Episcopal church embracing HERESY flies in the face of GOD OUR FATHER!

Jesus didn't hate the JEWS, He hated the false teachers who taught one thing and did another. He hated the fact that there were Jewish leaders who were circumventing the LAW to make a prophet for themselves. Jesus was even tried at night that was entirely against Jewish Law, but it suited the "liberal" teachers who were trying to shut up Jesus to save their OWN authority.

All Jews are false teachers in that all Jews (by their definition) deny Jesus is the Christ. Jesus hates all false teachers. Jesus hates all Jews. God hates all evil-doers. The Gospels show us a Jesus who hated the unbelieving Jews.
The Gospels show a Jesus who hated those who confused issues for their own gain and cause people to be lost for believing lies instead of discovering truth.
The liberals are making up doctrine based on their own feelings! Fundamentalists base doctrine with a high regard for ALL Canon Scripture ----- not simply select passages that make one feel good about one's self!

No, "Fundamentalists" don't have a high regard for scripture. All fundies who say Jews are God's chosen people directly defy Jesus and the Bible (John 8:44, Hosea 1:9, etc.), in both word and spirit and an issue most central to Christiantiy: faith. Fundies who object to drinking wine contradict the Bible's clear and repeated approval of wine, ala the sin of the Pharisees. Pentecostal fundies mock God's word with meaningless babble. And, so on.
Jesus didn't hate the JEWS, He hated the false teachers who taught one thing and did another. He hated the fact that there were Jewish leaders who were circumventing the LAW to make a prophet for themselves. Jesus was even tried at night that was entirely against Jewish Law, but it suited the "liberal" teachers who were trying to shut up Jesus to save their OWN authority.

All Jews are false teachers in that all Jews (by their definition) deny Jesus is the Christ. Jesus hates all false teachers. Jesus hates all Jews. God hates all evil-doers. The Gospels show us a Jesus who hated the unbelieving Jews.

The Apostles were Jews --- Jesus was Jewish. The beginning of the CHURCH (body of believers) were Jews, and the Messianic movement is among Jews! The Old Testament clearly warns the Jews that they will be punished as a NATION for turning from God's salvation. However, there is still a promise that GOD will curse those that curse Israel and bless those that bring blessings for Israel. And when the time is ripe Israel will be gathered together once again and know that the Messiah had indeed come. That time was initiated after the Great World War and became ernest after World War II.
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The Gospels show a Jesus who hated those who confused issues for their own gain and cause people to be lost for believing lies instead of discovering truth.

Jesus hated all those who rejected him. Period. All Jews today define themselves as rejecting Jesus, therefor Jesus hates all Jews.
Jesus didn't hate the JEWS, He hated the false teachers who taught one thing and did another. He hated the fact that there were Jewish leaders who were circumventing the LAW to make a prophet for themselves. Jesus was even tried at night that was entirely against Jewish Law, but it suited the "liberal" teachers who were trying to shut up Jesus to save their OWN authority.

All Jews are false teachers in that all Jews (by their definition) deny Jesus is the Christ. Jesus hates all false teachers. Jesus hates all Jews. God hates all evil-doers. The Gospels show us a Jesus who hated the unbelieving Jews.
The Gospels show a Jesus who hated those who confused issues for their own gain and cause people to be lost for believing lies instead of discovering truth.
He should come back every now and again for book signings...
Jesus didn't hate the JEWS, He hated the false teachers who taught one thing and did another. He hated the fact that there were Jewish leaders who were circumventing the LAW to make a prophet for themselves. Jesus was even tried at night that was entirely against Jewish Law, but it suited the "liberal" teachers who were trying to shut up Jesus to save their OWN authority.

All Jews are false teachers in that all Jews (by their definition) deny Jesus is the Christ. Jesus hates all false teachers. Jesus hates all Jews. God hates all evil-doers. The Gospels show us a Jesus who hated the unbelieving Jews.
The Jews are Gods favorite religion

Out of all the religions in the world.......he wanted his son raised a Jew
Jesus didn't hate the JEWS, He hated the false teachers who taught one thing and did another. He hated the fact that there were Jewish leaders who were circumventing the LAW to make a prophet for themselves. Jesus was even tried at night that was entirely against Jewish Law, but it suited the "liberal" teachers who were trying to shut up Jesus to save their OWN authority.

All Jews are false teachers in that all Jews (by their definition) deny Jesus is the Christ. Jesus hates all false teachers. Jesus hates all Jews. God hates all evil-doers. The Gospels show us a Jesus who hated the unbelieving Jews.
The Gospels show a Jesus who hated those who confused issues for their own gain and cause people to be lost for believing lies instead of discovering truth.
He should come back every now and again for book signings...
Don't forget the selfies
The problem is (if you do not comprehend) is that THEY are CHOOSING to eliminate all male references, and attempting to instill TRANSGENDER ideology into GOD's WORD! That alone makes them as evil as if they were Hitler Himself in his attempt to annihilate God's Choosen People and promote a Superior Evolved Race !

No, no, I know a lot of Episcopalians and I've talked about this. It has nothing to do with transgenders. It's about women, who are taking over the church, as there are no longer enough men who want to run it. You can see that it would be awkward for women to be bishops and yet constantly refer to God and everything else important as male.

The OP refers to the Episcopal Church in "freefall" and it is indeed. In my county, two old Episcopal Churches have closed and the rest can't find "normal" ministers. One is way out in the country and its last minister was a temp who was a black male well over the age of retirement; and now they have hired an open lesbian with a "wife," and these insist on living in the lovely stone manse by the church. (This is really happening.) They are both also well over the age of retirement. This church had 70 attendees only. How many do you think they will have with the new regime? They will close, I predict.

My friend, a leftist, told me indignantly that one of the vestry said he didn't see why they couldn't just hire a man. Well, the real answer is that there aren't any. Because the Episcopalian Church is dying: using marginalized attention-seekers for ministers is a sign. They wouldn't if they had an alternative.

The Maryland Bishop, who is a black male, hired another bishop by the simple expedient of lying to the delegates about her record of alcohol arrests. He didn't tell them about it. This massively obese woman who could hardly walk then drank herself sloppy in church and drove home, texting at the moment she ran over and killed a young engineer, father of two. You may have read about this in the news. This is a dying church.
A church cannot grow without the leading of GOD. And long ago the Episcopal church was instrumental in removing Biblical opening exercises in public schools. This came as a result of the Episcopal church deluding and then not accepting Biblical inerrancy. They promoted artificial birth control. They then accepted abortion as an answer to over population among minorities. They then open their doors to female ordination and homosexual ordination followed close behind! Now they promote Homosexual mating.and marriage. And finally, they are concluding that they must adjust the scriptures to fit what they have become. They are a harlot --- one with that Jezebel that the LORD reveals in Revelation.

The church I attend has three ministers, but the Episcopal organization would reject them and clearly they would not be willing to change their beliefs to tow-the-line according to Episcopal policy... The Episcopal church dug it's own hole. It's time to either start praying for forgiveness and filling the hole back in --- or jump in the grave. There are no other choices!

PS> Pretty buildings, "sacred" music, and festive adornment do not a church make!
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Jesus didn't hate the JEWS, He hated the false teachers who taught one thing and did another. He hated the fact that there were Jewish leaders who were circumventing the LAW to make a prophet for themselves. Jesus was even tried at night that was entirely against Jewish Law, but it suited the "liberal" teachers who were trying to shut up Jesus to save their OWN authority.

All Jews are false teachers in that all Jews (by their definition) deny Jesus is the Christ. Jesus hates all false teachers. Jesus hates all Jews. God hates all evil-doers. The Gospels show us a Jesus who hated the unbelieving Jews.
The Gospels show a Jesus who hated those who confused issues for their own gain and cause people to be lost for believing lies instead of discovering truth.
He should come back every now and again for book signings...
Don't forget the selfies
It would mean a lot....
The church I attend has three ministers, but the Episcopal organization would reject them and clearly they would not be willing to change their beliefs to tow-the-line according to Episcopal policy... The Episcopal church dug it's own hole. It's time to either start filling it back in or jump in the grave. There are no other choices!

They do seem to have jettisoned most of traditional Christianity, then jumped overboard themselves. From what I've seen of weirdos taking over and then churches of normal people closing, I don't think the Episcopal Church can survive here.
Trump is a good role model for their children. Totally agree.
So having children with 3 women and is ok with divorce and affairs is ok with the Evan Family Council. Trump should be walking around eyeless, castrated, and handless due to the words of Jesus;
Matthew 5:29-30 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
29 If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body thrown into Gehenna. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body go into Gehenna.
Did God forgive King David?

King David was a murderer and an adulterer, Jesus would not approve.
You didn't answer the question. Did God forgive King David? Did Jesus forgive the woman caught in adultery? Does God forgive murder and adultery? Answer it.

No I don't believe so. That is why he said Solomon would build the temple according to the OT and their kid died as well if I remember right.
That's consequences for sin. However, if I remember right, David said in Psalms that God forgave ALL his sins and cleansed him. God always forgives, He has to. It's his nature. God is love. God used David to bring the Messiah Jesus, so he most certainly forgave him.
So having children with 3 women and is ok with divorce and affairs is ok with the Evan Family Council. Trump should be walking around eyeless, castrated, and handless due to the words of Jesus;
Matthew 5:29-30 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
29 If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body thrown into Gehenna. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body go into Gehenna.
Did God forgive King David?

King David was a murderer and an adulterer, Jesus would not approve.
You didn't answer the question. Did God forgive King David? Did Jesus forgive the woman caught in adultery? Does God forgive murder and adultery? Answer it.

No I don't believe so. That is why he said Solomon would build the temple according to the OT and their kid died as well if I remember right.
That's consequences for sin. However, if I remember right, David said in Psalms that God forgave ALL his sins and cleansed him. God always forgives, He has to. It's his nature. God is love. God used David to bring the Messiah Jesus, so he most certainly forgave him.
Remember one very important thing! When David was confronted with his transgression he REPENTED!
“In the Last Days.. men will be BLASPHEMERS…” ~ 2nd Timothy 3:2

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (of Christ’s Return) shall not come, except there come a FALLING AWAY (from the Faith) first…” ~ 2nd Thessalonians 2:3

“ JESUS said, And many FALSE prophets shall rise, and shall deceive MANY.” ~ Matthew 24:11

“There were FALSE prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers AMONG YOU, who privily shall bring in DAMNABLE heresies, even DENYING the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” ~ 2nd Peter 2:2

“Beloved.. I exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the Faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, UNGODLY men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and DENYING the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.” ~ Jude 1:3-4

“JESUS said, I know your works, and your labour, and your patience, and how you cannot bear them which are evil: and you have tried them which SAY they are apostles, and are NOT, and have found them LIARS.” ~ Revelation 2:2

“So God created man in HIS Own Image, in the Image of God HE created him; male and female HE created them.” ~ Genesis 1:7

“JESUS said, After this manner therefore you should pray: Our FATHER which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name.” ~ Matthew 6:9 & Luke 11:2

“I will be a FATHER unto you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, saith the LORD Almighty. ~ 2nd Corinthians 6:18

“JESUS said, Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the FATHER and of the SON and of the Holy Spirit.” ~ Matthew 28:19

“They CHANGED the Truth of God into a LIE, and worshipped and served the creature MORE THAN The Creator, Who is blessed forever.” ~ Romans 1:25

“You shall NOT ADD unto the Word which I command you, neither shall you TAKE AWAY from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.” ~ Deuteronomy 4:2

“For I, JESUS, testify unto EVERY man that hears the words of the prophecy of this Book (Holy Bible), If ANY man shall ADD unto these things, God shall ADD unto him the PLAGUES that are written in this Book: And if ANY man shall TAKE AWAY from the words of the Book of this prophecy, God shall TAKE AWAY his part OUT OF the Book of Life, and OUT OF the Holy City, and FROM the things which are written in THIS BOOK.” ~ Revelation 22:18-19

“ALL the Nations that FORGET GOD shall be turned into HELL.” ~ Psalm 9:17
Did God forgive King David?

King David was a murderer and an adulterer, Jesus would not approve.
You didn't answer the question. Did God forgive King David? Did Jesus forgive the woman caught in adultery? Does God forgive murder and adultery? Answer it.

No I don't believe so. That is why he said Solomon would build the temple according to the OT and their kid died as well if I remember right.
That's consequences for sin. However, if I remember right, David said in Psalms that God forgave ALL his sins and cleansed him. God always forgives, He has to. It's his nature. God is love. God used David to bring the Messiah Jesus, so he most certainly forgave him.
Remember one very important thing! When David was confronted with his transgression he REPENTED!
Your stupidity is amazing. Women were kept illiterate in those days, men actually did write the books that later where included in what became known as the bible, and they did include their ancient tribal customs and prejudices in it.

I can't reconcile someone being a Christian yet having such open contempt for the Bible, the foundation of Christian teachings, as you have. You are not a christian. Feminism is antithetical to the Bible.

Remember that it was Mary who traveled with Jesus, and it was to her that he first revealed himself and asked her to go and tell the others.

Yeah, Jesus had a groupie. But, he didn't select her as an Apostle, nor did he teach her to write. If you were any more crass in your reasoning, you might argue that because Jesus didn't command the cutting out of tongues of women that Jesus wanted women to boss men around.

Frankly, I don't think that you are a Christian, either. Just by your own standards, I am sure that you do not follow Leviticus and Deuteronomy in your everyday life. Somehow I cannot envision you as an ultra-orthodox Jew. Do you even keep kosher?

I follow all the Bible. Point out where I haven't.
Your stupidity is amazing. Women were kept illiterate in those days, men actually did write the books that later where included in what became known as the bible, and they did include their ancient tribal customs and prejudices in it.

I can't reconcile someone being a Christian yet having such open contempt for the Bible, the foundation of Christian teachings, as you have. You are not a christian. Feminism is antithetical to the Bible.

Remember that it was Mary who traveled with Jesus, and it was to her that he first revealed himself and asked her to go and tell the others.

Yeah, Jesus had a groupie. But, he didn't select her as an Apostle, nor did he teach her to write. If you were any more crass in your reasoning, you might argue that because Jesus didn't command the cutting out of tongues of women that Jesus wanted women to boss men around.

Frankly, I don't think that you are a Christian, either. Just by your own standards, I am sure that you do not follow Leviticus and Deuteronomy in your everyday life. Somehow I cannot envision you as an ultra-orthodox Jew. Do you even keep kosher?

I follow all the Bible. Point out where I haven't.

It doesn't matter if you do. I bet you believe in biblical inerrancy and infallibility, two absolutely bizarre thoughts brought to us by the likes of calvin, darby, rushdooney. These guys' theories are simply that. You like them? That's up to you. I don't follow them and don't see any reason to do so.

If you don't like Episcopalians, so be it. Go to your own church. Nobody is forcing you.
If you don't like Episcopalians, so be it. Go to your own church. Nobody is forcing you.

The difference between me and you is that I want everyone to be free and you want to force everyone to be slaves. For 50 years, the Democrat party has been working to make the practice of Christianity illegal, outside of the closet. If it were up to you, you'd have the government close my church.
If you don't like Episcopalians, so be it. Go to your own church. Nobody is forcing you.

The difference between me and you is that I want everyone to be free and you want to force everyone to be slaves. For 50 years, the Democrat party has been working to make the practice of Christianity illegal, outside of the closet. If it were up to you, you'd have the government close my church.
What is the part of the "practice of Christianity" that you feel is threatened? The religious practices of Christianity, of which there are so many varieties, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism. Buddhism, Hinduism, Wiccan, are outside of politics. You need not refer to political parties. You have your church, and no one from the big, bad government is closing it, so stop whining.
Remember that this thread started as an attack on Episcopalians. There was no need for Little Nipper to even have started this. You have the church of your choice. Go to it. Nobody is stopping you. We Americans go to worship as we please.
If you don't want to go to the National Cathedral: thank you. This frees up a parking space for me.
You have your church, and no one from the big, bad government is closing it, so stop whining.

Fifty years ago, your libtard ilk wasn't demanding that men be allowed to use women's rooms. You have more groundwork to lay before you start demanding Churches be closed. But, that's what you want because you have contempt for Christianity and contempt for your neighbor's freedom.

In many places, if churches allow the public to use their churches for marriage, they have to allow faggots too. And, you want people punished if they refuse to make faggot cakes and faggot photos. Before your ilk created laws allowing faggots to rape churches, cake bakers, and photographers, you already had other laws banning Christians from living following their faith, such as forcing Christians to rent rooms to unmarried couples.

You are an inferior creature who thinks that if only you could climb on top of others, you wouldn't be so low. Sorry, you'll always be a piece of shit as long as you're a libtard.
You have your church, and no one from the big, bad government is closing it, so stop whining.

Fifty years ago, your libtard ilk wasn't demanding that men be allowed to use women's rooms. You have more groundwork to lay before you start demanding Churches be closed. But, that's what you want because you have contempt for Christianity and contempt for your neighbor's freedom.

In many places, if churches allow the public to use their churches for marriage, they have to allow faggots too. And, you want people punished if they refuse to make faggot cakes and faggot photos. Before your ilk created laws allowing faggots to rape churches, cake bakers, and photographers, you already had other laws banning Christians from living following their faith, such as forcing Christians to rent rooms to unmarried couples.

You are an inferior creature who thinks that if only you could climb on top of others, you wouldn't be so low. Sorry, you'll always be a piece of shit as long as you're a libtard.
You obviously are a pathetic, hate-filled creature. No one of any morality would infuse their language with terms like 'faggot." Get help. Moreover, please stop equating your disease with religion, particularly the Christian faith. Also, all people who are in business are required to obey laws applicable to their businesses.

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