EPA 'Cow Tax' Could Charge $175 per Dairy Cow to Curb Greenhouse Gases

Ahh, they had a similar project planned in the Northeast, but too bad, because the wind mechanisms were in plain view of a certain family's favorite spot to go sailing. :eusa_whistle:

Though that is a good reference-joke, it does bring up one thing 'alternative energy' idiots always forget, they take up too much space. Even if people actually stopped worrying about their views of the skyline it takes a LOT of space for enough of these 'turbines' to power just a small town.

In Oregons case, they actually buy more energy from us in Washington than they produce.
Ohh Bush wrote and passed the bail out? Funny I was under the impressiom that CONGRESS did that, and who controls Congress? Since when did the Executive gain the Power to create, pass AND sign legislation?

Ohh and I before e EXCEPT after C.

OldRocks has BDS, a common syndrome among liberals. Hell, OldRockhead tripped on the sidewalk last week and it was Bush's fault...:lol:
Being done as we speak. The big wind turbines are spreading and delivering and increasing percentage of our power here in Portland. We also have several very large plants that will be producing hundreds of Megawatts of solar panels being built in Portland and other parts of the state. As the grid spreads into South Central and South Eastern Oregon, geothermal will become a major player here also. Oregon is also leading in the development of wave energy.

Excellent!!!!!! Then you guys can distribute it to the other states who don't want to spend money on it....
Re-Distribution of wealth baby!!!!
EPA 'Cow Tax' Could Charge $175 per Dairy Cow to Curb Greenhouse Gases
This scam isn't to curb mythical "greenhous gasses", it's to line the pockets of bureaucrats who produce nothing for the economy at large.

Make no mistake about it.
Excellent!!!!!! Then you guys can distribute it to the other states who don't want to spend money on it....
Re-Distribution of wealth baby!!!!

Oregon BUYS power from Other States, they are not self sufficient at all. And what was truly rich was when Hanford Nuclear works still was running they Bought NUCLEAR produced electricity while passing laws banning Nuclear power in the State.

The great one I liked though was the tax one. Oregon has a personal Income Tax, Washington doesn't. So the two States had a deal, any Oregon citizen working in Washington got a tax exempt card for avoiding sales tax in Washington and any Washington resident working in Oregon was exempt from Oregon Income Tax. Oregon decided they wanted more money so revoked the exemption. Washington decided since Oregon no longer exempted its residence they would do the same. AND OREGON complained about how it was unfair to make their residence pay sales tax in Washington.
Though that is a good reference-joke, it does bring up one thing 'alternative energy' idiots always forget, they take up too much space. Even if people actually stopped worrying about their views of the skyline it takes a LOT of space for enough of these 'turbines' to power just a small town.

In Oregons case, they actually buy more energy from us in Washington than they produce.

The Danes already get 20% of their energy from the wind, but then they have better leadership than we do.

Green energy is made in America, and it will be the most important industry in the 21st century. Why shouldn't we be the leaders?
The Danes already get 20% of their energy from the wind, but then they have better leadership than we do.

Green energy is made in America, and it will be the most important industry in the 21st century. Why shouldn't we be the leaders?

You are BEYOND ignorant. We have been over this before you dumb shit. I imagine we get as much energy from wind power as the Danes do, in kilowatt hours. By the way shit for Brains, the Kennedy's, your hero's prevented a huge wind farm from going up cause they did not want to SEE it. Go ahead find someway to blame THAT on Bush. I sometimes feel sorry for you, come the 20th you won't have anything to post anymore.
Though that is a good reference-joke, it does bring up one thing 'alternative energy' idiots always forget, they take up too much space. Even if people actually stopped worrying about their views of the skyline it takes a LOT of space for enough of these 'turbines' to power just a small town.

In Oregons case, they actually buy more energy from us in Washington than they produce.

Reference joke ? no ...

liberal hypocrisy ? yes ....
You are BEYOND ignorant. We have been over this before you dumb shit. I imagine we get as much energy from wind power as the Danes do, in kilowatt hours. By the way shit for Brains, the Kennedy's, your hero's prevented a huge wind farm from going up cause they did not want to SEE it. Go ahead find someway to blame THAT on Bush. I sometimes feel sorry for you, come the 20th you won't have anything to post anymore.

exactly, a rep for you .......
You are BEYOND ignorant. We have been over this before you dumb shit. I imagine we get as much energy from wind power as the Danes do, in kilowatt hours. By the way shit for Brains, the Kennedy's, your hero's prevented a huge wind farm from going up cause they did not want to SEE it. Go ahead find someway to blame THAT on Bush. I sometimes feel sorry for you, come the 20th you won't have anything to post anymore.

Ted Kennedy is not my hero, friend. I think he and Ted Stevens were the poster boys for term limits.

I like your insults though. That shows you have no facts on your side.
Ted Kennedy is not my hero, friend. I think he and Ted Stevens were the poster boys for term limits.

I like your insults though. That shows you have no facts on your side.

Really do some research retard tell us what the kilowatt hours are for wind power for the Danes and for all of the US.
Wind and hydroelectric power generation have negligible fuel costs and relatively low maintenance costs; in economic terms, wind power has a low marginal cost and a high proportion of capital cost. The estimated average cost per unit incorporates the cost of construction of the turbine and transmission facilities, borrowed funds, return to investors (including cost of risk), estimated annual production, and other components, averaged over the projected useful life of the equipment, which may be in excess of twenty years. Energy cost estimates are highly dependent on these assumptions so published cost figures can differ substantially. A British Wind Energy Association report gives an average generation cost of onshore wind power of around 3.2 pence per kilowatt hour (2005).[92] Cost per unit of energy produced was estimated in 2006 to be comparable to the cost of new generating capacity in the United States for coal and natural gas: wind cost was estimated at $55.80 per MWh, coal at $53.10/MWh and natural gas at $52.50.[93]

Wind power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Really do some research retard tell us what the kilowatt hours are for wind power for the Danes and for all of the US.

I mentioned percentage of total power output, not total power output.

Do some research yourself.
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I mentioned percentage of total power output, not total power output.

Do some research yourself.

Denmark is tiny, the amount of energy produced is what matters not the percent of some little countries energy. WE produce the MOST electricity through wind power.
Denmark is tiny, the amount of energy produced is what matters not the percent of some little countries energy. WE produce the MOST electricity through wind power.


We need to raise the percentage because wind energy is made in America.

Cars should be electric and trucks should be run on natural gas.

Then we can say FU to the Middle East.
The Danes already get 20% of their energy from the wind, but then they have better leadership than we do.

Green energy is made in America, and it will be the most important industry in the 21st century. Why shouldn't we be the leaders?

Have you seen how much space is needed for that 20%? It's a lot. Oregon still buys it's energy (more like steals at the rate we give it) from other states, ours included and we don't produce THAT much energy ourselves. Oregon is full of a bunch of greedy controlling bastards and they wonder why us raised in Western Washington can't stand em.
Wind and hydroelectric power generation have negligible fuel costs and relatively low maintenance costs; in economic terms, wind power has a low marginal cost and a high proportion of capital cost. The estimated average cost per unit incorporates the cost of construction of the turbine and transmission facilities, borrowed funds, return to investors (including cost of risk), estimated annual production, and other components, averaged over the projected useful life of the equipment, which may be in excess of twenty years. Energy cost estimates are highly dependent on these assumptions so published cost figures can differ substantially. A British Wind Energy Association report gives an average generation cost of onshore wind power of around 3.2 pence per kilowatt hour (2005).[92] Cost per unit of energy produced was estimated in 2006 to be comparable to the cost of new generating capacity in the United States for coal and natural gas: wind cost was estimated at $55.80 per MWh, coal at $53.10/MWh and natural gas at $52.50.[93]

Wind power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aaah ... another wiki-garbage pile. One thing no one mentions is how much space is required just to power a small town, it's a LOT. Also, hydroelectirc being cost efficient ... yeah ... since when. It's also just as safe as coal mining. Been there, seen it happen, not happy with the results.

Nuclear is the only way to produce enough energy with a low risk. The few plants that are nuclear in operation produce large amounts of electricity with almost no side effect. We spent billions on a nuclear waste facility that is just sitting there costing more money to maintain but we aren't using it, and it's 99% efficient in disposing of waste (better than anything else, even more efficient than recycling). The plants are also already built, stocked even, with a lot of radioactive material just sitting there (more of a hazard than using it). Problem is then electricity wouldn't be profitable so the cons don't like it, and the libs are too damned paranoid.
Really do some research retard tell us what the kilowatt hours are for wind power for the Danes and for all of the US.

Do some research, retard, and tell us what the wind potential is for the US and what it is for Denmark. Tell us what the electical consumption is for the US and what it is for Denmark. Geez, Sarge, is playing stupid a natural talent or do you work at it?

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