EPA To Alaskans In Sub-Zero Temps: Stop Burning Wood To Keep Warm

What will the EPA replace the wood with? Or, do they expect Alaskans to freeze to death?
Have no fear. Environmental genius rick perry will be here to save the day by running the department that he wanted to get rid of, but just couldn't think of the name of. LOL.
Running? He intends to abolish it....too fucking bad for you....:lol:
No, it would be too bad for every living thing on the planet, you one-line-loser.

So you don't want any regulation on toxins getting pumped into the air, ground and water? We'll just let these companies police themselves, right? After all, they would never put profit over the environment. LOL.

Are you really that much of a partisan hack, or just really, really, really fucking stupid?

I'll answer for you, both.
Clean Water is toxic....you going to regulate that next?

“It’s all one thing — when you most need the heat is when you’re most apt to create a serious air pollution problem for yourself and the people in your community,” said Tim Hamlin, the director of the office of air and waste at the E.P.A.’s Region 10, which includes Alaska.

And forces are now converging to heighten the tension in this seemingly unlikely pollution story. Civil fines by Fairbanks North Star Borough — which includes the cities of Fairbanks and North Pole, with a total population of about 100,000 — could be assessed in coming days against residential polluters. The E.P.A. could declare the entire area to be in “serious” noncompliance of the Clean Air Act early next year, with potentially huge economic implications, including a cutoff of federal transportation funds.

Residents are also trapped, he said, by economics. Natural gas, a much cleaner fuel source, is not widely available in this part of Alaska, and heating oil can be very expensive. Oil also produces particulate pollution, though less than wood. A study for the borough last year said residents here spent, on average, almost four times the national average in annual heating costs.

Mr. Hamlin, the E.P.A. official, said his agency was definitely not trying to take away anyone’s wood stove, or make life more expensive. But he said the Clean Air Act, passed by Congress in 1970, requires a standard of breathable air for all Americans. The E.P.A. was given the job of enforcing that standard.

“We don’t want to be telling people what to do, but the standard is what it is, and we want to work with you to be able to get there,” he said.

Makes you wonder how human kind survived for thousands of years without agencies like this.
Apparently heating oil is too expensive and natural gas is not available.

Do they still make electric blankets?

Maybe they should burn some coal???


silly liberals, y'all are so precious. never change - please. I mean that...


EPA To Alaskans In Sub-Zero Temps: Stop Burning Wood To Keep Warm

In Jack London’s famous short story, “To Build A Fire,” a man freezes to death because he underestimates the cold in America’s far north and cannot build a proper fire. The unnamed man—a chechaquo, what Alaska natives call newcomers—is accompanied by a wolf-dog that knows the danger of the cold and is wholly indifferent to the fate of the man. “This man did not know cold. Possibly, all the generations of his ancestry had been ignorant of cold, of real cold, of cold 107 degrees below freezing point. But the dog knew; all its ancestry knew, and it had inherited the knowledge.”

If only the bureaucrats in Washington DC knew what the wolf-dog knew. But alas, now comes the federal government to tell the inhabitants of Alaska’s interior that, really, they should not be building fires to keep themselves warm during the winter. The New York Times reports the Environmental Protection Agency could soon declare the Alaskan cities of Fairbanks and North Pole, which have a combined population of about 100,000, in “serious” noncompliance of the Clean Air Act early next year.
Only 17 more days of this stupid stuff
If you can't afford what they recommend, I guess you deserve to die.

a leftist wet dream, put this together with the Board that decides who gets priority medical treatments once we've full nationalized health care and energy!

we can call them "death panels"

good times
So, kicking 30 million Americans off of health care insurance without anything to take it's place is not a death sentence for some of them? You ideological assholes are some sick bastards.

You mean like the same sick bastards that didn't give a shit about us who lost it because of Commie Care?
You lost it? My, perhaps you should address this to your employer. My employer reduced my contribution to zero. Of course, higher deductable. But a couple of years of the amount previously taken out of my paycheck more than makes up for that.
If you can't afford what they recommend, I guess you deserve to die.

a leftist wet dream, put this together with the Board that decides who gets priority medical treatments once we've full nationalized health care and energy!

we can call them "death panels"

good times
So, kicking 30 million Americans off of health care insurance without anything to take it's place is not a death sentence for some of them? You ideological assholes are some sick bastards.
They are not kicking anyone off. Just repealing the mandate! I hate mandates don't ewe?
This is nothing new. Here's an article about how they wanted to tackle people that use wood for cooking in their stoves:

EPA to give grants to fight cooking stove pollution
You dumb lying shit, that is not what the article says at all. They want to find a technological fix to creating a wood burning stove or method that would result in less indoor smoke pollution from cooking fires.

EPA to give grants to fight cooking stove pollution

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy is set to unveil Tuesday six federal grants to universities to fund research on clean cooking-stove technology.

The announcement will put the EPA’s resources squarely behind a United Nations’ quest for cleaner burning stoves and an end to deadly cooking pollution.

“This research will help to improve air quality, protect public health and slow climate change,” the EPA said in explaining why the agency chief will preside over the announcement Tuesday.

To make the case for why these grants are so important, EPA noted the World Health Organization estimates that exposure to smoke from traditional cookstoves and open pit fires leads to 4.3 million premature deaths each year.
The fact is, though, most of the problem lives far from the shores of the U.S., where most Americans have modern gas and electric stoves.

Rather, the target of this research are the 3 billion people, mostly in the developing world, who still cook using solid fuels like wood, crop wastes, charcoal, coal and dung in open fires or leaky stoves, according to the World Health Organization.

Yeah, so what did I lie about?
Dew ewe walk or drive? Ewe notice climate warmers never walk.

Many drive a Prius. And those are not really all that environment-friendly considering all the electricity used. But, they still pretend to be superior. I want to see Al Gore on a bicycle and living in a small house before I'll believe a word he says.

“It’s all one thing — when you most need the heat is when you’re most apt to create a serious air pollution problem for yourself and the people in your community,” said Tim Hamlin, the director of the office of air and waste at the E.P.A.’s Region 10, which includes Alaska.

And forces are now converging to heighten the tension in this seemingly unlikely pollution story. Civil fines by Fairbanks North Star Borough — which includes the cities of Fairbanks and North Pole, with a total population of about 100,000 — could be assessed in coming days against residential polluters. The E.P.A. could declare the entire area to be in “serious” noncompliance of the Clean Air Act early next year, with potentially huge economic implications, including a cutoff of federal transportation funds.

Residents are also trapped, he said, by economics. Natural gas, a much cleaner fuel source, is not widely available in this part of Alaska, and heating oil can be very expensive. Oil also produces particulate pollution, though less than wood. A study for the borough last year said residents here spent, on average, almost four times the national average in annual heating costs.

Mr. Hamlin, the E.P.A. official, said his agency was definitely not trying to take away anyone’s wood stove, or make life more expensive. But he said the Clean Air Act, passed by Congress in 1970, requires a standard of breathable air for all Americans. The E.P.A. was given the job of enforcing that standard.

“We don’t want to be telling people what to do, but the standard is what it is, and we want to work with you to be able to get there,” he said.

Makes you wonder how human kind survived for thousands of years without agencies like this.
Dumb fuck, about 100 years ago, average life span was like 45 years. Our modern medical system has about doubled that for those that take care of themselves. And, yes, government agencies like those in the other first world nations, do indeed, have a good deal to do with that. We lack those agencies, and, consequently,

Dew ewe walk or drive? Ewe notice climate warmers never walk.

Many drive a Prius. And those are not really all that environment-friendly considering all the electricity used. But, they still pretend to be superior. I want to see Al Gore on a bicycle and living in a small house before I'll believe a word he says.
Al Gore flys in a private jet, spewing mega tons of carbon all over the place and libtards want to deny Alaskans the ability to warm themselves!
This is nothing new. Here's an article about how they wanted to tackle people that use wood for cooking in their stoves:

EPA to give grants to fight cooking stove pollution
You dumb lying shit, that is not what the article says at all. They want to find a technological fix to creating a wood burning stove or method that would result in less indoor smoke pollution from cooking fires.

EPA to give grants to fight cooking stove pollution

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy is set to unveil Tuesday six federal grants to universities to fund research on clean cooking-stove technology.

The announcement will put the EPA’s resources squarely behind a United Nations’ quest for cleaner burning stoves and an end to deadly cooking pollution.

“This research will help to improve air quality, protect public health and slow climate change,” the EPA said in explaining why the agency chief will preside over the announcement Tuesday.

To make the case for why these grants are so important, EPA noted the World Health Organization estimates that exposure to smoke from traditional cookstoves and open pit fires leads to 4.3 million premature deaths each year.
The fact is, though, most of the problem lives far from the shores of the U.S., where most Americans have modern gas and electric stoves.

Rather, the target of this research are the 3 billion people, mostly in the developing world, who still cook using solid fuels like wood, crop wastes, charcoal, coal and dung in open fires or leaky stoves, according to the World Health Organization.

Yeah, so what did I lie about?
Pretty damned obvious, cocksuck. You stated the EPA was going after people that burned wood for cooking. They are trying to find an applicable technology that would allow them to burn the same fuel without adversly affecting their health. Quite an obvious lie.
What will the EPA replace the wood with? Or, do they expect Alaskans to freeze to death?
Have no fear. Environmental genius rick perry will be here to save the day by running the department that he wanted to get rid of, but just couldn't think of the name of. LOL.
I suspect Rick Perry will call bullshit and let Alaskans burn wood.

And rightfully so. Any sane person would allow someone else to burn wood to stay alive.
They are not kicking anyone off. Just repealing the mandate! I hate mandates don't ewe?

The way liberals see it, if you are not paying for something, it's the same as denying it. We could have expanded Medicaid to help people instead of forcing everyone to buy insurance and increasing premiums for too many. It became too expensive so a lot of people were forced to go without and pay the penalty. Libs had zero sympathy for the families who suddenly lost their insurance. They bitch now about illegal aliens and others might be losing it but never cared about the ones who lost it after Obamacare was passed. And those who did keep it were paying more for less. Higher deductibles meant all expenses out of pocket on top of high premiums. Just don't expect libs to care about the many hardships because their freebies matter more to them than your welfare. It's all about control, not healthcare. They were hoping to cause hardships for people because they wanted to force everyone to turn to government and then they would go to single payer, which is what Obamacare was designed to enable.

They would rather see people on long waiting lists for care because it meant government control. They want the entire country to be like the VA. You might die waiting for care but the Dems will pat themselves on the back for technically having people 'insured.' Having insurance and getting care are not the same thing.

“It’s all one thing — when you most need the heat is when you’re most apt to create a serious air pollution problem for yourself and the people in your community,” said Tim Hamlin, the director of the office of air and waste at the E.P.A.’s Region 10, which includes Alaska.

And forces are now converging to heighten the tension in this seemingly unlikely pollution story. Civil fines by Fairbanks North Star Borough — which includes the cities of Fairbanks and North Pole, with a total population of about 100,000 — could be assessed in coming days against residential polluters. The E.P.A. could declare the entire area to be in “serious” noncompliance of the Clean Air Act early next year, with potentially huge economic implications, including a cutoff of federal transportation funds.

Residents are also trapped, he said, by economics. Natural gas, a much cleaner fuel source, is not widely available in this part of Alaska, and heating oil can be very expensive. Oil also produces particulate pollution, though less than wood. A study for the borough last year said residents here spent, on average, almost four times the national average in annual heating costs.

Mr. Hamlin, the E.P.A. official, said his agency was definitely not trying to take away anyone’s wood stove, or make life more expensive. But he said the Clean Air Act, passed by Congress in 1970, requires a standard of breathable air for all Americans. The E.P.A. was given the job of enforcing that standard.

“We don’t want to be telling people what to do, but the standard is what it is, and we want to work with you to be able to get there,” he said.

Makes you wonder how human kind survived for thousands of years without agencies like this.
Dumb fuck, about 100 years ago, average life span was like 45 years. Our modern medical system has about doubled that for those that take care of themselves. And, yes, government agencies like those in the other first world nations, do indeed, have a good deal to do with that. We lack those agencies, and, consequently,

And consequently the money to fund such bullshit. What don't you liberals understand about the word broke?

Broke means no money.
Broke likely means in debt.
Broke means failure.

Why liberals are always for failure is beyond me. But it's not your business how long people live no matter how much you wish it was. People didn't have an average lifespan of 45 years old because they were cooking or staying warm with wood.
Dew ewe walk or drive? Ewe notice climate warmers never walk.

Many drive a Prius. And those are not really all that environment-friendly considering all the electricity used. But, they still pretend to be superior. I want to see Al Gore on a bicycle and living in a small house before I'll believe a word he says.
Whoa!!!!!!!!!! The Prius is a hybrid. It uses gasoline. Only a few are plug in, and even those use gasoline as the primary fuel. The use of the batteries just allows them to get about double the mileage out of that gasoline.
This is nothing new. Here's an article about how they wanted to tackle people that use wood for cooking in their stoves:

EPA to give grants to fight cooking stove pollution
You dumb lying shit, that is not what the article says at all. They want to find a technological fix to creating a wood burning stove or method that would result in less indoor smoke pollution from cooking fires.

EPA to give grants to fight cooking stove pollution

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy is set to unveil Tuesday six federal grants to universities to fund research on clean cooking-stove technology.

The announcement will put the EPA’s resources squarely behind a United Nations’ quest for cleaner burning stoves and an end to deadly cooking pollution.

“This research will help to improve air quality, protect public health and slow climate change,” the EPA said in explaining why the agency chief will preside over the announcement Tuesday.

To make the case for why these grants are so important, EPA noted the World Health Organization estimates that exposure to smoke from traditional cookstoves and open pit fires leads to 4.3 million premature deaths each year.
The fact is, though, most of the problem lives far from the shores of the U.S., where most Americans have modern gas and electric stoves.

Rather, the target of this research are the 3 billion people, mostly in the developing world, who still cook using solid fuels like wood, crop wastes, charcoal, coal and dung in open fires or leaky stoves, according to the World Health Organization.

Yeah, so what did I lie about?
Pretty damned obvious, cocksuck. You stated the EPA was going after people that burned wood for cooking. They are trying to find an applicable technology that would allow them to burn the same fuel without adversly affecting their health. Quite an obvious lie.

And that's not "tackling" people who use wood? Then what is it? Nobody asked for their help or yours. You libs are always sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.
Dew ewe walk or drive? Ewe notice climate warmers never walk.

Many drive a Prius. And those are not really all that environment-friendly considering all the electricity used. But, they still pretend to be superior. I want to see Al Gore on a bicycle and living in a small house before I'll believe a word he says.

The same thing with ethanol. Since we started to burn up our food supply for energy, our grocery bills have sky rocketed. Funny thing is that ethanol is more of a pollutant than gasoline. But what the hell, it makes liberals feel good.
OP is saying that people in 2017 can't be warm unless they burn stuff. Rofl
Okay Brainiac tell them how to do it. It can go to 70 below in Fairbanks. The big old oil pipeline runs right through there, they could tap that, a few seals, a whale or ten, solar is out, in the winter they will do well to get 2 hours of very weak sunshine. Shall we build them a nuclear plant?
Help is on the way Alaskans. Just 18 days left till the 'Global Warming' psychos are ejected. Hang in there.
OP is saying that people in 2017 can't be warm unless they burn stuff. Rofl
Okay Brainiac tell them how to do it. It can go to 70 below in Fairbanks. The big old oil pipeline runs right through there, they could tap that, a few seals, a whale or ten, solar is out, in the winter they will do well to get 2 hours of very weak sunshine. Shall we build them a nuclear plant?

I don't have to tell them. Do you burn shit to keep warm? If not have you frozen to death yet? Those are the only two choices according to the OP. When did you die?

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