Equal rights?

If there is descrimination against sephardic jews and Falachas, how you want equal rights for christians and muslims?!


you are engaging in WISHFUL THINKING ----free-of-brain. For centuries
Mexicans lived under CHRISTIAN RULE-----which is why the people of the
kingdom of Montezuma were enslaved, and their wealth pillaged and their
culture completely destroyed. American Indians of North America were similarly
HONORED-----with genocide. I wonder what happened to the Christians of Saudi
arabia and the Zoroastrians of Iran---or---for that matter----the jews of Saudi arabia---and
dozens of other lands invaded by the dogs and pigs of arabia
to Israelis they do

You are complaining about people who have declared war on Israelis not getting the ame rights in the WB or G, or when they enter Israel.

No, palestinans do not get to vote in Israeli election. Palestinians in the WB will get to vote in local election, G have refused to hold elections.

It is for the PA to determine right for palestinians in the PA.
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Read your koran and hadiths again and see the way that Jews and Christians are treated under islam

Christians and jews were treated by torture and pogroms in Europe so most jews prefered to live in Islamic Spain or arab countries.

The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.

In general, the pact of Omar contains a list of rights and restrictions on non-Muslims (dhimmis). By abiding to them, non-Muslims are granted security of their persons, their families, and their possessions. Other rights and stipulations may also apply. According to Ibn Taymiyya, one of the jurists who accepted the authenticity of the pact, the dhimmis have the right "to free themselves from the Covenant of 'Umar and claim equal status with the Muslims if they enlisted in the army of the state and fought alongside the Muslims in battle."
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look up the bone cathedrals of Islamic Europe where the bodies of massacred Jews and Christians were used to line the walls. That is the real truth about Islamic rule

Wacky! you mean the bloody crusades!
There were freely churches and synagogues in islamic Spain but there were no mosques in Europe!

A Christian world under Islam's rule
Christopher Howse is surprised to discover that for 400 years, a half of the world's professing Christians lived under Muslim rule.
A Christian world under Islam's rule

No in Europe during the islamic rule. Just have a look for them
If there is descrimination against sephardic jews and Falachas, how you want equal rights for christians and muslims?!


you are engaging in WISHFUL THINKING ----free-of-brain. For centuries
Mexicans lived under CHRISTIAN RULE-----which is why the people of the
kingdom of Montezuma were enslaved, and their wealth pillaged and their
culture completely destroyed. American Indians of North America were similarly
HONORED-----with genocide. I wonder what happened to the Christians of Saudi
arabia and the Zoroastrians of Iran---or---for that matter----the jews of Saudi arabia---and
dozens of other lands invaded by the dogs and pigs of arabia

Christians of Arabia lived peacefully during islamic caliphate, some christians worked in ministries of the state.
to Israelis they do

You are complaining about people who have declared war on Israelis not getting the ame rights in the WB or G, or when they enter Israel.

No, palestinans do not get to vote in Israeli election. Palestinians in the WB will get to vote in local election, G have refused to hold elections.

It is for the PA to determine right for palestinians in the PA.
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Read your koran and hadiths again and see the way that Jews and Christians are treated under islam

Christians and jews were treated by torture and pogroms in Europe so most jews prefered to live in Islamic Spain or arab countries.

The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.

In general, the pact of Omar contains a list of rights and restrictions on non-Muslims (dhimmis). By abiding to them, non-Muslims are granted security of their persons, their families, and their possessions. Other rights and stipulations may also apply. According to Ibn Taymiyya, one of the jurists who accepted the authenticity of the pact, the dhimmis have the right "to free themselves from the Covenant of 'Umar and claim equal status with the Muslims if they enlisted in the army of the state and fought alongside the Muslims in battle."
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look up the bone cathedrals of Islamic Europe where the bodies of massacred Jews and Christians were used to line the walls. That is the real truth about Islamic rule

Wacky! you mean the bloody crusades!
There were freely churches and synagogues in islamic Spain but there were no mosques in Europe!

A Christian world under Islam's rule
Christopher Howse is surprised to discover that for 400 years, a half of the world's professing Christians lived under Muslim rule.
A Christian world under Islam's rule

784 Córdoba
1363-1364 Dzhumaya Mosque, Plovdiv
1466 Elbasan Castle
1575 Mangalia Mosque, Mangalia
1558 Poland
1500-1600 Lithuania

1891 Liverpool Muslim Institute
If there is descrimination against sephardic jews and Falachas, how you want equal rights for christians and muslims?!


you are engaging in WISHFUL THINKING ----free-of-brain. For centuries
Mexicans lived under CHRISTIAN RULE-----which is why the people of the
kingdom of Montezuma were enslaved, and their wealth pillaged and their
culture completely destroyed. American Indians of North America were similarly
HONORED-----with genocide. I wonder what happened to the Christians of Saudi
arabia and the Zoroastrians of Iran---or---for that matter----the jews of Saudi arabia---and
dozens of other lands invaded by the dogs and pigs of arabia

Christians of Arabia lived peacefully during islamic caliphate, some christians worked in ministries of the state.

According to islamonazi propaganda history, the Christians say differently and point to the dhimmi laws as evidence
If there is descrimination against sephardic jews and Falachas, how you want equal rights for christians and muslims?!


you are engaging in WISHFUL THINKING ----free-of-brain. For centuries
Mexicans lived under CHRISTIAN RULE-----which is why the people of the
kingdom of Montezuma were enslaved, and their wealth pillaged and their
culture completely destroyed. American Indians of North America were similarly
HONORED-----with genocide. I wonder what happened to the Christians of Saudi
arabia and the Zoroastrians of Iran---or---for that matter----the jews of Saudi arabia---and
dozens of other lands invaded by the dogs and pigs of arabia

Christians of Arabia lived peacefully during islamic caliphate, some christians worked in ministries of the state.

According to islamonazi propaganda history, the Christians say differently and point to the dhimmi laws as evidence

The articles posted were written by christians.

A Christian world under Islam's rule
If there is descrimination against sephardic jews and Falachas, how you want equal rights for christians and muslims?!


Freeman, it really is ludicrous for you to talk about equal rights for Christians when it is very obvious that you are using the
Christians as your pawns in your fight against the Jews. Why not bring up equal rights for Christians and Muslims who are Shia in majority Sunni countries? Tell us all about their equal rights.
If there is descrimination against sephardic jews and Falachas, how you want equal rights for christians and muslims?!


you are engaging in WISHFUL THINKING ----free-of-brain. For centuries
Mexicans lived under CHRISTIAN RULE-----which is why the people of the
kingdom of Montezuma were enslaved, and their wealth pillaged and their
culture completely destroyed. American Indians of North America were similarly
HONORED-----with genocide. I wonder what happened to the Christians of Saudi
arabia and the Zoroastrians of Iran---or---for that matter----the jews of Saudi arabia---and
dozens of other lands invaded by the dogs and pigs of arabia

Christians of Arabia lived peacefully during islamic caliphate, some christians worked in ministries of the state.

According to islamonazi propaganda history, the Christians say differently and point to the dhimmi laws as evidence

The articles posted were written by christians.

A Christian world under Islam's rule

Why not tell us aout the Jihads against the Christians when the Muslims left the Saudi Peninsula. You can start with the Copts.

History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians (640)

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