Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

Why should this be a problem‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬for months these people have been echoing the impeached president trump’s claims that the novel coronavirus poses little to no danger.

So,‭ ‬let’s stop this nonsense about two weeks in isolation,‭ ‬there are political campaigns to be run.‭ ‬The impeached president trump owes it to his loyal supporters,‭ ‬as do other GOP politicians running for office or reelection,‭ ‬to travel to red states to press-the-flesh for themselves and other GOP candidates.‭ ‬Supporters will come out in droves to shake hands with the candidates,‭ ‬listen to them speak,‭ ‬and cheer them on to victory.‭ ‬To prove their confidence in the honesty and integrity of the Republican Party, no one in the rallying crowds will be permitted to wear face masks or concern themselves with social distancing.‭ This face m‬ask and social distancing thing is just another liberal hoax that must be ignored.

So candidates,‭ ‬your constituents are waiting,‭ ‬let’s get out there and win the hearts of the undecided centrists and win this election.

The article at the following link lists all of the top Republicans who should be out there campaigning.


Trump is so fucking WEAK. Instead of helping with dealing with the virus, he goes around spreading it. Fucking orange turd.
A month before an election and as they are replacing a Supreme Court Justice. Horrible timing.
Republicans will tough it out. They've been trying for months to strike a balance between the pandemic and the economy. They'll keep working.

It's the left who want to close businesses. If and when they start getting sick en masse, hopefully they will remain consistent and shut themselves away from the world.

Of course, being the hypocrites that they are, they would change their minds and insist that they need to work.
Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

Why should this be a problem‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬for months these people have been echoing the impeached president trump’s claims that the novel coronavirus poses little to no danger.

So,‭ ‬let’s stop this nonsense about two weeks in isolation,‭ ‬there are political campaigns to be run.‭ ‬The impeached president trump owes it to his loyal supporters,‭ ‬as do other GOP politicians running for office or reelection,‭ ‬to travel to red states to press-the-flesh for themselves and other GOP candidates.‭ ‬Supporters will come out in droves to shake hands with the candidates,‭ ‬listen to them speak,‭ ‬and cheer them on to victory.‭ ‬To prove their confidence in the honesty and integrity of the Republican Party, no one in the rallying crowds will be permitted to wear face masks or concern themselves with social distancing.‭ This face m‬ask and social distancing thing is just another liberal hoax that must be ignored.

So candidates,‭ ‬your constituents are waiting,‭ ‬let’s get out there and win the hearts of the undecided centrists and win this election.

The article at the following link lists all of the top Republicans who should be out there campaigning.


I 100% concur with this assessment. Donald needs to keep his Super-Spreader rally dates too.
They can plop him in a Rascal and roll him out with an IV pole - He owes it to his Cult!

Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

Why should this be a problem‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬for months these people have been echoing the impeached president trump’s claims that the novel coronavirus poses little to no danger.

So,‭ ‬let’s stop this nonsense about two weeks in isolation,‭ ‬there are political campaigns to be run.‭ ‬The impeached president trump owes it to his loyal supporters,‭ ‬as do other GOP politicians running for office or reelection,‭ ‬to travel to red states to press-the-flesh for themselves and other GOP candidates.‭ ‬Supporters will come out in droves to shake hands with the candidates,‭ ‬listen to them speak,‭ ‬and cheer them on to victory.‭ ‬To prove their confidence in the honesty and integrity of the Republican Party, no one in the rallying crowds will be permitted to wear face masks or concern themselves with social distancing.‭ This face m‬ask and social distancing thing is just another liberal hoax that must be ignored.

So candidates,‭ ‬your constituents are waiting,‭ ‬let’s get out there and win the hearts of the undecided centrists and win this election.

The article at the following link lists all of the top Republicans who should be out there campaigning.


I 100% concur with this assessment. Donald needs to keep his Super-Spreader rally dates too.
They can plop him in a Rascal and roll him out with an IV pole - He owes it to his Cult!

dam doctor lose some weight....
A month before an election and as they are replacing a Supreme Court Justice. Horrible timing.
Makes one wonder if it was an assassination attempt.... Hmmmmmmmm..
Exactly.... Funny how the left has fought the vaccine promises with everything technical issue they could come up with. It's right here in black and white.
And it could be something as simple as a contaminated letter sent to Hope that she shared with the president and senior campaign staff.. They are the ones who were affected.
A month before an election and as they are replacing a Supreme Court Justice. Horrible timing.
Makes one wonder if it was an assassination attempt.... Hmmmmmmmm.. and it inly affected the major players in the presidents circle....
lol oh yeah that’s it! Mystery solved!
Moron... This is a virus... It respects no one...

90% of infections from viruses are due to: Hand touches contaminated surface and then touches the face (mouth, nose, eyes). Why only the senior staff and not the surrounding staff? If it was airborne contraction there should be others who are sick. Is this virus a smart virus and only contaminates enemies? The propagation of this indicates a shared object they all touched. There are 6 people who's disease progression is the same. This indicates a common infection point.
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A month before an election and as they are replacing a Supreme Court Justice. Horrible timing.
Makes one wonder if it was an assassination attempt.... Hmmmmmmmm.. and it inly affected the major players in the presidents circle....
lol oh yeah that’s it! Mystery solved!
Moron... This is a virus... It respects no one...

90% of infections from viruses are due to: Hand touches contaminated surface and then touches the face (mouth, nose, eyes). Why only the senior staff and not the surrounding staff? If it was airborne contraction there should be others who are sick. Is this virus a smart virus and only contaminates enemies? The propagation of this indicates a shared object they all touched.
Lol oh so the only logical solution you can come up with is that this was an assassination attempt? That’s just stupid.
A month before an election and as they are replacing a Supreme Court Justice. Horrible timing.
Makes one wonder if it was an assassination attempt.... Hmmmmmmmm.. and it inly affected the major players in the presidents circle....
lol oh yeah that’s it! Mystery solved!
Moron... This is a virus... It respects no one...

90% of infections from viruses are due to: Hand touches contaminated surface and then touches the face (mouth, nose, eyes). Why only the senior staff and not the surrounding staff? If it was airborne contraction there should be others who are sick. Is this virus a smart virus and only contaminates enemies? The propagation of this indicates a shared object they all touched.
Lol oh so the only logical solution you can come up with is that this was an assassination attempt? That’s just stupid.
No moron, this is the logical assessment from available facts.

I would love to see the contact tracing map and its disease progression assessments of those people. That would tell the tale of how this occurred.. You can bet the Secret Service is looking very closely at this information.
The intelligent will first note that COVID-19 has been found in Lake Superior water, thus linking to Duluth. A mask hoax will mean little once the success of Trump’s antibody therapy is proven. That means (prophylaxis [italics]).
The intelligent will first note that COVID-19 has been found in Lake Superior water, thus linking to Duluth. A mask hoax will mean little once the success of Trump’s antibody therapy is proven. That means (prophylaxis [italics]).

Once COVID makes it into the waste water it will propagate into other water sources.

This could actually kill the mask debate in about a day if Trump rebounds quickly... This has the potential to help republicans very much if they handle it correctly as Trump recovers.. Remember he is 74 and that can belay the fear by many of our seniors who are watching very closely how this plays out.
Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

Why should this be a problem‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬for months these people have been echoing the impeached president trump’s claims that the novel coronavirus poses little to no danger.

So,‭ ‬let’s stop this nonsense about two weeks in isolation,‭ ‬there are political campaigns to be run.‭ ‬The impeached president trump owes it to his loyal supporters,‭ ‬as do other GOP politicians running for office or reelection,‭ ‬to travel to red states to press-the-flesh for themselves and other GOP candidates.‭ ‬Supporters will come out in droves to shake hands with the candidates,‭ ‬listen to them speak,‭ ‬and cheer them on to victory.‭ ‬To prove their confidence in the honesty and integrity of the Republican Party, no one in the rallying crowds will be permitted to wear face masks or concern themselves with social distancing.‭ This face m‬ask and social distancing thing is just another liberal hoax that must be ignored.

So candidates,‭ ‬your constituents are waiting,‭ ‬let’s get out there and win the hearts of the undecided centrists and win this election.

The article at the following link lists all of the top Republicans who should be out there campaigning.

But since they're so incredibly fit, tough, patriotic and raise a flag 200 feet in the air every morning, even during a hurricane, they'll shake that wimpy "cold" like a bad habit.
Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

Why should this be a problem‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬for months these people have been echoing the impeached president trump’s claims that the novel coronavirus poses little to no danger.

So,‭ ‬let’s stop this nonsense about two weeks in isolation,‭ ‬there are political campaigns to be run.‭ ‬The impeached president trump owes it to his loyal supporters,‭ ‬as do other GOP politicians running for office or reelection,‭ ‬to travel to red states to press-the-flesh for themselves and other GOP candidates.‭ ‬Supporters will come out in droves to shake hands with the candidates,‭ ‬listen to them speak,‭ ‬and cheer them on to victory.‭ ‬To prove their confidence in the honesty and integrity of the Republican Party, no one in the rallying crowds will be permitted to wear face masks or concern themselves with social distancing.‭ This face m‬ask and social distancing thing is just another liberal hoax that must be ignored.

So candidates,‭ ‬your constituents are waiting,‭ ‬let’s get out there and win the hearts of the undecided centrists and win this election.

The article at the following link lists all of the top Republicans who should be out there campaigning.

Further proof that republicans are morons.
I realize that you are too stupid to understand much of anything at all, but a partisan opinion piece does not constitute proof.
Yes, #24. Note that since the therapy is based on already existing Ebola therapy (REGN-EB3), this should win even more anti-blm black voters. Then too, since Trump’s bold trajectory with this experimental therapy meshes nicely with Putin’s daughter’s trajectory of taking the new Russian vaccine. Since romance carries a different placare in the Latin and Slavic countries, this will not be missed by US Hispanics.

The samples of COVID-19 in Minnesotan waters were likely from the bodies of beach-goers, though even if the virus finds a suitable Lake Superior intermediate host, the game is coming to an end. Da svidaniya, COVID-19.

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