EPA Loses In 6-3 SCOTUS Decision

I figure the dems will have a spat of them, they will fail, then when out of power they will give up as none will be brought to the floor in either house.
Check your math

Your “figures” are cockamamie
More to follow when the links are up.

The Supreme Court restricted the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants Thursday, potentially dealing a crucial blow to the Biden administration’s plans to fight climate change.

The 6-3 decision overruled a lower court decision that gave the federal agency virtually unlimited regulatory powers through the Clean Air Act.

Writing for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts ruled that “it is not plausible that Congress gave EPA the authority to adopt on its own such a regulatory scheme.”

Supreme Court restricts EPA’s authority to regulate power plant emissions

Whoo! The previous decisions were mere foreplay compared to this. :banana:

Good to see them get back to good rulings.

This was the correct one for sure.
More to follow when the links are up.

The Supreme Court restricted the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants Thursday, potentially dealing a crucial blow to the Biden administration’s plans to fight climate change.

The 6-3 decision overruled a lower court decision that gave the federal agency virtually unlimited regulatory powers through the Clean Air Act.

Writing for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts ruled that “it is not plausible that Congress gave EPA the authority to adopt on its own such a regulatory scheme.”

Supreme Court restricts EPA’s authority to regulate power plant emissions

Whoo! The previous decisions were mere foreplay compared to this. :banana:

The democrats aren't fighting climate change, they are fighting human population growth....they think the world is over populated and that people are destroying the planet...so their energy policy is created to limit human population growth, not to supply more energy.

Thanks again to the Great, and mighty MAGA King....President Trump.......one of the most consequential Presidents of our time.....who will be seen in history as one of the greats, deprived of a 2nd term by vile dirt bags....
The Supreme Court ruled Thursday on a high-profile case centered on the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.

Chief Justice John Roberts delivered the opinion for the Court; the three liberal justices dissented.

“Congress did not grant EPA in Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act the authority to devise emissions caps based on the generation shifting approach the Agency took in the Clean Power Plan,” Roberts writes.

That's quite a record the Roberts' court is amassing. Cavalierly overturning precedent, eliminating voting rights, stripping women of bodily autonomy, exposing the US to more gun violence, and now making it more difficult for an agency of the government to fight climate change. All in line with conservative ideology if not legal principle.

By the way, the judge in the DC Court of Appeals that got her ass handed to her is none other than that dumbass affirmative action Negro bitch that Biden appointed to the Supreme Court.
The democrats aren't fighting climate change, they are fighting human population growth....they think the world is over populated and that people are destroying the planet...so their energy policy is created to limit human population growth, not to supply more energy.

Thanks again to the Great, and mighty MAGA King....President Trump.......one of the most consequential Presidents of our time.....who will be seen in history as one of the greats, deprived of a 2nd term by vile dirt bags....
Between the covid killing off oldsters and fentanyl killing off the young I'd say they are doing a bang-up job.
And so the REEEEEEEEEing starts.....I figured it would take it a bit to sink in.

Hey what did you think of the foreplay before the the real decision of consequence came down? ;)
A step in the right direction. The EPA had become yet another arm of the Democrat party and needed to be reigned in. Now the states can decide what best suits their residents.
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The nation is splitting apart. The divergent sides have no interest in recognizing the laws of the other. Or the authority either.
That's quite a record the Roberts' court is amassing. Cavalierly overturning precedent, eliminating voting rights, stripping women of bodily autonomy, exposing the US to more gun violence, and now making it more difficult for an agency of the government to fight climate change. All in line with conservative ideology if not legal principle.
Nobody on this court has eliminated voting rights, stripped women of bodily autonomy, or increased gun violence. Regarding today's ruling, nothing in the Constitution allows Congress to pass off their legislative duties to unelected bureaucrats allowing them to pass whatever rules they want and declare them as regulations.

When SCOTUS was affirming left wing doctrine throughout most of the 20th century, some of which would have been considered extreme at the time, such as Roe, you never heard the left or the right scream and cry about how the court is "illegitimate," a threat to democracy and freedom, dangerous extremists, etc, but when a conservative majority starts reversing many of those poorly decided cases it's non-stop kicking and screaming, calling for impeachments, cries to pack the court, and other such nonsense.

As usual, when the Democratic Party doesn't get their way their solution is to change the rules and rig it in their favor.
The EPA is bullshit.

Richard Nixon created it, so its bullshit.

Cult, dont explode.

No, the EPA is not bullshit. This country was filthy when the agency was created back in the 70s when it came to air, land, and water pollution. The Cuyahoga River caught on fire because of all the chemicals in the water floating on the surface. I have relatives from Pittsburgh who had told me stories of how their mother or grandmother used to have to wash the curtains in their homes once or twice a year because they'd start turning black from all the soot in the air generated from the steel plants.

The EPA was needed and still is to make sure companies don't pollute our natural resources, but that doesn't mean they get unlimited autonomy to do what they want. Any rules and regulations they propose should have to be passed by Congress.

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