EPA set to strike key blow against coal?

Those who live in poverty will be the ones who suffer the most under these policies.........

Power rates will sky rocket, and that is the goal of people like Obama and his boot lickers..........

Then these same people have the nerve to say they are for the little people as they screw them again by forcing higher Utility bills on them...............

What a bunch of Hypocrites....................

I think I'll just light up my fire place again, and heat the dang house with it again..............They haven't banned burning wood where I'm at yet....................And tell those who say I'm killing the planet to take a long walk off a short bridge.......................

But that's just my take on it.......as our utility bills have went up 15% last year...........I love that fire in the living room..........Puts out great heat.

The only carbon dioxide that pollutes is the one exhaled by liberals.

If only we could channel all of that Hot Air into a furnace.............We could heat the world with it.............

Oh Hell, it will melt the polar ice..............Lion's and Tiger's and bears..........
My message to the states in Coal Country: You retards knew Obama hated the coal industry. You could've voted for Romney, who probably would've called off the EPA's dogs that are hounding your asses. But no....you reelected the fuckstick back into office. Now look what's he's going to do to your economies. I don't feel one iota of sorrow for you suckers!
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"Opponents say this will prevent ever building another coal-fired plant in the United States today. They say that the technology is not commercially available. These claims are scare tactics," Rep. HenryWaxman, D-Calif., said in a press conference Thursday outside EPA headquarters in advance of the hearing.

The Human Nostril speaks!
you'd think 'greenies' would LOVE carbon dioxide.....after all that is what green plants thrive on...

plus a little extra greenhouse heat wouldn't hurt this winter either...

but then....these are liberals.....who think 2 + 2 = 5....
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Lower-priced natural gas has energized many parts of the country and the economy. Chemical and fertilizer companies, which use gas as both a feedstock and energy source, say lower prices have reduced costs and made the U.S. a more competitive manufacturing location.

Cheaper Natural Gas Lets Nucor Factory Rise Again on Bayou

The relatively low cost of natural gas makes the dispatching of existing natural gas plants more competitive with coal plants and, in combination with relatively low capital costs, makes plants fueled by natural gas an alternative choice for new generation capacity.

Market Trends — Electricity

America's energy boom will continue for decades, and natural gas will replace coal as the largest source of U.S. electricity by 2035, the Department of Energy forecast today.

U.S. forecasts natural gas boom through 2040
you'd think 'greenies' would LOVE carbon dioxide.....after all that is what green plants thrive on...

plus a little extra greenhouse heat wouldn't hurt this winter either...

but then....these are liberals.....who think 2 + 2 = 5....

And then there are idiots who don't know more carbon dioxide means droughts. Like the droughts in California and Texas.

Plants just loooooooove droughts!


Moar carbon dioxide good!
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you'd think 'greenies' would LOVE carbon dioxide.....after all that is what green plants thrive on...

plus a little extra greenhouse heat wouldn't hurt this winter either...

but then....these are liberals.....who think 2 + 2 = 5....

And then there are idiots who don't know more carbon dioxide means droughts. Like the droughts in California and Texas.

Plants just loooooooove droughts!


Moar carbon dioxide good!

imagine that.....global warming and global cooling both at the same time in the same country.....:lol:
"Opponents say this will prevent ever building another coal-fired plant in the United States today. They say that the technology is not commercially available. These claims are scare tactics," Rep. HenryWaxman, D-Calif., said in a press conference Thursday outside EPA headquarters in advance of the hearing.

The Human Nostril speaks!

I simply laugh at the Libs when they preach Natural Gas plants..................

Yes, it is abundent in this country.......We are the Saudi Arabia of Natural Gas, but but but but we'd have to put in PIPE LINES around the country to further distribute it effectively....................

and then they'd yell NO TO THE PIPE LINES.............They are evil.................................

I wish these retards had some common sense................

At least 40% of the nation gets power by Coal.............To replace these plants will require A WHOLE LOT OF MONEY.............Adding the Pipe Lines cost a WHOLE LOT OF MONEY................So the Power Rates will SKY ROCKET as a result and hurt everyone in this country.

It will effect the poor the most, but these Libs are the champions of the poor...........RIGHT.........

They are forcing us to have higher power rates, NOT BY LAWS IN CONGRESS, but by Fiat Laws created by the EPA...........Like the one that requires ALTERNATE FUELS that have consumed 40% of the Corn Crops in this country as it is the only viable alternative fuel that can be mass produced..................Raising feed prices to farmers and prices at the grocery store.........

The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions..........
this administrations motto instead of, Hope and change

IT'S The more pain and suffering we can bring on you the better

People need to contact your Representatives and demand they DEFUND these rogue agencies under Obama

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