Entire county clerk office resigns over SSM

So it takes about a dozen of you to post against what I've been saying. And you're here doing it every single day. If what I was saying wasn't that big of a deal, why would it take such a fierce and sustained effort on your part, complete with lots of name-calling from your choir.

Something does feel right about that.
We're laughing at you, not with you
This is taking a stance in your beliefs.


No same-sex marriage licenses are being issued in Decatur County, Tennessee, because the entire county clerk’s office has resigned following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Decatur County Clerk Gwen Pope explained her decision to quit her elected post. “It’s for the glory of God. He’s going to get all the glory,” she told WBIR.

Pope asserted she would rather resign than submit to issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She and her two staff members, Sharon Bell and Mickey Butler, have all quit for the same reason. Their last day of work is July 14.

The TV station indicates the phone in the Decatur County Clerk Office “rang nonstop” as “[o]ver and over again, people praised the decision of the three workers who have decided to step down from their positions rather than hand out same-sex marriage licenses.”

Entire County Clerk Office Resigns Over Same-Sex Marriage - Breitbart
These people should be able to sue the government for redress to replace the number of years they planned to be in their career. Full retirement and medical too. If the government wants to have a rainbow Whitehouse show, they damned sure should compensate Christians who don't want to be indocrinated in their newly sanctioned state-cult/religion of LGBT.

These people had no way of knowing when they took their jobs that they would be required to commit mortal sin (Jude 1) by the government no less, in order to keep their jobs. It wrecked 100s of careers across the country.

Pay up Uncle Sam. Put your money where your Whitehouse rainbow light display is..

Yes! That's a great idea! Any time a law is passed, changed or struck down which effects any sort of licensing, clerks should be able to quit in protest and sue to have the government pay the wages they expected to receive for the rest of their careers! Retirement and medical, too! Government workers don't have nearly enough benefits, let's provide them with lifetime pay any time their jobs change at all!

You are a constant source of entertainment Silhouette. :lmao:
This is taking a stance in your beliefs.


No same-sex marriage licenses are being issued in Decatur County, Tennessee, because the entire county clerk’s office has resigned following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Decatur County Clerk Gwen Pope explained her decision to quit her elected post. “It’s for the glory of God. He’s going to get all the glory,” she told WBIR.

Pope asserted she would rather resign than submit to issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She and her two staff members, Sharon Bell and Mickey Butler, have all quit for the same reason. Their last day of work is July 14.

The TV station indicates the phone in the Decatur County Clerk Office “rang nonstop” as “[o]ver and over again, people praised the decision of the three workers who have decided to step down from their positions rather than hand out same-sex marriage licenses.”

Entire County Clerk Office Resigns Over Same-Sex Marriage - Breitbart

Here is what people do not consider - because the spiritual realm is invisible to the naked eye. There are angels that are recording every word we say, every thought we entertain, every action we make. All of our words, deeds and actions are being recorded.

With that said, Lass, Satan who is our adversary is also using his own demons to record every word we say and every action we take - so that he may use it against us when he goes before God to accuse us. Satan doesn't accuse us of what we haven't done but what we have done - he uses the Word of God like a lawyer uses a law book before a righteous Judge in a court of law.

Example: Satan will say to God, Your Word says, The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. This person who claims he is one of your children is defending homosexuality and homosexual marriage on a message board, he is misprepresenting your word in his posts and accusing your obedient children of error and I've found him regularly standing with the wicked which you warn against in your Word. Your word rules in Psalm 1:6 that the ungodly shall perish.

And again I remind you of your Word which says that the wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips! And again your Word says that a faithful witness will not lie but a false witness will utter lies. I find this man is returning evil for good too! He is is rewarding evil for good and your word says that whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house. Because of all these things - I have grounds to destroy this mans house and take his life. I am hereby petitioning you now to permit me to send my own workers to do a home invasion on his house and kill him. You said the wicked shall be turned into hell. I am petitioning to take him to hell now.

The LORD may say, I grant the petition or he may say to Satan - you cannot kill him but you can attack his body, destroy his house, take everything he has and cause him serious injury. But you cannot take his life.

This goes on every single day whether people realize it or not. We are being judged by our words, our thoughts and our deeds. (Satan cannot read our minds but the LORD can and if our thoughts are impure and un- repented of - they will send us to hell as easily as a sin committed in the flesh would. Remember that the man who lusted in his heart after a woman had committed adultery even as if he had done it in the flesh - Jesus said ).

So while some people who call themselves Christians desire to be "popular" - part of the "in - Crowd" it would be wise for them to consider that by compromising the Word of God and defending evil with their own tongue / writings - they are leaving themselves wide open for an attack from Satan.

To the person who uses the terminology a "real Christian" and then claims it is one who does not speak out against sin. I have news for you. The Satanists and Witches that visit this board know full well who the "real Christians" are because they are unable to touch them, to attack them, to prevail against them. They avoid the "real Christians" because they know they are asking for trouble.

In closing the story of these clerks quitting their jobs has already been recorded in heaven and I believe God counts it an act of righteousness. Good for them. I also believe that God will count it as an act of righteousness to make a thread about it and applaud those who stand up for the Word of God and walk it out - with their feet! Bless you, Lass.
Holy Shit, you're fucking nuts. :lol:

So let's see here. YOU are allowed to have your opinion that gay marriage is a okay , but she's nuts for having a differing opinion?


Jeremiah is nuts for way more than just a disagreement on same sex marriage. :p
Yes! That's a great idea! Any time a law is passed, changed or struck down which effects any sort of licensing, clerks should be able to quit in protest and sue to have the government pay the wages they expected to receive for the rest of their careers! Retirement and medical, too! Government workers don't have nearly enough benefits, let's provide them with lifetime pay any time their jobs change...

What will be pivotal in this discussion will be the gravity of the sin of enabling the spread of homosexual culture with the cult using the vehicle of marriage to accomplish this. There are children involved as well who are being now institutionally-deprived of either a father or a mother, for the first time in human history that deficit is now an institution.

These topics aren't going to be watered down, dismissed, deflected, ridiculed or "disappeared". And you're going to be finding that out in the very near future I have a hunch. 100s of millions of Americans were stunned that their voices were silenced on these grave and impactful topics. They're not just going to "go away". Mark my words.
Yes! That's a great idea! Any time a law is passed, changed or struck down which effects any sort of licensing, clerks should be able to quit in protest and sue to have the government pay the wages they expected to receive for the rest of their careers! Retirement and medical, too! Government workers don't have nearly enough benefits, let's provide them with lifetime pay any time their jobs change...

What will be pivotal in this discussion will be the gravity of the sin of enabling the spread of homosexual culture with the cult using the vehicle of marriage to accomplish this. There are children involved as well who are being now institutionally-deprived of either a father or a mother, for the first time in human history that deficit is now an institution.

These topics aren't going to be watered down, dismissed, deflected, ridiculed or "disappeared". And you're going to be finding that out in the very near future I have a hunch. 100s of millions of Americans were stunned that their voices were silenced on these grave and impactful topics. They're not just going to "go away". Mark my words.

Your hunches have proven to be somewhat less than prophetic up till now. ;)
  • Thanks
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This is taking a stance in your beliefs.


No same-sex marriage licenses are being issued in Decatur County, Tennessee, because the entire county clerk’s office has resigned following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Decatur County Clerk Gwen Pope explained her decision to quit her elected post. “It’s for the glory of God. He’s going to get all the glory,” she told WBIR.

Pope asserted she would rather resign than submit to issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She and her two staff members, Sharon Bell and Mickey Butler, have all quit for the same reason. Their last day of work is July 14.

The TV station indicates the phone in the Decatur County Clerk Office “rang nonstop” as “[o]ver and over again, people praised the decision of the three workers who have decided to step down from their positions rather than hand out same-sex marriage licenses.”

Entire County Clerk Office Resigns Over Same-Sex Marriage - Breitbart

Here is what people do not consider - because the spiritual realm is invisible to the naked eye. There are angels that are recording every word we say, every thought we entertain, every action we make. All of our words, deeds and actions are being recorded.

With that said, Lass, Satan who is our adversary is also using his own demons to record every word we say and every action we take - so that he may use it against us when he goes before God to accuse us. Satan doesn't accuse us of what we haven't done but what we have done - he uses the Word of God like a lawyer uses a law book before a righteous Judge in a court of law.

Example: Satan will say to God, Your Word says, The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. This person who claims he is one of your children is defending homosexuality and homosexual marriage on a message board, he is misprepresenting your word in his posts and accusing your obedient children of error and I've found him regularly standing with the wicked which you warn against in your Word. Your word rules in Psalm 1:6 that the ungodly shall perish.

And again I remind you of your Word which says that the wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips! And again your Word says that a faithful witness will not lie but a false witness will utter lies. I find this man is returning evil for good too! He is is rewarding evil for good and your word says that whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house. Because of all these things - I have grounds to destroy this mans house and take his life. I am hereby petitioning you now to permit me to send my own workers to do a home invasion on his house and kill him. You said the wicked shall be turned into hell. I am petitioning to take him to hell now.

The LORD may say, I grant the petition or he may say to Satan - you cannot kill him but you can attack his body, destroy his house, take everything he has and cause him serious injury. But you cannot take his life.

This goes on every single day whether people realize it or not. We are being judged by our words, our thoughts and our deeds. (Satan cannot read our minds but the LORD can and if our thoughts are impure and un- repented of - they will send us to hell as easily as a sin committed in the flesh would. Remember that the man who lusted in his heart after a woman had committed adultery even as if he had done it in the flesh - Jesus said ).

So while some people who call themselves Christians desire to be "popular" - part of the "in - Crowd" it would be wise for them to consider that by compromising the Word of God and defending evil with their own tongue / writings - they are leaving themselves wide open for an attack from Satan.

To the person who uses the terminology a "real Christian" and then claims it is one who does not speak out against sin. I have news for you. The Satanists and Witches that visit this board know full well who the "real Christians" are because they are unable to touch them, to attack them, to prevail against them. They avoid the "real Christians" because they know they are asking for trouble.

In closing the story of these clerks quitting their jobs has already been recorded in heaven and I believe God counts it an act of righteousness. Good for them. I also believe that God will count it as an act of righteousness to make a thread about it and applaud those who stand up for the Word of God and walk it out - with their feet! Bless you, Lass.
Holy Shit, you're fucking nuts. :lol:

So let's see here. YOU are allowed to have your opinion that gay marriage is a okay , but she's nuts for having a differing opinion?


Jeremiah is nuts for way more than just a disagreement on same sex marriage. :p

Anyone who does not agree with you, Montrovant, in your blasphemy of God and His Word is most likely considered nuts by you. Because your mind is darkened and you do not consider the fact that you are perishing. The Gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing.......

It is written:
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
So it takes about a dozen of you to post against what I've been saying. And you're here doing it every single day. If what I was saying wasn't that big of a deal, why would it take such a fierce and sustained effort on your part, complete with lots of name-calling from your choir.

Something does feel right about that.
We're laughing at you, not with you

No, you and your camp are attacking her - personal attacks are not considered a rebuttal in a debate - in fact they are not permitted in a legitimate debate that is moderated by judges - you'd be disqualified and dismissed immediately.

NOTE - the reason you and your camp resort to personal attacks is very obvious. You have no rebuttal. You know she is right and you cannot do anything else but sling mud and hope to derail the discussion and shut it down. Does not look like that has worked for you or anyone else here.
This is taking a stance in your beliefs.


No same-sex marriage licenses are being issued in Decatur County, Tennessee, because the entire county clerk’s office has resigned following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Decatur County Clerk Gwen Pope explained her decision to quit her elected post. “It’s for the glory of God. He’s going to get all the glory,” she told WBIR.

Pope asserted she would rather resign than submit to issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She and her two staff members, Sharon Bell and Mickey Butler, have all quit for the same reason. Their last day of work is July 14.

The TV station indicates the phone in the Decatur County Clerk Office “rang nonstop” as “[o]ver and over again, people praised the decision of the three workers who have decided to step down from their positions rather than hand out same-sex marriage licenses.”

Entire County Clerk Office Resigns Over Same-Sex Marriage - Breitbart

Here is what people do not consider - because the spiritual realm is invisible to the naked eye. There are angels that are recording every word we say, every thought we entertain, every action we make. All of our words, deeds and actions are being recorded.

With that said, Lass, Satan who is our adversary is also using his own demons to record every word we say and every action we take - so that he may use it against us when he goes before God to accuse us. Satan doesn't accuse us of what we haven't done but what we have done - he uses the Word of God like a lawyer uses a law book before a righteous Judge in a court of law.

Example: Satan will say to God, Your Word says, The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. This person who claims he is one of your children is defending homosexuality and homosexual marriage on a message board, he is misprepresenting your word in his posts and accusing your obedient children of error and I've found him regularly standing with the wicked which you warn against in your Word. Your word rules in Psalm 1:6 that the ungodly shall perish.

And again I remind you of your Word which says that the wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips! And again your Word says that a faithful witness will not lie but a false witness will utter lies. I find this man is returning evil for good too! He is is rewarding evil for good and your word says that whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house. Because of all these things - I have grounds to destroy this mans house and take his life. I am hereby petitioning you now to permit me to send my own workers to do a home invasion on his house and kill him. You said the wicked shall be turned into hell. I am petitioning to take him to hell now.

The LORD may say, I grant the petition or he may say to Satan - you cannot kill him but you can attack his body, destroy his house, take everything he has and cause him serious injury. But you cannot take his life.

This goes on every single day whether people realize it or not. We are being judged by our words, our thoughts and our deeds. (Satan cannot read our minds but the LORD can and if our thoughts are impure and un- repented of - they will send us to hell as easily as a sin committed in the flesh would. Remember that the man who lusted in his heart after a woman had committed adultery even as if he had done it in the flesh - Jesus said ).

So while some people who call themselves Christians desire to be "popular" - part of the "in - Crowd" it would be wise for them to consider that by compromising the Word of God and defending evil with their own tongue / writings - they are leaving themselves wide open for an attack from Satan.

To the person who uses the terminology a "real Christian" and then claims it is one who does not speak out against sin. I have news for you. The Satanists and Witches that visit this board know full well who the "real Christians" are because they are unable to touch them, to attack them, to prevail against them. They avoid the "real Christians" because they know they are asking for trouble.

In closing the story of these clerks quitting their jobs has already been recorded in heaven and I believe God counts it an act of righteousness. Good for them. I also believe that God will count it as an act of righteousness to make a thread about it and applaud those who stand up for the Word of God and walk it out - with their feet! Bless you, Lass.
Holy Shit, you're fucking nuts. :lol:

So let's see here. YOU are allowed to have your opinion that gay marriage is a okay , but she's nuts for having a differing opinion?


Jeremiah is nuts for way more than just a disagreement on same sex marriage. :p

Anyone who does not agree with you, Montrovant, in your blasphemy of God and His Word is most likely considered nuts by you. Because your mind is darkened and you do not consider the fact that you are perishing. The Gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing.......

It is written:
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

You have your own brand of crazy. It is much different from most, even other Christians. My dark and blasphemous mind doesn't find most other religious people to be as out there as you. ;)
So it takes about a dozen of you to post against what I've been saying. And you're here doing it every single day. If what I was saying wasn't that big of a deal, why would it take such a fierce and sustained effort on your part, complete with lots of name-calling from your choir.

Something does feel right about that.
We're laughing at you, not with you

No, you and your camp are attacking her - personal attacks are not considered a rebuttal in a debate - in fact they are not permitted in a legitimate debate that is moderated by judges - you'd be disqualified and dismissed immediately.

NOTE - the reason you and your camp resort to personal attacks is very obvious. You have no rebuttal. You know she is right and you cannot do anything else but sling mud and hope to derail the discussion and shut it down. Does not look like that has worked for you or anyone else here.

Silhouette has been rebutted many times, for the same repetitive arguments, throughout the many anti-gay threads she has started. You may not have seen them, but some of us have been reading her particular misrepresentations, lies, and conspiracy theories for a while now.
I disagree with a law. Here. Take my job, and give it to somebody who will do it properly.

Take that, gays!!
So it takes about a dozen of you to post against what I've been saying. And you're here doing it every single day. If what I was saying wasn't that big of a deal, why would it take such a fierce and sustained effort on your part, complete with lots of name-calling from your choir.

Something does feel right about that.
We're laughing at you, not with you

No, you and your camp are attacking her - personal attacks are not considered a rebuttal in a debate - in fact they are not permitted in a legitimate debate that is moderated by judges - you'd be disqualified and dismissed immediately.

NOTE - the reason you and your camp resort to personal attacks is very obvious. You have no rebuttal. You know she is right and you cannot do anything else but sling mud and hope to derail the discussion and shut it down. Does not look like that has worked for you or anyone else here.

Silhouette has been rebutted many times, for the same repetitive arguments, throughout the many anti-gay threads she has started. You may not have seen them, but some of us have been reading her particular misrepresentations, lies, and conspiracy theories for a while now.

I was thinking about the author of this OP and did not notice I was actually quoting Silhouette. Although it's clear she is in agreement with the author of the OP (IrishLass) as for her past threads, you are right. I have not read most of them. I have read a few and so I am not going to comment on something I cannot actually verify one way or the other. My last comment, Montro. Goodnight.
So it takes about a dozen of you to post against what I've been saying. And you're here doing it every single day. If what I was saying wasn't that big of a deal, why would it take such a fierce and sustained effort on your part, complete with lots of name-calling from your choir.

Something does feel right about that.
We're laughing at you, not with you

No, you and your camp are attacking her - personal attacks are not considered a rebuttal in a debate - in fact they are not permitted in a legitimate debate that is moderated by judges - you'd be disqualified and dismissed immediately.

NOTE - the reason you and your camp resort to personal attacks is very obvious. You have no rebuttal. You know she is right and you cannot do anything else but sling mud and hope to derail the discussion and shut it down. Does not look like that has worked for you or anyone else here.

Silhouette has been rebutted many times, for the same repetitive arguments, throughout the many anti-gay threads she has started. You may not have seen them, but some of us have been reading her particular misrepresentations, lies, and conspiracy theories for a while now.

I was thinking about the author of this OP and did not notice I was actually quoting Silhouette. Although it's clear she is in agreement with the author of the OP (IrishLass) as for her past threads, you are right. I have not read most of them. I have read a few and so I am not going to comment on something I cannot actually verify one way or the other. My last comment, Montro. Goodnight.

Fair enough! :D
Nobody but NOBODY tells me or any other citizen of the US that their civil right of the 1st Amendment cannot be enjoyed. Read the 9th Amendment and listen up: I'M TELLING YOU THAT YOU MAY NOT TELL ANY INDIVIDUAL CHRISTIAN ANYWHERE, ANYTIME THAT THEY CANNOT DO BUSINESS AND PRACTICE THEIR 1ST AMENDMENT CIVIL RIGHT AT THE SAME TIME.

Why only Christians?

I don't remember this sentiment a few years ago when Muslim cab drivers refused to pick up passengers needing service dogs. Dog's being against the Islamic religion.

Muslim Cab Drivers Refuse to Transport Alcohol and Dogs - ABC News


Yep- they were forced to do their jobs.

And none of these Conservatives were upset about 'religious freedom' then- they used it as an excuse to complain about Muslims trying to force their religion on everybody else.
So it takes about a dozen of you to post against what I've been saying. And you're here doing it every single day. If what I was saying wasn't that big of a deal, why would it take such a fierce and sustained effort on your part, complete with lots of name-calling from your choir.

Something does feel right about that.
We're laughing at you, not with you

No, you and your camp are attacking her - personal attacks are not considered a rebuttal in a debate - in fact they are not permitted in a legitimate debate that is moderated by judges - you'd be disqualified and dismissed immediately.

NOTE - the reason you and your camp resort to personal attacks is very obvious. You have no rebuttal. You know she is right and you cannot do anything else but sling mud and hope to derail the discussion and shut it down. Does not look like that has worked for you or anyone else here.

I have been responding to the homophobic posts of Silhouette for over 2 years.

Yes- I personally attack her for her homophobic bigotry- and her lies.

When she does 'cite' something it will be guaranteed to be misrepresented- whether it is in regards to Harvey Milk Day to "The Mayo Clinic Study" to the "Prince's Study'.

We point out specifically- point by point how she is misrepresenting the facts- and she just keeps doing it.

After a while it is simpler just to mock her- and simply say she is a bigot and a liar.
So it takes about a dozen of you to post against what I've been saying. And you're here doing it every single day. If what I was saying wasn't that big of a deal, why would it take such a fierce and sustained effort on your part, complete with lots of name-calling from your choir.

Something does feel right about that.
We're laughing at you, not with you

No, you and your camp are attacking her - personal attacks are not considered a rebuttal in a debate - in fact they are not permitted in a legitimate debate that is moderated by judges - you'd be disqualified and dismissed immediately.

NOTE - the reason you and your camp resort to personal attacks is very obvious. You have no rebuttal. You know she is right and you cannot do anything else but sling mud and hope to derail the discussion and shut it down. Does not look like that has worked for you or anyone else here.

I have been responding to the homophobic posts of Silhouette for over 2 years.

Yes- I personally attack her for her homophobic bigotry- and her lies.

When she does 'cite' something it will be guaranteed to be misrepresented- whether it is in regards to Harvey Milk Day to "The Mayo Clinic Study" to the "Prince's Study'.

We point out specifically- point by point how she is misrepresenting the facts- and she just keeps doing it.

After a while it is simpler just to mock her- and simply say she is a bigot and a liar.
They have to misrepresent facts. Otherwise, upon what would they base their bigotry?
New job openings for those who really want to work.

Or be part of the perversion.

I support Gay marriage. I see no big perversion either.

So support it, I don't and it is perversion, unnatural and abnormal.

Some heterosexual couples that are married join swing clubs or S&M clubs and some even claim to be religious, are they perverted and unnatural in what they do at those clubs?

Stupid people don't understand that constitutional right doesn't mean "not icky"

A "Constitutional Right", is one wherein protections for the means to exercise the right are enumerated in the Constitution.

There is no Constitutional Right to promote degeneracy... but that's only because the Framers of the US Constitution were not idiots, thus recognized what DEGENERACY is and given that the purpose of the Constitution is the antithesis of Degeneracy... they went the other way. Now part and parcel of the evidence of that, is the priority that they gave the free exercise of Religion. Which if you're keeping score... you will note that priority they placed on The Free Exercise of Religion... is

They have to misrepresent facts. Otherwise, upon what would they base their bigotry?


The coolest thing about the word "Bigotry" is that the use of the word is a classic demonstration of "intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself".
They have to misrepresent facts. Otherwise, upon what would they base their bigotry?


The coolest thing about the word "Bigotry" is that the use of the word is a classic demonstration of "intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself".
The definition is "extreme" intolerance. And I am not intolerant of your beliefs or those of the clerks. They did the right thing in resigning. Had they remained and refused to provide marriage license, they would have been the intolerant ones. They would have been the ones demanding that others adhere to their beliefs.

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