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Episcopal church embracing HERESY flies in the face of GOD OUR FATHER!

Last week the Episcopal Church in the Washington D.C. diocese passed a resolution to eliminate “gendered language for God.” The use of masculine pronouns for God will not be used when the church’s Book of Common Prayer is revised.

One writer describes the decision as an example of the Episcopal Church’s “freefall to the theological left.” The resolution was submitted by five clerics, three of whom were women.

In the resolution the 79th General Convention directed “the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, if revision of the Book of Common Prayer is authorized, to utilize expansive language for God from the rich sources of feminine, masculine, and non-binary imagery for God found in Scripture and tradition and, when possible, to avoid the use of gendered pronouns for God.”

For any Christian group in God-blessed America to become so reckless in their view of God is unthinkable.

I thought everyone knew the ECUSA ceased to be Christian decades ago.
You don't come across as a godly person ... You don't even care where people will spend their eternity. God, of whom the Messiah is in union with most certainly made promises to Abraham and Jacob (also called Israel). These promises are eternal to those that love the LORD and that of course includes the Messiah (Christ) being Jesus.

I care about your eternity more than anyone who has ever lied to you and told you that Jews are God's chosen people. God said Jews are not his people. He said it repeatedly in the old testament. I could quote again and again, but you ignore again and again. Or, you might reply with total and shameless bullshit lies. If you were really a Christian, you'd know that Christianity explicitly teaches, and the Old Testament implicitly teaches, that only those of Faith are God's people and only those of Faith count for as the seed of Abraham.
lol Jews don't accept the christian man god
Messianic Jews do. They have Jewish parentage, and follow Jewish traditions. It just so happens that they believe the Messiah has already come and will return. Christians love Israel.

Messianic Jews is a stupid oxymoron believed by stupid Evangelicals. And, people who love Israel are not Christians, for no Christian loves the Antichrist and the children of Satan.

BTW, what's a Jewish tradition?

Jesus told his followers to love even their enemies. Your post shows you do not know Jesus. A true follower hates the sin, not the sinner.

Jesus didn't tell his followers to love his enemies. Besides, what did I say that you're accusing me of hate? That people who love Israel are not Christian? That's a logical conclusions, hate is not involved.
Genesis 12:3 King James Version (KJV)
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
lol Jews don't accept the christian man god
Messianic Jews do. They have Jewish parentage, and follow Jewish traditions. It just so happens that they believe the Messiah has already come and will return. Christians love Israel.

Messianic Jews is a stupid oxymoron believed by stupid Evangelicals. And, people who love Israel are not Christians, for no Christian loves the Antichrist and the children of Satan.

BTW, what's a Jewish tradition?

Jesus told his followers to love even their enemies. Your post shows you do not know Jesus. A true follower hates the sin, not the sinner.

Jesus didn't tell his followers to love his enemies. Besides, what did I say that you're accusing me of hate? That people who love Israel are not Christian? That's a logical conclusions, hate is not involved.

God loves Israel, Jesus loves Israel--They even left the door open to them to be apart of Gods chosen again Matt 23:37-39) they refuse.
The bible says--If your enemy is hungry--feed him, if thirsty--give him a drink---- impossible to do this unless one has love for their enemy.
I don't recall recall accusing you of hate.
God loves Israel, Jesus loves Israel--They even left the door open to them to be apart of Gods chosen again Matt 23:37-39) they refuse.
The bible says--If your enemy is hungry--feed him, if thirsty--give him a drink---- impossible to do this unless one has love for their enemy.
I don't recall recall accusing you of hate.

You have shit for brains. Matt 23:37-39?

38 "See, your house is left to you desolate." Desolate means empty or destroyed. Jesus is telling the Jews that God is going to destroy them, because God hates Jews. How much more ass-backwards could you get than reading "[make] again" into "[make] desolate"?

Fool, 39 "For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’" That was fulfilled in the Triumphal Entry, Luke 13:35. Jesus was warned to leave so he left to the Mt. of Olives and the Jews didn't see him until he returned for the Crucifixion. Then within a generation, God made desolate, destroyed, the house of the Jews.

37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!" Jesus' ministry was an exercise of converting Jews to Christians, in analogy to a hen gathering her brood under her wings, and make them his people. But, they demonstrably would not, not that God wanted them to, so God destroyed them.
Passover is a Jewish tradition. Burying a corpse before the Sabbath and very quickly is a Jewish tradition. Having a closed casket is a Jewish tradition. Shiva is a Jewish tradition. Anybody with a Jewish background knows exactly what Jewish tradition is and follow it even if they do not go to a synagogue regularly.
God loves Israel, Jesus loves Israel--They even left the door open to them to be apart of Gods chosen again Matt 23:37-39) they refuse.
The bible says--If your enemy is hungry--feed him, if thirsty--give him a drink---- impossible to do this unless one has love for their enemy.
I don't recall recall accusing you of hate.

You have shit for brains. Matt 23:37-39?

38 "See, your house is left to you desolate." Desolate means empty or destroyed. Jesus is telling the Jews that God is going to destroy them, because God hates Jews. How much more ass-backwards could you get than reading "[make] again" into "[make] desolate"?

Fool, 39 "For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’" That was fulfilled in the Triumphal Entry, Luke 13:35. Jesus was warned to leave so he left to the Mt. of Olives and the Jews didn't see him until he returned for the Crucifixion. Then within a generation, God made desolate, destroyed, the house of the Jews.

37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!" Jesus' ministry was an exercise of converting Jews to Christians, in analogy to a hen gathering her brood under her wings, and make them his people. But, they demonstrably would not, not that God wanted them to, so God destroyed them.

To this day-Israel outright refuses to acknowledge Jesus as King. Its not Gods fault. The Pharisees knew of the things Jesus was doing in Gods name--All the miracles--They said he received his power from satan. They were expecting their King to be around that time as well. The Pharisees were teaching Jesus and the apostles couldn't possibly be teachers. They didn't attend their schools of men( The schools of men failed.)--
God loves Israel, Jesus loves Israel--They even left the door open to them to be apart of Gods chosen again Matt 23:37-39) they refuse.
The bible says--If your enemy is hungry--feed him, if thirsty--give him a drink---- impossible to do this unless one has love for their enemy.
I don't recall recall accusing you of hate.

You have shit for brains. Matt 23:37-39?

38 "See, your house is left to you desolate." Desolate means empty or destroyed. Jesus is telling the Jews that God is going to destroy them, because God hates Jews. How much more ass-backwards could you get than reading "[make] again" into "[make] desolate"?

Fool, 39 "For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’" That was fulfilled in the Triumphal Entry, Luke 13:35. Jesus was warned to leave so he left to the Mt. of Olives and the Jews didn't see him until he returned for the Crucifixion. Then within a generation, God made desolate, destroyed, the house of the Jews.

37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!" Jesus' ministry was an exercise of converting Jews to Christians, in analogy to a hen gathering her brood under her wings, and make them his people. But, they demonstrably would not, not that God wanted them to, so God destroyed them.

To this day-Israel outright refuses to acknowledge Jesus as King. Its not Gods fault. The Pharisees knew of the things Jesus was doing in Gods name--All the miracles--They said he received his power from satan. They were expecting their King to be around that time as well. The Pharisees were teaching Jesus and the apostles couldn't possibly be teachers. They didn't attend their schools of men( The schools of men failed.)--
The United States outright refuses to acknowledge Jesus as King.
God loves Israel, Jesus loves Israel--They even left the door open to them to be apart of Gods chosen again Matt 23:37-39) they refuse.
The bible says--If your enemy is hungry--feed him, if thirsty--give him a drink---- impossible to do this unless one has love for their enemy.
I don't recall recall accusing you of hate.

You have shit for brains. Matt 23:37-39?

38 "See, your house is left to you desolate." Desolate means empty or destroyed. Jesus is telling the Jews that God is going to destroy them, because God hates Jews. How much more ass-backwards could you get than reading "[make] again" into "[make] desolate"?

Fool, 39 "For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’" That was fulfilled in the Triumphal Entry, Luke 13:35. Jesus was warned to leave so he left to the Mt. of Olives and the Jews didn't see him until he returned for the Crucifixion. Then within a generation, God made desolate, destroyed, the house of the Jews.

37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!" Jesus' ministry was an exercise of converting Jews to Christians, in analogy to a hen gathering her brood under her wings, and make them his people. But, they demonstrably would not, not that God wanted them to, so God destroyed them.

To this day-Israel outright refuses to acknowledge Jesus as King. Its not Gods fault. The Pharisees knew of the things Jesus was doing in Gods name--All the miracles--They said he received his power from satan. They were expecting their King to be around that time as well. The Pharisees were teaching Jesus and the apostles couldn't possibly be teachers. They didn't attend their schools of men( The schools of men failed.)--
The United States outright refuses to acknowledge Jesus as King.

Not Usa--Israel--God left the door open to them-Matthew 23:37-39) they outright refuse to do verse 39 to this day.
The Jewish people have not refused to be people of God. This is fundamentalist Christian hogwash bigotry. All people of the world are God's children.
To this day-Israel outright refuses to acknowledge Jesus as King. Its not Gods fault. The Pharisees knew of the things Jesus was doing in Gods name--All the miracles--They said he received his power from satan. They were expecting their King to be around that time as well. The Pharisees were teaching Jesus and the apostles couldn't possibly be teachers. They didn't attend their schools of men( The schools of men failed.)--

You Zionists are so in denial of reality, and scripture. Talmudist, aka Jews, are not the descendants of Jacob. Your skull is so full of **** that you can't consider the truth. Talmudists identify as Jews because they reject Jesus, not because of their ancestry, dumb****. They identify as Jews because they consider themselves to be the spiritual brothers of those Jesus called the children of Satan. Ask them, dumb****.

Yes, dumb****, Jesus called Jews (Jews because they were circumcised, you dumb****), who were also real descendants of Jacob, that they were of the devil. You can't understand even this simple thing because you have nothing but ***** in your skull.

Dumb****, they don't reject Jesus because they were expecting a earthly king, but because God isn't their father. Jesus spelled this out, dumb****. Claiming Jesus doesn't meet the requirements of the Christ is just an excuse after-the-fact.

What can I call you besides a dumb****, because you believe ****ty things and you can't even reason as well as a child?
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It is RIDICULOUS for people to call themselves "CHRISTIANS" and behave as if Christ had nothing to say in this matter!

Careful! You are going to piss Her off big time. If you think dealing with you wife during menopause was bad, you may find out that it could be a LOT worse!
I love threads like this! It is impossible to read these posts and not feel like your IQ is in a rarefied atmosphere by comparison!
They most certainly do. The disciples were Jews. The Apostle Paul was a Jew. There's an organization called "Jews for Jesus". What an ignorant statement.

most "Christians" were Romans... hence the catholic church

most jews did not follow jesus because he didn't fulfill the prophesy. that is why the gospels become progressively more anti-semitic

as for jews for jesus, that's a made up name to proselytize to jews as anyone who thinks jesus was the messiah is a Christian, and not a jew.
jews for yashu is a Baptist funded organization, real slim-balls

read all about them
Jews for Judaism

What is one reason Jews do not accept the Christian belief that Jesus is the incarnation of God?
Cool. There are also many groups of Jews that accept Jesus. Oh well, life goes on .

no there aren't. if you think Jesus is the messiah, you aren't a jew. you're a christian.

but thanks for pretending.
The disciples were Jews and the Apostle Paul said in Scripture he was a Jew. Your problem is that you're confused. I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
They most certainly do. The disciples were Jews. The Apostle Paul was a Jew. There's an organization called "Jews for Jesus". What an ignorant statement.

most "Christians" were Romans... hence the catholic church

most jews did not follow jesus because he didn't fulfill the prophesy. that is why the gospels become progressively more anti-semitic

as for jews for jesus, that's a made up name to proselytize to jews as anyone who thinks jesus was the messiah is a Christian, and not a jew.
All the Apostles and Jesus Himself were born into Jewish families. The first converts were all Jews. Romans and Greeks began to be converted in large numbers after Christ's Ascension. Catholic is Latin for UNIVERSAL. Universal refers to the body of all saved believers everywhere!

that was great. I love that rabbi.

I think that was at the Davis Center, where my nephews were bar mitzva

I love this Rabbi.

He is not jewish anymore, if he ever really was, now just an ignorant goy, where did he receive his rabbinical simca

now listen to a rabbi

most "Christians" were Romans... hence the catholic church

most jews did not follow jesus because he didn't fulfill the prophesy. that is why the gospels become progressively more anti-semitic

as for jews for jesus, that's a made up name to proselytize to jews as anyone who thinks jesus was the messiah is a Christian, and not a jew.
jews for yashu is a Baptist funded organization, real slim-balls

read all about them
Jews for Judaism

What is one reason Jews do not accept the Christian belief that Jesus is the incarnation of God?
Cool. There are also many groups of Jews that accept Jesus. Oh well, life goes on .

no there aren't. if you think Jesus is the messiah, you aren't a jew. you're a christian.

but thanks for pretending.
The disciples were Jews and the Apostle Paul said in Scripture he was a Jew. Your problem is that you're confused. I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
most "Christians" were Romans... hence the catholic church

most jews did not follow jesus because he didn't fulfill the prophesy. that is why the gospels become progressively more anti-semitic

as for jews for jesus, that's a made up name to proselytize to jews as anyone who thinks jesus was the messiah is a Christian, and not a jew.
All the Apostles and Jesus Himself were born into Jewish families. The first converts were all Jews. Romans and Greeks began to be converted in large numbers after Christ's Ascension. Catholic is Latin for UNIVERSAL. Universal refers to the body of all saved believers everywhere!

that was great. I love that rabbi.

I think that was at the Davis Center, where my nephews were bar mitzva

I love this Rabbi.

He is not jewish anymore, if he ever really was, now just an ignorant goy, where did he receive his rabbinical simca

now listen to a rabbi

Oh, but he is Jewish, still a Rabbi, and preaches Jesus.
To this day-Israel outright refuses to acknowledge Jesus as King. Its not Gods fault. The Pharisees knew of the things Jesus was doing in Gods name--All the miracles--They said he received his power from satan. They were expecting their King to be around that time as well. The Pharisees were teaching Jesus and the apostles couldn't possibly be teachers. They didn't attend their schools of men( The schools of men failed.)--
Yes, dumb****, Jesus called Jews (Jews because they were circumcised, you dumb****), who were also real descendants of Jacob, that they were of the devil.
Oops! According to Gospels Jesus was circumcised. :cool-45:
now listen to a rabbi

The rabbi knows a lot about Christianity, but that dumbshit interviewing him knows nothing of that Joo's Talmudism.

Dumpshit dispensationalists don't even catch things the joo says which contradicts dispensationalism, like when the Joo says the messiah will bring the Temple while dumbshit Evangelists expect the temple first (vs. what Christians believe, that there will never be another Temple of God. ).
now listen to a rabbi

The rabbi knows a lot about Christianity, but that dumbshit interviewing him knows nothing of that Joo's Talmudism.

Dumpshit dispensationalists don't even catch things the joo says which contradicts dispensationalism, like when the Joo says the messiah will bring the Temple while dumbshit Evangelists expect the temple first (vs. what Christians believe, that there will never be another Temple of God. ).

The Jewish Concept of Messiah and the Jewish Response to Christian Claims

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