Entire county clerk office resigns over SSM

So support it, I don't and it is perversion, unnatural and abnormal.

Some heterosexual couples that are married join swing clubs or S&M clubs and some even claim to be religious, are they perverted and unnatural in what they do at those clubs?

Stupid people don't understand that constitutional right doesn't mean "not icky"

A "Constitutional Right", is one wherein protections for the means to exercise the right are enumerated in the Constitution.

There is no Constitutional Right to promote degeneracy... but that's only because the Framers of the US Constitution were not idiots, thus recognized what DEGENERACY is and given that the purpose of the Constitution is the antithesis of Degeneracy... they went the other way. Now part and parcel of the evidence of that, is the priority that they gave the free exercise of Religion. Which if you're keeping score... you will note that priority they placed on The Free Exercise of Religion... is

The right to equal protection is enumerated. The right to "liberty" is enumerated.

Yes... and the natural LAWS of liberty establish responsibilities upon every individual to not exercise their rights to the detriment of the means of others to exercise their own rights.

It is the right of every individual to live in a sustainable culture... thus it is the responsibility of every individual to not behave in such a way that undermines individual, thus by extension collective viability.

Degeneracy undermines individual viability and by extension, degeneracy undermines collective viability... therefore there is no POTENTIAL for a right to promote Degeneracy.
The problem with your argument is that the legal system, the Constitution, does not have the power to decide what is or is not moral. What is immoral to you, is not to another. Rights have to be equally distributed and restrictions have to be equally distributed. If you want the country to practice Sharia law, then you probably should move. Chances are you you do something that someone else considers a degenerate action. No one is as pure as they claim... so be careful... throwing that first stone might have a boomerang effect and come back to haunt you.
It's a perversion of our society. Ruinous in fact. At no other time in world history was this ever allowed.

I'm still searching for how, legally, gay behaviors are "more special than other behaviors". Because voters in each state self-rule. And the only reason to self-rule IS behaviors. So now that behaviors have special protection from the majority, and no one person can be superior to another legally (equality), the right to regulate behaviors has been removed from the voters. Put more succinctly, the right to self-rule has been removed from the voters. That's a BRAND NEW addition to the Constitution. Last Friday's Ruling was unconstitutional for at least three reasons:

1. It made a certain type of person-doing-behaviors more superior to all others. (For instance, polygamists and incest people can't marry now)

2. It removed the right of states to self-govern.

3. This was done by the judicial branch of government; which is disallowed. Only Congress may make substantive changes to the foundation of the Constitution.
How is equal "more special"?
Yeah..."more special" like getting tax exemptions?
Help me to understand, why? Some Ppl go against their best interest
The clerk’s resigns’
Right or wrong, they still have to maintain monthly bill’s payment, now they need another income, and we all know how hard it’s to find a “good paying job” or file for “Unemployment” what some would call “Government Help” now it may be just me, but
The only Ppl I see that will be hurt is the clerk’s, because the city , state and most business are going to remain open, and the law not going to change,
By the way did anyone post how many clerk’s
These clerks who planned their careers never imagining that they would be forced by the government to give up their 1st Amendment rights and commit a mortal sin in order to stay on must be legally compensated for their lifelone wages, medical and retirement.

Class action. Now. Uncle Sam: pay up or shut up.
That will be fun...then they can pay their lawyers in a losing lawsuit too. Win!
Three words suffice to remedy the woes discussed in this thread: CLASS-ACTION-LAWSUIT against the fed. This catch-22 was not a voluntary quit. It was a forced-quit. Someone will have to compensate these clerks. Maybe George Soros would like to pony up the funds?

A stripper that doesn't take his/her clothes off doesn't have a job. Period. They quit b/c they couldn't do the job they were paid to do. Too bad, so sad.

The government added SSM to the mix, that goes against their religious beliefs. I suspect they have a case
Why don't you join them in their "class action law suit"....that'll be fun fun fun.
Suppose someone from Christian Scientist became a pharmacist...no one could get any medicine...sickness is an illusion that can be corrected by prayer alone...now he would pray for you but no insulin shots for your diabetes...suck it up....
There are Religions that prohibit blood transfusions...do not let that Religionist work in the emergency room...folks are gonna die.........
A stripper that doesn't take his/her clothes off doesn't have a job. Period. They quit b/c they couldn't do the job they were paid to do. Too bad, so sad.

The government added SSM to the mix, that goes against their religious beliefs. I suspect they have a case

They do not have a case...at all. Though I do admire them for leaving their jobs and standing up for what they believe in. Has any of them sued yet? I am not sure.

Sure they do. The job duties changed, something that goes against their religious convictions and beliefs was added. I have no idea if they sued.

It isn't their job to judge those whom are getting married. It is their job to file forms and if they cannot do so then they should find another job. It appears they did. They don't have a legal leg to stand on.

We'll see. I think they have a very good case, my husband the attorney does also
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Suuuuuuuure.
I support Gay marriage. I see no big perversion either.

So support it, I don't and it is perversion, unnatural and abnormal.
I bet you won't be saying that on the day your son brings home the boy of his dreams and tells you they are getting married.
What is it with lefttards and their obsession with other peoples kids becoming mentally ill and turning into a butt fucker? Oh and if ANY of my kids told me that they would be told 2 things,get the mental health help you need or don't ever call,step foot in my home or email me or your mother. You were raised CORRECTLY you were a NORMAL child and teenager so obviously something happened to mentally fuck you up in college or wherever you have been.

You think people "turn" gay? Good grief.
Very good did it take you long to figure that out? I think its a choice. Nature made you straight you are born to breed with the opposite sex so the blood line continues so the population grows etc etc...not to butt fuck another guy.
I see you like to think and talk about gay sex....more than any gay people I know.
I already said I am not worried about it lol. Never even crossed my mind. Homosexuality is a mental disorder and Homosexuals are Mentally Ill people. Pretty freaking simple to understand.

Well then, why do you fear them so?
I don't FEAR homosexuals. I actually feel sorry for them and sick to my stomach of the fact that so many have chosen to remain sick and want to push their sickness as normal onto America via marriage,acceptance etc. The ONLY thing they should ALL be doing is getting the mental health help that they desperately need. I am mad because these homosexuals do the same jobs every day Americans do aka Teachers,Librarians,Coaches and have access to my children and others children and push their propaganda on to children who know nothing about homosexuality at such an early age or they take advantage of their role in the child's life and abuse them in sexual ways. Homosexuality has got to be one of the biggest threats to Americans and America as a whole along with being a mental health epidemic that millions just want to ignore as "normal". The suicide rates,STD rates,child abuse rates etc are ALL higher among homosexuals than normal people.
Im straight, would you have a problem with your daughter being in a class that I teach?

Im kinda happy that two people can find love, even if its not what I would consider a choice for me.
Depends really. I don't any of my kids in a classroom with a teacher that feels the need to introduce political topics into the classroom. I want them there to learn Math,Science,History,Reading,English etc. MAYBE when they are in high school and they are more aware of what is going on in the world and are actually curious about politics and political topics the school should allow parents to say OK and let the students take the class more of a debate class than one opinion fits all one. As of right now we talk about ALL things at home. They want to talk about it we do. They know what the SC said...Oldest didn't really seem to care either way....the rest of my kids wouldn't even sit still to hear about it...Oldest is only 8 but she knows what homosexuality is and thinks its weird....fine with me for now. I let her have her own opinion and she still comes to me and her mother to ask questions. We give OUR opinions on most things but some things are NOT open for discussion. If she wants to think homosexuality is OK then so be it can't stop her but can express my opinion openly and I do.

I agree. School should be about educating the kids and not social issues. Political topics though? The kids do need to learn about politics. Don't you think?
I guess you don't want SOCIAL Studies taught then.
Mortal sin vs venial. You'll come to learn the difference and how it matters in this new civil rights movement soon enough..

On its way out? LMAO!!

Correct. On it's way out. Make way for the 1st Amendment civil rights movement. If the two can share worlds then fine. But a cult hellbent on destroying a religion has never been shown to be a comfy two-room apartment..

Oh geebus. :cuckoo:
Sil have been in perpetual meltdown for over a week...I think it's taking a toll.
That will be fun...then they can pay their lawyers in a losing lawsuit too. Win!

Translation: Those who won't participate in deviant behavior should be financially ruined and jailed....we're tolerant.
Nope. But little boys like you just aren't very bright. Joining a lawsuit is voluntary. Now you've just learned something. Congrats!
The problem with your argument is that the legal system, the Constitution, does not have the power to decide what is or is not moral.

OH! I want to thank you for advancing this common misnomer.

In reality, thus in truth, Western Jurisprudence is built upon no other point, except imparting power as a means to enforce the soundly reasoned morality common to Western Civilization.

Granted, its suffered severe decay, but decay is, after all, the nature of evil ... and LOL! Here you are standing up for nothing else, except EVIL!

Here's the thing... You're a Relativist and as such you expose yourself as a fool. In that a fool lacks the means to reason objectively... and Relativism rejects the very existence of objectivity.

But thank you for sharing. It served the purpose of tickling my funny bone and I do SO appreciate THAT!
Another big plus that came with same sex marriage is that it opened up a lot of city, state and federal jobs!...from folks who want to "flay the gay"......
Some heterosexual couples that are married join swing clubs or S&M clubs and some even claim to be religious, are they perverted and unnatural in what they do at those clubs?

Stupid people don't understand that constitutional right doesn't mean "not icky"

A "Constitutional Right", is one wherein protections for the means to exercise the right are enumerated in the Constitution.

There is no Constitutional Right to promote degeneracy... but that's only because the Framers of the US Constitution were not idiots, thus recognized what DEGENERACY is and given that the purpose of the Constitution is the antithesis of Degeneracy... they went the other way. Now part and parcel of the evidence of that, is the priority that they gave the free exercise of Religion. Which if you're keeping score... you will note that priority they placed on The Free Exercise of Religion... is

The right to equal protection is enumerated. The right to "liberty" is enumerated.

Yes... and the natural LAWS of liberty establish responsibilities upon every individual to not exercise their rights to the detriment of the means of others to exercise their own rights.

It is the right of every individual to live in a sustainable culture... thus it is the responsibility of every individual to not behave in such a way that undermines individual, thus by extension collective viability.

Degeneracy undermines individual viability and by extension, degeneracy undermines collective viability... therefore there is no POTENTIAL for a right to promote Degeneracy.
Some heterosexual couples that are married join swing clubs or S&M clubs and some even claim to be religious, are they perverted and unnatural in what they do at those clubs?

Stupid people don't understand that constitutional right doesn't mean "not icky"

A "Constitutional Right", is one wherein protections for the means to exercise the right are enumerated in the Constitution.

There is no Constitutional Right to promote degeneracy... but that's only because the Framers of the US Constitution were not idiots, thus recognized what DEGENERACY is and given that the purpose of the Constitution is the antithesis of Degeneracy... they went the other way. Now part and parcel of the evidence of that, is the priority that they gave the free exercise of Religion. Which if you're keeping score... you will note that priority they placed on The Free Exercise of Religion... is

The right to equal protection is enumerated. The right to "liberty" is enumerated.

Yes... and the natural LAWS of liberty establish responsibilities upon every individual to not exercise their rights to the detriment of the means of others to exercise their own rights.

It is the right of every individual to live in a sustainable culture... thus it is the responsibility of every individual to not behave in such a way that undermines individual, thus by extension collective viability.

Degeneracy undermines individual viability and by extension, degeneracy undermines collective viability... therefore there is no POTENTIAL for a right to promote Degeneracy.
The right to equal protection is enumerated. The right to "liberty" is enumerated.

Does it ennumerate just gay sex practitioners? Or does it include other kinks like polygamy and incest? And if not, why not? Why just gay sex as the Court's pet favorite?

Who is more important in marriage: 1. Adults or 2. The children that are formed there? And who decides between 1. or 2. ? What part of the Constitution did the Court interpret that children should not be considered in any decision about who may marry? Or, rather, what part of the Constitution says that the majority may not consent on such a vital institution as marriage where such a consent is set to drastically alter the future generations of children/society raised under the notion that "a father isn't vital/important" or "a mother isn't vital/important"? What part of the Constitution allows the Court to remove such a debate from the People, and instead decree what is essentially a royal-mandate on just some (but not all) of their favorite deviant sex behaviors?

Where has the authority now been placed to decide polygamy and incest marriage lawsuits? With the Governed or the Court?
There are child endangerment and child protection laws. This argument is a straw man and straw men tend to burn, but that is their purpose, eh?

Except the Child Endangerment Laws can no longer preclude a sexual deviant from being set in a position of authority over a child, because the US Federal Government just licensed degeneracy as a protected class.

Therefore, in terms of argument fabricated as a means to avoid the truth inherent in the argument... it would be YOUR ARGUMENT that fails as a result of that unenviable characteristic.

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