Episcopal church embracing HERESY flies in the face of GOD OUR FATHER!

There is no relationship between Nazis and people who want to go into business, but do not want to accept our laws that govern the running of a business. Moreover, these people advertised all over that their services were available, when, in fact, they were not. They lied, and they know that they did.
There is no relationship between Nazis and people who want to go into business, but do not want to accept our laws that govern the running of a business. Moreover, these people advertised all over that their services were available, when, in fact, they were not. They lied, and they know that they did.

There is a relationship between you and nazis. You're both pieces of immoral shit who see nothing wrong with raping, killing, and coercing others.
There is no relationship between Nazis and people who want to go into business, but do not want to accept our laws that govern the running of a business. Moreover, these people advertised all over that their services were available, when, in fact, they were not. They lied, and they know that they did.

There is a relationship between you and nazis. You're both pieces of immoral shit who see nothing wrong with raping, killing, and coercing others.
You apparently have a problem with other normal people. Having never raped, killed, or coerced another person, I would advise you to get help for your mental-health problem.
You apparently have a problem with other normal people. Having never raped, killed, or coerced another person, I would advise you to get help for your mental-health problem.

You have the government do evil for you, because you're too week and cowardly to do it yourself.
If you don't like Episcopalians, so be it. Go to your own church. Nobody is forcing you.

The difference between me and you is that I want everyone to be free and you want to force everyone to be slaves. For 50 years, the Democrat party has been working to make the practice of Christianity illegal, outside of the closet. If it were up to you, you'd have the government close my church.
What is the part of the "practice of Christianity" that you feel is threatened? The religious practices of Christianity, of which there are so many varieties, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism. Buddhism, Hinduism, Wiccan, are outside of politics. You need not refer to political parties. You have your church, and no one from the big, bad government is closing it, so stop whining.
Remember that this thread started as an attack on Episcopalians. There was no need for Little Nipper to even have started this. You have the church of your choice. Go to it. Nobody is stopping you. We Americans go to worship as we please.
If you don't want to go to the National Cathedral: thank you. This frees up a parking space for me.[/QUOT

Senators, Congressman, Judges, and Presidents visit the National Cathedral and think -----"So this is Christianity..." I feel the National Cathedral should be renamed --- it's pretentious and a lie. It doesn't represent Christianity or Protestantism.
Your stupidity is amazing. Women were kept illiterate in those days, men actually did write the books that later where included in what became known as the bible, and they did include their ancient tribal customs and prejudices in it.

I can't reconcile someone being a Christian yet having such open contempt for the Bible, the foundation of Christian teachings, as you have. You are not a christian. Feminism is antithetical to the Bible.

Remember that it was Mary who traveled with Jesus, and it was to her that he first revealed himself and asked her to go and tell the others.

Yeah, Jesus had a groupie. But, he didn't select her as an Apostle, nor did he teach her to write. If you were any more crass in your reasoning, you might argue that because Jesus didn't command the cutting out of tongues of women that Jesus wanted women to boss men around.

Frankly, I don't think that you are a Christian, either. Just by your own standards, I am sure that you do not follow Leviticus and Deuteronomy in your everyday life. Somehow I cannot envision you as an ultra-orthodox Jew. Do you even keep kosher?

I follow all the Bible. Point out where I haven't.

It doesn't matter if you do. I bet you believe in biblical inerrancy and infallibility, two absolutely bizarre thoughts brought to us by the likes of calvin, darby, rushdooney. These guys' theories are simply that. You like them? That's up to you. I don't follow them and don't see any reason to do so.

If you don't like Episcopalians, so be it. Go to your own church. Nobody is forcing you.
Sorry, but Biblical inerrancy/infallibility was brought to you by the Apostles who were taught by Jesus.
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  1. Jesus believed the Old Testament was historical fact. This is very clear, even though from the Creation (cf. Genesis 2:24 and Matthew 19:4, 5) onward, much of what Jesus believed has long been under fire by critics, as being mere fiction. Some examples of historical facts:
  2. Jesus believed the books were written by the men whose names they bear:
    • Moses wrote the Pentateuch (Torah): Matthew 19:7, 8; Mark 7:10, 12:26 (‘Book of Moses’—the Torah); Luke 5:14; 16:29,31;24:27, 44 (‘Christ’s Canon’); John 1:17; 5:45, 46; 7:19; (‘The Law [Torah] was given by Moses; Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.’)5

    • Isaiah wrote ‘both’ Isaiah’s: Mark 7:6–13; John 12:37–41 [Ed. note: Liberals claim that Isaiah 40-66 was composed after the fall of Jerusalem by another writer they call ‘Deutero-Isaiah’. The only real ‘reason’ for their claim is that a straightforward dating would mean that predictive prophecy was possible, and liberals have decreed a priori that knowledge of the future is impossible (like miracles in general). Thus these portions must have been written after the events. However, there is nothing in the text itself to hint of a different author. In fact, even the Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll was a seamless unity. But as Dr Livingston said, since Jesus affirmed the unity of Isaiah, the deutero-Isaiah theory is just not an option for anyone calling himself a follower of Christ.]

    • Jonah wrote Jonah: Matthew 12:39–41

    • Daniel wrote Daniel: Matthew 24:15
  3. Jesus believed the Old Testament was spoken by God Himself, or written by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, even though the pen was held by men: Matthew 19:4, 5; 22:31, 32, 43; Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37.

  4. Jesus believed Scripture was more powerful than His miracles: Luke 16:29, 31.

  5. Jesus actually quoted it in overthrowing Satan! The O.T. Scriptures were the arbiter in every dispute: Matthew 4; Luke 16:29, 31.

  6. Jesus quoted Scripture as the basis for his own teaching. His ethics were the same as what we find already written in Scripture: Matthew 7:12; 19:18, 19; 22:40; Mark 7:9, 13; 10:19; 12:24, 29–31; Luke 18:20.

  7. Jesus warned against replacing it with something else, or adding or subtracting from it. The Jewish leaders in His day had added to it with their Oral Traditions: Matthew 5:17; 15:1–9; 22:29; (cf. 5:43, 44); Mark. 7:1–12. (Destroying faith in the Bible as God’s Word will open the door today to a ‘new’ Tradition.)

  8. Jesus will judge all men in the last day, as Messiah and King, on the basis of His infallible Word committed to writing by fallible men, guided by the infallible Holy Spirit: Matthew 25:31; John 5:22, 27; 12:48; Romans 2:16.

  9. Jesus made provision for the New Testament (B’rit Hadashah) by sending the Holy Spirit (the Ruach HaKodesh). We must note that Jesus Himself never wrote one word of Scripture although He is the Word of God Himself (the living Torah in flesh and blood, see John, chapter 1). He committed the task of all writing of the Word of God to fallible men—guided by the infallible Holy Spirit. The apostles’ words had the same authority as Christ’s: Matthew 10:14, 15; Luke 10:16; John 13:20; 14:22; 15:26, 27; 16:12–14.

  10. Jesus not only was not jealous of the attention men paid to the Bible (denounced as ‘bibliolatry’ by some), He reviled them for their ignorance of it: Matthew 22:29; Mark 12:24.

  11. Nor did Jesus worship Scripture. He honored it—even though written by men.
  1. Jesus believed the Old Testament was historical fact. This is very clear, even though from the Creation (cf. Genesis 2:24 and Matthew 19:4, 5) onward, much of what Jesus believed has long been under fire by critics, as being mere fiction. Some examples of historical facts:
  2. Jesus believed the books were written by the men whose names they bear:
    • Moses wrote the Pentateuch (Torah): Matthew 19:7, 8; Mark 7:10, 12:26 (‘Book of Moses’—the Torah); Luke 5:14; 16:29,31;24:27, 44 (‘Christ’s Canon’); John 1:17; 5:45, 46; 7:19; (‘The Law [Torah] was given by Moses; Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.’)5

    • Isaiah wrote ‘both’ Isaiah’s: Mark 7:6–13; John 12:37–41 [Ed. note: Liberals claim that Isaiah 40-66 was composed after the fall of Jerusalem by another writer they call ‘Deutero-Isaiah’. The only real ‘reason’ for their claim is that a straightforward dating would mean that predictive prophecy was possible, and liberals have decreed a priori that knowledge of the future is impossible (like miracles in general). Thus these portions must have been written after the events. However, there is nothing in the text itself to hint of a different author. In fact, even the Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll was a seamless unity. But as Dr Livingston said, since Jesus affirmed the unity of Isaiah, the deutero-Isaiah theory is just not an option for anyone calling himself a follower of Christ.]

    • Jonah wrote Jonah: Matthew 12:39–41

    • Daniel wrote Daniel: Matthew 24:15
  3. Jesus believed the Old Testament was spoken by God Himself, or written by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, even though the pen was held by men: Matthew 19:4, 5; 22:31, 32, 43; Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37.

  4. Jesus believed Scripture was more powerful than His miracles: Luke 16:29, 31.

  5. Jesus actually quoted it in overthrowing Satan! The O.T. Scriptures were the arbiter in every dispute: Matthew 4; Luke 16:29, 31.

  6. Jesus quoted Scripture as the basis for his own teaching. His ethics were the same as what we find already written in Scripture: Matthew 7:12; 19:18, 19; 22:40; Mark 7:9, 13; 10:19; 12:24, 29–31; Luke 18:20.

  7. Jesus warned against replacing it with something else, or adding or subtracting from it. The Jewish leaders in His day had added to it with their Oral Traditions: Matthew 5:17; 15:1–9; 22:29; (cf. 5:43, 44); Mark. 7:1–12. (Destroying faith in the Bible as God’s Word will open the door today to a ‘new’ Tradition.)

  8. Jesus will judge all men in the last day, as Messiah and King, on the basis of His infallible Word committed to writing by fallible men, guided by the infallible Holy Spirit: Matthew 25:31; John 5:22, 27; 12:48; Romans 2:16.

  9. Jesus made provision for the New Testament (B’rit Hadashah) by sending the Holy Spirit (the Ruach HaKodesh). We must note that Jesus Himself never wrote one word of Scripture although He is the Word of God Himself (the living Torah in flesh and blood, see John, chapter 1). He committed the task of all writing of the Word of God to fallible men—guided by the infallible Holy Spirit. The apostles’ words had the same authority as Christ’s: Matthew 10:14, 15; Luke 10:16; John 13:20; 14:22; 15:26, 27; 16:12–14.

  10. Jesus not only was not jealous of the attention men paid to the Bible (denounced as ‘bibliolatry’ by some), He reviled them for their ignorance of it: Matthew 22:29; Mark 12:24.

  11. Nor did Jesus worship Scripture. He honored it—even though written by men.
Good grief. I can't believe that you are still at it. You boys are ridiculous and total drama queens. Believe what you wish. Everyone else will do the same.
  1. Jesus believed the Old Testament was historical fact. This is very clear, even though from the Creation (cf. Genesis 2:24 and Matthew 19:4, 5) onward, much of what Jesus believed has long been under fire by critics, as being mere fiction. Some examples of historical facts:
  2. Jesus believed the books were written by the men whose names they bear:
    • Moses wrote the Pentateuch (Torah): Matthew 19:7, 8; Mark 7:10, 12:26 (‘Book of Moses’—the Torah); Luke 5:14; 16:29,31;24:27, 44 (‘Christ’s Canon’); John 1:17; 5:45, 46; 7:19; (‘The Law [Torah] was given by Moses; Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.’)5

    • Isaiah wrote ‘both’ Isaiah’s: Mark 7:6–13; John 12:37–41 [Ed. note: Liberals claim that Isaiah 40-66 was composed after the fall of Jerusalem by another writer they call ‘Deutero-Isaiah’. The only real ‘reason’ for their claim is that a straightforward dating would mean that predictive prophecy was possible, and liberals have decreed a priori that knowledge of the future is impossible (like miracles in general). Thus these portions must have been written after the events. However, there is nothing in the text itself to hint of a different author. In fact, even the Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll was a seamless unity. But as Dr Livingston said, since Jesus affirmed the unity of Isaiah, the deutero-Isaiah theory is just not an option for anyone calling himself a follower of Christ.]

    • Jonah wrote Jonah: Matthew 12:39–41

    • Daniel wrote Daniel: Matthew 24:15
  3. Jesus believed the Old Testament was spoken by God Himself, or written by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, even though the pen was held by men: Matthew 19:4, 5; 22:31, 32, 43; Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37.

  4. Jesus believed Scripture was more powerful than His miracles: Luke 16:29, 31.

  5. Jesus actually quoted it in overthrowing Satan! The O.T. Scriptures were the arbiter in every dispute: Matthew 4; Luke 16:29, 31.

  6. Jesus quoted Scripture as the basis for his own teaching. His ethics were the same as what we find already written in Scripture: Matthew 7:12; 19:18, 19; 22:40; Mark 7:9, 13; 10:19; 12:24, 29–31; Luke 18:20.

  7. Jesus warned against replacing it with something else, or adding or subtracting from it. The Jewish leaders in His day had added to it with their Oral Traditions: Matthew 5:17; 15:1–9; 22:29; (cf. 5:43, 44); Mark. 7:1–12. (Destroying faith in the Bible as God’s Word will open the door today to a ‘new’ Tradition.)

  8. Jesus will judge all men in the last day, as Messiah and King, on the basis of His infallible Word committed to writing by fallible men, guided by the infallible Holy Spirit: Matthew 25:31; John 5:22, 27; 12:48; Romans 2:16.

  9. Jesus made provision for the New Testament (B’rit Hadashah) by sending the Holy Spirit (the Ruach HaKodesh). We must note that Jesus Himself never wrote one word of Scripture although He is the Word of God Himself (the living Torah in flesh and blood, see John, chapter 1). He committed the task of all writing of the Word of God to fallible men—guided by the infallible Holy Spirit. The apostles’ words had the same authority as Christ’s: Matthew 10:14, 15; Luke 10:16; John 13:20; 14:22; 15:26, 27; 16:12–14.

  10. Jesus not only was not jealous of the attention men paid to the Bible (denounced as ‘bibliolatry’ by some), He reviled them for their ignorance of it: Matthew 22:29; Mark 12:24.

  11. Nor did Jesus worship Scripture. He honored it—even though written by men.
Good grief. I can't believe that you are still at it. You boys are ridiculous and total drama queens. Believe what you wish. Everyone else will do the same.
You tell us to believe what we wish, then you get on here and try to tell everyone what we believe is a bunch myths and fables. You have been shown the truth. You will have no excuse when you stand before God, on Judgement Day. I pity you.
  1. Jesus believed the Old Testament was historical fact. This is very clear, even though from the Creation (cf. Genesis 2:24 and Matthew 19:4, 5) onward, much of what Jesus believed has long been under fire by critics, as being mere fiction. Some examples of historical facts:
  2. Jesus believed the books were written by the men whose names they bear:
    • Moses wrote the Pentateuch (Torah): Matthew 19:7, 8; Mark 7:10, 12:26 (‘Book of Moses’—the Torah); Luke 5:14; 16:29,31;24:27, 44 (‘Christ’s Canon’); John 1:17; 5:45, 46; 7:19; (‘The Law [Torah] was given by Moses; Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.’)5

    • Isaiah wrote ‘both’ Isaiah’s: Mark 7:6–13; John 12:37–41 [Ed. note: Liberals claim that Isaiah 40-66 was composed after the fall of Jerusalem by another writer they call ‘Deutero-Isaiah’. The only real ‘reason’ for their claim is that a straightforward dating would mean that predictive prophecy was possible, and liberals have decreed a priori that knowledge of the future is impossible (like miracles in general). Thus these portions must have been written after the events. However, there is nothing in the text itself to hint of a different author. In fact, even the Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll was a seamless unity. But as Dr Livingston said, since Jesus affirmed the unity of Isaiah, the deutero-Isaiah theory is just not an option for anyone calling himself a follower of Christ.]

    • Jonah wrote Jonah: Matthew 12:39–41

    • Daniel wrote Daniel: Matthew 24:15
  3. Jesus believed the Old Testament was spoken by God Himself, or written by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, even though the pen was held by men: Matthew 19:4, 5; 22:31, 32, 43; Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37.

  4. Jesus believed Scripture was more powerful than His miracles: Luke 16:29, 31.

  5. Jesus actually quoted it in overthrowing Satan! The O.T. Scriptures were the arbiter in every dispute: Matthew 4; Luke 16:29, 31.

  6. Jesus quoted Scripture as the basis for his own teaching. His ethics were the same as what we find already written in Scripture: Matthew 7:12; 19:18, 19; 22:40; Mark 7:9, 13; 10:19; 12:24, 29–31; Luke 18:20.

  7. Jesus warned against replacing it with something else, or adding or subtracting from it. The Jewish leaders in His day had added to it with their Oral Traditions: Matthew 5:17; 15:1–9; 22:29; (cf. 5:43, 44); Mark. 7:1–12. (Destroying faith in the Bible as God’s Word will open the door today to a ‘new’ Tradition.)

  8. Jesus will judge all men in the last day, as Messiah and King, on the basis of His infallible Word committed to writing by fallible men, guided by the infallible Holy Spirit: Matthew 25:31; John 5:22, 27; 12:48; Romans 2:16.

  9. Jesus made provision for the New Testament (B’rit Hadashah) by sending the Holy Spirit (the Ruach HaKodesh). We must note that Jesus Himself never wrote one word of Scripture although He is the Word of God Himself (the living Torah in flesh and blood, see John, chapter 1). He committed the task of all writing of the Word of God to fallible men—guided by the infallible Holy Spirit. The apostles’ words had the same authority as Christ’s: Matthew 10:14, 15; Luke 10:16; John 13:20; 14:22; 15:26, 27; 16:12–14.

  10. Jesus not only was not jealous of the attention men paid to the Bible (denounced as ‘bibliolatry’ by some), He reviled them for their ignorance of it: Matthew 22:29; Mark 12:24.

  11. Nor did Jesus worship Scripture. He honored it—even though written by men.
Good grief. I can't believe that you are still at it. You boys are ridiculous and total drama queens. Believe what you wish. Everyone else will do the same.
You tell us to believe what we wish, then you get on here and try to tell everyone what we believe is a bunch myths and fables. You have been shown the truth. You will have no excuse when you stand before God, on Judgement Day. I pity you.

Pity me all you want. All I learned from this is that you boys don't like Episcopalians and you don't like women. I can't help you. Your "religion" is up to you. This thread was begun by Little Nipper. He was the one who chose to bring his "myths and fables" to the fore or he would not have posted an attack on Episcopalians. This little munchkin thinks that he is the thought police.
  1. Jesus believed the Old Testament was historical fact. This is very clear, even though from the Creation (cf. Genesis 2:24 and Matthew 19:4, 5) onward, much of what Jesus believed has long been under fire by critics, as being mere fiction. Some examples of historical facts:
  2. Jesus believed the books were written by the men whose names they bear:
    • Moses wrote the Pentateuch (Torah): Matthew 19:7, 8; Mark 7:10, 12:26 (‘Book of Moses’—the Torah); Luke 5:14; 16:29,31;24:27, 44 (‘Christ’s Canon’); John 1:17; 5:45, 46; 7:19; (‘The Law [Torah] was given by Moses; Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.’)5

    • Isaiah wrote ‘both’ Isaiah’s: Mark 7:6–13; John 12:37–41 [Ed. note: Liberals claim that Isaiah 40-66 was composed after the fall of Jerusalem by another writer they call ‘Deutero-Isaiah’. The only real ‘reason’ for their claim is that a straightforward dating would mean that predictive prophecy was possible, and liberals have decreed a priori that knowledge of the future is impossible (like miracles in general). Thus these portions must have been written after the events. However, there is nothing in the text itself to hint of a different author. In fact, even the Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll was a seamless unity. But as Dr Livingston said, since Jesus affirmed the unity of Isaiah, the deutero-Isaiah theory is just not an option for anyone calling himself a follower of Christ.]

    • Jonah wrote Jonah: Matthew 12:39–41

    • Daniel wrote Daniel: Matthew 24:15
  3. Jesus believed the Old Testament was spoken by God Himself, or written by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, even though the pen was held by men: Matthew 19:4, 5; 22:31, 32, 43; Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37.

  4. Jesus believed Scripture was more powerful than His miracles: Luke 16:29, 31.

  5. Jesus actually quoted it in overthrowing Satan! The O.T. Scriptures were the arbiter in every dispute: Matthew 4; Luke 16:29, 31.

  6. Jesus quoted Scripture as the basis for his own teaching. His ethics were the same as what we find already written in Scripture: Matthew 7:12; 19:18, 19; 22:40; Mark 7:9, 13; 10:19; 12:24, 29–31; Luke 18:20.

  7. Jesus warned against replacing it with something else, or adding or subtracting from it. The Jewish leaders in His day had added to it with their Oral Traditions: Matthew 5:17; 15:1–9; 22:29; (cf. 5:43, 44); Mark. 7:1–12. (Destroying faith in the Bible as God’s Word will open the door today to a ‘new’ Tradition.)

  8. Jesus will judge all men in the last day, as Messiah and King, on the basis of His infallible Word committed to writing by fallible men, guided by the infallible Holy Spirit: Matthew 25:31; John 5:22, 27; 12:48; Romans 2:16.

  9. Jesus made provision for the New Testament (B’rit Hadashah) by sending the Holy Spirit (the Ruach HaKodesh). We must note that Jesus Himself never wrote one word of Scripture although He is the Word of God Himself (the living Torah in flesh and blood, see John, chapter 1). He committed the task of all writing of the Word of God to fallible men—guided by the infallible Holy Spirit. The apostles’ words had the same authority as Christ’s: Matthew 10:14, 15; Luke 10:16; John 13:20; 14:22; 15:26, 27; 16:12–14.

  10. Jesus not only was not jealous of the attention men paid to the Bible (denounced as ‘bibliolatry’ by some), He reviled them for their ignorance of it: Matthew 22:29; Mark 12:24.

  11. Nor did Jesus worship Scripture. He honored it—even though written by men.
Good grief. I can't believe that you are still at it. You boys are ridiculous and total drama queens. Believe what you wish. Everyone else will do the same.
You tell us to believe what we wish, then you get on here and try to tell everyone what we believe is a bunch myths and fables. You have been shown the truth. You will have no excuse when you stand before God, on Judgement Day. I pity you.

Pity me all you want. All I learned from this is that you boys don't like Episcopalians and you don't like women. I can't help you. Your "religion" is up to you. This thread was begun by Little Nipper. He was the one who chose to bring his "myths and fables" to the fore or he would not have posted an attack on Episcopalians. This little munchkin thinks that he is the thought police.
What attack? The Pisco's are the ones spouting PC gender BS. Nipper was simply using Scripture to show how they are wrong. Jesus referred to God as His Father. That's masculine, BTW. Next thing you know some idiot will be claiming that God is transgendered. Shoot, some queers, calling themselves Christians, have actually written a gay Bible. Where does it stop?
  1. Jesus believed the Old Testament was historical fact. This is very clear, even though from the Creation (cf. Genesis 2:24 and Matthew 19:4, 5) onward, much of what Jesus believed has long been under fire by critics, as being mere fiction. Some examples of historical facts:
  2. Jesus believed the books were written by the men whose names they bear:
    • Moses wrote the Pentateuch (Torah): Matthew 19:7, 8; Mark 7:10, 12:26 (‘Book of Moses’—the Torah); Luke 5:14; 16:29,31;24:27, 44 (‘Christ’s Canon’); John 1:17; 5:45, 46; 7:19; (‘The Law [Torah] was given by Moses; Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.’)5

    • Isaiah wrote ‘both’ Isaiah’s: Mark 7:6–13; John 12:37–41 [Ed. note: Liberals claim that Isaiah 40-66 was composed after the fall of Jerusalem by another writer they call ‘Deutero-Isaiah’. The only real ‘reason’ for their claim is that a straightforward dating would mean that predictive prophecy was possible, and liberals have decreed a priori that knowledge of the future is impossible (like miracles in general). Thus these portions must have been written after the events. However, there is nothing in the text itself to hint of a different author. In fact, even the Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll was a seamless unity. But as Dr Livingston said, since Jesus affirmed the unity of Isaiah, the deutero-Isaiah theory is just not an option for anyone calling himself a follower of Christ.]

    • Jonah wrote Jonah: Matthew 12:39–41

    • Daniel wrote Daniel: Matthew 24:15
  3. Jesus believed the Old Testament was spoken by God Himself, or written by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, even though the pen was held by men: Matthew 19:4, 5; 22:31, 32, 43; Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37.

  4. Jesus believed Scripture was more powerful than His miracles: Luke 16:29, 31.

  5. Jesus actually quoted it in overthrowing Satan! The O.T. Scriptures were the arbiter in every dispute: Matthew 4; Luke 16:29, 31.

  6. Jesus quoted Scripture as the basis for his own teaching. His ethics were the same as what we find already written in Scripture: Matthew 7:12; 19:18, 19; 22:40; Mark 7:9, 13; 10:19; 12:24, 29–31; Luke 18:20.

  7. Jesus warned against replacing it with something else, or adding or subtracting from it. The Jewish leaders in His day had added to it with their Oral Traditions: Matthew 5:17; 15:1–9; 22:29; (cf. 5:43, 44); Mark. 7:1–12. (Destroying faith in the Bible as God’s Word will open the door today to a ‘new’ Tradition.)

  8. Jesus will judge all men in the last day, as Messiah and King, on the basis of His infallible Word committed to writing by fallible men, guided by the infallible Holy Spirit: Matthew 25:31; John 5:22, 27; 12:48; Romans 2:16.

  9. Jesus made provision for the New Testament (B’rit Hadashah) by sending the Holy Spirit (the Ruach HaKodesh). We must note that Jesus Himself never wrote one word of Scripture although He is the Word of God Himself (the living Torah in flesh and blood, see John, chapter 1). He committed the task of all writing of the Word of God to fallible men—guided by the infallible Holy Spirit. The apostles’ words had the same authority as Christ’s: Matthew 10:14, 15; Luke 10:16; John 13:20; 14:22; 15:26, 27; 16:12–14.

  10. Jesus not only was not jealous of the attention men paid to the Bible (denounced as ‘bibliolatry’ by some), He reviled them for their ignorance of it: Matthew 22:29; Mark 12:24.

  11. Nor did Jesus worship Scripture. He honored it—even though written by men.
Good grief. I can't believe that you are still at it. You boys are ridiculous and total drama queens. Believe what you wish. Everyone else will do the same.
You tell us to believe what we wish, then you get on here and try to tell everyone what we believe is a bunch myths and fables. You have been shown the truth. You will have no excuse when you stand before God, on Judgement Day. I pity you.

Pity me all you want. All I learned from this is that you boys don't like Episcopalians and you don't like women. I can't help you. Your "religion" is up to you. This thread was begun by Little Nipper. He was the one who chose to bring his "myths and fables" to the fore or he would not have posted an attack on Episcopalians. This little munchkin thinks that he is the thought police.
What attack? The Pisco's are the ones spouting PC gender BS. Nipper was simply using Scripture to show how they are wrong. Jesus referred to God as His Father. That's masculine, BTW. Next thing you know some idiot will be claiming that God is transgendered. Shoot, some queers, calling themselves Christians, have actually written a gay Bible. Where does it stop?
What Episcopalians do has got absolutely nothing to do with you fundies. You fundies think that you have some sort of right to go sticking your fat noses in everyone else's business. Nobody asked you. Go somewhere else and cry for attention.
BTW: "it" doesn't have to stop anywhere. You boys have your churches. There are churches that preach hatred of women, hatred of LGBTs. Go to them. It[s free and they probably have parking.
  1. Jesus believed the Old Testament was historical fact. This is very clear, even though from the Creation (cf. Genesis 2:24 and Matthew 19:4, 5) onward, much of what Jesus believed has long been under fire by critics, as being mere fiction. Some examples of historical facts:
  2. Jesus believed the books were written by the men whose names they bear:
    • Moses wrote the Pentateuch (Torah): Matthew 19:7, 8; Mark 7:10, 12:26 (‘Book of Moses’—the Torah); Luke 5:14; 16:29,31;24:27, 44 (‘Christ’s Canon’); John 1:17; 5:45, 46; 7:19; (‘The Law [Torah] was given by Moses; Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.’)5

    • Isaiah wrote ‘both’ Isaiah’s: Mark 7:6–13; John 12:37–41 [Ed. note: Liberals claim that Isaiah 40-66 was composed after the fall of Jerusalem by another writer they call ‘Deutero-Isaiah’. The only real ‘reason’ for their claim is that a straightforward dating would mean that predictive prophecy was possible, and liberals have decreed a priori that knowledge of the future is impossible (like miracles in general). Thus these portions must have been written after the events. However, there is nothing in the text itself to hint of a different author. In fact, even the Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll was a seamless unity. But as Dr Livingston said, since Jesus affirmed the unity of Isaiah, the deutero-Isaiah theory is just not an option for anyone calling himself a follower of Christ.]

    • Jonah wrote Jonah: Matthew 12:39–41

    • Daniel wrote Daniel: Matthew 24:15
  3. Jesus believed the Old Testament was spoken by God Himself, or written by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, even though the pen was held by men: Matthew 19:4, 5; 22:31, 32, 43; Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37.

  4. Jesus believed Scripture was more powerful than His miracles: Luke 16:29, 31.

  5. Jesus actually quoted it in overthrowing Satan! The O.T. Scriptures were the arbiter in every dispute: Matthew 4; Luke 16:29, 31.

  6. Jesus quoted Scripture as the basis for his own teaching. His ethics were the same as what we find already written in Scripture: Matthew 7:12; 19:18, 19; 22:40; Mark 7:9, 13; 10:19; 12:24, 29–31; Luke 18:20.

  7. Jesus warned against replacing it with something else, or adding or subtracting from it. The Jewish leaders in His day had added to it with their Oral Traditions: Matthew 5:17; 15:1–9; 22:29; (cf. 5:43, 44); Mark. 7:1–12. (Destroying faith in the Bible as God’s Word will open the door today to a ‘new’ Tradition.)

  8. Jesus will judge all men in the last day, as Messiah and King, on the basis of His infallible Word committed to writing by fallible men, guided by the infallible Holy Spirit: Matthew 25:31; John 5:22, 27; 12:48; Romans 2:16.

  9. Jesus made provision for the New Testament (B’rit Hadashah) by sending the Holy Spirit (the Ruach HaKodesh). We must note that Jesus Himself never wrote one word of Scripture although He is the Word of God Himself (the living Torah in flesh and blood, see John, chapter 1). He committed the task of all writing of the Word of God to fallible men—guided by the infallible Holy Spirit. The apostles’ words had the same authority as Christ’s: Matthew 10:14, 15; Luke 10:16; John 13:20; 14:22; 15:26, 27; 16:12–14.

  10. Jesus not only was not jealous of the attention men paid to the Bible (denounced as ‘bibliolatry’ by some), He reviled them for their ignorance of it: Matthew 22:29; Mark 12:24.

  11. Nor did Jesus worship Scripture. He honored it—even though written by men.
Good grief. I can't believe that you are still at it. You boys are ridiculous and total drama queens. Believe what you wish. Everyone else will do the same.
You tell us to believe what we wish, then you get on here and try to tell everyone what we believe is a bunch myths and fables. You have been shown the truth. You will have no excuse when you stand before God, on Judgement Day. I pity you.

Pity me all you want. All I learned from this is that you boys don't like Episcopalians and you don't like women. I can't help you. Your "religion" is up to you. This thread was begun by Little Nipper. He was the one who chose to bring his "myths and fables" to the fore or he would not have posted an attack on Episcopalians. This little munchkin thinks that he is the thought police.
What attack? The Pisco's are the ones spouting PC gender BS. Nipper was simply using Scripture to show how they are wrong. Jesus referred to God as His Father. That's masculine, BTW. Next thing you know some idiot will be claiming that God is transgendered. Shoot, some queers, calling themselves Christians, have actually written a gay Bible. Where does it stop?
What Episcopalians do has got absolutely nothing to do with you fundies. You fundies think that you have some sort of right to go sticking your fat noses in everyone else's business. Nobody asked you. Go somewhere else and cry for attention.
BTW: "it" doesn't have to stop anywhere. You boys have your churches. There are churches that preach hatred of women, hatred of LGBTs. Go to them. It[s free and they probably have parking.
The only hatred I see is coming from you.
Good grief. I can't believe that you are still at it. You boys are ridiculous and total drama queens. Believe what you wish. Everyone else will do the same.
You tell us to believe what we wish, then you get on here and try to tell everyone what we believe is a bunch myths and fables. You have been shown the truth. You will have no excuse when you stand before God, on Judgement Day. I pity you.

Pity me all you want. All I learned from this is that you boys don't like Episcopalians and you don't like women. I can't help you. Your "religion" is up to you. This thread was begun by Little Nipper. He was the one who chose to bring his "myths and fables" to the fore or he would not have posted an attack on Episcopalians. This little munchkin thinks that he is the thought police.
What attack? The Pisco's are the ones spouting PC gender BS. Nipper was simply using Scripture to show how they are wrong. Jesus referred to God as His Father. That's masculine, BTW. Next thing you know some idiot will be claiming that God is transgendered. Shoot, some queers, calling themselves Christians, have actually written a gay Bible. Where does it stop?
What Episcopalians do has got absolutely nothing to do with you fundies. You fundies think that you have some sort of right to go sticking your fat noses in everyone else's business. Nobody asked you. Go somewhere else and cry for attention.
BTW: "it" doesn't have to stop anywhere. You boys have your churches. There are churches that preach hatred of women, hatred of LGBTs. Go to them. It[s free and they probably have parking.
The only hatred I see is coming from you.
Then you are blind to what you are doing. Leave other Christians alone, including the LGBT ones. Leave everyone, of every faith, alone. Learn some discipline, humility, and self-restraint.
You tell us to believe what we wish, then you get on here and try to tell everyone what we believe is a bunch myths and fables. You have been shown the truth. You will have no excuse when you stand before God, on Judgement Day. I pity you.

Pity me all you want. All I learned from this is that you boys don't like Episcopalians and you don't like women. I can't help you. Your "religion" is up to you. This thread was begun by Little Nipper. He was the one who chose to bring his "myths and fables" to the fore or he would not have posted an attack on Episcopalians. This little munchkin thinks that he is the thought police.
What attack? The Pisco's are the ones spouting PC gender BS. Nipper was simply using Scripture to show how they are wrong. Jesus referred to God as His Father. That's masculine, BTW. Next thing you know some idiot will be claiming that God is transgendered. Shoot, some queers, calling themselves Christians, have actually written a gay Bible. Where does it stop?
What Episcopalians do has got absolutely nothing to do with you fundies. You fundies think that you have some sort of right to go sticking your fat noses in everyone else's business. Nobody asked you. Go somewhere else and cry for attention.
BTW: "it" doesn't have to stop anywhere. You boys have your churches. There are churches that preach hatred of women, hatred of LGBTs. Go to them. It[s free and they probably have parking.
The only hatred I see is coming from you.
Then you are blind to what you are doing. Leave other Christians alone, including the LGBT ones. Leave everyone, of every faith, alone. Learn some discipline, humility, and self-restraint.
What you really mean is that you want us to allow others to sin without saying anything. Sorry. Not gonna happen.
  1. Jesus believed the Old Testament was historical fact. This is very clear, even though from the Creation (cf. Genesis 2:24 and Matthew 19:4, 5) onward, much of what Jesus believed has long been under fire by critics, as being mere fiction. Some examples of historical facts:
  2. Jesus believed the books were written by the men whose names they bear:
    • Moses wrote the Pentateuch (Torah): Matthew 19:7, 8; Mark 7:10, 12:26 (‘Book of Moses’—the Torah); Luke 5:14; 16:29,31;24:27, 44 (‘Christ’s Canon’); John 1:17; 5:45, 46; 7:19; (‘The Law [Torah] was given by Moses; Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.’)5

    • Isaiah wrote ‘both’ Isaiah’s: Mark 7:6–13; John 12:37–41 [Ed. note: Liberals claim that Isaiah 40-66 was composed after the fall of Jerusalem by another writer they call ‘Deutero-Isaiah’. The only real ‘reason’ for their claim is that a straightforward dating would mean that predictive prophecy was possible, and liberals have decreed a priori that knowledge of the future is impossible (like miracles in general). Thus these portions must have been written after the events. However, there is nothing in the text itself to hint of a different author. In fact, even the Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll was a seamless unity. But as Dr Livingston said, since Jesus affirmed the unity of Isaiah, the deutero-Isaiah theory is just not an option for anyone calling himself a follower of Christ.]

    • Jonah wrote Jonah: Matthew 12:39–41

    • Daniel wrote Daniel: Matthew 24:15
  3. Jesus believed the Old Testament was spoken by God Himself, or written by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, even though the pen was held by men: Matthew 19:4, 5; 22:31, 32, 43; Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37.

  4. Jesus believed Scripture was more powerful than His miracles: Luke 16:29, 31.

  5. Jesus actually quoted it in overthrowing Satan! The O.T. Scriptures were the arbiter in every dispute: Matthew 4; Luke 16:29, 31.

  6. Jesus quoted Scripture as the basis for his own teaching. His ethics were the same as what we find already written in Scripture: Matthew 7:12; 19:18, 19; 22:40; Mark 7:9, 13; 10:19; 12:24, 29–31; Luke 18:20.

  7. Jesus warned against replacing it with something else, or adding or subtracting from it. The Jewish leaders in His day had added to it with their Oral Traditions: Matthew 5:17; 15:1–9; 22:29; (cf. 5:43, 44); Mark. 7:1–12. (Destroying faith in the Bible as God’s Word will open the door today to a ‘new’ Tradition.)

  8. Jesus will judge all men in the last day, as Messiah and King, on the basis of His infallible Word committed to writing by fallible men, guided by the infallible Holy Spirit: Matthew 25:31; John 5:22, 27; 12:48; Romans 2:16.

  9. Jesus made provision for the New Testament (B’rit Hadashah) by sending the Holy Spirit (the Ruach HaKodesh). We must note that Jesus Himself never wrote one word of Scripture although He is the Word of God Himself (the living Torah in flesh and blood, see John, chapter 1). He committed the task of all writing of the Word of God to fallible men—guided by the infallible Holy Spirit. The apostles’ words had the same authority as Christ’s: Matthew 10:14, 15; Luke 10:16; John 13:20; 14:22; 15:26, 27; 16:12–14.

  10. Jesus not only was not jealous of the attention men paid to the Bible (denounced as ‘bibliolatry’ by some), He reviled them for their ignorance of it: Matthew 22:29; Mark 12:24.

  11. Nor did Jesus worship Scripture. He honored it—even though written by men.
Good grief. I can't believe that you are still at it. You boys are ridiculous and total drama queens. Believe what you wish. Everyone else will do the same.
You tell us to believe what we wish, then you get on here and try to tell everyone what we believe is a bunch myths and fables. You have been shown the truth. You will have no excuse when you stand before God, on Judgement Day. I pity you.

Pity me all you want. All I learned from this is that you boys don't like Episcopalians and you don't like women. I can't help you. Your "religion" is up to you. This thread was begun by Little Nipper. He was the one who chose to bring his "myths and fables" to the fore or he would not have posted an attack on Episcopalians. This little munchkin thinks that he is the thought police.
Christians should love people. What they shouldn't abide are LIES and personal ideologies dependent on personal tastes and feelings. Bible values are quite specific if one studies and prays for guidance. Episcopalians have always been a rather elitist crowd of the rich. This is why their church structures tend to be grandiose and showy. That is not a reason to shun them! However, when they tend to set the trends and influence because of their social standing and college/university connections, any ignorance of correct spiritual Bible teaching is extremely dangerous!

As for women, I believe that their abilities shine bright when they assist men and not strive to compete against them. Women generally are smarter and have an innate ability for organization. Men tend to fall apart organizationally and are socially inept. Women tend to underestimate necessity and lack outward brute force. And this is where men generally are very capable and persistent.
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  1. Jesus believed the Old Testament was historical fact. This is very clear, even though from the Creation (cf. Genesis 2:24 and Matthew 19:4, 5) onward, much of what Jesus believed has long been under fire by critics, as being mere fiction. Some examples of historical facts:
  2. Jesus believed the books were written by the men whose names they bear:
    • Moses wrote the Pentateuch (Torah): Matthew 19:7, 8; Mark 7:10, 12:26 (‘Book of Moses’—the Torah); Luke 5:14; 16:29,31;24:27, 44 (‘Christ’s Canon’); John 1:17; 5:45, 46; 7:19; (‘The Law [Torah] was given by Moses; Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.’)5

    • Isaiah wrote ‘both’ Isaiah’s: Mark 7:6–13; John 12:37–41 [Ed. note: Liberals claim that Isaiah 40-66 was composed after the fall of Jerusalem by another writer they call ‘Deutero-Isaiah’. The only real ‘reason’ for their claim is that a straightforward dating would mean that predictive prophecy was possible, and liberals have decreed a priori that knowledge of the future is impossible (like miracles in general). Thus these portions must have been written after the events. However, there is nothing in the text itself to hint of a different author. In fact, even the Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll was a seamless unity. But as Dr Livingston said, since Jesus affirmed the unity of Isaiah, the deutero-Isaiah theory is just not an option for anyone calling himself a follower of Christ.]

    • Jonah wrote Jonah: Matthew 12:39–41

    • Daniel wrote Daniel: Matthew 24:15
  3. Jesus believed the Old Testament was spoken by God Himself, or written by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, even though the pen was held by men: Matthew 19:4, 5; 22:31, 32, 43; Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37.

  4. Jesus believed Scripture was more powerful than His miracles: Luke 16:29, 31.

  5. Jesus actually quoted it in overthrowing Satan! The O.T. Scriptures were the arbiter in every dispute: Matthew 4; Luke 16:29, 31.

  6. Jesus quoted Scripture as the basis for his own teaching. His ethics were the same as what we find already written in Scripture: Matthew 7:12; 19:18, 19; 22:40; Mark 7:9, 13; 10:19; 12:24, 29–31; Luke 18:20.

  7. Jesus warned against replacing it with something else, or adding or subtracting from it. The Jewish leaders in His day had added to it with their Oral Traditions: Matthew 5:17; 15:1–9; 22:29; (cf. 5:43, 44); Mark. 7:1–12. (Destroying faith in the Bible as God’s Word will open the door today to a ‘new’ Tradition.)

  8. Jesus will judge all men in the last day, as Messiah and King, on the basis of His infallible Word committed to writing by fallible men, guided by the infallible Holy Spirit: Matthew 25:31; John 5:22, 27; 12:48; Romans 2:16.

  9. Jesus made provision for the New Testament (B’rit Hadashah) by sending the Holy Spirit (the Ruach HaKodesh). We must note that Jesus Himself never wrote one word of Scripture although He is the Word of God Himself (the living Torah in flesh and blood, see John, chapter 1). He committed the task of all writing of the Word of God to fallible men—guided by the infallible Holy Spirit. The apostles’ words had the same authority as Christ’s: Matthew 10:14, 15; Luke 10:16; John 13:20; 14:22; 15:26, 27; 16:12–14.

  10. Jesus not only was not jealous of the attention men paid to the Bible (denounced as ‘bibliolatry’ by some), He reviled them for their ignorance of it: Matthew 22:29; Mark 12:24.

  11. Nor did Jesus worship Scripture. He honored it—even though written by men.
Good grief. I can't believe that you are still at it. You boys are ridiculous and total drama queens. Believe what you wish. Everyone else will do the same.
You tell us to believe what we wish, then you get on here and try to tell everyone what we believe is a bunch myths and fables. You have been shown the truth. You will have no excuse when you stand before God, on Judgement Day. I pity you.

Pity me all you want. All I learned from this is that you boys don't like Episcopalians and you don't like women. I can't help you. Your "religion" is up to you. This thread was begun by Little Nipper. He was the one who chose to bring his "myths and fables" to the fore or he would not have posted an attack on Episcopalians. This little munchkin thinks that he is the thought police.
Christians should love people. What they shouldn't abide are LIES and personal ideologies dependent on personal tastes and feelings. Bible values are quite specific if one studies and prays for guidance. Episcopalians have always been a rather elitist crowd of the rich. This is why their church structures tend to be grandiose and showy. That is not a reason to shun them! However, when they tend to set the trends and influence because of their social standing, any ignorance of correct Bible teaching is dangerous!

As for women, I believe that their abilities shine bright when they assist men and not strive to compete against them. Women generally are smarter and have an innate ability for organization. Men tend to fall apart organizationally and are socially inept. Women tend to underestimate necessity and lack outward brute force. And this is where men generally are very capable and persistent.
Nailed it.
You guys cannot rob the rest of the world of what is sacred, no matter how hard you try. Again, you guys stick to your churches. I will stick to mine.

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