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Episcopal church embracing HERESY flies in the face of GOD OUR FATHER!

The central heresy of The Episcopal Church

By John Becker
Special to VirtueOnline
Sept. 1, 2007

The central heresy of the Episcopal Church has been the idea first put forward by Jack Spong, and apparently accepted by the Episcopal establishment, that all the traditional truths of the Christian faith are negotiable. There are no doctrines governing personal behavior, or articles of religion which are applicable at all times, in all eras, for all peoples.

The revisionists believe that because of Man's supposed increase in knowledge and wisdom, we should adapt our faith to the times in which we live; and since the times in which we live are decadent times, we should accept and assist in the process of decadence. This is precisely what we are doing.

TEC has resoundingly declared its intention to stay on its revisionist course, and damn the torpedoes. It has now officially given its approval and encouragement to men who have an irresistible urge to have sex with men, and women with women. It is only a very short step away from giving the same approval to men who want to have sex with boys, and women with girls. If man/man sex is good and to be encouraged, what's wrong with man/boy sex? Or man/child sex? Or man/beast sex? Essentially anything goes in the sex department, and the prime responsibility of the church is to make sure that everyone is happy and comfortable with their sexuality.

This has all come about because Jack Spong and Louie Crew have jointly made a full frontal attack on the rudiments of the Christian faith which the House of Bishops was too weak-kneed to denounce for what it was, or to apply appropriate disciplinary action. The new religion they espoused is a perfect match for the prevailing decadence of our culture. As the revisionists boast, we have changed our faith to adapt to a new era - the era of Western decadence. The new TEC and a decadent culture fit together like hand and glove.

We are merrily slithering down a long slippery slope at the bottom of which we will be greeted by the complete collapse of our Western way of life, just in time to submit to the gathering energy and suicidal passion of the radical Muslim alternative. Like the ancient Romans, we are sitting ducks for a new generation of Barbarians.

The Africans have had the guts to call a spade a spade. They are in the frontline trenches of the great Christian/Muslim divide, while we sit in our comfortable living rooms watching a daily torrent of news stories of men abusing and murdering women and children, and the filth glorifying sex and violence billed as entertainment by Hollywood and the media. We pretend to be horrified by the Muslim mistreatment of women, and soak up a daily dose of American-style abuse of women. Sooner or later we will get what we deserve - probably sooner.

We are at a hinge point in history, and vast wheels are turning slowly. The overriding question of the century will be how do we deal with the Muslim/Christian confrontation, and we need to reexamine all our priorities, "family values" and philosophical positions in that context.

---John Becker is an Episcopalian, a parishioner and former vestryman in the Diocese of East Carolina. He was a Deputy to the 2003 General Convention in Minneapolis. He was born and educated in England, but is a U.S. citizen. He is a professional portrait painter.

I've always loved John Shelby Spong. I once had the opportunity to thank him in person for saving Christianity for me just when I was having real misgivings about how this faith was being conducted and who its leaders were, and thought that it was moribund, dead in the water. He showed me in his writings that it was a living faith that has a future if we use our brains, and not just a game of telephone in which one parrots what some other guy in the past said it was.
John Shelby Spong believes in absolutes.

Actually. He doesn't. But what is your interest in the Episcopalian faith, anyway. Don't you have your own? What is your interest in someone else's faith?
I believe that Jesus was the Messiah, The Son of the Living God. I care because I do NOT what people eternally separated from GOD because they thought that they were doing everything right.
They also seem to fret over losing their salvation. Cannot imagine that they'd revamp the Bible though! They would go on a guilt trip!

Yep, another trait of Pentecostal clowns is hyper-arminianism. Traditionally, this had contributed the Pentecostals being very legalistic. But, in recent times, they've managed to shed legalism and embrace lawlessness.


I find it bizarre that so-called Christians spend so much time criticizing each other's sects.

I find it bizarre that anyone who doesn't believe that the Bible is GOD's Word would bother defending materialism to such a degree.
I find it bizarre that so-called Christians spend so much time criticizing each other's sects.

Pentecostals aren't any more legitimate Christians than their random noises they claim to be angelic language. For starters, Pentecostals almost universally believe Antichrist Talmudists are God's chosen people. In believing that, they are denying the Christian faith and mocking the Bible.
I find it bizarre that so-called Christians spend so much time criticizing each other's sects.

Pentecostals aren't any more legitimate Christians than their random noises they claim to be angelic language. For starters, Pentecostals almost universally believe Antichrist Talmudists are God's chosen people. In believing that, they are denying the Christian faith and mocking the Bible.
The Jews are still Gods chosen people, even though many of them have turned away from Him. They will be redeemed during the Tribulation, and 144,000 of them will preach the Gospel throughout the entire world. There are still a few covenants between God and Israel that have yet to be fulfilled. These will be fulfilled at a later date, when the Jews, once again, turn their faces towards God.
The Jews are still Gods chosen people, even though many of them have turned away from Him. They will be redeemed during the Tribulation, and 144,000 of them will preach the Gospel throughout the entire world. There are still a few covenants between God and Israel that have yet to be fulfilled. These will be fulfilled at a later date, when the Jews, once again, turn their faces towards God.

Jesus said Jews are children of the Devil. Not only does Jesus have more credibility than you, but also what Jesus said makes a lot more sense, knowing Jews.

God said in the Old Testament that Jews are not his people and he is not their God. You are an adversary to God.

The Tribulation Jesus spoke of was in the first century. Your bullshit about the meaning of "this generation" is just rank bullshit.
The Jews are still Gods chosen people, even though many of them have turned away from Him. They will be redeemed during the Tribulation, and 144,000 of them will preach the Gospel throughout the entire world. There are still a few covenants between God and Israel that have yet to be fulfilled. These will be fulfilled at a later date, when the Jews, once again, turn their faces towards God.

Jesus said Jews are children of the Devil. Not only does Jesus have more credibility than you, but also what Jesus said makes a lot more sense, knowing Jews.

God said in the Old Testament that Jews are not his people and he is not their God. You are an adversary to God.

The Tribulation Jesus spoke of was in the first century. Your bullshit about the meaning of "this generation" is just rank bullshit.
That's funny. Most Bible scholars, respected Christians who have studied the Bible for decades, disagree with you. Why should I listen to you? Where did you get your Divinity Degree?
The Jews are still Gods chosen people, even though many of them have turned away from Him. They will be redeemed during the Tribulation, and 144,000 of them will preach the Gospel throughout the entire world. There are still a few covenants between God and Israel that have yet to be fulfilled. These will be fulfilled at a later date, when the Jews, once again, turn their faces towards God.

Jesus said Jews are children of the Devil. Not only does Jesus have more credibility than you, but also what Jesus said makes a lot more sense, knowing Jews.

God said in the Old Testament that Jews are not his people and he is not their God.

They said nothing of the sort, you silly Jew-hater. They told the people, of the current generation...the ones who were being disobedient, that. BTW. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a Jew. Are you saying that she, one who found favor with God, was a child of the Devil? Is that what you're saying? You are one confused individual.
For any Christian group in God-blessed America to become so reckless in their view of God is unthinkable.
It's not "reckless" at all. It is ridiculous for anyone who believes that a Supreme Being exists to think that such a Being has a physical body, particularly while simultaneously preaching that we are all made in this Being's image and likeness. People on the "theological right" constantly says crazy things and think that they are entitled to be the Thought Police. Nobody owns the concept of "God."

34,000 different religions on earth claim to be Christian. All of creation sees a mass of confusion. 1Cor 1:10-- unity of thought, no division. What cant they understand about that? Jesus started ONE religion. He is with only ONE religion. The one that stands out from the rest and are no part of this world.
By what line of rational thought does the gender of a purportedly omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient being matter? Surely you don't think the gender reference humans use when describing and discussing such a being matters to such a being?
In the Christian Church, the Creator may be gender neutral, but the language certainly is not.

God is the Father. The Church is the bride of Christ.

The bible teaches--Luke 12:32= the little flock--these are the anointed, the bride of Christ--The only ones promised heaven-Rev 14:3)-- These will rule alongside Jesus as kings and priests, helping do the separating of the sheep( great multitude) and goats during the tribulation that is to come--then Har-mageddon., and help judge, even the fallen angels.( Rev 20:4-6)The great multitude will be brought through on earth-Prov 2:21-22-- Matt 24:22)
lol Jews don't accept the christian man god
Messianic Jews do. They have Jewish parentage, and follow Jewish traditions. It just so happens that they believe the Messiah has already come and will return. Christians love Israel.

Messianic Jews is a stupid oxymoron believed by stupid Evangelicals. And, people who love Israel are not Christians, for no Christian loves the Antichrist and the children of Satan.

BTW, what's a Jewish tradition?
The Jews are still Gods chosen people, even though many of them have turned away from Him. They will be redeemed during the Tribulation, and 144,000 of them will preach the Gospel throughout the entire world. There are still a few covenants between God and Israel that have yet to be fulfilled. These will be fulfilled at a later date, when the Jews, once again, turn their faces towards God.

You preach disgusting lies and you back up those disgusting lies with bullshit and lies. Jesus said Jews are the children of Satan. Repeating your disgusting lie that Jews are God's chosen people just shows you're a stupid non-Christian.

Jews don't get saved in the Tribulation, they get destroyed and thrown into Hell: "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.... The master of that [wicked] servant [the Jews] will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know and will cut him in pieces and put him with the hypocrites. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." - Jesus.

RWNJ, Jesus asked the Jews how they'll escape Hell. RWNJ, how will you escape Hell, you lying shithead? Have you ever read the Bible? They only Rapture Jesus spoke of was the one where he takes the Jews (you can go too) and throws them into Hell.
lol Jews don't accept the christian man god
Messianic Jews do. They have Jewish parentage, and follow Jewish traditions. It just so happens that they believe the Messiah has already come and will return. Christians love Israel.

Messianic Jews is a stupid oxymoron believed by stupid Evangelicals. And, people who love Israel are not Christians, for no Christian loves the Antichrist and the children of Satan.

BTW, what's a Jewish tradition?

Jesus told his followers to love even their enemies. Your post shows you do not know Jesus. A true follower hates the sin, not the sinner.
The Jews are still Gods chosen people, even though many of them have turned away from Him. They will be redeemed during the Tribulation, and 144,000 of them will preach the Gospel throughout the entire world. There are still a few covenants between God and Israel that have yet to be fulfilled. These will be fulfilled at a later date, when the Jews, once again, turn their faces towards God.

You preach disgusting lies and you back up those disgusting lies with bullshit and lies. Jesus said Jews are the children of Satan. Repeating your disgusting lie that Jews are God's chosen people just shows you're a stupid non-Christian.

Jews don't get saved in the Tribulation, they get destroyed and thrown into Hell: "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.... The master of that [wicked] servant [the Jews] will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know and will cut him in pieces and put him with the hypocrites. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." - Jesus.

RWNJ, Jesus asked the Jews how they'll escape Hell. RWNJ, how will you escape Hell, you lying s-----d? Have you ever read the Bible? They only Rapture Jesus spoke of was the one where he takes the Jews (you can go too) and throws them into Hell.
You don't come across as a godly person ... You don't even care where people will spend their eternity. God, of whom the Messiah is in union with most certainly made promises to Abraham and Jacob (also called Israel). These promises are eternal to those that love the LORD and that of course includes the Messiah (Christ) being Jesus.
Last week the Episcopal Church in the Washington D.C. diocese passed a resolution to eliminate “gendered language for God.” The use of masculine pronouns for God will not be used when the church’s Book of Common Prayer is revised.

One writer describes the decision as an example of the Episcopal Church’s “freefall to the theological left.” The resolution was submitted by five clerics, three of whom were women.

In the resolution the 79th General Convention directed “the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, if revision of the Book of Common Prayer is authorized, to utilize expansive language for God from the rich sources of feminine, masculine, and non-binary imagery for God found in Scripture and tradition and, when possible, to avoid the use of gendered pronouns for God.”

For any Christian group in God-blessed America to become so reckless in their view of God is unthinkable.

And...there will just be another ten splinter groups that go off on their own and worship 'their version' of god. This is the entire history of Christianity, humans all have their own view of what 'god' should be and they form their own small groups and create him in their image.
Last week the Episcopal Church in the Washington D.C. diocese passed a resolution to eliminate “gendered language for God.” The use of masculine pronouns for God will not be used when the church’s Book of Common Prayer is revised.

One writer describes the decision as an example of the Episcopal Church’s “freefall to the theological left.” The resolution was submitted by five clerics, three of whom were women.

In the resolution the 79th General Convention directed “the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, if revision of the Book of Common Prayer is authorized, to utilize expansive language for God from the rich sources of feminine, masculine, and non-binary imagery for God found in Scripture and tradition and, when possible, to avoid the use of gendered pronouns for God.”

For any Christian group in God-blessed America to become so reckless in their view of God is unthinkable.

And...there will just be another ten splinter groups that go off on their own and worship 'their version' of god. This is the entire history of Christianity, humans all have their own view of what 'god' should be and they form their own small groups and create him in their image.
ALL CHRISTIANS , no matter what denomination they are affiliated with must believe that JESUS is the MESSIAH, gave HIS life to atone for the sins of everyone who placed his/her trust in HIM, and arose from the dead so that those saved will have a body as that of Christ throughout all eternity.
Last week the Episcopal Church in the Washington D.C. diocese passed a resolution to eliminate “gendered language for God.” The use of masculine pronouns for God will not be used when the church’s Book of Common Prayer is revised.

One writer describes the decision as an example of the Episcopal Church’s “freefall to the theological left.” The resolution was submitted by five clerics, three of whom were women.

In the resolution the 79th General Convention directed “the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, if revision of the Book of Common Prayer is authorized, to utilize expansive language for God from the rich sources of feminine, masculine, and non-binary imagery for God found in Scripture and tradition and, when possible, to avoid the use of gendered pronouns for God.”

For any Christian group in God-blessed America to become so reckless in their view of God is unthinkable.

And...there will just be another ten splinter groups that go off on their own and worship 'their version' of god. This is the entire history of Christianity, humans all have their own view of what 'god' should be and they form their own small groups and create him in their image.
ALL CHRISTIANS , no matter what denomination they are affiliated with must believe that JESUS is the MESSIAH, gave HIS life to atone for the sins of everyone who placed his/her trust in HIM, and arose from the dead so that those saved will have a body as that of Christ throughout all eternity.

You proclaim to everyone else because you are the arbiter between 'god' and everyone else. I think most Christians would disagree with your self appointment as judge and jury.
Last week the Episcopal Church in the Washington D.C. diocese passed a resolution to eliminate “gendered language for God.” The use of masculine pronouns for God will not be used when the church’s Book of Common Prayer is revised.

One writer describes the decision as an example of the Episcopal Church’s “freefall to the theological left.” The resolution was submitted by five clerics, three of whom were women.

In the resolution the 79th General Convention directed “the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, if revision of the Book of Common Prayer is authorized, to utilize expansive language for God from the rich sources of feminine, masculine, and non-binary imagery for God found in Scripture and tradition and, when possible, to avoid the use of gendered pronouns for God.”

For any Christian group in God-blessed America to become so reckless in their view of God is unthinkable.

And...there will just be another ten splinter groups that go off on their own and worship 'their version' of god. This is the entire history of Christianity, humans all have their own view of what 'god' should be and they form their own small groups and create him in their image.
ALL CHRISTIANS , no matter what denomination they are affiliated with must believe that JESUS is the MESSIAH, gave HIS life to atone for the sins of everyone who placed his/her trust in HIM, and arose from the dead so that those saved will have a body as that of Christ throughout all eternity.

You proclaim to everyone else because you are the arbiter between 'god' and everyone else. I think most Christians would disagree with your self appointment as judge and jury.
The Bible, the book you show such disdain for, is the appointed Judge and Jury.
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Last week the Episcopal Church in the Washington D.C. diocese passed a resolution to eliminate “gendered language for God.” The use of masculine pronouns for God will not be used when the church’s Book of Common Prayer is revised.

One writer describes the decision as an example of the Episcopal Church’s “freefall to the theological left.” The resolution was submitted by five clerics, three of whom were women.

In the resolution the 79th General Convention directed “the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, if revision of the Book of Common Prayer is authorized, to utilize expansive language for God from the rich sources of feminine, masculine, and non-binary imagery for God found in Scripture and tradition and, when possible, to avoid the use of gendered pronouns for God.”

For any Christian group in God-blessed America to become so reckless in their view of God is unthinkable.

And...there will just be another ten splinter groups that go off on their own and worship 'their version' of god. This is the entire history of Christianity, humans all have their own view of what 'god' should be and they form their own small groups and create him in their image.
ALL CHRISTIANS , no matter what denomination they are affiliated with must believe that JESUS is the MESSIAH, gave HIS life to atone for the sins of everyone who placed his/her trust in HIM, and arose from the dead so that those saved will have a body as that of Christ throughout all eternity.

You proclaim to everyone else because you are the arbiter between 'god' and everyone else. I think most Christians would disagree with your self appointment as judge and jury.
The Bible, the book you show such disdain for is the appointed Judge and Jury.

At least you admit that. And don't flatter yourself, I am hard on all religions. You have evidence that any one of them is real and can be proven please do so. And sorry, "well I believe it so it's real" doesn't cut it.
Last week the Episcopal Church in the Washington D.C. diocese passed a resolution to eliminate “gendered language for God.” The use of masculine pronouns for God will not be used when the church’s Book of Common Prayer is revised.

One writer describes the decision as an example of the Episcopal Church’s “freefall to the theological left.” The resolution was submitted by five clerics, three of whom were women.

In the resolution the 79th General Convention directed “the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, if revision of the Book of Common Prayer is authorized, to utilize expansive language for God from the rich sources of feminine, masculine, and non-binary imagery for God found in Scripture and tradition and, when possible, to avoid the use of gendered pronouns for God.”

For any Christian group in God-blessed America to become so reckless in their view of God is unthinkable.

And...there will just be another ten splinter groups that go off on their own and worship 'their version' of god. This is the entire history of Christianity, humans all have their own view of what 'god' should be and they form their own small groups and create him in their image.
ALL CHRISTIANS , no matter what denomination they are affiliated with must believe that JESUS is the MESSIAH, gave HIS life to atone for the sins of everyone who placed his/her trust in HIM, and arose from the dead so that those saved will have a body as that of Christ throughout all eternity.

You proclaim to everyone else because you are the arbiter between 'god' and everyone else. I think most Christians would disagree with your self appointment as judge and jury.
The Bible, the book you show such disdain for is the appointed Judge and Jury.

At least you admit that.
2 Timothy 3:16
New International Version
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

New Living Translation
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.

English Standard Version
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

Berean Study Bible
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

Berean Literal Bible
Every Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
lol Jews don't accept the christian man god
Messianic Jews do. They have Jewish parentage, and follow Jewish traditions. It just so happens that they believe the Messiah has already come and will return. Christians love Israel.

Messianic Jews is a stupid oxymoron believed by stupid Evangelicals. And, people who love Israel are not Christians, for no Christian loves the Antichrist and the children of Satan.

BTW, what's a Jewish tradition?

Jesus told his followers to love even their enemies. Your post shows you do not know Jesus. A true follower hates the sin, not the sinner.

Jesus didn't tell his followers to love his enemies. Besides, what did I say that you're accusing me of hate? That people who love Israel are not Christian? That's a logical conclusions, hate is not involved.

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