Epic Fail: Obama Admin Drops 3 Year Witchhunt Against Sheriff Joe


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Friday night releases of embarrassing political revelations are a long and infamous tradition, in order to minimize the exposure of the story to the American people. But this release took the cake: Friday at 5pm, before a Labor Day weekend, and right after the close of the Republican National Convention.

And no wonder. This one was a doozy. After all, this was a political persecution right from the start. The Obama DOJ started this thing less than 100 days after Obama took office, at a time when the Department was not even fully staffed. They were chomping at the bit to go after him. And now it is all for nothing.

Dozens of investigators, 4 Federal prosecutors, countless FBI agents, all working for three damn years to try and bring down Sheriff Joe. We won’t hold our breath waiting for the left-wing media to demand to know how much the DOJ spent on this disgraceful witch-hunt, but you can bet it was in the tens of millions.

EPIC FAIL: Obama Admin. Drops 3-Year Witch-hunt Against Sheriff Joe Arpaio (No Charges) | Stand With Arizona
The term "epic fail" is so overused its kinda lame now.

Yeah, maybe, but the term is nowhere near overused as much as the term "your a racist". Racist has been used so much since Obama has become president that people are laughing at it.

Sheriff hard nose didn't have any skeletons in his closet and he wouldn't back down. Lame asses Obama/Holder don't know how to deal with folks that are not scared of their threats. This is a sweet victory for the good guys on many levels. Obama = epic fail on this one not to mention his entire presidency.
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We knew that this was vindictive politics and not justice from the start. Obama needs to go. He's drunk on power.
This whole thing was the Obama administration harassing Sheriff Joe.

The American people have, or should have by now, lost faith in Obama's Dept. of Justice under Holder.
The term "epic fail" is so overused its kinda lame now.

Yeah, maybe, but the term is nowhere near overused as much as the term "your a racist". Racist has been used so much since Obama has become president that people are laughing at it.

Sheriff hard nose didn't have any skeletons in his closet and he wouldn't back down. Lame asses Obama/Holder don't know how to deal with folks that are not scared of their threats. This is a sweet victory for the good guys on many levels. Obama = epic fail on this one not to mention his entire presidency.

Good guys, bad guys, mmmmm, Obama BAD! Arrggghhh!!!!! Booodalooo!
How much Taxpayer cash did the Dear Leader blow on this farce? Our President suing his fellow Citizens is not something Americans want from their leader. How many States are him and his criminal buddy Eric Holder currently suing? That's not what Citizens expected when he was elected. Suing your own People on behalf of a foreign Nation and Illegal Aliens is something that will come back to haunt this President on Election Day. He has lost many Independents. And him and Holder should be required to reimburse the Taxpayers at their own expense. This was a stupid witch hunt right from the very beginning.
The Dem's have hated Sheriff Arpaio ever since he got into office.
They have been trying to get rid of him for 20 years. Each and every court case is dropped. Yet they keep trying.
The left are nothing but bullies and are totally intolerant of Conservatives.
They hate that his policies work, especially his tent city jail and can't stand that theirs don't work.
Joe might be a hardass, but he knows better than to 'cross the line'. That's why 3 years of persecution hasn't accomplished a damned thing. All the libs in Phoenix have been after him for 20 years, yet every election he pulls over 60% of the vote.

Talk about a 'MANDATE'!
In fact, how much Taxpayer Cash have the Dear Leader and his criminal AG Holder spent on suing fellow Citizens overall? I want to see that figure. We don't elect American Presidents to sue fellow Citizens on behalf of foreign Nations and Illegal Aliens. I can't believe so many still support this guy. These types of lawsuits are as Un-American as it gets. Shame on him and Holder. They should reimburse the Taxpayers immediately.
In fact, how much Taxpayer Cash have the Dear Leader and his criminal AG Holder spent on suing fellow Citizens overall? I want to see that figure. We don't elect American Presidents to sue fellow Citizens on behalf of foreign Nations and Illegal Aliens. I can't believe so many still support this guy. These types of lawsuits are as Un-American as it gets. Shame on him and Holder. They should reimburse the Taxpayers immediately.

Well, liberals feel that this type of activity is just paybacks.
In fact, how much Taxpayer Cash have the Dear Leader and his criminal AG Holder spent on suing fellow Citizens overall? I want to see that figure. We don't elect American Presidents to sue fellow Citizens on behalf of foreign Nations and Illegal Aliens. I can't believe so many still support this guy. These types of lawsuits are as Un-American as it gets. Shame on him and Holder. They should reimburse the Taxpayers immediately.

Well, liberals feel that this type of activity is just paybacks.

Oh i hear ya. Ask most Independents, and they'll tell you they didn't vote for this guy so he could sue his fellow Americans on behalf of Mexico and Illegal Aliens. And they're gonna decide this Election. We don't elect American Presidents to look out for everyone else's best interests. We elect them to represent the American Peoples' best interests. This President deserves to be fired. But i guess we'll see.
Friday night releases of embarrassing political revelations are a long and infamous tradition, in order to minimize the exposure of the story to the American people. But this release took the cake: Friday at 5pm, before a Labor Day weekend, and right after the close of the Republican National Convention.

And no wonder. This one was a doozy. After all, this was a political persecution right from the start. The Obama DOJ started this thing less than 100 days after Obama took office, at a time when the Department was not even fully staffed. They were chomping at the bit to go after him. And now it is all for nothing.

Dozens of investigators, 4 Federal prosecutors, countless FBI agents, all working for three damn years to try and bring down Sheriff Joe. We won’t hold our breath waiting for the left-wing media to demand to know how much the DOJ spent on this disgraceful witch-hunt, but you can bet it was in the tens of millions.

EPIC FAIL: Obama Admin. Drops 3-Year Witch-hunt Against Sheriff Joe Arpaio (No Charges) | Stand With Arizona

epic waste of time and money by joe trying to bring down Oblama also.
After Holder is arrested & prosecuted, he should also be required to reimburse the Taxpayers to the last penny.
Friday night releases of embarrassing political revelations are a long and infamous tradition, in order to minimize the exposure of the story to the American people. But this release took the cake: Friday at 5pm, before a Labor Day weekend, and right after the close of the Republican National Convention.

And no wonder. This one was a doozy. After all, this was a political persecution right from the start. The Obama DOJ started this thing less than 100 days after Obama took office, at a time when the Department was not even fully staffed. They were chomping at the bit to go after him. And now it is all for nothing.

Dozens of investigators, 4 Federal prosecutors, countless FBI agents, all working for three damn years to try and bring down Sheriff Joe. We won’t hold our breath waiting for the left-wing media to demand to know how much the DOJ spent on this disgraceful witch-hunt, but you can bet it was in the tens of millions.

EPIC FAIL: Obama Admin. Drops 3-Year Witch-hunt Against Sheriff Joe Arpaio (No Charges) | Stand With Arizona

epic waste of time and money by joe trying to bring down Oblama also.

Epic waste of time by you wiping the dogshit from Obama's shoe, he's just going to keep stepping in it......
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