Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

Maybe they should have worn masks.
Prove this was the mode of infection... We still do not know at this point.
Are you claiming “Coincidence”?

Republicans are not responsible for their poor choices......They just have bad luck
Progs have been proven to disrupt things. The agenda is the goal and anyone in the way suffers. We see it everywhere in our society. There is legitimate reason to suspect foul play.

Maybe they should have worn masks.
Prove this was the mode of infection... We still do not know at this point.
Are you claiming “Coincidence”?

Republicans are not responsible for their poor choices......They just have bad luck
Progs have been proven to disrupt things. The agenda is the goal and anyone in the way suffers. We see it everywhere in our society. There is legitimate reason to suspect foul play.
Democrats do not have a COVID agenda

Only a respect for it. Republican arrogance and misinformation is catching up with them
Sure ........he planned it this way
No, he didn't plan to catch covid, but he will use it to his strategic advantage. Watch and learn for a change, instead of resorting to your usual loudmouthed blathering ignorance.
Looks like the ACB ceremony was where many got it?

Conway is the seventh person who attended Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House to test positive for the virus. Other attendees who contracted the illness are: President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, and an unnamed White House reporter.

Note: Conway was inches close to AG Barr at the announcement of Barrett's nomination, and she was very close to Donald Trump. None of these four were wearing a mask and no one there was respecting social distancing.
Sure ........he planned it this way
No, he didn't plan to catch covid, but he will use it to his strategic advantage. Watch and learn for a change, instead of resorting to your usual loudmouthed blathering ignorance.

He has a tough next couple days ahead of him

His catching COVID because he ignores scientific guidelines will not help him
Sure ........he planned it this way
No, he didn't plan to catch covid, but he will use it to his strategic advantage. Watch and learn for a change, instead of resorting to your usual loudmouthed blathering ignorance.

He has a tough next couple days ahead of him

His catching COVID because he ignores scientific guidelines will not help him

Trump's doctors noted today that the critical period for Covid patients is in the 7th to the 10th day. It seems The President will remain in the hospital for a bit longer than the White House was stating friday afternoon.

Let's not pretend that anything said on Trump's illness which comes from the White House needs to be verified by other sources. The truth will set them free (from their job).

Rose Garden Ceremony.
Look how close they are and how few are wearing masks.

Seven people in the front three rows came down with COVID
Sure ........he planned it this way
No, he didn't plan to catch covid, but he will use it to his strategic advantage. Watch and learn for a change, instead of resorting to your usual loudmouthed blathering ignorance.

He has a tough next couple days ahead of him

His catching COVID because he ignores scientific guidelines will not help him

Trump's doctors noted today that the critical period for Covid patients is in the 7th to the 10th day. It seems The President will remain in the hospital for a bit longer than the White House was stating friday afternoon.

Let's not pretend that anything said on Trump's illness which comes from the White House needs to be verified by other sources. The truth will set them free (from their job).

The White House has never been candid or honest when it comes to the Presidents health. Dont expect anything more than glowing reports about how healthy he is.
He has a tough next couple days ahead of him
His catching COVID because he ignores scientific guidelines will not help him
^^^Your usual loudmouthed blathering ignorance.^^^

Sadly, it is the truth

Trump was arrogant in insisting that he would not wear a mask and that those around him do not wear masks or socially distance.

His arrogance has caught up with him and his staff
View attachment 396583
Rose Garden Ceremony.
Look how close they are and how few are wearing masks.

Seven people in the front three rows came down with COVID
How many wearing masks caught Covid? Oh yeah...zero.

Does anyone take PPE more seriously than do doctors and nurses?

How do you explain the High Numbers of THEIR infections?

Nurses make up third of health workers infected with coronavirus

Q. Does anyone take PPE more seriously than do doctors and nurses?
How do you explain the High Numbers of THEIR infections?

A. There are insufficient PPE's and doctors and nurses are using the same PPE over and over; they are in a hospital with many patients who are infected with an infectious disease, and they are overworked and tired.
Q. Does anyone take PPE more seriously than do doctors and nurses?
How do you explain the High Numbers of THEIR infections?

A. There are insufficient PPE's and doctors and nurses are using the same PPE over and over; they are in a hospital with many patients who are infected with an infectious disease, and they are overworked and tired.

When you dodge a point being made so obviously, you are a discredit to yourself.
Yes, OCat, the excitement will come as the mask game is rendered redundant and gets crucified along with the virus.
At this point, one may do better not to fixate on a certain gathering but to extend the incubation range to 11 days in the chron for Sept.
I am amazed at the delight and glee with which the left here is rejoicing with.. Odd that no democrats in close proximity of these republicans have become infected... Why is that?
***gasp*** Could it be..the masking???
Even the CDC and their science says masking is only about 30% effective. This means that there should be infection of others in that area. why isn't there?
Got a link to the CDC saying that?
Nothing in that link supports your claim.
#169, you are anthropomorphizing the virus, as in the “hands” of a clock. Not only is the natural reservoir in nature unknown, the dose it takes to create an intermediate host is also unknown.

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