EPA: Environmental Protection Agency


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
This thread is to keep an eye on the big gubment environmental laws and schemes...

Disgraced EPA Chief Used Fake Name to Coordinate with Liberal Groups

May 1, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


The Lisa Jackson/Richard Windsor story is getting progressively weirder as new emails released show that Jackson used her fake “Richard Windsor” account to communicate with top liberal groups without them being aware of who she really was.

It’s hard to see why Jackson would want to do that unless she was engaged in activities so illegal that she didn’t trust them or any real life assistant to handle. The current email releases don’t show anything that bad, but we haven’t seen all of it. And the only two possible conclusions is that either Lisa Jackson really had something to hide or she was insane.

I’m going to assume that Lisa Jackson wasn’t crazy.


However, the emails released by Vitter also show that Jackson used the account to correspond with former White House regulatory czar Cass Sunstein, who called the Richard Windsor account Jackson’s “special email.”

A December 12, 2009 email from Sunstein to the Windsor account said, “Hi Lisa — chance for lunch one of these days? At the White House? Maybe next Thurs or Fri? and let me know if/how I can be helpful with anything these days? – Cass (PS I have your special email from my friend Lisa H. – hope that’s ok!)”

So Cass was in the know, and being moderately creepy about it. Figures.

Disgraced EPA Chief Used Fake Name to Coordinate with Liberal Groups | FrontPage Magazine


Sunstein, right, and his wife, Samantha Power, who is now on the National Security Council, with their new boss.​
The environmental k00ks dont see the EPA for what it is. The meatheads think it is about protecting the environment.

Like other large govenment agencies.......they exist to do one thing: expand their own power. Anybody who has done any kind of comprehensive study of bureaucracies like I have knows about this shit.......scholars refer to it as bureaucratic inertia = the perptual expansive dynamic of governmental organizations.
These days, EPA tends to stand for "Every Polluter's Advocate".

So, if you observe someone calling the EPA "liberal", just smile and twirl a finger around your ear and walk away from the cultist.
These days, EPA tends to stand for "Every Polluter's Advocate".

So, if you observe someone calling the EPA "liberal", just smile and twirl a finger around your ear and walk away from the cultist.






She does have few peers, does she not? I will say though, her presence around here has certainly upped the entertainment levels around this place.:up:
Aww, did my fangirls get upset because I mocked the stupidity of their claims that the EPA was liberal?

Why yes, they did. I probably shouldn't tease 'em like that, since skook and jihad together couldn't muster two neurons to rub together. It's kind of like picking on shortbus kids.
Aww, did my fangirls get upset because I mocked the stupidity of their claims that the EPA was liberal?

Why yes, they did. I probably shouldn't tease 'em like that, since skook and jihad together couldn't muster two neurons to rub together. It's kind of like picking on shortbus kids.


EPA Nominee Hits Senate Roadblock.

By Keith Johnson


Republicans, led by ranking member David Vitter of Louisiana, said they were boycotting the committee vote because Ms. McCarthy had not been fully responsive to GOP concerns, especially transparency at EPA. Republicans submitted more than 1,000 questions for the nominee. Committee rules require the presence of at least two minority members for a quorum, so the GOP boycott effectively blocked a committee vote Thursday.

“For too long EPA has failed to deliver on the promises of transparency espoused by President Barack Obama, former Administrator Lisa Jackson, and by Gina McCarthy,” the eight senators said in a statement, adding that EPA was “stonewalling” Republican queries. Republicans also observed that ten years ago, Senate Democrats boycotted a Republican EPA nominee’s confirmation vote on similar grounds.


EPA Nominee Hits Senate Roadblock - Washington Wire - WSJ

EPA Waives Fees for 92% of Liberal Groups, Applies Them to Conservative Groups

May 14, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

No bias to see here. Just good government in action. The kind of good government that goes after those dangerous Constitutionalists using the revenue service.


And we wouldn’t want the public gaining a conservative understanding of gov ops and activities. Now would we. Liberal institutions consider good government synonymous with liberalism. The transparency defenses they put into place only apply to liberals pursuing liberal causes.

EPA Waives Fees for 92% of Liberal Groups, Applies Them to Conservative Groups | FrontPage Magazine
Obama administration pumps unprecedented power into EPA

By Ben Wolfgang


Environmentalists support the president’s goals, and some have pushed for even more aggressive action from the EPA.

But congressional Republicans, along with many state officials and the energy industry, say the agency is going too far.

“The president’s unprecedented use of the Environmental Protection Agency to enact overreaching regulations and circumvent state primacy has prompted our fellow Republican attorneys general to fight back at full force, and we plan to continue,” reads a joint statement released Tuesday by Republican attorneys general in Alabama, Montana, Oklahoma and West Virginia.

While a bigger EPA footprint is all but guaranteed, the American Legislative Exchange Council study shows that the agency has gone further under the Obama administration than ever before.

The EPA issued 95 regulatory disapprovals of state environmental plans during Mr. Obama’s first term, compared with 54 during the eight years of the George W. Bush administration. During President Clinton’s second term, the agency issued 44 such declarations, according to the study.

The report also asserts that the EPA has imposed “at least $13 billion in annual regulatory costs” through the “sue-and-settle” method. That approach involves environmental groups suing the EPA for failing to meet deadlines for actions related to the Clean Air or Clean Water act, and the agency negotiating settlements on how to address the issues.


Read more: Obama administration pumps unprecedented power into EPA - Washington Times
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Sky-high Electric Bills Courtesy of Obama EPA’s War on Coal

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Obama’s climate change plan masks hidden agenda

By Peter Morici
June 28, 2013

President Obama’s climate change action plan won’t do much to curb global warming, but it will please liberals who delight in extending government control over large segments of the economy.

The president argues that the overwhelming majority of scientists, including some early skeptics, agree the planet is warming and greenhouse gas emissions are the primary culprit. As CO2 composes 80 percent of those gases, Obama targets coal-fired electric utilities and opportunities to reduce fuel use in heavy transportation.

The president proposes reducing U.S. emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels through strict EPA regulation and oversight, when the market forces are already accomplishing that goal without imposing a command and control regime.


The president wants the new EPA standards for power plants finalized by June of 2015 and implemented in 2016. This hasty time table is necessary to lock in a new regime before its wisdom is debunked and another round of negotiations with China, India and others fail.

Global warming will go unmitigated, and U.S. economic growth and jobs creation will be further harmed; however, the president’s desired legacy will be served. As with Obama are, the scope of command and control over the private economy will be extended.

Read more: Obama?s climate change plan masks hidden agenda | Fox News
The environmental k00ks dont see the EPA for what it is. The meatheads think it is about protecting the environment.

Like other large govenment agencies.......they exist to do one thing: expand their own power. Anybody who has done any kind of comprehensive study of bureaucracies like I have knows about this shit.......scholars refer to it as bureaucratic inertia = the perptual expansive dynamic of governmental organizations.
It's the


Obama’s climate change plan masks hidden agenda

By Peter Morici
June 28, 2013

President Obama’s climate change action plan won’t do much to curb global warming, but it will please liberals who delight in extending government control over large segments of the economy.

The president argues that the overwhelming majority of scientists, including some early skeptics, agree the planet is warming and greenhouse gas emissions are the primary culprit. As CO2 composes 80 percent of those gases, Obama targets coal-fired electric utilities and opportunities to reduce fuel use in heavy transportation.

The president proposes reducing U.S. emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels through strict EPA regulation and oversight, when the market forces are already accomplishing that goal without imposing a command and control regime.


The president wants the new EPA standards for power plants finalized by June of 2015 and implemented in 2016. This hasty time table is necessary to lock in a new regime before its wisdom is debunked and another round of negotiations with China, India and others fail.

Global warming will go unmitigated, and U.S. economic growth and jobs creation will be further harmed; however, the president’s desired legacy will be served. As with Obama are, the scope of command and control over the private economy will be extended.

Read more: Obama?s climate change plan masks hidden agenda | Fox News

Shows how much knowledge these Prog revolutionaries really have about enviro issues.. How could a climate crusading CIC miss the news that in SPITE of his policies, we already rolled back CO2 emissions to much less than his goal...

What was the campaign motto? FORWARD ?????

Looks like the revolutionary frontal attack just got flanked and ambushed....
Obama’s climate change plan masks hidden agenda

By Peter Morici
June 28, 2013

President Obama’s climate change action plan won’t do much to curb global warming, but it will please liberals who delight in extending government control over large segments of the economy.

The president argues that the overwhelming majority of scientists, including some early skeptics, agree the planet is warming and greenhouse gas emissions are the primary culprit. As CO2 composes 80 percent of those gases, Obama targets coal-fired electric utilities and opportunities to reduce fuel use in heavy transportation.

The president proposes reducing U.S. emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels through strict EPA regulation and oversight, when the market forces are already accomplishing that goal without imposing a command and control regime.


The president wants the new EPA standards for power plants finalized by June of 2015 and implemented in 2016. This hasty time table is necessary to lock in a new regime before its wisdom is debunked and another round of negotiations with China, India and others fail.

Global warming will go unmitigated, and U.S. economic growth and jobs creation will be further harmed; however, the president’s desired legacy will be served. As with Obama are, the scope of command and control over the private economy will be extended.

Read more: Obama?s climate change plan masks hidden agenda | Fox News

Shows how much knowledge these Prog revolutionaries really have about enviro issues.. How could a climate crusading CIC miss the news that in SPITE of his policies, we already rolled back CO2 emissions to much less than his goal...

What was the campaign motto? FORWARD ?????

Looks like the revolutionary frontal attack just got flanked and ambushed....

MSDNC, LEAN FORWARD so you can get &^$%...:eek:
Coal Plant Union that Endorsed Obama Protesting EPA’s War on Coal

July 17, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


It’s hard to feel too sorry for Boilermakers Local 154. Not only did the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers endorse Obama, but Local 154 spent the money and influence of its members pushing “clean coal”. Trying to jump on the Green bandwagon probably seemed like a clever gimmick, aside from the fact that Obama and his Green Energy minions really hate coal. Obama even said so during his first election.

So what did they really think was going to happen?


Which is not a problem for Obama. If instead of wasting money and energy on pushing Clean Coal, 154′s members had pushed back against Obama in a major swing state, maybe they wouldn’t be looking at the end of their jobs.

The left has been successfully able to play divide and conquer with people like these. Unions for actual working people are slowly waking up to realize that their jobs and way of life are next on the wealth redistribution menu.

Coal Plant Union that Endorsed Obama Protesting EPA?s War on Coal | FrontPage Magazine
You Can Love Nature and Still Hate the Tyranny of Environmental Regulations

Throughout the world, most reductions in pollution have been achieved because of capitalism, not government control.

John Stossel | April 3, 2013

Environmental activists and politicians would like you to think that we must love their regulations -- or hate trees and animals.

I love trees and animals.

But you can love nature and still hate the tyranny that environmental regulations bring.

The Environmental Protection Agency just announced it will boost gas prices ("only" a penny, although industry says 6 to 9 cents) to make another minuscule improvement to air quality.

In New York City, my mayor wants to ban Styrofoam cups, saying, "I think it's something we can do without."

Congress already dictates the design of our cars, toilets and light bulbs.


But government didn't stop there. Government never stops. Now that the air is cleaner, government spends even more than it spent to clean the air to subsidize feeble methods of energy production, like windmills and solar panels. Activists want even more spending. A few years back, the Center for American Progress announced they were upset that "Germany, Spain and China Are Seizing the Energy Opportunity ... the United States Risks Getting Left Behind."

In this case, we're better off "left behind." After spending billions, those European governments made no breakthroughs, and now they're cutting back.


You Can Love Nature and Still Hate the Tyranny of Environmental Regulations - Reason.com
You Can Love Nature and Still Hate the Tyranny of Environmental Regulations

Throughout the world, most reductions in pollution have been achieved because of capitalism, not government control.

John Stossel | April 3, 2013

Environmental activists and politicians would like you to think that we must love their regulations -- or hate trees and animals.

I love trees and animals.

But you can love nature and still hate the tyranny that environmental regulations bring.

The Environmental Protection Agency just announced it will boost gas prices ("only" a penny, although industry says 6 to 9 cents) to make another minuscule improvement to air quality.

In New York City, my mayor wants to ban Styrofoam cups, saying, "I think it's something we can do without."

Congress already dictates the design of our cars, toilets and light bulbs.


But government didn't stop there. Government never stops. Now that the air is cleaner, government spends even more than it spent to clean the air to subsidize feeble methods of energy production, like windmills and solar panels. Activists want even more spending. A few years back, the Center for American Progress announced they were upset that "Germany, Spain and China Are Seizing the Energy Opportunity ... the United States Risks Getting Left Behind."

In this case, we're better off "left behind." After spending billions, those European governments made no breakthroughs, and now they're cutting back.


You Can Love Nature and Still Hate the Tyranny of Environmental Regulations - Reason.com

I thank god for the tyranny of environmental regulations. I live in Salt Lake City and remember what the air quality was like in the late 70's / early 80's. There was one winter inversion that created 60 straight days of pea soup fog. You couldn't see more than half a block away. Great for the lungs too. And that's the way it would have stayed if the local conservative bohunks had their way. I don't think there's a big business that they wouldn't have bent over for (there still isn't). Now however, thanks to more strict emission standards for cars and industries, we have 3 or 4 times the population and the air quality is much, much better. Still not great at times but at least not a constant health hazzard.

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