Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

They are more afraid of being groped ,sniffed and made to rub Biden’s calves.

Babies LOVE Captain COVID! :D



Three Republican Senators have tested positive for COVID this weekend

Causing doubt over whether Republicans can call a SCOTUS confirmation before the election
Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

Why should this be a problem‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬for months these people have been echoing the impeached president trump’s claims that the novel coronavirus poses little to no danger.

So,‭ ‬let’s stop this nonsense about two weeks in isolation,‭ ‬there are political campaigns to be run.‭ ‬The impeached president trump owes it to his loyal supporters,‭ ‬as do other GOP politicians running for office or reelection,‭ ‬to travel to red states to press-the-flesh for themselves and other GOP candidates.‭ ‬Supporters will come out in droves to shake hands with the candidates,‭ ‬listen to them speak,‭ ‬and cheer them on to victory.‭ ‬To prove their confidence in the honesty and integrity of the Republican Party, no one in the rallying crowds will be permitted to wear face masks or concern themselves with social distancing.‭ This face m‬ask and social distancing thing is just another liberal hoax that must be ignored.

So candidates,‭ ‬your constituents are waiting,‭ ‬let’s get out there and win the hearts of the undecided centrists and win this election.

The article at the following link lists all of the top Republicans who should be out there campaigning.


Trump is so fucking WEAK. Instead of helping with dealing with the virus, he goes around spreading it. Fucking orange turd.
Jesus you’re a moron. You know most people don’t have the option of staying at home in their basement for one year or two years straight. How do you think food, electricity, running water, emergency services are delivered for you basement dwellers? Those all require people going to work and interacting with other people. The President has to run the country, he can’t just stay in his basement forever like Biden does. He isn’t a pussy like you, he’s a man with a job to do.
Republican disdain for COVID prevention methods are catching up with them. In the end, COVID always wins.

Chris Christie and Kellie Ann Conway are the latest to fall this weekend.

Oh my - I didn't hear about Jersey Fats. Rudy next? :)

Methinks Chris may have some "underlying conditions".

Lets go liberals, call out Biden for no mask and no social distancing from Mrs. Vanderbilt.

Dont tell me you guys are hypocritical rubes.
If there is any minion of the Orange Baboon-God that I would laugh at for contracting COVID-19, it would be Conway...

The arrogant, lying, disingenuous spin-doctoring b----h channeling the Ghost of Doktor Josef Goebbels who has played front-man for an autocratic con-artist...

But... having survived the damn thing myself - including 24 days in hospital - I will do the Right Thing, set aside my contempt, and hope for her full recovery.

And, once recovered, it is my hope that she remains aloof from public life, so that the American Public never has to deal with her lying ways ever again.

Kelllyanne is gonna have a lot of days off to recover very soon! :lmao:

Looks like the REVENGE OF RBG

Republicans held a party in the White House Rose Garden celebrating the replacement of Ruth Bader Ginsberg

It seems to have been a COVID hotspot infecting many who participated. Republicans are dropping like flies with the President and First Lady affected

The confirmation of RBGs replacement is now in jeopardy as three GOP Senators are infected

No, the virus can spread from outside a host, and it’s not simply airborne. It has recently been found in Lake Superior water, not sewage. This implicates mechanical transmission from the water. the next task is to exclude Duluth via the chron for incubation.
Three Republican Senators have tested positive for COVID this weekend

Causing doubt over whether Republicans can call a SCOTUS confirmation before the election

Yep, and they can't do this remotely. Looks to me as if Donnie may have scuttled his own SCOTUS ram-job.
Looks like the ACB ceremony was where many got it?

Conway is the seventh person who attended Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House to test positive for the virus. Other attendees who contracted the illness are: President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, and an unnamed White House reporter.

Lol yep, republicans are morons.
No, the virus can spread from outside a host, and it’s not simply airborne. It has recently been found in Lake Superior water, not sewage. This implicates mechanical transmission from the water. the next task is to exclude Duluth via the chron for incubation.

I wouldn't be the slightest bit worried about taking a dip in Lake Superior. Although, thanks to Trump deregulation, there are likely plenty of other things in it to be afraid of.

Researchers at the University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth have found the virus that causes COVID-19 at four Duluth beaches.​
On the weekends of September 11 and September 18, a "detectable" level of the virus was found at 13th St. Beach/Franklin Park on Park Point, Leif Erikson Park, 42nd Avenue Beach and Brighton Beach.​
Despite the findings, Dr. Richard Melvin, who is leading the study, says people don't need to worry, as he says the virus likely would not survive in lake water.

Looks like the ACB ceremony was where many got it?

Conway is the seventh person who attended Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House to test positive for the virus. Other attendees who contracted the illness are: President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, and an unnamed White House reporter.

You pathetic dumbass, almost the entire world population has been exposed, just like any other viral contagion.
It’s that #133 would not be the (slightest bit [italics]) worried. Others might be more cautious because 1) the seafood market source, 2) the unknown method in nature to make an unknown intermediate host, 3) the dose required to make an intermediate host, 4) mutations now occurring in nature to change parameters 1-3.

Duluth seems too close in time for incubation, and safely, one should go back about 11 days. Here is the Sept chron:

Three Republican Senators have tested positive for COVID this weekend

Causing doubt over whether Republicans can call a SCOTUS confirmation before the election

Yep, and they can't do this remotely. Looks to me as if Donnie may have scuttled his own SCOTUS ram-job.

May be more to come
I am amazed at the delight and glee with which the left here is rejoicing with.. Odd that no democrats in close proximity of these republicans have become infected... Why is that?
I'm strongly beginning to believe this was all done intentionally by our utterly "democratic party controlled CIA," the timing and the place clearly intended to "KILL" the Barrett nomination from proceeding ahead. This perfect timing, coupled to target rich environment is just to fucking perfect... :boohoo:
Is this an act or do you actually believe this stupidity?

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