't think 'fascist' means what you think it means. And so far, the only indication of 'regulation' we've seen is that internet service providers have to treat all data equally.

I don't think lucid means what you think it means.

Go back to night school, take a US History Course, then , AND ONLY THEN, repost.


Laughing.....notice you don't actually disagree with any point I've raised. Nor raise any of your own related to the topic.

When you can manage either, feel free to rejoin the conversation.

farting......I disagree with ALL your points

I am so overwhelmed by your gross stupidity that I don't even know where to start.


Then it will be remarkably easy for you to find where in the FCC regulations passed yesterday that the FCC was granted new authority to regulate content on the internet that they didn't have before.

Please do so now.

The naive, the gullible , and ignorasses never cease to amaze me

The Net Neutrality Scam

By Ryan McMaken


February 27, 2015

Yet again, the government wants to fix a problem that doesn’t exist. According to the Obama administration and the FCC, it is necessary to regulate internet service providers so that they don’t interfere with people’s access to the web. The claim immediately prompts one to ask: Who is being denied access to the web?"


Who said that someone was being 'denied' access to the web?

Oh, and notice how spectacularly you just failed to quote the FCC regulation passed yesterday that grants the FCC powers of 'censorship' on the internet that they didn't already have.

Remember that failure. Because I certainly will.

You idols

"The administration insists these measures are necessary because — even though there is no evidence that this has actually happened — it is possible that at some point in the future, internet service providers could restrict some content and apps on the internet. Thus, we are told, control of content should be handed over to the federal government to ensure that internet service providers are “neutral” when it comes to deciding what is on the internet and what is not."
Avoiding the We the People (via Congress) Obama's FCC classifies the internet as a public utility, a trojan horse for unrestrained censorship against "hate speech."

It passed just this hour in a 3-2 vote.

Good to know that chief lobbyist for the bill was appointed by Obama (and funded by George Soros) to lead the new regulations.

Yes, indeed.

The internet, the last bastion of Liberty, has been nationalized, infiltrated by the fascists.


I don't think 'fascist' means what you think it means. And so far, the only indication of 'regulation' we've seen is that internet service providers have to treat all data equally.

I don't think lucid means what you think it means.

Go back to night school, take a US History Course, then , AND ONLY THEN, repost.


Laughing.....notice you don't actually disagree with any point I've raised. Nor raise any of your own related to the topic.

When you can manage either, feel free to rejoin the conversation.

farting......I disagree with ALL your points

I am so overwhelmed by your gross stupidity that I don't even know where to start.


Then show us where in the FCC regulation passed yesterday grants the FCC more authority to 'censor' the internet that it already had before the net neutrality vote.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to find where in the FCC regulations passed yesterday that the FCC was granted new authority to regulate content on the internet that they didn't have before.

Please do so now.

The naive, the gullible , and ignorasses never cease to amaze me

The Net Neutrality Scam

By Ryan McMaken


February 27, 2015

Yet again, the government wants to fix a problem that doesn’t exist. According to the Obama administration and the FCC, it is necessary to regulate internet service providers so that they don’t interfere with people’s access to the web. The claim immediately prompts one to ask: Who is being denied access to the web?"


Who said that someone was being 'denied' access to the web?

Oh, and notice how spectacularly you just failed to quote the FCC regulation passed yesterday that grants the FCC powers of 'censorship' on the internet that they didn't already have.

Remember that failure. Because I certainly will.

You idols

"The administration insists these measures are necessary because — even though there is no evidence that this has actually happened — it is possible that at some point in the future, internet service providers could restrict some content and apps on the internet. Thus, we are told, control of content should be handed over to the federal government to ensure that internet service providers are “neutral” when it comes to deciding what is on the internet and what is not."

And I ask again....

Who said that someone was being 'denied' access to the web? And pay special attention to the tenses.

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