Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

Looks like the ACB ceremony was where many got it?

Conway is the seventh person who attended Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House to test positive for the virus. Other attendees who contracted the illness are: President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, and an unnamed White House reporter.


Yes, but atleast 2 of the victims didn't go-----------and the others if just exposed couldn't infect others. They were infected somewhere or by something else.
Q. Does anyone take PPE more seriously than do doctors and nurses?
How do you explain the High Numbers of THEIR infections?

A. There are insufficient PPE's and doctors and nurses are using the same PPE over and over; they are in a hospital with many patients who are infected with an infectious disease, and they are overworked and tired.

When you dodge a point being made so obviously, you are a discredit to yourself.

Really, that's your reality, it is not the reality of hospitals all around the United States. I suppose you have been brainwashed by Dumb Donald too.
Q. Does anyone take PPE more seriously than do doctors and nurses?
How do you explain the High Numbers of THEIR infections?

A. There are insufficient PPE's and doctors and nurses are using the same PPE over and over; they are in a hospital with many patients who are infected with an infectious disease, and they are overworked and tired.

When you dodge a point being made so obviously, you are a discredit to yourself.

Really, that's your reality, it is not the reality of hospitals all around the United States. I suppose you have been brainwashed by Dumb Donald too.
The point is that nobody knows the importance of ppe more than nurses and doctors do. Yet they get the virus in huge significant numbers anyway. (Death rate still very low). . . It is unreasonable and even laughable to expect the public, the president or any other elected officials to fair any better than the nurses do.
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Looks like Republican plans to confirm a new SCOTUS Justice are being scuttled by COVID

Three Senators down already
More to come if they are not more cautious

This has long been one way the coronavirus has spread. People gathered at celebrations, where they're too busy partying to think about safety. One of the reasons that Florida closed down the bars.
The point is that nobody knows the importance of ppe more than nurses and doctors do. Yet they get the virus in huge significant numbers anyway. (Death rate still very low). . . It is unreasonable and even laughable to expect the public, the president or any other elected officials to fair any better than the nurses do.

You're comparing apples and oranges. The medical community is immersed in the coronavirus. Working 8 hour, 12 hour or even 16 hour shifts treating infectious patients.

Politicians only needed to socially distance. And they couldn't even do that. They packed themselves into crowded celebratory groups.
The point is that nobody knows the importance of ppe more than nurses and doctors do. Yet they get the virus in huge significant numbers anyway. (Death rate still very low). . . It is unreasonable and even laughable to expect the public, the president or any other elected officials to fair any better than the nurses do.

You're comparing apples and oranges. The medical community is immersed in the coronavirus. Working 8 hour, 12 hour or even 16 hour shifts treating infectious patients.

Politicians only needed to socially distance. And they couldn't even do that. They packed themselves into crowded celebratory groups.

The medical expert at the company I work for (we make medical devices) announced that eventually all of us will eventually have a bout of covid-19.

He said it's not a matter of if, it's a mater of when.

Was he wrong?
The point is that nobody knows the importance of ppe more than nurses and doctors do. Yet they get the virus in huge significant numbers anyway. (Death rate still very low). . . It is unreasonable and even laughable to expect the public, the president or any other elected officials to fair any better than the nurses do.

You're comparing apples and oranges. The medical community is immersed in the coronavirus. Working 8 hour, 12 hour or even 16 hour shifts treating infectious patients.

Politicians only needed to socially distance. And they couldn't even do that. They packed themselves into crowded celebratory groups.

The medical expert at the company I work for (we make medical devices) announced that eventually all of us will eventually have a bout of covid-19.

He said it's not a matter of if, it's a mater of when.

Was he wrong?
You better hope he is wrong. Follow the "herd immunity" model and AT LEAST 2 million Americans are dead. Maybe someone you care about.
You better hope he is wrong. Follow the "herd immunity" model and AT LEAST 2 million Americans are dead. Maybe someone you care about.

I've already lost someone I cared about to the Rona. . .

Of course the cancer, parkinsons and other shit he was fighting had nothing to do with his passing though. . . according to leftardz like you.
You better hope he is wrong. Follow the "herd immunity" model and AT LEAST 2 million Americans are dead. Maybe someone you care about.

I've already lost someone I cared about to the Rona. . .

Of course the cancer, parkinsons and other shit he was fighting had nothing to do with his passing though. . . according to leftardz like you.
This sounds like the argument of when a gunman goes on a shooting spree, the younger shooting victims have a higher survival rate compared to the older victims.

Now you blame the demise of the older victims on their age, instead of the simple cause, which was being shot.
You better hope he is wrong. Follow the "herd immunity" model and AT LEAST 2 million Americans are dead. Maybe someone you care about.

I've already lost someone I cared about to the Rona. . .

Of course the cancer, parkinsons and other shit he was fighting had nothing to do with his passing though. . . according to leftardz like you.
Was he alive until he got COVID? Yes, comorbidity is a factor in most COVID deaths, but not all. You willing to risk upwards of 2 million Americans because Trump decided he liked a Fox radiologist better than the actual experts in immunology?
This sounds like the argument of when a gunman goes on a shooting spree, the younger shooting victims have a higher survival rate compared to the older victims.

Now you blame the demise of the older victims on their age, instead of the simple cause, which was being shot.

If the "shooting" victims also have traces of the Rona. . . . guess how their death will be reported.
Looks like Republican plans to confirm a new SCOTUS Justice are being scuttled by COVID

Three Senators down already
More to come if they are not more cautious

This has long been one way the coronavirus has spread. People gathered at celebrations, where they're too busy partying to think about safety. One of the reasons that Florida closed down the bars.

The faster it spreads, the sooner it will be over, and the fewer will die.
Name a single entrenched epidemic that was ended by anything other than herd immunity?
This sounds like the argument of when a gunman goes on a shooting spree, the younger shooting victims have a higher survival rate compared to the older victims.

Now you blame the demise of the older victims on their age, instead of the simple cause, which was being shot.

If the "shooting" victims also have traces of the Rona. . . . guess how their death will be reported.
As a gunshot death if the bullet killed them. Same as if your friend with Parkinson's and cancer had been shot. What actually killed them is listed as the cause of death.
Was he alive until he got COVID? Yes, comorbidity is a factor in most COVID deaths, but not all. You willing to risk upwards of 2 million Americans because Trump decided he liked a Fox radiologist better than the actual experts in immunology?

When it is a given that shutting down the economy will destroy more lives than that? Then, Yes, I am willing to risk losing 1 in a hundred even as I work to expedite a vaccine and other remedies.

(as Trump is trying to do)

There are multiple strains of the virus. The fact that now multiple people are not reported to have bad symptoms is a good sign.
Looks like the ACB ceremony was where many got it?

Conway is the seventh person who attended Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House to test positive for the virus. Other attendees who contracted the illness are: President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, and an unnamed White House reporter.

My guess the chinese or the dems puposely exposed everyone---hopefully it isn't a more dangerous form.

Using the virus or a more deadly form of would be typical of both groups in response to not getting their way with the supreme court or election.

I am worried with reports that Trump has been sent off to the hospital.

the virus is not supposed to be this contagious.

Not supposed to be this contagious? Where the fuck have you been the past 6 months? Why do you think people have been warned over and over to wear masks, social distance, etc? Still, the idiot repugs insist on having mass gatherings, no masks, and no social distancing and then act surprised when they contract the disease. SMH
Looks like Republican plans to confirm a new SCOTUS Justice are being scuttled by COVID

Three Senators down already
More to come if they are not more cautious

This has long been one way the coronavirus has spread. People gathered at celebrations, where they're too busy partying to think about safety. One of the reasons that Florida closed down the bars.

The faster it spreads, the sooner it will be over, and the fewer will die.
Name a single entrenched epidemic that was ended by anything other than herd immunity?

14 Diseases You Almost Forgot About (Thanks to Vaccines)

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