Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

The point is that nobody knows the importance of ppe more than nurses and doctors do. Yet they get the virus in huge significant numbers anyway. (Death rate still very low). . . It is unreasonable and even laughable to expect the public, the president or any other elected officials to fair any better than the nurses do.

You're comparing apples and oranges. The medical community is immersed in the coronavirus. Working 8 hour, 12 hour or even 16 hour shifts treating infectious patients.

Politicians only needed to socially distance. And they couldn't even do that. They packed themselves into crowded celebratory groups.

The medical expert at the company I work for (we make medical devices) announced that eventually all of us will eventually have a bout of covid-19.

He said it's not a matter of if, it's a mater of when.

Was he wrong?
You better hope he is wrong. Follow the "herd immunity" model and AT LEAST 2 million Americans are dead. Maybe someone you care about.

That is ridiculously wrong.
First of all, now that they are testing people at event and jobs instead of just those who say they have the symptoms, they are discovering that 90% of the people testing positive as asymptomatic.
That means several things.
One is that their lethality estimates are about a factor of 10 too high, because before they were only counting the extreme cases and not the vast majority.
Another is that asymptomatic means they already had inherent immunity, which means very few additional people had to acquire immunity through infection and recovery.
So then to reach the 65% herd immunity, fewer than 30 million would have to deliberately get infected, and the death toll would be fewer than 50,000.
So if we had done that in March, then we would have saved 150,000 lives in just the US.
Was he alive until he got COVID? Yes, comorbidity is a factor in most COVID deaths, but not all. You willing to risk upwards of 2 million Americans because Trump decided he liked a Fox radiologist better than the actual experts in immunology?

When it is a given that shutting down the economy will destroy more lives than that? Then, Yes, I am willing to risk losing 1 in a hundred even as I work to expedite a vaccine and other remedies.

(as Trump is trying to do)

That isn't a "given". Economies recover, dead people don't. If you want the economy to recover, wear a mask, social distance, stay home whenever possible.

Your screen name is "Chuz Life" but you have no problem with upwards of 2 million Americans dead so Trump can say he has a good economy?
Looks like the ACB ceremony was where many got it?

Conway is the seventh person who attended Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House to test positive for the virus. Other attendees who contracted the illness are: President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, and an unnamed White House reporter.

My guess the chinese or the dems puposely exposed everyone---hopefully it isn't a more dangerous form.

Using the virus or a more deadly form of would be typical of both groups in response to not getting their way with the supreme court or election.

I am worried with reports that Trump has been sent off to the hospital.

the virus is not supposed to be this contagious.

Not supposed to be this contagious? Where the fuck have you been the past 6 months? Why do you think people have been warned over and over to wear masks, social distance, etc? Still, the idiot repugs insist on having mass gatherings, no masks, and no social distancing and then act surprised when they contract the disease. SMH

Covid-19 is just barely contagious at all, with an R0 value of only 2, which means on average an infected person only infects 2 others. That is VERY low as far as contagion goes.
Compare with measles:
{... For measles, R0 is often cited to be 12-18, which means that each person with measles would, on average, infect 12-18 other people in a totally susceptible population ...}
So then measles is 6 to 9 times more infectious than covid-19.
It's easy to be suspicious. After all, look what the Democrats have done since 2016. My signature sums it up.
Looks like Republican plans to confirm a new SCOTUS Justice are being scuttled by COVID

Three Senators down already
More to come if they are not more cautious

This has long been one way the coronavirus has spread. People gathered at celebrations, where they're too busy partying to think about safety. One of the reasons that Florida closed down the bars.

The faster it spreads, the sooner it will be over, and the fewer will die.
Name a single entrenched epidemic that was ended by anything other than herd immunity?

14 Diseases You Almost Forgot About (Thanks to Vaccines)

Vaccines are just safer ways of obtaining herd immunity.
But not a single entrenched epidemic has ever been ended by a vaccine, because vaccines always take too long.
If we wait another year for a covid vaccine, at 30,000 deaths per month, that is another 360,000 dead.

Every single entrenched epidemic always has, and always will be ended by herd immunity. Those claiming too many would have to die are lying. Covid-19 would have killed fewer than 50,000 in order to achieve herd immunity.
That isn't a "given". Economies recover, dead people don't. If you want the economy to recover, wear a mask, social distance, stay home whenever possible.

Your screen name is "Chuz Life" but you have no problem with upwards of 2 million Americans dead so Trump can say he has a good economy?

"Choose life" is an encouragement.

It's is not a binary calculation.
The point is that nobody knows the importance of ppe more than nurses and doctors do. Yet they get the virus in huge significant numbers anyway. (Death rate still very low). . . It is unreasonable and even laughable to expect the public, the president or any other elected officials to fair any better than the nurses do.

You're comparing apples and oranges. The medical community is immersed in the coronavirus. Working 8 hour, 12 hour or even 16 hour shifts treating infectious patients.

Politicians only needed to socially distance. And they couldn't even do that. They packed themselves into crowded celebratory groups.

The medical expert at the company I work for (we make medical devices) announced that eventually all of us will eventually have a bout of covid-19.

He said it's not a matter of if, it's a mater of when.

Was he wrong?
You better hope he is wrong. Follow the "herd immunity" model and AT LEAST 2 million Americans are dead. Maybe someone you care about.

That is ridiculously wrong.
First of all, now that they are testing people at event and jobs instead of just those who say they have the symptoms, they are discovering that 90% of the people testing positive as asymptomatic.
That means several things.
One is that their lethality estimates are about a factor of 10 too high, because before they were only counting the extreme cases and not the vast majority.
Another is that asymptomatic means they already had inherent immunity, which means very few additional people had to acquire immunity through infection and recovery.
So then to reach the 65% herd immunity, fewer than 30 million would have to deliberately get infected, and the death toll would be fewer than 50,000.
So if we had done that in March, then we would have saved 150,000 lives in just the US.
You and the rest of Trump's herd mentality morons are an irresponsible jackasses.

Was he alive until he got COVID? Yes, comorbidity is a factor in most COVID deaths, but not all. You willing to risk upwards of 2 million Americans because Trump decided he liked a Fox radiologist better than the actual experts in immunology?

When it is a given that shutting down the economy will destroy more lives than that? Then, Yes, I am willing to risk losing 1 in a hundred even as I work to expedite a vaccine and other remedies.

(as Trump is trying to do)

That isn't a "given". Economies recover, dead people don't. If you want the economy to recover, wear a mask, social distance, stay home whenever possible.

Your screen name is "Chuz Life" but you have no problem with upwards of 2 million Americans dead so Trump can say he has a good economy?

If we had gone with herd immunity in March, we would have saved over 150,000 lives. The fact they are discovering 90% of those testing positive, proves most people are already inherently immune.

Social distancing and tanking the economy is already killed far more than covid-19. And we are going so deeply in debt as a nation, we likely will become a third world banana republic.
The faster it spreads, the sooner it will be over, and the fewer will die.
Name a single entrenched epidemic that was ended by anything other than herd immunity?
Polio, smallpox, whooping cough. The list is longer than this thread.
When it is a given that shutting down the economy will destroy more lives than that? Then, Yes, I am willing to risk losing 1 in a hundred even as I work to expedite a vaccine and other remedies.

(as Trump is trying to do)

Great plan. Sacrifice the many, to save the few.
When it is a given that shutting down the economy will destroy more lives than that? Then, Yes, I am willing to risk losing 1 in a hundred even as I work to expedite a vaccine and other remedies.

(as Trump is trying to do)

Great plan. Sacrifice the many, to save the few.

How many lives has the shut down and riots destroyed?

Also, you'll have my full attention when you leftardz start holding China more accountable than you do Trump, for the pandemic.

Is Biden going to hold China accountable?

I thought not.

We know better.
So then to reach the 65% herd immunity, fewer than 30 million would have to deliberately get infected, and the death toll would be fewer than 50,000.
So if we had done that in March, then we would have saved 150,000 lives in just the US.
Your numbers are completely wrong. You say 30 million infections = 50,000 deaths, when currently with 7 million infections there are 200,000 deaths.

Correcting your math, that comes to 1 million deaths to achieve herd immunity (w/ best case asymptomatic assumptions)
The point is that nobody knows the importance of ppe more than nurses and doctors do. Yet they get the virus in huge significant numbers anyway. (Death rate still very low). . . It is unreasonable and even laughable to expect the public, the president or any other elected officials to fair any better than the nurses do.

You're comparing apples and oranges. The medical community is immersed in the coronavirus. Working 8 hour, 12 hour or even 16 hour shifts treating infectious patients.

Politicians only needed to socially distance. And they couldn't even do that. They packed themselves into crowded celebratory groups.

The medical expert at the company I work for (we make medical devices) announced that eventually all of us will eventually have a bout of covid-19.

He said it's not a matter of if, it's a mater of when.

Was he wrong?
You better hope he is wrong. Follow the "herd immunity" model and AT LEAST 2 million Americans are dead. Maybe someone you care about.

That is ridiculously wrong.
First of all, now that they are testing people at event and jobs instead of just those who say they have the symptoms, they are discovering that 90% of the people testing positive as asymptomatic.
That means several things.
One is that their lethality estimates are about a factor of 10 too high, because before they were only counting the extreme cases and not the vast majority.
Another is that asymptomatic means they already had inherent immunity, which means very few additional people had to acquire immunity through infection and recovery.
So then to reach the 65% herd immunity, fewer than 30 million would have to deliberately get infected, and the death toll would be fewer than 50,000.
So if we had done that in March, then we would have saved 150,000 lives in just the US.
You and the rest of Trump's herd mentality morons are an irresponsible jackasses.

This has nothing to do with Trump.
It is just a plain fact that social distancing, flattening the curve, and wearing masks has never and can never end any epidemic. All they can do is make an epidemic last even longer than it normally would. And since epidemics have a death per month rate, that maximized the number of dead.
How many lives has the shut down and riots destroyed?

Also, you'll have my full attention when you leftardz start holding China more accountable than you do Trump, for the pandemic.
The solution is simple, but Trump made it impossible to carry out. Simple follow CDC gudelines. Wear masks, wash hands, socially distance.

Had we done that, we wouldn't have had to shut down the economy. An example of that is South Korea and Japan.
So then to reach the 65% herd immunity, fewer than 30 million would have to deliberately get infected, and the death toll would be fewer than 50,000.
So if we had done that in March, then we would have saved 150,000 lives in just the US.
Your numbers are completely wrong. You say 30 million infections = 50,000 deaths, when currently with 7 million infections there are 200,000 deaths.

Correcting your math, that comes to 1 million deaths to achieve herd immunity (w/ best case asymptomatic assumptions)

You are wrong has several reasons.
First there are not 7 million infections, just 7 million who were sick enough to get tested.
Turns out that 90% of the infected were asymptomatic, so did not get tested, and were never counted.
So there are more like 70 million infected in the US.
Second is that almost all of the current deaths are from those over 65, and if you are getting volunteer for herd immunity, you can pick the least vulnerable age group, which is below 38 years old.
That cuts the death rate down by another factor of 10 almost.
Third is that it was not the lethality or the infection rate that killed 200.000 people, but the fact the epidemic has been allowed to rage for over 8 months. It has been killing about 30,000 a month.
So if you finish it off in 2 months, then you save 30,000 people times 6 months, or 180,000 people saved.
This has nothing to do with Trump.
It is just a plain fact that social distancing, flattening the curve, and wearing masks has never and can never end any epidemic. All they can do is make an epidemic last even longer than it normally would. And since epidemics have a death per month rate, that maximized the number of dead.
Did you fail math? The slower the spread the slower the monthly death rate. And if you actually analyze the data, the longer we stretch it out, the fewer total deaths.

The death rate has been cut in half since this started. Had we gone with herd immunity at the start twice as many people would die, than if we flattened the curve and go for herd immunity now.
How many lives has the shut down and riots destroyed?

Also, you'll have my full attention when you leftardz start holding China more accountable than you do Trump, for the pandemic.
The solution is simple, but Trump made it impossible to carry out. Simple follow CDC gudelines. Wear masks, wash hands, socially distance.

Had we done that, we wouldn't have had to shut down the economy. An example of that is South Korea and Japan.

The majority of the economy is based on entertainment, unlike South Korea or Japan.
When you shut down the restaurants, bars, barber shops, etc., you destroy the livelihood of over half the population.
And South Korea and Japan did not just socially distance, but enforce strict quarantine.
No one allowed in.
We were not allowed to do that by the courts.

The President still working while battling the China Virus. It speaks volumes for America that has the country unifying behind Trump to beat this.
You are wrong has several reasons.
First there are not 7 million infections, just 7 million who were sick enough to get tested.
That is clearly wrong, from your own asymptomatic statement.,

Turns out that 90% of the infected were asymptomatic, so did not get tested, and were never counted.

In fact they were tested (otherwise we would never know about them) and are included in the 7 million cases.

Other than being completely wrong about the facts and the numbers, you still don't have a point.
This has nothing to do with Trump.
It is just a plain fact that social distancing, flattening the curve, and wearing masks has never and can never end any epidemic. All they can do is make an epidemic last even longer than it normally would. And since epidemics have a death per month rate, that maximized the number of dead.
Did you fail math? The slower the spread the slower the monthly death rate. And if you actually analyze the data, the longer we stretch it out, the fewer total deaths.

The death rate has been cut in half since this started. Had we gone with herd immunity at the start twice as many people would die, than if we flattened the curve and go for herd immunity now.

You only slightly slow the spread with masks and social distancing.
The longer you stretch it out, the number of dead is greatly increased because it is essentially only the vulnerable that die, and the longer you allow the epidemic to exist, the more it will get though the quarantine of the elderly.

Sure if we had not flattened the curve, then the initial spike would have been much higher.
Maybe double even.
But 60,000 deaths in one month instead of 30,000 as a monthly average is well worth it if that totally ends it.
And ONLY herd immunity can or will ever end any entrenched epidemic.

You are forgetting its a summation.
Flattening the curve does not decrease the area under the curve when you essentially stretch out the time duration infinitely.
With epidemics, time is of the essense.
You have to try to end it as quickly as possible, always.

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