

Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
It’s easy to be a nice and happy person when you have a lot going for you. For one, being in the presence of another person who also has something others enjoy or love about them does not make you jealous. But for those who are not attractive or wealthy or have something admirable or desirable going for them, they feel inadequate or saddened often enough, because realizing they will never possess anything for others to marvel at or commend you for. Envy of some degree seems so normal here.

For a woman beauty is the biggest desired feature. For a man looks or financial success or charm or wit or athletic accomplishments, something women enjoy in a man and what other men hope for in themselves. It is easy to understand why some people who do not feel they have anything special about their lives or themselves are less happy in some ways --- but also in some ways I think less to blame for their being so.

The easiest way to escape all that is to focus continuously on God and His promises. Heaven is not that long away for any of us so why put all of one’s efforts or time into making this life the most pleasant or financially secure when none of that will matter a bit when you die? Why not put all your efforts into working towards getting your family to heaven and avoiding hell or harsh judgments since that’s a million times more important than this life? One cannot just give God a passing thought or minor place in your life and think that will not make a difference later on.
One cannot just give God a passing thought or minor place in your life and think that will not make a difference later on.
there is no law requiring the Worship of "God" ... and as for those who posses the attributes you claim others desire have by and large throughout history proven anything but candidates for the Everlasting.

Agree but this creation is the choice to make it (symbolically described) heaven or hell.
So when you say help get loved ones into heaven it means do mitzvahs help lift others around you and make life a paradise rather then a garbage dump.
One cannot just give God a passing thought or minor place in your life and think that will not make a difference later on.
there is no law requiring the Worship of "God" ... and as for those who posses the attributes you claim others desire have by and large throughout history proven anything but candidates for the Everlasting.


I agree having those high attributes do not make things easier to be spiritually good. It's like a two edged sword can cut either way.

I just get sad looking at all the morose people around me day after day and tried to "quantify it" so to speak.

For Christians like myself, we are under the law to worship God once we have become knowledgeable of the truth. To ignore such is at our own risk. Purgatory is a stark reality.
Agree but this creation is the choice to make it (symbolically described) heaven or hell.
So when you say help get loved ones into heaven it means do mitzvahs help lift others around you and make life a paradise rather then a garbage dump.

Are you asking for a Jew would following the law make it easier to "rescue" one's family from the nether world? From a Catholic perspective the answer would be absolutely it makes a difference. This whole life is nothing but a trial and there most definitely is a heaven a hell and a purgatory. The world largely sticks that well back in their minds.
It’s easy to be a nice and happy person when you have a lot going for you. For one, being in the presence of another person who also has something others enjoy or love about them does not make you jealous. But for those who are not attractive or wealthy or have something admirable or desirable going for them, they feel inadequate or saddened often enough, because realizing they will never possess anything for others to marvel at or commend you for. Envy of some degree seems so normal here.

For a woman beauty is the biggest desired feature. For a man looks or financial success or charm or wit or athletic accomplishments, something women enjoy in a man and what other men hope for in themselves. It is easy to understand why some people who do not feel they have anything special about their lives or themselves are less happy in some ways --- but also in some ways I think less to blame for their being so.

The easiest way to escape all that is to focus continuously on God and His promises. Heaven is not that long away for any of us so why put all of one’s efforts or time into making this life the most pleasant or financially secure when none of that will matter a bit when you die? Why not put all your efforts into working towards getting your family to heaven and avoiding hell or harsh judgments since that’s a million times more important than this life? One cannot just give God a passing thought or minor place in your life and think that will not make a difference later on.

So sad for you to think that the most desirable traits for a man looks or financial success or charm or wit or athletic accomplishments, something women enjoy in a man. I guess those traits might be nice to have, but for you to think they are the most desirable shows a lack of maturity on your part.
It’s easy to be a nice and happy person when you have a lot going for you. For one, being in the presence of another person who also has something others enjoy or love about them does not make you jealous. But for those who are not attractive or wealthy or have something admirable or desirable going for them, they feel inadequate or saddened often enough, because realizing they will never possess anything for others to marvel at or commend you for. Envy of some degree seems so normal here.

For a woman beauty is the biggest desired feature. For a man looks or financial success or charm or wit or athletic accomplishments, something women enjoy in a man and what other men hope for in themselves. It is easy to understand why some people who do not feel they have anything special about their lives or themselves are less happy in some ways --- but also in some ways I think less to blame for their being so.

The easiest way to escape all that is to focus continuously on God and His promises. Heaven is not that long away for any of us so why put all of one’s efforts or time into making this life the most pleasant or financially secure when none of that will matter a bit when you die? Why not put all your efforts into working towards getting your family to heaven and avoiding hell or harsh judgments since that’s a million times more important than this life? One cannot just give God a passing thought or minor place in your life and think that will not make a difference later on.

So sad for you to think that the most desirable traits for a man looks or financial success or charm or wit or athletic accomplishments, something women enjoy in a man. I guess those traits might be nice to have, but for you to think they are the most desirable shows a lack of maturity on your part.

Yep, pretty shallow if you ask me.
One cannot just give God a passing thought or minor place in your life and think that will not make a difference later on.
there is no law requiring the Worship of "God" ... and as for those who posses the attributes you claim others desire have by and large throughout history proven anything but candidates for the Everlasting.


I agree having those high attributes do not make things easier to be spiritually good. It's like a two edged sword can cut either way.

I just get sad looking at all the morose people around me day after day and tried to "quantify it" so to speak.

For Christians like myself, we are under the law to worship God once we have become knowledgeable of the truth. To ignore such is at our own risk. Purgatory is a stark reality.

Sounds like spiritual extortion to me.
So sad for you to think that the most desirable traits for a man looks or financial success or charm or wit or athletic accomplishments, something women enjoy in a man. I guess those traits might be nice to have, but for you to think they are the most desirable shows a lack of maturity on your part.

I formed an opinion based on experience and observations. In my opinion, most people I know very well are not happy people. They cannot hide their insecurities in life which includes not having achieved all they wanted to and/or not being all that popular amongst various circles. Whether they are thinking about eternal security or not is not as evident to me, but I can tell in most cases these people are not very religious at all so that does not bode well they have God at the top of their priorities in life.

On the other hand, beautiful girls, more often than not, appear to be rather happy people to me. They have the admiration or interest almost wherever they go. Who does not like that? So things come easier for them as well, including having a boyfriend or husband who has got it together and often that can include financial security. Pity the girl who gets little attention or opportunity. You think that does not weigh heavily on her feelings about life? For males, it is what I said that gives them the same security or feelings of contentment a pretty girl might. That being a desirable mate, finances, and the praises of other for adding so much joy or entertainment to the room. Again, if he has a lot of commendable traits or accomplishments, much easier for him to be happy or feel good about himself.

Unfortunately, most people are not in either of those groups to a noticeable degree and may hold some life long sorrows or regrets. It's often apparent. So my solution was simply think about God and what lies beyond the grave. If you are feeling good about that it totally wipes away any regrets over this life.
Agree but this creation is the choice to make it (symbolically described) heaven or hell.
So when you say help get loved ones into heaven it means do mitzvahs help lift others around you and make life a paradise rather then a garbage dump.

Are you asking for a Jew would following the law make it easier to "rescue" one's family from the nether world? From a Catholic perspective the answer would be absolutely it makes a difference. This whole life is nothing but a trial and there most definitely is a heaven a hell and a purgatory. The world largely sticks that well back in their minds.

For a Catholic confession is a process like our Teshuva (repent through admission and willingness to fix the issue), the law is never supposed to leave you according to many NT verses, however being Gentiles they are asked to at least try and keep the Noahide laws.
Yes but beuty fades with time in most cases and that might make a women miserable later in life when she cannot get her way... Envy is a poison that knaws away at a person one should be happy with the fate one is given and if they are not they should adapt and overcome it making their life better and those who follow them...it is like having an envoy for a car but wanting a Mercedes.... Both cars will get you to the same place and are comfortable to drive but the mercedes is perceived as a better car because of a number of factors but the truth is both will eventually end up in the scrap heap and will either rust away to nothing or be remelted into a toaster oven in which case they will both be toast...lol...
For a Catholic confession is a process like our Teshuva (repent through admission and willingness to fix the issue), the law is never supposed to leave you according to many NT verses, however being Gentiles they are asked to at least try and keep the Noahide laws.
I won’t argue with that, but the one major emphasis from Christian Scripture beyond those commandments or laws is the demand of charity towards your fellow man. That is of equal importance.

Interestingly enough, I read where Jewish traditions believe in prayers for the dead and the hastening of the purification of a soul and, the implication, allowance into the kingdom. It only makes perfect sense because G-d is both merciful and just.
Ways to Elevate the Soul - Jewish Death and Mourning
Yes but beauty fades with time in most cases and that might make a women miserable later in life when she cannot get her way... Envy is a poison that knaws away at a person one should be happy with the fate one is given and if they are not they should adapt and overcome it making their life better and those who follow them...it is like having an envoy for a car but wanting a Mercedes.... Both cars will get you to the same place and are comfortable to drive but the mercedes is perceived as a better car because of a number of factors but the truth is both will eventually end up in the scrap heap and will either rust away to nothing or be remelted into a toaster oven in which case they will both be toast...lol...
I realize my post was a bit awkward and preachy, but I had had it with miserable people all around me. Year after year they make the same comments and resent the success of others and are never very happy with their own lot. So I surmised what these people want is a happy earthly life or to be esteemed by others for various reasons. And this is simply narrow-minded, pride filled and wrong. What we all need is an assurance that God is there waiting for us and that we are doing all that is asked of us to at least know we are not destined for the nether world. But good luck approaching anybody close to you with that kind of heavy material, much less convincing them of it. Too much ego involved.

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