Entire county clerk office resigns over SSM

I already said I am not worried about it lol. Never even crossed my mind. Homosexuality is a mental disorder and Homosexuals are Mentally Ill people. Pretty freaking simple to understand.

Well then, why do you fear them so?
I don't FEAR homosexuals. I actually feel sorry for them and sick to my stomach of the fact that so many have chosen to remain sick and want to push their sickness as normal onto America via marriage,acceptance etc. The ONLY thing they should ALL be doing is getting the mental health help that they desperately need. I am mad because these homosexuals do the same jobs every day Americans do aka Teachers,Librarians,Coaches and have access to my children and others children and push their propaganda on to children who know nothing about homosexuality at such an early age or they take advantage of their role in the child's life and abuse them in sexual ways. Homosexuality has got to be one of the biggest threats to Americans and America as a whole along with being a mental health epidemic that millions just want to ignore as "normal". The suicide rates,STD rates,child abuse rates etc are ALL higher among homosexuals than normal people.
Im straight, would you have a problem with your daughter being in a class that I teach?

Im kinda happy that two people can find love, even if its not what I would consider a choice for me.
Depends really. I don't any of my kids in a classroom with a teacher that feels the need to introduce political topics into the classroom. I want them there to learn Math,Science,History,Reading,English etc. MAYBE when they are in high school and they are more aware of what is going on in the world and are actually curious about politics and political topics the school should allow parents to say OK and let the students take the class more of a debate class than one opinion fits all one. As of right now we talk about ALL things at home. They want to talk about it we do. They know what the SC said...Oldest didn't really seem to care either way....the rest of my kids wouldn't even sit still to hear about it...Oldest is only 8 but she knows what homosexuality is and thinks its weird....fine with me for now. I let her have her own opinion and she still comes to me and her mother to ask questions. We give OUR opinions on most things but some things are NOT open for discussion. If she wants to think homosexuality is OK then so be it can't stop her but can express my opinion openly and I do.

I agree. School should be about educating the kids and not social issues. Political topics though? The kids do need to learn about politics. Don't you think?
Kids need to learn critical thinking and forming opinions on key issues. Politics and social issues are important
I already said I am not worried about it lol. Never even crossed my mind. Homosexuality is a mental disorder and Homosexuals are Mentally Ill people. Pretty freaking simple to understand.

Well then, why do you fear them so?
I don't FEAR homosexuals. I actually feel sorry for them and sick to my stomach of the fact that so many have chosen to remain sick and want to push their sickness as normal onto America via marriage,acceptance etc. The ONLY thing they should ALL be doing is getting the mental health help that they desperately need. I am mad because these homosexuals do the same jobs every day Americans do aka Teachers,Librarians,Coaches and have access to my children and others children and push their propaganda on to children who know nothing about homosexuality at such an early age or they take advantage of their role in the child's life and abuse them in sexual ways. Homosexuality has got to be one of the biggest threats to Americans and America as a whole along with being a mental health epidemic that millions just want to ignore as "normal". The suicide rates,STD rates,child abuse rates etc are ALL higher among homosexuals than normal people.
Im straight, would you have a problem with your daughter being in a class that I teach?

Im kinda happy that two people can find love, even if its not what I would consider a choice for me.
Depends really. I don't any of my kids in a classroom with a teacher that feels the need to introduce political topics into the classroom. I want them there to learn Math,Science,History,Reading,English etc. MAYBE when they are in high school and they are more aware of what is going on in the world and are actually curious about politics and political topics the school should allow parents to say OK and let the students take the class more of a debate class than one opinion fits all one. As of right now we talk about ALL things at home. They want to talk about it we do. They know what the SC said...Oldest didn't really seem to care either way....the rest of my kids wouldn't even sit still to hear about it...Oldest is only 8 but she knows what homosexuality is and thinks its weird....fine with me for now. I let her have her own opinion and she still comes to me and her mother to ask questions. We give OUR opinions on most things but some things are NOT open for discussion. If she wants to think homosexuality is OK then so be it can't stop her but can express my opinion openly and I do.

I agree. School should be about educating the kids and not social issues. Political topics though? The kids do need to learn about politics. Don't you think?
Well I consider the topic we are talking about to be a political issue...at a certain age say high school with parents permission sure. No problem with it. I don't hide life from my kids. I am honest and up front with them in what is going on because they want to know...they will sit and watch news with me and ask what they are talking about etc. No point in hiding it from them they will just learn it from others before long...I prefer they at least view my point of view and decide for themselves then learn a view from a liberal teacher etc.
Well then, why do you fear them so?
I don't FEAR homosexuals. I actually feel sorry for them and sick to my stomach of the fact that so many have chosen to remain sick and want to push their sickness as normal onto America via marriage,acceptance etc. The ONLY thing they should ALL be doing is getting the mental health help that they desperately need. I am mad because these homosexuals do the same jobs every day Americans do aka Teachers,Librarians,Coaches and have access to my children and others children and push their propaganda on to children who know nothing about homosexuality at such an early age or they take advantage of their role in the child's life and abuse them in sexual ways. Homosexuality has got to be one of the biggest threats to Americans and America as a whole along with being a mental health epidemic that millions just want to ignore as "normal". The suicide rates,STD rates,child abuse rates etc are ALL higher among homosexuals than normal people.
Im straight, would you have a problem with your daughter being in a class that I teach?

Im kinda happy that two people can find love, even if its not what I would consider a choice for me.
Depends really. I don't any of my kids in a classroom with a teacher that feels the need to introduce political topics into the classroom. I want them there to learn Math,Science,History,Reading,English etc. MAYBE when they are in high school and they are more aware of what is going on in the world and are actually curious about politics and political topics the school should allow parents to say OK and let the students take the class more of a debate class than one opinion fits all one. As of right now we talk about ALL things at home. They want to talk about it we do. They know what the SC said...Oldest didn't really seem to care either way....the rest of my kids wouldn't even sit still to hear about it...Oldest is only 8 but she knows what homosexuality is and thinks its weird....fine with me for now. I let her have her own opinion and she still comes to me and her mother to ask questions. We give OUR opinions on most things but some things are NOT open for discussion. If she wants to think homosexuality is OK then so be it can't stop her but can express my opinion openly and I do.

I agree. School should be about educating the kids and not social issues. Political topics though? The kids do need to learn about politics. Don't you think?
Kids need to learn critical thinking and forming opinions on key issues. Politics and social issues are important

Okay, talk about the social issues, but don't take sides.
Well then, why do you fear them so?
I don't FEAR homosexuals. I actually feel sorry for them and sick to my stomach of the fact that so many have chosen to remain sick and want to push their sickness as normal onto America via marriage,acceptance etc. The ONLY thing they should ALL be doing is getting the mental health help that they desperately need. I am mad because these homosexuals do the same jobs every day Americans do aka Teachers,Librarians,Coaches and have access to my children and others children and push their propaganda on to children who know nothing about homosexuality at such an early age or they take advantage of their role in the child's life and abuse them in sexual ways. Homosexuality has got to be one of the biggest threats to Americans and America as a whole along with being a mental health epidemic that millions just want to ignore as "normal". The suicide rates,STD rates,child abuse rates etc are ALL higher among homosexuals than normal people.
Im straight, would you have a problem with your daughter being in a class that I teach?

Im kinda happy that two people can find love, even if its not what I would consider a choice for me.
Depends really. I don't any of my kids in a classroom with a teacher that feels the need to introduce political topics into the classroom. I want them there to learn Math,Science,History,Reading,English etc. MAYBE when they are in high school and they are more aware of what is going on in the world and are actually curious about politics and political topics the school should allow parents to say OK and let the students take the class more of a debate class than one opinion fits all one. As of right now we talk about ALL things at home. They want to talk about it we do. They know what the SC said...Oldest didn't really seem to care either way....the rest of my kids wouldn't even sit still to hear about it...Oldest is only 8 but she knows what homosexuality is and thinks its weird....fine with me for now. I let her have her own opinion and she still comes to me and her mother to ask questions. We give OUR opinions on most things but some things are NOT open for discussion. If she wants to think homosexuality is OK then so be it can't stop her but can express my opinion openly and I do.

I agree. School should be about educating the kids and not social issues. Political topics though? The kids do need to learn about politics. Don't you think?
Well I consider the topic we are talking about to be a political issue...at a certain age say high school with parents permission sure. No problem with it. I don't hide life from my kids. I am honest and up front with them in what is going on because they want to know...they will sit and watch news with me and ask what they are talking about etc. No point in hiding it from them they will just learn it from others before long...I prefer they at least view my point of view and decide for themselves then learn a view from a liberal teacher etc.

Well, I can agree with you on that point. I don't want other people trying to indoctrinate my child into their way of thinking and feeling on issues.
Very good did it take you long to figure that out? I think its a choice. Nature made you straight you are born to breed with the opposite sex so the blood line continues so the population grows etc etc...not to butt fuck another guy.

You are wrong. If you are straight, then you are attracted to the opposite sex. Nothing is going to make you turn gay, so stop worrying.
I am not worried at all. I enjoy women,I enjoy the female body very much,I enjoy my wife in all aspects very much so no worry here not sure where you see me worried....I was born straight like every other person in the world is.

Good, then you don't have to worry about outside influences turning you gay.
I already said I am not worried about it lol. Never even crossed my mind. Homosexuality is a mental disorder and Homosexuals are Mentally Ill people. Pretty freaking simple to understand.

What is hard to understand are your delusions.

What makes you think that homosexuals are 'mentally ill'- the voices in your head?
What makes you think Homosexuality is NOT a mental illness? The fact it was VOTED ON back in 1970's? That's right homosexuality was not taken off the list of mental illnesses based on new evidence or scientific finding it was VOTED OFF.
You are wrong. If you are straight, then you are attracted to the opposite sex. Nothing is going to make you turn gay, so stop worrying.
I am not worried at all. I enjoy women,I enjoy the female body very much,I enjoy my wife in all aspects very much so no worry here not sure where you see me worried....I was born straight like every other person in the world is.

Good, then you don't have to worry about outside influences turning you gay.
I already said I am not worried about it lol. Never even crossed my mind. Homosexuality is a mental disorder and Homosexuals are Mentally Ill people. Pretty freaking simple to understand.

What is hard to understand are your delusions.

What makes you think that homosexuals are 'mentally ill'- the voices in your head?
What makes you think Homosexuality is NOT a mental illness? The fact it was VOTED ON back in 1970's? That's right homosexuality was not taken off the list of mental illnesses based on new evidence or scientific finding it was VOTED OFF.

I haven't known many homosexuals, but I have met a few, and they didn't seem to be suffering from a mental illness to me.
This is taking a stance in your beliefs.


No same-sex marriage licenses are being issued in Decatur County, Tennessee, because the entire county clerk’s office has resigned following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Decatur County Clerk Gwen Pope explained her decision to quit her elected post. “It’s for the glory of God. He’s going to get all the glory,” she told WBIR.

Pope asserted she would rather resign than submit to issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She and her two staff members, Sharon Bell and Mickey Butler, have all quit for the same reason. Their last day of work is July 14.

The TV station indicates the phone in the Decatur County Clerk Office “rang nonstop” as “[o]ver and over again, people praised the decision of the three workers who have decided to step down from their positions rather than hand out same-sex marriage licenses.”

Entire County Clerk Office Resigns Over Same-Sex Marriage - Breitbart

Hope they issue a Marriage License before July 14 2015 and then deny a Same Sex Couple their license because they will be brought to court.

As for them quitting it is a great day in America when bigots are rooted out of our civil service pool...
You don't know the definition of bigotry otherwise you would realize the bigots are those who do not allow dissent. Like you.

The word bigot has become as impotent as the word racist. The left loons wore it out. Just laugh at the simpletons

Awww, the bigots scream they're not the bigots.

How dare this nation not live by the Social Conservative version of a Caliphate...

It is not your right to demand the people of this nation to accept your Christian Demand no matter if Christianity is the majority Religion. It is not the Social Conservative right to deny others the same civil rights you enjoy.

It does not amaze me how Social Conservatives like you believe your bigoted view is not bigoted because how ignorant and stupid the majority of Social Conservatives are.

Also you writing I am a Leftist loon is silly because you don't know shit about me. Because I do not support the bigoted hatred you and the other poster support does not make me a leftist loon. Because I am not a Bible Thumping lunatic crying about how Same Sex marriage is evil does not make me a Leftist loon.

Now I know you're too ignorant to understand this part because if someone does not follow the hateful view you support they must be a Leftist Loon, but the reality is even some on the right look at those like you as the actual lunatics that have ruined this fine nation.

Now keep on ignoring me because it is joyful to know those like you are being silence in our government and can no longer oppress individuals like you have for many generations...
This is taking a stance in your beliefs.


No same-sex marriage licenses are being issued in Decatur County, Tennessee, because the entire county clerk’s office has resigned following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Decatur County Clerk Gwen Pope explained her decision to quit her elected post. “It’s for the glory of God. He’s going to get all the glory,” she told WBIR.

Pope asserted she would rather resign than submit to issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She and her two staff members, Sharon Bell and Mickey Butler, have all quit for the same reason. Their last day of work is July 14.

The TV station indicates the phone in the Decatur County Clerk Office “rang nonstop” as “[o]ver and over again, people praised the decision of the three workers who have decided to step down from their positions rather than hand out same-sex marriage licenses.”

Entire County Clerk Office Resigns Over Same-Sex Marriage - Breitbart

Hope they issue a Marriage License before July 14 2015 and then deny a Same Sex Couple their license because they will be brought to court.

As for them quitting it is a great day in America when bigots are rooted out of our civil service pool...
You don't know the definition of bigotry otherwise you would realize the bigots are those who do not allow dissent. Like you.

The word bigot has become as impotent as the word racist. The left loons wore it out. Just laugh at the simpletons

Awww, the bigots scream they're not the bigots.

How dare this nation not live by the Social Conservative version of a Caliphate...

It is not your right to demand the people of this nation to accept your Christian Demand no matter if Christianity is the majority Religion. It is not the Social Conservative right to deny others the same civil rights you enjoy.

It does not amaze me how Social Conservatives like you believe your bigoted view is not bigoted because how ignorant and stupid the majority of Social Conservatives are.

Also you writing I am a Leftist loon is silly because you don't know shit about me. Because I do not support the bigoted hatred you and the other poster support does not make me a leftist loon. Because I am not a Bible Thumping lunatic crying about how Same Sex marriage is evil does not make me a Leftist loon.

Now I know you're too ignorant to understand this part because if someone does not follow the hateful view you support they must be a Leftist Loon, but the reality is even some on the right look at those like you as the actual lunatics that have ruined this fine nation.

Now keep on ignoring me because it is joyful to know those like you are being silence in our government and can no longer oppress individuals like you have for many generations...

You should not takes Sassy too seriously. As a child, she was dropped on her head. They had to remove the left side of he brain, and also, the opposing side of her ass, since the right brain controls the left body.This left her both half assed, and and conservative, which is another word for "half witted". She is bitter because ACA doesn't pay for the needed repairs, and she can't get laid by either sex.
This is taking a stance in your beliefs.


No same-sex marriage licenses are being issued in Decatur County, Tennessee, because the entire county clerk’s office has resigned following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Decatur County Clerk Gwen Pope explained her decision to quit her elected post. “It’s for the glory of God. He’s going to get all the glory,” she told WBIR.

Pope asserted she would rather resign than submit to issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She and her two staff members, Sharon Bell and Mickey Butler, have all quit for the same reason. Their last day of work is July 14.

The TV station indicates the phone in the Decatur County Clerk Office “rang nonstop” as “[o]ver and over again, people praised the decision of the three workers who have decided to step down from their positions rather than hand out same-sex marriage licenses.”

Entire County Clerk Office Resigns Over Same-Sex Marriage - Breitbart

Hope they issue a Marriage License before July 14 2015 and then deny a Same Sex Couple their license because they will be brought to court.

As for them quitting it is a great day in America when bigots are rooted out of our civil service pool...
You don't know the definition of bigotry otherwise you would realize the bigots are those who do not allow dissent. Like you.

The word bigot has become as impotent as the word racist. The left loons wore it out. Just laugh at the simpletons

Awww, the bigots scream they're not the bigots.

How dare this nation not live by the Social Conservative version of a Caliphate...

It is not your right to demand the people of this nation to accept your Christian Demand no matter if Christianity is the majority Religion. It is not the Social Conservative right to deny others the same civil rights you enjoy.

It does not amaze me how Social Conservatives like you believe your bigoted view is not bigoted because how ignorant and stupid the majority of Social Conservatives are.

Also you writing I am a Leftist loon is silly because you don't know shit about me. Because I do not support the bigoted hatred you and the other poster support does not make me a leftist loon. Because I am not a Bible Thumping lunatic crying about how Same Sex marriage is evil does not make me a Leftist loon.

Now I know you're too ignorant to understand this part because if someone does not follow the hateful view you support they must be a Leftist Loon, but the reality is even some on the right look at those like you as the actual lunatics that have ruined this fine nation.

Now keep on ignoring me because it is joyful to know those like you are being silence in our government and can no longer oppress individuals like you have for many generations...
I dont think you were actually directly called a loon. although the post you just made does threaten to bring the name closer.
what is it that bothers you so much about people that don't agree with gay marriage walking away from their jobs rather than staying and issuing the license? or lets say they stay and refuse to issue the license. which is the better choice.
They are not denying anybody the right to marry, they are only refusing to be party to it. Their choice.
but basically, you spent a whole post tearing apart people that don't agree with your view and calling them lunatics, but ask for consideration when it comes to supporting your view?
works two ways.
Personally, I don't care if two guys or two girls get married, makes no difference, I would issue the license, but I do have a problem with them when they try to force acceptance on others.
This is taking a stance in your beliefs.


No same-sex marriage licenses are being issued in Decatur County, Tennessee, because the entire county clerk’s office has resigned following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Decatur County Clerk Gwen Pope explained her decision to quit her elected post. “It’s for the glory of God. He’s going to get all the glory,” she told WBIR.

Pope asserted she would rather resign than submit to issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She and her two staff members, Sharon Bell and Mickey Butler, have all quit for the same reason. Their last day of work is July 14.

The TV station indicates the phone in the Decatur County Clerk Office “rang nonstop” as “[o]ver and over again, people praised the decision of the three workers who have decided to step down from their positions rather than hand out same-sex marriage licenses.”

Entire County Clerk Office Resigns Over Same-Sex Marriage - Breitbart

Hope they issue a Marriage License before July 14 2015 and then deny a Same Sex Couple their license because they will be brought to court.

As for them quitting it is a great day in America when bigots are rooted out of our civil service pool...
You don't know the definition of bigotry otherwise you would realize the bigots are those who do not allow dissent. Like you.

The word bigot has become as impotent as the word racist. The left loons wore it out. Just laugh at the simpletons

Awww, the bigots scream they're not the bigots.

How dare this nation not live by the Social Conservative version of a Caliphate...

It is not your right to demand the people of this nation to accept your Christian Demand no matter if Christianity is the majority Religion. It is not the Social Conservative right to deny others the same civil rights you enjoy.

It does not amaze me how Social Conservatives like you believe your bigoted view is not bigoted because how ignorant and stupid the majority of Social Conservatives are.

Also you writing I am a Leftist loon is silly because you don't know shit about me. Because I do not support the bigoted hatred you and the other poster support does not make me a leftist loon. Because I am not a Bible Thumping lunatic crying about how Same Sex marriage is evil does not make me a Leftist loon.

Now I know you're too ignorant to understand this part because if someone does not follow the hateful view you support they must be a Leftist Loon, but the reality is even some on the right look at those like you as the actual lunatics that have ruined this fine nation.

Now keep on ignoring me because it is joyful to know those like you are being silence in our government and can no longer oppress individuals like you have for many generations...

You should not takes Sassy too seriously. As a child, she was dropped on her head. They had to remove the left side of he brain, and also, the opposing side of her ass, since the right brain controls the left body.This left her both half assed, and and conservative, which is another word for "half witted". She is bitter because ACA doesn't pay for the needed repairs, and she can't get laid by either sex.

Child, grow the fuck up
Kids need to learn critical thinking and forming opinions on key issues. Politics and social issues are important

Liberals DO understand the importance!

That's why they're so dedicated to stamping them out.
I cant agree with that, liberals spend too much time teaching kids that religion is bad, homosexuality is good, the muslims are good, parents are bad and should be turned in for anything they do, corporations are bad, The United States is a bad and racist country, white people are bad.
Liberals understand all too well the importance of teaching kids what they want them to know. They just dont spend any time teaching kids the truth.
Kids need to learn critical thinking and forming opinions on key issues. Politics and social issues are important

Liberals DO understand the importance!

That's why they're so dedicated to stamping them out.
I cant agree with that, liberals spend too much time teaching kids that religion is bad, homosexuality is good, the muslims are good, parents are bad and should be turned in for anything they do, corporations are bad, The United States is a bad and racist country, white people are bad.
Liberals understand all too well the importance of teaching kids what they want them to know. They just dont spend any time teaching kids the truth.
I would say they must be bisexual.

You missed the part they went in straight. They choose to have same sex partners.
You missed the part where she said they're probably bisexual. I'm straight. I would never have sex with another guy. I don't care how long I've gone without.
maybe you just haven't met the right guy yet

I'm sure you'd like to give it a try. No doubt you've already secretly sucked dick. But me. I'm straight. Always have been; always will. Thanks for the offer though
no, I'm just not so weak in my sexuality that I'm afraid of being converted to gay. So they don't bother me in the least.
Oh so you like to experiment. No worries. Noone here is judging you
You missed the part they went in straight. They choose to have same sex partners.
You missed the part where she said they're probably bisexual. I'm straight. I would never have sex with another guy. I don't care how long I've gone without.
maybe you just haven't met the right guy yet

I'm sure you'd like to give it a try. No doubt you've already secretly sucked dick. But me. I'm straight. Always have been; always will. Thanks for the offer though
no, I'm just not so weak in my sexuality that I'm afraid of being converted to gay. So they don't bother me in the least.
Oh so you like to experiment. No worries. Noone here is judging you
you do keep hinting, an I have been ignoring it but it is starting to get sad.
Although I would never say 100% that I would not experiment, one never knows what the future will bring, I can say that your gracious offers for me to join with you are not going to be accepted. Perhaps you should go to a gay bath house or something to realize your deep seated dreams.
You are wrong. If you are straight, then you are attracted to the opposite sex. Nothing is going to make you turn gay, so stop worrying.
I am not worried at all. I enjoy women,I enjoy the female body very much,I enjoy my wife in all aspects very much so no worry here not sure where you see me worried....I was born straight like every other person in the world is.

Good, then you don't have to worry about outside influences turning you gay.
I already said I am not worried about it lol. Never even crossed my mind. Homosexuality is a mental disorder and Homosexuals are Mentally Ill people. Pretty freaking simple to understand.

What is hard to understand are your delusions.

What makes you think that homosexuals are 'mentally ill'- the voices in your head?
What makes you think Homosexuality is NOT a mental illness? The fact it was VOTED ON back in 1970's? That's right homosexuality was not taken off the list of mental illnesses based on new evidence or scientific finding it was VOTED OFF.

LOL- and what makes you think that homosexuality is a mental illness? The fact is it was voted on in the 1950's without any scientific evidence that it was.

Homosexuality was defined as a mental illness for approximately 20 years- and hasn't been for 40 years.

About as relevant as you arguing that we only have 48 states, because that was how many states we had when you learned the pledge of allegiance.
Kids need to learn critical thinking and forming opinions on key issues. Politics and social issues are important

Liberals DO understand the importance!

That's why they're so dedicated to stamping them out.
I cant agree with that, liberals spend too much time teaching kids that religion is bad, homosexuality is good, the muslims are good, parents are bad and should be turned in for anything they do, corporations are bad, The United States is a bad and racist country, white people are bad.
Liberals understand all too well the importance of teaching kids what they want them to know. They just dont spend any time teaching kids the truth.

Wow.....here I live in San Francisco.....the hub of American liberalism and I don't know any libearls who teach their kids that religion is bad or parents are bad or corporations are bad or the United States is bad or that white people are bad.

We do teach our kids that they should not judge people based upon their religion- whether those people are Christians or Muslims- and we teach people not to judge people based upon what gender that person is attracted to.

Sorry that teaching our kids about equality makes you so uncomfortable.
Wow.....here I live in San Francisco.....the hub of American liberalism and I don't know any libearls who teach their kids that religion is bad or parents are bad or corporations are bad or the United States is bad or that white people are bad..

You just reserve your bullying of Christians for online abuse...OK, Check.

Do you teach your kids that Jude 1 and Romans 1 are not bad? Curious about those passages. Do you and your San Francisco pals have to approve of Jude 1 or Romans 1 in order that they be legally allowed to be taught in Churches and private Christian schools?

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