Epic rant. We want our Plexi glass back!!

Epic rant. We want our Plexi glass back!!

He sounds kinda gay, but he makes sense.

Well, you're half right, anyway. He definitely sounds gay.

Perhaps to others whose slip-on footwear is as deficient in mass as his own, he might sound like he makes some kind of sense. I wouldn't really know, though. I'm not like you, so my mind doesn't work that way.
Well, you're half right, anyway. He definitely sounds gay.

Perhaps to others whose slip-on footwear is as deficient in mass as his own, he might sound like he makes some kind of sense. I wouldn't really know, though. I'm not like you, so my mind doesn't work that way.
That can mean only one thing, if democrats disagree they are all homophobes.

Oh fuck! They made my store dude get that plexiglas, I forgot about that, because as soon as it was over, that shit was gone! :auiqs.jpg:
Well, you're half right, anyway. He definitely sounds gay.

Perhaps to others whose slip-on footwear is as deficient in mass as his own, he might sound like he makes some kind of sense. I wouldn't really know, though. I'm not like you, so my mind doesn't work that way.
He actually made sense, c'mon now Bob. :rolleyes-41:
Come on..gimme a smille. :D
It's gonna be OK, brah.
Idk even where to start with the slip-on footwear stuff.

Some boots I trashed:

11 mos, steel toe is floppin' out. They're supposed to be guaranteed for life. Redwings.
He actually made sense, c'mon now Bob. :rolleyes-41:
Come on..gimme a smille. :D
It's gonna be OK, brah.
Idk even where to start with the slip-on footwear stuff.

Some boots I trashed:

11 mos, steel toe is floppin' out. They're supposed to be guaranteed for life. Redwings.
Like Stanley tape measures, their lifetime guarantee ain't what it used to be.

:rolleyes: Just buy some new fuckin' boots, already.
He actually made sense, c'mon now Bob. :rolleyes-41:
Come on..gimme a smille. :D
It's gonna be OK, brah.
Idk even where to start with the slip-on footwear stuff.

Some boots I trashed:

11 mos, steel toe is floppin' out. They're supposed to be guaranteed for life. Redwings.

You done kicked too many hippie's asses with them shitkickers.

People are fed up with both parties, like this man in Kansas.

I pity the fool who tries another lock down.

Oh well, time to call the FBI and arrest him for his microaggressions.

He's an angry little man. Fun to watch.

I had the sound down but the closed caption talked about Trump, Wyoming, a battery plant and something in Charlotte. He sounds like he was kicked in the skull. Hard. Maybe that is why he's so angry?
You done kicked too many hippie's asses with them shitkickers.
I wish. Actually I don't hate hippies that bad. I do loathe dirty hippies though. :dunno:
11 mos and them boots were shot, grr!
I got three+ years on my current boots, they are great.
Lehighs were good, too.
Timberlands? 1 year and done. Nice and comfortable, just don't last.
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He's an angry little man. Fun to watch.

I had the sound down but the closed caption talked about Trump, Wyoming, a battery plant and something in Charlotte. He sounds like he was kicked in the skull. Hard. Maybe that is why he's so angry?
You're just a faggot peckerhead. :dunno:
That's why you're such a stupid prick.
So much illogical bullshit came about during tHe pAnDeMic
  • The aforementioned plexiglass
  • "Vaccines" that ARE NOT vaccines
  • "Social Distancing"
  • Quarantine of healthy people
  • Shutting down small businesses while large box stores and supermarkets remained open.
  • Arrows on supermarket floors
  • Mask mandates when they cannot block viruses
  • The toilet paper hoarding
  • Face shields

What a TERRIBLE experience and horrible MASS HYSTERIA!!!
It was nothing short of PURE EVIL :evil:

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