Enter the Age of Censorship, FCC circumvents Congress to classify internet as Public Utility

The above has been possible because of the adoption across the country of fiber optics technology which has not only brought the internet to more customers,

Who deployed and paid for that fiber?

Was it;

  1. Verizon, Telepacific, TW Telecom, Level 3 communications, AT&T
  2. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon
  3. The FCC
  4. A troll on an internet messageboard spewing bullshit from the Soros hate sites

it has also brought broadband to millions. So it should not come as a surprise in the least to anyone that we have seen such an increase. It was expected, bubba. The increase is, in fact, what paid for the expansion. So let's see the data that shows this strain on the backbone. As in how many hours of downtime has occurred across the web since 2010 purely as a result of streaming video.

How many critical operations were affected by collisions and rebroadcasts.

Obviously, you are having some sort of breakdown. Take a pill, pal before you go into full out meltdown.

Obviously - you wouldn't be a shrill and ignorant troll if I weren't in a meltdown, skippy...

High Performance Computing Act of 1991 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

People making their own purchasing decisions is elitism? :cuckoo:

Now you are putting words in my mouth. You seem to think, based on what you've said here, that if people aren't happy with their internet service, that that is just tough shit, and they can just opt out instead of complaining about it. So yes, that is an elitist position if ever there was one.

So....are you saying they can't stop buying? That makes not sense.

Are you in the third grade, or is English a second (or third) language for you? I'm saying that too few entities have too much control over a medium that, for all intents and purposes, was built with taxpayer money. I'm saying that over the course of the time since the internet first came to be, there was an expectation by, well, pretty much everybody, that there would be MORE competition, MORE choices of providers, not LESS. Without the net neutrality regulations, that trend of more control by fewer and fewer providers would likely not only continue, it would accelerate.

The internet was not built with taxpayer money. Government toadies like you always claim that if government contributed 0.0001 % of the cost of something, then government built it. It's total bullshit. Darpa spent a few million developing a prototype network based on packet routing. That's about the limit of government involvement.

Erm, yes it was:

High Performance Computing Act of 1991 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So you believed Algore when claimed he created the internet?

Now you are putting words in my mouth. You seem to think, based on what you've said here, that if people aren't happy with their internet service, that that is just tough shit, and they can just opt out instead of complaining about it. So yes, that is an elitist position if ever there was one.

So....are you saying they can't stop buying? That makes not sense.

Are you in the third grade, or is English a second (or third) language for you? I'm saying that too few entities have too much control over a medium that, for all intents and purposes, was built with taxpayer money. I'm saying that over the course of the time since the internet first came to be, there was an expectation by, well, pretty much everybody, that there would be MORE competition, MORE choices of providers, not LESS. Without the net neutrality regulations, that trend of more control by fewer and fewer providers would likely not only continue, it would accelerate.

The internet was not built with taxpayer money. Government toadies like you always claim that if government contributed 0.0001 % of the cost of something, then government built it. It's total bullshit. Darpa spent a few million developing a prototype network based on packet routing. That's about the limit of government involvement.

Erm, yes it was:

High Performance Computing Act of 1991 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So you believed Algore when claimed he created the internet?


The High performance Computing Act of 1991 is what it is, bubba.
Avoiding the We the People (via Congress) Obama's FCC classifies the internet as a public utility, a trojan horse for unrestrained censorship against "hate speech."

It passed just this hour in a 3-2 vote.

Good to know that chief lobbyist for the bill was appointed by Obama (and funded by George Soros) to lead the new regulations.

Who was censored?
So....are you saying they can't stop buying? That makes not sense.

Are you in the third grade, or is English a second (or third) language for you? I'm saying that too few entities have too much control over a medium that, for all intents and purposes, was built with taxpayer money. I'm saying that over the course of the time since the internet first came to be, there was an expectation by, well, pretty much everybody, that there would be MORE competition, MORE choices of providers, not LESS. Without the net neutrality regulations, that trend of more control by fewer and fewer providers would likely not only continue, it would accelerate.

The internet was not built with taxpayer money. Government toadies like you always claim that if government contributed 0.0001 % of the cost of something, then government built it. It's total bullshit. Darpa spent a few million developing a prototype network based on packet routing. That's about the limit of government involvement.

Erm, yes it was:

High Performance Computing Act of 1991 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So you believed Algore when claimed he created the internet?


The High performance Computing Act of 1991 is what it is, bubba.

That's true. It's not what you and Algore claim, in other words.
Are you in the third grade, or is English a second (or third) language for you? I'm saying that too few entities have too much control over a medium that, for all intents and purposes, was built with taxpayer money. I'm saying that over the course of the time since the internet first came to be, there was an expectation by, well, pretty much everybody, that there would be MORE competition, MORE choices of providers, not LESS. Without the net neutrality regulations, that trend of more control by fewer and fewer providers would likely not only continue, it would accelerate.

The internet was not built with taxpayer money. Government toadies like you always claim that if government contributed 0.0001 % of the cost of something, then government built it. It's total bullshit. Darpa spent a few million developing a prototype network based on packet routing. That's about the limit of government involvement.

Erm, yes it was:

High Performance Computing Act of 1991 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So you believed Algore when claimed he created the internet?


The High performance Computing Act of 1991 is what it is, bubba.

That's true. It's not what you and Algore claim, in other words.

Al Gore Wrote the bill, dude. That said, who wrote it is irrelevant to the issues being discussed here. So you can go back to the kiddy table now. There's a good lad.

So you think that most fiber was laid in 1991?


Oh and retard, your link doesn't even HINT at such a claim. Here are the facts, you drooling baboon;

{National, international, and regional long-haul fiber-optic transmission capacity has increased very rapidly, both as a result of expansion of networks of incumbents, such as AT&T, MCI, Sprint, and GTE but also as a result of entry of a number of carriers that created new networks, including Quest, Level 3, Williams, and bthers. The FCC's Fiber Deployment Update reports that total fiber system route miles of interexchange carriers increased by two-thirds between 1994 and 199817. After 1998, the FCC discontinued the publication of this report. However, data reported by Besen and Brenner (2000)18 and Hogendorn (2004) supports the conclusion that the capacity of long-haul fiber is increasing in an accelerated rate. As evidence of ease of entry, the number of North American ISPs more than tripled in the years 19961999, and has continued thereafter. The number of North American backbone providers has grown almost fivefold in the same period. These statistics are shown in Tables 8 and 9. Bandwidth and equipment costs have decreased and continue to decrease. Hence, access to fiber capacity is unlikely to be an impediment to sellers wishing to upgrade their networks, or to new competitors wishing to enter the market.}

The internet was not built with taxpayer money. Government toadies like you always claim that if government contributed 0.0001 % of the cost of something, then government built it. It's total bullshit. Darpa spent a few million developing a prototype network based on packet routing. That's about the limit of government involvement.

Erm, yes it was:

High Performance Computing Act of 1991 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So you believed Algore when claimed he created the internet?


The High performance Computing Act of 1991 is what it is, bubba.

That's true. It's not what you and Algore claim, in other words.

Al Gore Wrote the bill, dude. That said, who wrote it is irrelevant to the issues being discussed here. So you can go back to the kiddy table now. There's a good lad.

Whether Algore wrote it or not, it still isn't what you can he claim it to be. It didn't create the internet. Thousands of businesses created the internet. they borrowed some technology from ARPANET, but that constitutes about 0.00001% of the internet.
If the FCC's power grab to regulate the internet as a public utility is allowed to stand, you would have to be among the most retarded of the retards to believe the FCC will not ultimately start regulating prices. You would also have to be incredibly gullible to not see the final outcome of the internet-as-public-utility to be the same as it has been for every other designated public utility. That is to say, government-sanctioned monopolies. You will one day have only one choice of internet provider where you live after the government is allowed to take over the internet.

All the other crap about censorship and whatever other nonsense has found its way onto these 56-odd pages aside, these things you can absolutely depend upon. Price fixing and government-sanctioned monopolies.

"Net neutrality" is the Trojan Horse used as the vehicle for this invasion.

I'm just going to put it in a little bit!
Streaming video.

The traffic on the backbone his increased about 10,000% since 2010 - that is not a typo nor an exaggeration. Yet Soros sends you drones to demand that the corporations causing this not be held accountable.

You are a shill for the giant corporation Netflix, working to shield them from responsibility for their acts. You don't question anything, you do as ThinkProgress tells you. But the result of your mindless acts is shilling for Hulu, Amazon Prime, Netflix, et al. You'll demand that the taxpayer pick up the tab for expanding the backbone of the Internet to carry this load.

You may claim otherwise now, but you'll be programmed to demand corporate welfare for Netflix soon enough.

{Soros bought 98,764 shares of Netflix Inc.}

George Soros Top 5 Stock Buys of Q3 - GuruFocus.com

Well lookie there, now we know why you demand corporate welfare for Netflix...
It's simply impossible for you to leave your cartoon partisan politics out of a discussion, isn't it?
Is it because you're incapable of holding your own in an intellectual debate?
That's my vote.
Do you actually believe you and your fellow drones are not engaging in partisan politics?
I haven't seen anywhere that the main argument supporting net neutrality is to teach conservatives a lesson.

How would that claim, if were true, prove you aren't engaging in partisan politics?
Isn't that a definition of partisan politics?
Maybe some evidence from you might be useful.

No, that isn't the definition of partisan politics.
So far, I've not run into a single leftist here who has even an inkling of how networks operate. You spew idiocy for purely partisan purpose. I suspect Blindfool does have some knowledge, but he ran away once the conversation became technical.

What about you, Verizon fios offers you a 35 meg synchronous connection, how fast is your upload speed expected to be?

  1. As fast as Walmart cuz that's the law
  2. 35 megabytes per second
  3. 4.375 megabytes per second

Why so slow? My down is 105Mbps, up is 50Mbps. My WiFi is 70 down, up is 50.

Every industrialized nation except the US, standard speed in 200Mbps down, 100 up.
If the FCC's power grab to regulate the internet as a public utility is allowed to stand, you would have to be among the most retarded of the retards to believe the FCC will not ultimately start regulating prices.

I have no problem with that assessment, I hope it doesn't happen but it probably will. Perhaps the title of the thread should have not include the "the-age-of-censorship", that was my beef.

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