Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

I am amazed at the delight and glee with which the left here is rejoicing with.. Odd that no democrats in close proximity of these republicans have become infected... Why is that?
***gasp*** Could it be..the masking???
Even the CDC and their science says masking is only about 30% effective. This means that there should be infection of others in that area. why isn't there?
Got a link to the CDC saying that?
I am amazed at the delight and glee with which the left here is rejoicing with.. Odd that no democrats in close proximity of these republicans have become infected... Why is that?
***gasp*** Could it be..the masking???
Even the CDC and their science says masking is only about 30% effective. This means that there should be infection of others in that area. why isn't there?
Maybe the mask effectiveness is higher than 30%, or the added to social distancing since they tend to sit on opposite sides of the aisle.
I am amazed at the delight and glee with which the left here is rejoicing with.. Odd that no democrats in close proximity of these republicans have become infected... Why is that?
***gasp*** Could it be..the masking???
Even the CDC and their science says masking is only about 30% effective. This means that there should be infection of others in that area. why isn't there?
No..it does not mean that at all....it means that the concentration of virus in the area was such that the difference between getting it..and not..was less than a 30% swing. those with masks were within the margin...while those without...without the margin. Not a lot of Dem's at that gathering..lots of high-level Republicans.

Should be...is basically an opinion, right? I think..that the fact that Trump has avoided the virus for so long is against the odds. He SHOULD have been sick months ago...right?
A mask only reduces the amount of infection the ill person can expel. It does nothing for the person who is not ill. Thus as long as those sick wear a mask it will reduce the viral load in the air by only 30%. This means 70% of the viral load remains. A person not wearing a SEALED and filtration level mask to stop the virus will contract it. Cloth coverings and the general mask do nothing for those wearing them as they do not seal..

Others in the close proximity of those infected should be become infected.

Trumps distancing from the population is what protected him from contraction of it. Trump used reasonable precautions but as with any virus everyone will get it at some point... Unless this was an intentional infection.. and I now question that as 8 people around the president have now tested positive and are in the same phase of the virus progression.

We must find the common point and that can be something as simple as a letter or object that had virus on it that everyone touched.
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I am amazed at the delight and glee with which the left here is rejoicing with.. Odd that no democrats in close proximity of these republicans have become infected... Why is that?
***gasp*** Could it be..the masking???
Even the CDC and their science says masking is only about 30% effective. This means that there should be infection of others in that area. why isn't there?
Got a link to the CDC saying that?

Weird. The administration that wasn’t following the precautionary rules set forth by medical experts is getting infected.

I wonder how that happened.

Must be a covert CIA operation to overthrow our government.

It’s the only logical explanation.
What rules were not being followed?

Try reading the article.
What about it? Protocols in place prior to arrival were among the strictest there are. It’s that way everywhere potus is and goes.
Only thing proven is that no matter what we do, this virus is contagious. Makes lockdowns and those who recommend them look even stupider.

You asked: "What rules were not being followed?"

The answer is in the article.

Not sure what part of that you got lost at. I thought the instructions were simple enough. Did you learn the answer to your question? If not, try reading the article again.

People can provide link after link. Video after video. Photo after photo.

If you think those lazy far right wingers are going to actually read the information presented to them I have a wonderful piece of ocean beachfront property in Colorado to sell you.
Looks like the ACB ceremony was where many got it?

Conway is the seventh person who attended Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House to test positive for the virus. Other attendees who contracted the illness are: President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, and an unnamed White House reporter.

Karma is a bitch. Bunch of racists I hope Corona cleans this country from them. All they do is spew hate.

Good luck with that. You’re an unhinged racist who hates this country.
A masks only reduces the amount of infection the ill person can expel. It does nothing for the person who is not ill. Thus as long as those sick wear a mask it will reduce the viral load in the air by only 30%. This means 70% of the viral load remains. A person not wearing a SEALED and filtration level mask to stop the virus will contract it. Cloth coverings and the general mask do nothing for those wearing them as they do not seal..

This is where science comes in. We know that people do not become infected from a single virus. It happens by the viral load exceeding what the body can fight, and it reproducing at a higher rate than the body can ramp up its immune response.

So 30% can easily be the difference between contracting COVID-19, and not.
A masks only reduces the amount of infection the ill person can expel. It does nothing for the person who is not ill. Thus as long as those sick wear a mask it will reduce the viral load in the air by only 30%. This means 70% of the viral load remains. A person not wearing a SEALED and filtration level mask to stop the virus will contract it. Cloth coverings and the general mask do nothing for those wearing them as they do not seal..

This is where science comes in. We know that people do not become infected from a single virus. It happens by the viral load exceeding what the body can fight, and it reproducing at a higher rate than the body can ramp up its immune response.

So 30% can easily be the difference between contracting COVID-19, and not.
This is true for the most part. You must also look at the individuals level of health and other health problems like a person who has CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) who has fluid build up in the lungs which allows the virus to replicate extremely fast if this is the route of infection. This is why older people are more susceptible to this virus
I am amazed at the delight and glee with which the left here is rejoicing with.. Odd that no democrats in close proximity of these republicans have become infected... Why is that?
Delight and Glee at their misfortune?
Not anywhere close to the Delight and Glee from Republicans over Justice Ginsbergs death
The loons on your side were just making rage videos cussing her out for dying before the election and cussing out her friends and family for having her out officiating their wedding without their permission ( How dare they).

Rein in your wackos before you come for anyone else.

You are making shit up
This could actually kill the mask debate in about a day if Trump rebounds quickly... This has the potential to help republicans very much if they handle it correctly as Trump recovers.. Remember he is 74 and that can belay the fear by many of our seniors who are watching very closely how this plays out.
People tend to forget what a master strategist Trump is. He knows how to build momentum and peak at the right time. This infection will only make his recovery in a couple weeks even more dramatic and inspirational. Meanwhile, Biden is still sputtering along in low gear, relying on the MSM propaganda machine to piggyback him to a win.
Sorry, Joe, you still have the charisma of a used tampon. No one is excited to see you in the Oval Office.
Sure ........he planned it this way

Maybe they should have worn masks.
Prove this was the mode of infection... We still do not know at this point.

- Christie told MSNBC “no one wore masks” at the debate preparation.

- The members of the debate preparation team were Trump, Hope Hicks, Jason Miller, Stephen Miller, Kellyanne Conway, Bill Stepien, Rudy Giuliani and Christie.

- Trump, Conway, Stepien, Hicks and Christie have all tested positive.

That’s not proof but it would be a really big coincidence if you think otherwise.
I am amazed at the delight and glee with which the left here is rejoicing with.. Odd that no democrats in close proximity of these republicans have become infected... Why is that?
***gasp*** Could it be..the masking???
Even the CDC and their science says masking is only about 30% effective. This means that there should be infection of others in that area. why isn't there?

I don't know what CDC you're talking about but here in the real world of reality the Director of the CDC testified a couple weeks ago that a mask is better at stopping the virus than a vaccine.

Either you've been under a rock or you just like to lie through your teeth.

I notice you provide zero proof of your claim.

I am amazed at the delight and glee with which the left here is rejoicing with.. Odd that no democrats in close proximity of these republicans have become infected... Why is that?
***gasp*** Could it be..the masking???
Even the CDC and their science says masking is only about 30% effective. This means that there should be infection of others in that area. why isn't there?
Got a link to the CDC saying that?

No he doesn't.

I do have a link to the director of the CDC saying that a mask is better at stopping the virus than a vaccine.

Basically the exact opposite of that the stupid far right winger posted.


Maybe they should have worn masks.
Prove this was the mode of infection... We still do not know at this point.

- Christie told MSNBC “no one wore masks” at the debate preparation.

- The members of the debate preparation team were Trump, Hope Hicks, Jason Miller, Stephen Miller, Kellyanne Conway, Bill Stepien, Rudy Giuliani and Christie.

- Trump, Conway, Stepien, Hicks and Christie have all tested positive.

That’s not proof but it would be a really big coincidence if you think otherwise.

More to come as these people interacted with many others
Republican arrogance and stupidity is catching up with them

They have been playing with fire and laughing that they never get burned. It is just liberals making a big deal over nothing.

Now, Republicans are dropping like flies

COVID wins again
Looks like the REVENGE OF RBG

Republicans held a party in the White House Rose Garden celebrating the replacement of Ruth Bader Ginsberg

It seems to have been a COVID hotspot infecting many who participated. Republicans are dropping like flies with the President and First Lady affected

The confirmation of RBGs replacement is now in jeopardy as three GOP Senators are infected

Looks like Republican plans to confirm a new SCOTUS Justice are being scuttled by COVID

There Senators down already
More to come if they are not more cautious

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