Entire county clerk office resigns over SSM

Wow.....here I live in San Francisco.....the hub of American liberalism and I don't know any libearls who teach their kids that religion is bad or parents are bad or corporations are bad or the United States is bad or that white people are bad..

You just reserve your bullying of Christians for online abuse...OK, Check.

Do you teach your kids that Jude 1 and Romans 1 are not bad? Curious about those passages. Do you and your San Francisco pals have to approve of Jude 1 or Romans 1 in order that they be legally allowed to be taught in Churches and private Christian schools?

Seems to me like it's you religious people who are the bullies. Like you've been told, if you go into business to serve the public, then that is what you are expected to do. If you cannot bring yourself to serve everyone equally, then you are not going to be successful. It's as simple as that. This is not the 1950s anymore. Thankfully, that era is looooong gone. :)
Seems to me like it's you religious people who are the bullies. Like you've been told, if you go into business to serve the public, then that is what you are expected to do. If you cannot bring yourself to serve everyone equally, then you are not going to be successful. It's as simple as that. This is not the 1950s anymore. Thankfully, that era is looooong gone. :)

Nobody but NOBODY tells me or any other citizen of the US that their civil right of the 1st Amendment cannot be enjoyed. Read the 9th Amendment and listen up: I'M TELLING YOU THAT YOU MAY NOT TELL ANY INDIVIDUAL CHRISTIAN ANYWHERE, ANYTIME THAT THEY CANNOT DO BUSINESS AND PRACTICE THEIR 1ST AMENDMENT CIVIL RIGHT AT THE SAME TIME.

Got it? If you do, we will dethrone any judge or law that says so and if you cannot bring yourselves to accomodate Christians' civil rights equally, then you will be sued. It's as simple as that. This isn't the 1990s anymore, this is 2015. Thankfully the LGBT cult era is on its way out and the winds of civil rights have turned a new direction :)

It's very simple. Since violation of the clerks' civil rights forced them to quit their jobs, they deserve compensation. They should sue Uncle Sam for a lifetime career lost because of being forced to choose between their job and their eternal soul.

Oh if this was only about a static thing like race or a venial sin. But it isn't. It's about a cult trying to force a divine religion to abandon its core edicts and bow to a pagan god.
Seems to me like it's you religious people who are the bullies. Like you've been told, if you go into business to serve the public, then that is what you are expected to do. If you cannot bring yourself to serve everyone equally, then you are not going to be successful. It's as simple as that. This is not the 1950s anymore. Thankfully, that era is looooong gone. :)

Nobody but NOBODY tells me or any other citizen of the US that their civil right of the 1st Amendment cannot be enjoyed. Read the 9th Amendment and listen up: I'M TELLING YOU THAT YOU MAY NOT TELL ANY INDIVIDUAL CHRISTIAN ANYWHERE, ANYTIME THAT THEY CANNOT DO BUSINESS AND PRACTICE THEIR 1ST AMENDMENT CIVIL RIGHT AT THE SAME TIME.

Got it? If you do, we will dethrone any judge or law that says so and if you cannot bring yourselves to accomodate Christians' civil rights equally, then you will be sued. It's as simple as that. This isn't the 1990s anymore, this is 2015. Thankfully the LGBT cult era is on its way out and the winds of civil rights have turned a new direction :)

On its way out? LMAO!!
This is taking a stance in your beliefs.


No same-sex marriage licenses are being issued in Decatur County, Tennessee, because the entire county clerk’s office has resigned following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Decatur County Clerk Gwen Pope explained her decision to quit her elected post. “It’s for the glory of God. He’s going to get all the glory,” she told WBIR.

Pope asserted she would rather resign than submit to issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She and her two staff members, Sharon Bell and Mickey Butler, have all quit for the same reason. Their last day of work is July 14.

The TV station indicates the phone in the Decatur County Clerk Office “rang nonstop” as “[o]ver and over again, people praised the decision of the three workers who have decided to step down from their positions rather than hand out same-sex marriage licenses.”

Entire County Clerk Office Resigns Over Same-Sex Marriage - Breitbart

Remember when they did this over divorce decrees? Which are also very much against biblical law and therefore immoral for Christians? Yeah, I don't remember it either.
Mortal sin vs venial. You'll come to learn the difference and how it matters in this new civil rights movement soon enough..

On its way out? LMAO!!

Correct. On it's way out. Make way for the 1st Amendment civil rights movement. If the two can share worlds then fine. But a cult hellbent on destroying a religion has never been shown to be a comfy two-room apartment..
Mortal sin vs venial. You'll come to learn the difference and how it matters in this new civil rights movement soon enough..

On its way out? LMAO!!

Correct. On it's way out. Make way for the 1st Amendment civil rights movement. If the two can share worlds then fine. But a cult hellbent on destroying a religion has never been shown to be a comfy two-room apartment..

Oh geebus. :cuckoo:
Mortal sin vs venial. You'll come to learn the difference and how it matters in this new civil rights movement soon enough..

On its way out? LMAO!!

Correct. On it's way out. Make way for the 1st Amendment civil rights movement. If the two can share worlds then fine. But a cult hellbent on destroying a religion has never been shown to be a comfy two-room apartment..

No one is trying to destroy Christianity. There might be a few who are still pissed about what the religion got away with for so long, but no one is trying to destroy them. They do, however, expect them to follow the anti-discrimination laws that have been passed decades ago.

Throwing a tantrum doesn't change that. As for a new civil rights movement, more than half the population has no problem with gays marrying. So your movement will be short-lived. No movement based on hate has ever been successful in the last 50+ years.
Mortal sin vs venial. You'll come to learn the difference and how it matters in this new civil rights movement soon enough..

On its way out? LMAO!!

Correct. On it's way out. Make way for the 1st Amendment civil rights movement. If the two can share worlds then fine. But a cult hellbent on destroying a religion has never been shown to be a comfy two-room apartment..

No one is trying to destroy Christianity. There might be a few who are still pissed about what the religion got away with for so long, but no one is trying to destroy them. They do, however, expect them to follow the anti-discrimination laws that have been passed decades ago.

Throwing a tantrum doesn't change that. As for a new civil rights movement, more than half the population has no problem with gays marrying. So your movement will be short-lived. No movement based on hate has ever been successful in the last 50+ years.

Oh, I disagree with you there. There is an entire sect out there who would love nothing more than to destroy Christianity in this country.
Mortal sin vs venial. You'll come to learn the difference and how it matters in this new civil rights movement soon enough..

On its way out? LMAO!!

Correct. On it's way out. Make way for the 1st Amendment civil rights movement. If the two can share worlds then fine. But a cult hellbent on destroying a religion has never been shown to be a comfy two-room apartment..

No one is trying to destroy Christianity. There might be a few who are still pissed about what the religion got away with for so long, but no one is trying to destroy them. They do, however, expect them to follow the anti-discrimination laws that have been passed decades ago.

Throwing a tantrum doesn't change that. As for a new civil rights movement, more than half the population has no problem with gays marrying. So your movement will be short-lived. No movement based on hate has ever been successful in the last 50+ years.

Old people, stuck in their old fashioned worlds, tend to resist change as if their lives depended upon it.
Wow.....here I live in San Francisco.....the hub of American liberalism and I don't know any libearls who teach their kids that religion is bad or parents are bad or corporations are bad or the United States is bad or that white people are bad..

You just reserve your bullying of Christians for online abuse...OK, Check.

Do you teach your kids that Jude 1 and Romans 1 are not bad? Curious about those passages. Do you and your San Francisco pals have to approve of Jude 1 or Romans 1 in order that they be legally allowed to be taught in Churches and private Christian schools?

LOL- and how am I 'bullying' any Christians online? Am I stealing their lunch money? Giving them wedgies? LOL.

I don't know anyone who teaches their kids that religion is bad.

I do teach my child however to judge people based upon their actions and words- so yes- she would judge you to be the homophobic bigot that you are.
Seems to me like it's you religious people who are the bullies. Like you've been told, if you go into business to serve the public, then that is what you are expected to do. If you cannot bring yourself to serve everyone equally, then you are not going to be successful. It's as simple as that. This is not the 1950s anymore. Thankfully, that era is looooong gone. :)

Nobody but NOBODY tells me or any other citizen of the US that their civil right of the 1st Amendment cannot be enjoyed..

And no one is.

He was pointing out that nutjobs like you are the ones who have been the bullies.

And he was right.
Nobody but NOBODY tells me or any other citizen of the US that their civil right of the 1st Amendment cannot be enjoyed. Read the 9th Amendment and listen up: I'M TELLING YOU THAT YOU MAY NOT TELL ANY INDIVIDUAL CHRISTIAN ANYWHERE, ANYTIME THAT THEY CANNOT DO BUSINESS AND PRACTICE THEIR 1ST AMENDMENT CIVIL RIGHT AT THE SAME TIME.

Why only Christians?

I don't remember this sentiment a few years ago when Muslim cab drivers refused to pick up passengers needing service dogs. Dog's being against the Islamic religion.

Muslim Cab Drivers Refuse to Transport Alcohol and Dogs - ABC News


Got it? If you do, we will dethrone any judge or law that says so and if you cannot bring yourselves to accomodate Christians' civil rights equally, then you will be sued. It's as simple as that.
:rofl: you have become completely unhinged. I love it
Seems to me like it's you religious people who are the bullies. Like you've been told, if you go into business to serve the public, then that is what you are expected to do. If you cannot bring yourself to serve everyone equally, then you are not going to be successful. It's as simple as that. This is not the 1950s anymore. Thankfully, that era is looooong gone. :)

Nobody but NOBODY tells me or any other citizen of the US that their civil right of the 1st Amendment cannot be enjoyed..

And no one is.

He was pointing out that nutjobs like you are the ones who have been the bullies.

And he was right.

That's she, thanks. :)
So it takes about a dozen of you to post against what I've been saying. And you're here doing it every single day. If what I was saying wasn't that big of a deal, why would it take such a fierce and sustained effort on your part, complete with lots of name-calling from your choir.

Something does feel right about that.

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