EPA set to strike key blow against coal?


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Here's one of the main reason Obama and the Dims need to be defeated. They will have us all shivering in the dark by the time they are through:

EPA set to strike key blow against coal? | Fox News

Stymied by the GOP's long resistance to cap and trade legislation, the EPA this week began public hearings -- the next step toward a final rule -- to cut carbon dioxide emissions from new coal plants.

The rule would limit emissions to 1100 pounds per Megawatt hour, a level the coal industry says is technologically unattainable.

Green energy proponents disagree.

"Opponents say this will prevent ever building another coal-fired plant in the United States today. They say that the technology is not commercially available. These claims are scare tactics," Rep. HenryWaxman, D-Calif., said in a press conference Thursday outside EPA headquarters in advance of the hearing.

Some supporters of the proposed rule say fracking has unleashed a treasure trove of cleaner natural gas. Its new abundance and low price has put coal at a competitive disadvantage, a welcome development, they say, given the consequences of global warming.

"I think there's been a fair amount of scare mongering that says, the only way we can address climate change is through drastic action that’s going to increase everybody's electricity bills and ruin the kinds of vehicles they want to drive and none of that is happening, " says Elgie Holstein of the Environmental Defense Fund.​
How many Union jobs are going to be eliminated? Where's Union Leadership on this?
Where is the public outrage? They won't wake up until they get their utility bill.

Sort of like getting your ACA bill.

The sick part of this is, the entire premise is flawed - at the very least it is not proven.

Global Warming, Climate Change, what ever it's called these days... is not a license to shut down entire industries and send tens of thousands to the unemployment lines.

Today it's coal, tomorrow crude oil, next it will be natural gas.

Petrophobia reigns supreme in the Obama administration.
Here's one of the main reason Obama and the Dims need to be defeated. They will have us all shivering in the dark by the time they are through:

EPA set to strike key blow against coal? | Fox News

Stymied by the GOP's long resistance to cap and trade legislation, the EPA this week began public hearings -- the next step toward a final rule -- to cut carbon dioxide emissions from new coal plants.

The rule would limit emissions to 1100 pounds per Megawatt hour, a level the coal industry says is technologically unattainable.

Green energy proponents disagree.

"Opponents say this will prevent ever building another coal-fired plant in the United States today. They say that the technology is not commercially available. These claims are scare tactics," Rep. HenryWaxman, D-Calif., said in a press conference Thursday outside EPA headquarters in advance of the hearing.

Some supporters of the proposed rule say fracking has unleashed a treasure trove of cleaner natural gas. Its new abundance and low price has put coal at a competitive disadvantage, a welcome development, they say, given the consequences of global warming.

"I think there's been a fair amount of scare mongering that says, the only way we can address climate change is through drastic action that’s going to increase everybody's electricity bills and ruin the kinds of vehicles they want to drive and none of that is happening, " says Elgie Holstein of the Environmental Defense Fund.​

Remember Jimmy Carter and his stupid sweaters?

At least that bed wetter had the integrity to suffer (or at least pretend too) right along with the rest of us.

This current crop of authoritarian sociopaths will not suffer at all from the results of their tyranny.

Their mindless lemmings will blame the "%1" for rising prices, and refuse to even consider that the global whining scam is indeed a scam.

Liberals aborting their children is a good thing. I don't mind funding their contraception.

In fact I'm drawing up legislation to have liberals sterilized free of charge. The upfront cost is worth the savings down the road.
Where is the public outrage? They won't wake up until they get their utility bill.

Sort of like getting your ACA bill.

The sick part of this is, the entire premise is flawed - at the very least it is not proven.

Global Warming, Climate Change, what ever it's called these days... is not a license to shut down entire industries and send tens of thousands to the unemployment lines.

Today it's coal, tomorrow crude oil, next it will be natural gas.

Petrophobia reigns supreme in the Obama administration.
Progressives being brazen...and even hurting their blind followers.
Audio: Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry | NewsBusters

Look, that was 6 years ago. Obama is not stupid, he just has patience with his political objectives.

Basically, Obama is Putin. Only Obama is constrained (confounded?) by a 240 year old Constitution.

I beg to differ.

Obama is stupid. In order to be a liberal you have to be stupid.

I have seen nothing from this assclown that demonstrates even the most remote indication of intellect.

His words are chosen by someone else. Everything he says is scripted, regurgitated leftist psycobabble, or when taken off teleprompter a monotonous string of "uhhh", "I" and "let me be clear".

His handlers may not be as stupid as he is, but for all their strategic political skills, they're all still fucking retards.
Audio: Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry | NewsBusters

Look, that was 6 years ago. Obama is not stupid, he just has patience with his political objectives.

Basically, Obama is Putin. Only Obama is constrained (confounded?) by a 240 year old Constitution.

I beg to differ.

Obama is stupid. In order to be a liberal you have to be stupid.

I have seen nothing from this assclown that demonstrates even the most remote indication of intellect.

His words are chosen by someone else. Everything he says is scripted, regurgitated leftist psycobabble, or when taken off teleprompter a monotonous string of "uhhh", "I" and "let me be clear".

His handlers may not be as stupid as he is, but for all their strategic political skills, they're all still fucking retards.

So your theory is that he has 'good handlers'. The only problem with that theory is that his frank desire to bankrupt the coal industry was expressed before he was elected. There were no teleprompters in the interview. It was the real Obama.
Audio: Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry | NewsBusters

Look, that was 6 years ago. Obama is not stupid, he just has patience with his political objectives.

Basically, Obama is Putin. Only Obama is constrained (confounded?) by a 240 year old Constitution.

I beg to differ.

Obama is stupid. In order to be a liberal you have to be stupid.

I have seen nothing from this assclown that demonstrates even the most remote indication of intellect.

His words are chosen by someone else. Everything he says is scripted, regurgitated leftist psycobabble, or when taken off teleprompter a monotonous string of "uhhh", "I" and "let me be clear".

His handlers may not be as stupid as he is, but for all their strategic political skills, they're all still fucking retards.

So your theory is that he has 'good handlers'. The only problem with that theory is that his frank desire to bankrupt the coal industry was expressed before he was elected. There were no teleprompters in the interview. It was the real Obama.
Living the DREAMS of his father bringing us down to our knees with relish.
Obama must be a secret agent of the GOP whose mission is to destroy the Ds

The GOP can not even field a competent Presidential candidate. What makes you think they are clever enough to have a spy?

The last two presidential elections proved not that the GOP can't field a competent candidate, but that America can't field a competent electorate.
Those who live in poverty will be the ones who suffer the most under these policies.........

Power rates will sky rocket, and that is the goal of people like Obama and his boot lickers..........

Then these same people have the nerve to say they are for the little people as they screw them again by forcing higher Utility bills on them...............

What a bunch of Hypocrites....................

I think I'll just light up my fire place again, and heat the dang house with it again..............They haven't banned burning wood where I'm at yet....................And tell those who say I'm killing the planet to take a long walk off a short bridge.......................

But that's just my take on it.......as our utility bills have went up 15% last year...........I love that fire in the living room..........Puts out great heat.
Those who live in poverty will be the ones who suffer the most under these policies.........

Power rates will sky rocket, and that is the goal of people like Obama and his boot lickers..........

Then these same people have the nerve to say they are for the little people as they screw them again by forcing higher Utility bills on them...............

What a bunch of Hypocrites....................

I think I'll just light up my fire place again, and heat the dang house with it again..............They haven't banned burning wood where I'm at yet....................And tell those who say I'm killing the planet to take a long walk off a short bridge.......................

But that's just my take on it.......as our utility bills have went up 15% last year...........I love that fire in the living room..........Puts out great heat.

The only carbon dioxide that pollutes is the one exhaled by liberals.

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