EPA Loses In 6-3 SCOTUS Decision

Let Ohio's rivers burn again....all hail trump!

The difference between the Cuyahoga river catching on fire and the enviro-kooks today is we had hard core evidence the pollution was the problem. The theory was that the lakes were so large, chemicals would simply dissipate into the water. Water doesn't catch on fire, so when the river did, we had empirical evidence as to what caused it and took action.

Global warming, climate change, whatever you want to call it has no evidence man has anything to do with it. It's simply a theory, no different than chemicals disappearing in the water.
A step in the right direction. The EPA had become yet another arm of the Democrat party and needed to be reigned in. Now the states can decide what best suits their residents.

All bureaucracies are. The reason they've never been eliminated is they give cover to the politicians when they want to enact very unpopular laws, taxation or fines against the people and not take any responsibility for. Remember net neutrality? When DumBama was bashed for that one, he said "I had nothing to do with net neutrality, that standard was created by the FCC, tee-hee-hee." Of course he got away with it too. And what about mandated covid shots? Dementia knew he couldn't do it, so he blamed it on the CDC and said it was their authority forcing employers to make sure their employees are vaxed.

For me it's not a Republican/ Democrat thing, it's an authoritarian government thing.
I suppose the SC's decision will bring all the little Ted Kaczynskis out of their hidey-holes now.

They used to be so cute when they were just little Woody Owls, until they started blowing up shit.
I see this as a double edged sword. I agree that unelected employee's should not be able to write laws others have to follow. This again falls 100% on the backs of politicians who took the cowards way out and allowed this. This is their job but they wanted to be able to put the hard work onto others.

On the other hand I believe we shouldn't just spew pollutants into the air and this will likely increase that.
Congress can't write the policies of every federal agency. So there has to be some middle ground to give regulatory agencies the authority to regulate as they see fit.

If we leave all of that up to the do nothing congress, then we might as well just delete the agencies.
Congress can't write the policies of every federal agency. So there has to be some middle ground to give regulatory agencies the authority to regulate as they see fit if we leave all of that up to the do nothing congress, then we might as well just delete the agencies.
ding, ding, ding!!!!! They fk up americans daily.

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