EPA Engaging in Backdoor Gun Control

You are new here, so let me tell you - this one is a rabid leftard posing as a "conservative" or "republican" or whatever

I am someone who is sick of idiots infecting the conservative movement. I am debunking lies. It is telling you think debunking of lies is a liberal thing. Well, it isn't.

Conservatives used to be the smartest people in the room. Now our ranks are infected with idiots who could not do even the simplest of fact checking. Worse, they drink the piss of a hack media outlet that should be experts at fact checking. The media is supposed to be the watchdog, and they are failing us. Badly. When the last resort protecting our democracy is failing, we are all fucked.

I am merely calling for true right wingers to stop drinking the piss and start acting like the intelligent conservatives of my generation. Return to our roots of honesty and integrity. Kick assholes to the curb who are destroying us. Start fact checking claims. Your integrity is tested when a claim is made that supports your own biases. And you totally trash your integrity at every turn. You drink the piss when it has the right flavor instead of checking its veracity.

I checked the claim made, and it was false. That is the undeniable truth. How interesting the truth made you angry, piss drinker! The lie was pleasing to your palate while the truth made you cry.

Dumb ass.

But you idiots will keep returning to Breitbart's piss fountain for more. You always have, and always will.
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You are new here, so let me tell you - this one is a rabid leftard posing as a "conservative" or "republican" or whatever

I am someone who is sick of idiots infecting the conservative movement. I am debunking lies. It is telling you think debunking of lies is a liberal thing. Well, it isn't.

Conservatives used to be the smartest people in the room. Now our ranks are infected with idiots who could not do even the simplest of fact checking. Worse, they drink the piss of a hack media outlet that should be experts at fact checking. The media is supposed to be the watchdog, and they are failing us. Badly. When the last resort protecting our democracy is failing, we are all fucked.

I am merely calling for true right wingers to stop drinking the piss and start acting like the intelligent conservatives of my generation. Return to our roots of honesty and integrity. Kick assholes to the curb who are destroying us.

Dumb ass.

yep. Looks like "the base" has killed the party of Wm. F. Buckley. I used to respect him for his intellectual prowess, even though i disagreed w/ his ideology. Today's Repub-voters, based on themajority of posts by repub-voters on this board? Not so much
You are new here, so let me tell you - this one is a rabid leftard posing as a "conservative" or "republican" or whatever

I am someone who is sick of idiots infecting the conservative movement. I am debunking lies. It is telling you think debunking of lies is a liberal thing. Well, it isn't.

Conservatives used to be the smartest people in the room. Now our ranks are infected with idiots who could not do even the simplest of fact checking. Worse, they drink the piss of a hack media outlet that should be experts at fact checking. The media is supposed to be the watchdog, and they are failing us. Badly. When the last resort protecting our democracy is failing, we are all fucked.

I am merely calling for true right wingers to stop drinking the piss and start acting like the intelligent conservatives of my generation. Return to our roots of honesty and integrity. Kick assholes to the curb who are destroying us. Start fact checking claims. Your integrity is tested when a claim is made that supports your own biases. And you totally trash your integrity at every turn. You drink the piss when it has the right flavor instead of checking its veracity.

I checked the claim made, and it was false. That is the undeniable truth. How interesting the truth made you angry, piss drinker! The lie was pleasing to your palate while the truth made you cry.

Dumb ass.

You have a strange and disturbing obsession with piss. :cuckoo:
You are new here, so let me tell you - this one is a rabid leftard posing as a "conservative" or "republican" or whatever

I am someone who is sick of idiots infecting the conservative movement. I am debunking lies. It is telling you think debunking of lies is a liberal thing. Well, it isn't.

Conservatives used to be the smartest people in the room. Now our ranks are infected with idiots who could not do even the simplest of fact checking. Worse, they drink the piss of a hack media outlet that should be experts at fact checking. The media is supposed to be the watchdog, and they are failing us. Badly. When the last resort protecting our democracy is failing, we are all fucked.

I am merely calling for true right wingers to stop drinking the piss and start acting like the intelligent conservatives of my generation. Return to our roots of honesty and integrity. Kick assholes to the curb who are destroying us. Start fact checking claims. Your integrity is tested when a claim is made that supports your own biases. And you totally trash your integrity at every turn. You drink the piss when it has the right flavor instead of checking its veracity.

I checked the claim made, and it was false. That is the undeniable truth. How interesting the truth made you angry, piss drinker! The lie was pleasing to your palate while the truth made you cry.

Dumb ass.

You have a strange and disturbing obsession with piss. :cuckoo:

No, the fools who read Breitbart and the Washington Times and CNS News and Fox News and Glen Beck and all the other hack right wing media do. They guzzle it by the drum.

That's not to say those on the Left don't drink piss. They do, too. Vox conveniently forgets all the times I have kicked lefties in the nuts.

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Just remember that.

Don't believe a claim just because it aligns with your biases. Ask for evidence. Most of the time, on this forum, you will find there is none. Manufactured shit here is currency!
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You have to wonder what special kind of imbeciles Breitbart has working for them that they couldn't fact check an article like I just did in less than five minutes.

Stop drinking the retards' piss! You are getting infected.

The president has no say in the EPA creating regulations. This is according to the EPA, themselves, on the process of creating new regulations www2. epa.gov/laws-regulations/basics-regulatory-process Even though Stephen L. Johnson, EPA administration, was appointed by Bush he was kicked out in Dec 2008 following a serious investigation into is unethical behavior.

“On October 22, 2012, the EPA Office of Inspector General (OIG) announced that an investigation was underway to determine "whether EPA, as part of its research, followed applicable laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidance when it exposed human subjects to diesel exhaust emissions or concentrated airborne particles."” There is also a big concern with “the EPA’s rulemaking process and seeking more transparency on a costly planned rule that would regulate fine particulate matter.”
Now, in light of concern over the validity of the data used for the 2008 NAAQS and the ethical practices that lead to the data, wouldn’t a responsible president put a hold on the enforcement of the standards until a full investigation was conducted?

www. epw.senate.gov/ public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Minority.PressReleases&ContentRecord_id=abec2684-0bc3-3687-43a9-5589c3f28b4e

http:// capitalresearch.org/2013/01/whats-next-energy-and-the-environment-in-president-obamas-second-term/

Obama carefully chose radicals to important positions and likely chose them from his circle of radicals. Valerie Jarrett probably has a directory of far leftwing nuts. His appointees are unelected, answer to no one and not the least transparent about what they are doing behind the scenes. Obama can claim he has no control over what they do when people get angry about the ridiculous regulations, but he appointed them strictly because they would carry out his radical agenda.
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Whatever it takes to finish his agenda, including making America safe for an assault by Obama's Muslim jihadi brethren.

Obama is fiully aware of Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto's admonition to the Japanese Imperial General Staff that Japan could never invade America because it would be "Met by a rifle behind every blade of grass" Once Comrade Barack has all of America's guns under his control, it'll be time to "Let the Worldwide Islamic Caliphate "roll.

Americans widespread possession of firearms saved the country once, seventy two years ago. Comrade Barack wants to make sure it doesn't happen again, at least not for what he has planned for America.

Anyone who reads Breitbart deserves to be lied to.

Anyone that listens to Obama will be lied to, period.

So bury Obama with the truth! If you are so retarded you can't bury him with the truth and have to make shit up instead, then is it any wonder Obama keeps winning? He has the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by idiots more incompetent than himself!

Coddling retards who buy into this stupid DHS ammo stockpiling conspiracy theory just makes the Right look dumber and dumber by the day.

It's time to kick the morons like Allen West to the curb and start kicking Obama in the nuts with facts and superior ideas.

If I send you some lead will you eat it and shut up? I'll even pay the postage.
Breitbart is wrong. This is an ore plant. Most manufacturers use refurbished lead for lack of a better term. The plants closure is irrelevant.

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