EPA switches from science to profits.

Actually, it appears they will stop using the pseudoscience that has fooled their backers and been their mainstay of control for years.
Actually, it appears they will stop using the pseudoscience that has fooled their backers and been their mainstay of control for years.
There is no psuerdoscience. Air pollution kills people. That is science. Nothing you or your orange buddy says has anything to do with real science.
Trump's EPA will now determine whether pollution will be allowed depending on its effect of the profits of industry rather than the health of people & the cleanliness of our environment.
Pruitt removes scientists from key EPA board - CNNPolitics.com

Pruitt removes globull warming frauds from EPA board.
Global warming is SCIENCE, dumbass.
Yep. But it's the man made part that we haven't seen evidence on. That's why they rely on consensus, bullying and ridicule.
Fake news from a dummy that knows no better. They will weigh the costs and benefits, like we should have all along.
Sop, how much is it worth not to kill & sicken thousands of Americans every year?

What is the price that makes a dimmer future for our children worth it?

Your orange hero REPLACED scientists with industry hacks and you are dumb enough to cheer it.

You must really hate your children.
Trump's EPA will now determine whether pollution will be allowed depending on its effect of the profits of industry rather than the health of people & the cleanliness of our environment.
Pruitt removes scientists from key EPA board - CNNPolitics.com

Pruitt removes globull warming frauds from EPA board.
Global warming is SCIENCE, dumbass.
Yep. But it's the man made part that we haven't seen evidence on. That's why they rely on consensus, bullying and ridicule.

Man has been pumping CO2 into the atmosphere to the point of drastically increasing the percentage. More CO2 increases the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effects makes it warmer.

PROVEN SCIENCE you fucking idiot.
Trump's EPA will now determine whether pollution will be allowed depending on its effect of the profits of industry rather than the health of people & the cleanliness of our environment.
Pruitt removes scientists from key EPA board - CNNPolitics.com

Pruitt removes globull warming frauds from EPA board.
Global warming is SCIENCE, dumbass.
Yep. But it's the man made part that we haven't seen evidence on. That's why they rely on consensus, bullying and ridicule.

Man has been pumping CO2 into the atmosphere to the point of drastically increasing the percentage. More CO2 increases the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effects makes it warmer.

PROVEN SCIENCE you fucking idiot.
Many time volcanoes spewed many times more and in fact still do. That's hard science m'boy.
Trump's EPA will now determine whether pollution will be allowed depending on its effect of the profits of industry rather than the health of people & the cleanliness of our environment.
Pruitt removes scientists from key EPA board - CNNPolitics.com

Pruitt removes globull warming frauds from EPA board.
Global warming is SCIENCE, dumbass.
Yep. But it's the man made part that we haven't seen evidence on. That's why they rely on consensus, bullying and ridicule.

Man has been pumping CO2 into the atmosphere to the point of drastically increasing the percentage. More CO2 increases the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effects makes it warmer.

PROVEN SCIENCE you fucking idiot.
Many time volcanoes spewed many times more and in fact still do. That's hard science m'boy.

Our current & past climate has volcanos factored in.

Man is adding more & more beyond all of that.

My God you people are stupid.
Pruitt removes globull warming frauds from EPA board.
Global warming is SCIENCE, dumbass.
Yep. But it's the man made part that we haven't seen evidence on. That's why they rely on consensus, bullying and ridicule.

Man has been pumping CO2 into the atmosphere to the point of drastically increasing the percentage. More CO2 increases the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effects makes it warmer.

PROVEN SCIENCE you fucking idiot.
Many time volcanoes spewed many times more and in fact still do. That's hard science m'boy.

Our current & past climate has volcanos factored in.

Man is adding more & more beyond all of that.

My God you people are stupid.
You forgot to post the evidence. And you missed the point.
Trump's EPA will now determine whether pollution will be allowed depending on its effect of the profits of industry rather than the health of people & the cleanliness of our environment.
Pruitt removes scientists from key EPA board - CNNPolitics.com

*The New Republican Environmental Protection Agency*

Tired of clean air and clean water? Have you ever thought "this lake could use 20 million gallons of industrial waste?" Or been on the beach and got tired of the incredible ocean vistas and pristine surroundings? Have you watched television and felt jealous when you see a city in China with air pollution so thick they use a knife to cut through it and wear air-filters so they don't have to breath it? Then The New Republican EPA is for you.

Gone are the days when 'Environmental Protection' meant protecting the environment. Now, through careful research and manipulation or LYING as we call it, EPA means the exact opposite. That's right! We've rolled back the clock to 1835 when no one gave a shit about any 'environment'.

They didn't have to, the water and air were still clean back then.
Trump's EPA will now determine whether pollution will be allowed depending on its effect of the profits of industry rather than the health of people & the cleanliness of our environment.
Pruitt removes scientists from key EPA board - CNNPolitics.com

*The New Republican Environmental Protection Agency*

Tired of clean air and clean water? Have you ever thought "this lake could use 20 million gallons of industrial waste?" Or been on the beach and got tired of the incredible ocean vistas and pristine surroundings? Have you watched television and felt jealous when you see a city in China with air pollution so thick they use a knife to cut through it and wear air-filters so they don't have to breath it? Then The New Republican EPA is for you.

Gone are the days when 'Environmental Protection' meant protecting the environment. Now, through careful research and manipulation or LYING as we call it, EPA means the exact opposite. That's right! We've rolled back the clock to 1835 when no one gave a shit about any 'environment'.

They didn't have to, the water and air were still clean back then.
LOL, pure comedy gold! Put that one in the joke forum.
Trump's EPA will now determine whether pollution will be allowed depending on its effect of the profits of industry rather than the health of people & the cleanliness of our environment.
Pruitt removes scientists from key EPA board - CNNPolitics.com

Pruitt removes globull warming frauds from EPA board.
Oh my, another willfully ignorant ass is heard from. AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that. And we have scientifically ignorant fools like you that know nothing of the science involved thinking that you are smarter than all those people combined. LOL

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