Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

Looks like the ACB ceremony was where many got it?

Conway is the seventh person who attended Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House to test positive for the virus. Other attendees who contracted the illness are: President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, and an unnamed White House reporter.

My guess the chinese or the dems puposely exposed everyone---hopefully it isn't a more dangerous form.

Using the virus or a more deadly form of would be typical of both groups in response to not getting their way with the supreme court or election.

I am worried with reports that Trump has been sent off to the hospital.

the virus is not supposed to be this contagious.

This is a prime example of Trump Humper stupidity.
I'm strongly beginning to believe this was all done intentionally by our utterly "democratic party controlled CIA," the timing and the place clearly intended to "KILL" the Barrett nomination from proceeding ahead. This perfect timing, coupled to target rich environment is just to fucking perfect... :boohoo:

Do you fools read this BS before you post it.
I'm strongly beginning to believe this was all done intentionally by our utterly "democratic party controlled CIA," the timing and the place clearly intended to "KILL" the Barrett nomination from proceeding ahead. This perfect timing, coupled to target rich environment is just to fucking perfect... :boohoo:
Pelosi said they have several arrows in their quiver to shoot at Trump.
Spreading bio-agents in the White House sounds like a typical terrorist tactic.
Something Democrats would try.
The number of new Repubican cases is highly suspicious.

Or just maybe, maybe not following the CDC guildelines is the cause of it. Smfh.

If there is any minion of the Orange Baboon-God that I would laugh at for contracting COVID-19, it would be Conway...

The arrogant, lying, disingenuous spin-doctoring b----h channeling the Ghost of Doktor Josef Goebbels who has played front-man for an autocratic con-artist...

But... having survived the damn thing myself - including 24 days in hospital - I will do the Right Thing, set aside my contempt, and hope for her full recovery.

And, once recovered, it is my hope that she remains aloof from public life, so that the American Public never has to deal with her lying ways ever again.

Weird. The administration that wasn’t following the precautionary rules set forth by medical experts is getting infected.

I wonder how that happened.

Must be a covert CIA operation to overthrow our government.

It’s the only logical explanation.
What rules were not being followed?

Try reading the article.
What about it? Protocols in place prior to arrival were among the strictest there are. It’s that way everywhere potus is and goes.
Only thing proven is that no matter what we do, this virus is contagious. Makes lockdowns and those who recommend them look even stupider.
True....but no virus can spread by itself.
Somebody had to have spread it for it to effect so many Republicans all at once.
Clearly the fact that Democrats like Chuck Schumer show they may have something to do with it or they're just classless opportunists trying to do anything they can to prevent Trump from getting a conservative on the Supreme Court.
Two Republicans on the Senate Judiciary committee somehow tested positive.
Members of Trump's staff somehow tested positive.
We've been worried for months that the Democrats were so desperate to get rid of Trump that they were willing to do just about anything to get rid of him.
Nancy Pelosi said this week that she had a plan to remove Trump from the White House by force.
I think we have a pretty good suspect after that statement.

Did you really just say, "No virus can spread by itself."?

Oh my..the stupid is quite strong with this one!
Dude, think of what you said.
A virus is useless without a host.
Without a host it cannot spread. It dies.
Incorrect..on so many levels. The virus spreads..seeking a host. Otherwise it stays dormant..and viable--sometimes..with some virus'--for quite some time.

the virus does not care about political affiliation..just access and viability...which a maskless gathering of people provided.

Yes...it requires a host to fully mature and reproduce. So what?

I note your continued use of the term, 'somehow tested positive' as if..without Democrats..all Republicans are immune?
The ACB nomination announcement-event in the White House rose garden had the following flaws in its execution...

1. it occurred
2. most attendees did not wear masks
3. the audience was spaced too close together


I fear for the children who were in attendance...

I feel badly for ACB that she got suckered into such a dog-and-pony show while the pandemic rages all around her.

I am beginning to doubt ACB's wisdom and care for her family in allowing her family to sit in that audience without masks.

Arrogant people... and those who endanger their loved ones for the sake of gain of public office... eventually meet their karmic match.



Weird. The administration that wasn’t following the precautionary rules set forth by medical experts is getting infected.

I wonder how that happened.

Must be a covert CIA operation to overthrow our government.

It’s the only logical explanation.
What rules were not being followed?

Try reading the article.
What about it? Protocols in place prior to arrival were among the strictest there are. It’s that way everywhere potus is and goes.
Only thing proven is that no matter what we do, this virus is contagious. Makes lockdowns and those who recommend them look even stupider.
True....but no virus can spread by itself.
Somebody had to have spread it for it to effect so many Republicans all at once.
Clearly the fact that Democrats like Chuck Schumer show they may have something to do with it or they're just classless opportunists trying to do anything they can to prevent Trump from getting a conservative on the Supreme Court.
Two Republicans on the Senate Judiciary committee somehow tested positive.
Members of Trump's staff somehow tested positive.
We've been worried for months that the Democrats were so desperate to get rid of Trump that they were willing to do just about anything to get rid of him.
Nancy Pelosi said this week that she had a plan to remove Trump from the White House by force.
I think we have a pretty good suspect after that statement.

Did you really just say, "No virus can spread by itself."?

Oh my..the stupid is quite strong with this one!
Dude, think of what you said.
A virus is useless without a host.
Without a host it cannot spread. It dies.
Incorrect..on so many levels. The virus spreads..seeking a host. Otherwise it stays dormant..and viable--sometimes..with some virus'--for quite some time.

the virus does not care about political affiliation..just access and viability...which a maskless gathering of people provided.

Yes...it requires a host to fully mature and reproduce. So what?

I note your continued use of the term, 'somehow tested positive' as if..without Democrats..all Republicans are immune?
The virus cannot spread without a host.

Weird. The administration that wasn’t following the precautionary rules set forth by medical experts is getting infected.

I wonder how that happened.

Must be a covert CIA operation to overthrow our government.

It’s the only logical explanation.
What rules were not being followed?

Try reading the article.
What about it? Protocols in place prior to arrival were among the strictest there are. It’s that way everywhere potus is and goes.
Only thing proven is that no matter what we do, this virus is contagious. Makes lockdowns and those who recommend them look even stupider.
True....but no virus can spread by itself.
Somebody had to have spread it for it to effect so many Republicans all at once.
Clearly the fact that Democrats like Chuck Schumer show they may have something to do with it or they're just classless opportunists trying to do anything they can to prevent Trump from getting a conservative on the Supreme Court.
Two Republicans on the Senate Judiciary committee somehow tested positive.
Members of Trump's staff somehow tested positive.
We've been worried for months that the Democrats were so desperate to get rid of Trump that they were willing to do just about anything to get rid of him.
Nancy Pelosi said this week that she had a plan to remove Trump from the White House by force.
I think we have a pretty good suspect after that statement.

Did you really just say, "No virus can spread by itself."?

Oh my..the stupid is quite strong with this one!
Dude, think of what you said.
A virus is useless without a host.
Without a host it cannot spread. It dies.
Incorrect..on so many levels. The virus spreads..seeking a host. Otherwise it stays dormant..and viable--sometimes..with some virus'--for quite some time.

the virus does not care about political affiliation..just access and viability...which a maskless gathering of people provided.

Yes...it requires a host to fully mature and reproduce. So what?

I note your continued use of the term, 'somehow tested positive' as if..without Democrats..all Republicans are immune?

No, without a host, a virus does not stay formant and viable for more than a few hours or so.
There are some viruses that can encyst and last longer, but covid-19 is extremely fragile and does not last long outside a host. And it has to find a new host every 12 days, or it dies.

The reason masks are a bad idea is that by slowing down the infection rate, you prevent herd immunity that would stop it, but you do not kill the virus. Instead you keep it around by slowly feeding it new and uninfected hosts. With Spanish flu of 1918, masks made a normal 2 month flu last for 2 years, and kill 12 times as many people.
Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

Why should this be a problem‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬for months these people have been echoing the impeached president trump’s claims that the novel coronavirus poses little to no danger.

So,‭ ‬let’s stop this nonsense about two weeks in isolation,‭ ‬there are political campaigns to be run.‭ ‬The impeached president trump owes it to his loyal supporters,‭ ‬as do other GOP politicians running for office or reelection,‭ ‬to travel to red states to press-the-flesh for themselves and other GOP candidates.‭ ‬Supporters will come out in droves to shake hands with the candidates,‭ ‬listen to them speak,‭ ‬and cheer them on to victory.‭ ‬To prove their confidence in the honesty and integrity of the Republican Party, no one in the rallying crowds will be permitted to wear face masks or concern themselves with social distancing.‭ This face m‬ask and social distancing thing is just another liberal hoax that must be ignored.

So candidates,‭ ‬your constituents are waiting,‭ ‬let’s get out there and win the hearts of the undecided centrists and win this election.

The article at the following link lists all of the top Republicans who should be out there campaigning.

Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

Why should this be a problem‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬for months these people have been echoing the impeached president trump’s claims that the novel coronavirus poses little to no danger.

So,‭ ‬let’s stop this nonsense about two weeks in isolation,‭ ‬there are political campaigns to be run.‭ ‬The impeached president trump owes it to his loyal supporters,‭ ‬as do other GOP politicians running for office or reelection,‭ ‬to travel to red states to press-the-flesh for themselves and other GOP candidates.‭ ‬Supporters will come out in droves to shake hands with the candidates,‭ ‬listen to them speak,‭ ‬and cheer them on to victory.‭ ‬To prove their confidence in the honesty and integrity of the Republican Party, no one in the rallying crowds will be permitted to wear face masks or concern themselves with social distancing.‭ This face m‬ask and social distancing thing is just another liberal hoax that must be ignored.

So candidates,‭ ‬your constituents are waiting,‭ ‬let’s get out there and win the hearts of the undecided centrists and win this election.

The article at the following link lists all of the top Republicans who should be out there campaigning.

Further proof that republicans are morons.
Republicans are getting sick. Good. This should ensure that the snowflakes remain cowered in their basements.
Sure, their "leader" has been "downplaying" (to quote him) the deadly virus since Day One.

Follow the leader. Fools.
You all will be crying when Trump declares a state of emergency, and freezes everything concerning new government business such as the changing of power in a crisis situation etc.

Keep on running those demonic chops leftist. Evil will not prevail over this nation. Granted it got a good foot hold, but it won't prevail.
You all will be crying when Trump declares a state of emergency, and freezes everything concerning new government business such as the changing of power in a crisis situation etc.

Keep on running those demonic chops leftist. Evil will not prevail over this nation. Granted it got a good foot hold, but it won't prevail.
Lol it’s hilarious how you’re too dumb to realize you embrace fascism when it fits your political will.

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