Equal rights?


He will get the Mollah virgins!

Al-Qaeda Freeman tries to be funny again. Applauded by Zion-Roudy of course. What a filthy alliance.

Moron! that's just what you said about your allied zionazis:
"I understand why many Israelis would support Assad"! :afro:

And the stupid islamomoron posts his oxymoron again, and still has not replied to the question...............
One of the most basic rights is that of free speech but that right is not allowed by some. We are privileged to be able to speak and not persecuted for our opinions or for presenting facts about how others can be harmed by the abuse of religion.

Islamophobia’ as I define it is not about people who have a kind of good fact-based criticism of the Islamic religion. There’s nothing negative about that. People are entitled to those types of criticisms. ‘Islamophobia’ is when you have an unfounded irrational fear that tends then to lead to bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes
~John Esposito

"bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes", isn't that what is behind so much of the anti-semitism and anti-Israeli hate that has lead to a century of violence? What is behind so many lies and has prevented peace?

Article: The Qur'an is the Source of Discontent in Many Countries | OpEdNews

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Denied Honorary Degree At Brandeis University

Where do you find that islam doesn't give equal rights?
Does the jewish Apatheid state offer equal rights for christians and muslims?

to Israelis they do

You are complaining about people who have declared war on Israelis not getting the ame rights in the WB or G, or when they enter Israel.

No, palestinans do not get to vote in Israeli election. Palestinians in the WB will get to vote in local election, G have refused to hold elections.

It is for the PA to determine right for palestinians in the PA.
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Read your koran and hadiths again and see the way that Jews and Christians are treated under islam
One of the most basic rights is that of free speech but that right is not allowed by some. We are privileged to be able to speak and not persecuted for our opinions or for presenting facts about how others can be harmed by the abuse of religion.

Islamophobia’ as I define it is not about people who have a kind of good fact-based criticism of the Islamic religion. There’s nothing negative about that. People are entitled to those types of criticisms. ‘Islamophobia’ is when you have an unfounded irrational fear that tends then to lead to bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes
~John Esposito

"bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes", isn't that what is behind so much of the anti-semitism and anti-Israeli hate that has lead to a century of violence? What is behind so many lies and has prevented peace?

Article: The Qur'an is the Source of Discontent in Many Countries | OpEdNews

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Denied Honorary Degree At Brandeis University

Where do you find that islam doesn't give equal rights?
Does the jewish Apatheid state offer equal rights for christians and muslims?

to Israelis they do

You are complaining about people who have declared war on Israelis not getting the ame rights in the WB or G, or when they enter Israel.

No, palestinans do not get to vote in Israeli election. Palestinians in the WB will get to vote in local election, G have refused to hold elections.

It is for the PA to determine right for palestinians in the PA.
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Muslims and Christians have rights in Israel.
Palestinians, being "foreigners" from a neighboring territory, have limited rights because they enter on a visa.

They did not want to stay and become Israelis. They left on their own or were told to leave by fellow arabs. When they stop attacking Israelis or trying to "wipe the jews from the face of the earth", things might change.

We fled not expelled

01/14 Links Pt2: 1948 Palestinian: “We Fled...They Didn’t Expel Us”; Lies about Israel, lies about Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Elder Of Zion source! please don't be more stupid! :lol:
1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A lot more valid than your wiki article as that could be written by anyone, edited by anyone and is not proof read before publication the check if it is truthful. The first hand accounts of arab muslims are valid and truthful in this case so get used to seeing their words used against your propaganda
One of the most basic rights is that of free speech but that right is not allowed by some. We are privileged to be able to speak and not persecuted for our opinions or for presenting facts about how others can be harmed by the abuse of religion.

Islamophobia’ as I define it is not about people who have a kind of good fact-based criticism of the Islamic religion. There’s nothing negative about that. People are entitled to those types of criticisms. ‘Islamophobia’ is when you have an unfounded irrational fear that tends then to lead to bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes
~John Esposito

"bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes", isn't that what is behind so much of the anti-semitism and anti-Israeli hate that has lead to a century of violence? What is behind so many lies and has prevented peace?

Article: The Qur'an is the Source of Discontent in Many Countries | OpEdNews

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Denied Honorary Degree At Brandeis University

Where do you find that islam doesn't give equal rights?
Does the jewish Apatheid state offer equal rights for christians and muslims?

In the koran, hadiths and national laws of Islamic nations

Yes it does as they are allowed the same freedoms as the rest of society. Can a Christian build a church in Mecca that is bigger than any Islamic building. Can Jew proclaim his religious beliefs loudly on the streets of Medina. No they cant but muslims can build a mosque to tower over St peters basilica in Rome or scream out the call to prayer on the streets of paris in the middle of the night,

and religious fatwas
One of the most basic rights is that of free speech but that right is not allowed by some. We are privileged to be able to speak and not persecuted for our opinions or for presenting facts about how others can be harmed by the abuse of religion.

Islamophobia’ as I define it is not about people who have a kind of good fact-based criticism of the Islamic religion. There’s nothing negative about that. People are entitled to those types of criticisms. ‘Islamophobia’ is when you have an unfounded irrational fear that tends then to lead to bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes
~John Esposito

"bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes", isn't that what is behind so much of the anti-semitism and anti-Israeli hate that has lead to a century of violence? What is behind so many lies and has prevented peace?

Article: The Qur'an is the Source of Discontent in Many Countries | OpEdNews

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Denied Honorary Degree At Brandeis University

Where do you find that islam doesn't give equal rights?
Does the jewish Apatheid state offer equal rights for christians and muslims?

to Israelis they do

You are complaining about people who have declared war on Israelis not getting the ame rights in the WB or G, or when they enter Israel.

No, palestinans do not get to vote in Israeli election. Palestinians in the WB will get to vote in local election, G have refused to hold elections.

It is for the PA to determine right for palestinians in the PA.
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Read your koran and hadiths again and see the way that Jews and Christians are treated under islam

Christians and jews were treated by torture and pogroms in Europe so most jews prefered to live in Islamic Spain or arab countries.

The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.

In general, the pact of Omar contains a list of rights and restrictions on non-Muslims (dhimmis). By abiding to them, non-Muslims are granted security of their persons, their families, and their possessions. Other rights and stipulations may also apply. According to Ibn Taymiyya, one of the jurists who accepted the authenticity of the pact, the dhimmis have the right "to free themselves from the Covenant of 'Umar and claim equal status with the Muslims if they enlisted in the army of the state and fought alongside the Muslims in battle."
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
One of the most basic rights is that of free speech but that right is not allowed by some. We are privileged to be able to speak and not persecuted for our opinions or for presenting facts about how others can be harmed by the abuse of religion.

Islamophobia’ as I define it is not about people who have a kind of good fact-based criticism of the Islamic religion. There’s nothing negative about that. People are entitled to those types of criticisms. ‘Islamophobia’ is when you have an unfounded irrational fear that tends then to lead to bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes
~John Esposito

"bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes", isn't that what is behind so much of the anti-semitism and anti-Israeli hate that has lead to a century of violence? What is behind so many lies and has prevented peace?

Article: The Qur'an is the Source of Discontent in Many Countries | OpEdNews

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Denied Honorary Degree At Brandeis University

Where do you find that islam doesn't give equal rights?
Does the jewish Apatheid state offer equal rights for christians and muslims?

to Israelis they do

You are complaining about people who have declared war on Israelis not getting the ame rights in the WB or G, or when they enter Israel.

No, palestinans do not get to vote in Israeli election. Palestinians in the WB will get to vote in local election, G have refused to hold elections.

It is for the PA to determine right for palestinians in the PA.
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Read your koran and hadiths again and see the way that Jews and Christians are treated under islam

Christians and jews were treated by torture and pogroms in Europe so most jews prefered to live in Islamic Spain or arab countries.

In general, the pact of Omar contains a list of rights and restrictions on non-Muslims (dhimmis). By abiding to them, non-Muslims are granted security of their persons, their families, and their possessions. Other rights and stipulations may also apply. According to Ibn Taymiyya, one of the jurists who accepted the authenticity of the pact, the dhimmis have the right "to free themselves from the Covenant of 'Umar and claim equal status with the Muslims if they enlisted in the army of the state and fought alongside the Muslims in battle."
The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wrong again----MOST jews have lived in Christian countries for the past 500 years----lots FLED arab and non arab muslim countries-------some of which were later CONQUERED by muslims anyway. The historic pattern over the past 1400 years has been------ONCE ISLAM GETS THERE----jews start to leave. Jews had lots of GOLDEN AGES in lots of places including Germany and even Poland. The GOLDEN AGE were not made GOLDEN by kindly muslims or kindly Christians----
they refer mostly to academic issues
One of the most basic rights is that of free speech but that right is not allowed by some. We are privileged to be able to speak and not persecuted for our opinions or for presenting facts about how others can be harmed by the abuse of religion.

Islamophobia’ as I define it is not about people who have a kind of good fact-based criticism of the Islamic religion. There’s nothing negative about that. People are entitled to those types of criticisms. ‘Islamophobia’ is when you have an unfounded irrational fear that tends then to lead to bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes
~John Esposito

"bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes", isn't that what is behind so much of the anti-semitism and anti-Israeli hate that has lead to a century of violence? What is behind so many lies and has prevented peace?

Article: The Qur'an is the Source of Discontent in Many Countries | OpEdNews

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Denied Honorary Degree At Brandeis University

Where do you find that islam doesn't give equal rights?
Does the jewish Apatheid state offer equal rights for christians and muslims?

In the koran, hadiths and national laws of Islamic nations

Yes it does as they are allowed the same freedoms as the rest of society. Can a Christian build a church in Mecca that is bigger than any Islamic building. Can Jew proclaim his religious beliefs loudly on the streets of Medina. No they cant but muslims can build a mosque to tower over St peters basilica in Rome or scream out the call to prayer on the streets of paris in the middle of the night,

and religious fatwas

The Hadith of Prophet said; "Every person who will hurt or kill Pact non-muslims he would be my enemy in the judgement day".
Where do you find that islam doesn't give equal rights?
Does the jewish Apatheid state offer equal rights for christians and muslims?

to Israelis they do

You are complaining about people who have declared war on Israelis not getting the ame rights in the WB or G, or when they enter Israel.

No, palestinans do not get to vote in Israeli election. Palestinians in the WB will get to vote in local election, G have refused to hold elections.

It is for the PA to determine right for palestinians in the PA.
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Read your koran and hadiths again and see the way that Jews and Christians are treated under islam

Christians and jews were treated by torture and pogroms in Europe so most jews prefered to live in Islamic Spain or arab countries.

In general, the pact of Omar contains a list of rights and restrictions on non-Muslims (dhimmis). By abiding to them, non-Muslims are granted security of their persons, their families, and their possessions. Other rights and stipulations may also apply. According to Ibn Taymiyya, one of the jurists who accepted the authenticity of the pact, the dhimmis have the right "to free themselves from the Covenant of 'Umar and claim equal status with the Muslims if they enlisted in the army of the state and fought alongside the Muslims in battle."
The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wrong again----MOST jews have lived in Christian countries for the past 500 years----lots FLED arab and non arab muslim countries-------some of which were later CONQUERED by muslims anyway. The historic pattern over the past 1400 years has been------ONCE ISLAM GETS THERE----jews start to leave. Jews had lots of GOLDEN AGES in lots of places including Germany and even Poland. The GOLDEN AGE were not made GOLDEN by kindly muslims or kindly Christians----
they refer mostly to academic issues

The church has massacred jews and protestants, most jews immigrated to Spain and arab countries, read the Jewish Encyclopedia.
to Israelis they do

You are complaining about people who have declared war on Israelis not getting the ame rights in the WB or G, or when they enter Israel.

No, palestinans do not get to vote in Israeli election. Palestinians in the WB will get to vote in local election, G have refused to hold elections.

It is for the PA to determine right for palestinians in the PA.
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Read your koran and hadiths again and see the way that Jews and Christians are treated under islam

Christians and jews were treated by torture and pogroms in Europe so most jews prefered to live in Islamic Spain or arab countries.

In general, the pact of Omar contains a list of rights and restrictions on non-Muslims (dhimmis). By abiding to them, non-Muslims are granted security of their persons, their families, and their possessions. Other rights and stipulations may also apply. According to Ibn Taymiyya, one of the jurists who accepted the authenticity of the pact, the dhimmis have the right "to free themselves from the Covenant of 'Umar and claim equal status with the Muslims if they enlisted in the army of the state and fought alongside the Muslims in battle."
The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wrong again----MOST jews have lived in Christian countries for the past 500 years----lots FLED arab and non arab muslim countries-------some of which were later CONQUERED by muslims anyway. The historic pattern over the past 1400 years has been------ONCE ISLAM GETS THERE----jews start to leave. Jews had lots of GOLDEN AGES in lots of places including Germany and even Poland. The GOLDEN AGE were not made GOLDEN by kindly muslims or kindly Christians----
they refer mostly to academic issues

The church has massacred jews and protestants, most jews immigrated to Spain and arab countries, read the Jewish Encyclopedia.

try again-----there were jews in spain before the ARAB MUSLIMS got there (when spain was just the IBERIAN PENNINSULA Jews were in Barcelona, Toledo etc along with Christians and CIVILIZED those cities------then MUSLIMS GOT THERE and destroyed just about everything good------then CHRISTIANS engaged in a RECONQUISTA and got very anti muslim and anti jew<<<<that's history
One of the most basic rights is that of free speech but that right is not allowed by some. We are privileged to be able to speak and not persecuted for our opinions or for presenting facts about how others can be harmed by the abuse of religion.

Islamophobia’ as I define it is not about people who have a kind of good fact-based criticism of the Islamic religion. There’s nothing negative about that. People are entitled to those types of criticisms. ‘Islamophobia’ is when you have an unfounded irrational fear that tends then to lead to bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes
~John Esposito

"bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes", isn't that what is behind so much of the anti-semitism and anti-Israeli hate that has lead to a century of violence? What is behind so many lies and has prevented peace?

Article: The Qur'an is the Source of Discontent in Many Countries | OpEdNews

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Denied Honorary Degree At Brandeis University

Where do you find that islam doesn't give equal rights?
Does the jewish Apatheid state offer equal rights for christians and muslims?

to Israelis they do

You are complaining about people who have declared war on Israelis not getting the ame rights in the WB or G, or when they enter Israel.

No, palestinans do not get to vote in Israeli election. Palestinians in the WB will get to vote in local election, G have refused to hold elections.

It is for the PA to determine right for palestinians in the PA.
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Read your koran and hadiths again and see the way that Jews and Christians are treated under islam

Christians and jews were treated by torture and pogroms in Europe so most jews prefered to live in Islamic Spain or arab countries.

The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.

In general, the pact of Omar contains a list of rights and restrictions on non-Muslims (dhimmis). By abiding to them, non-Muslims are granted security of their persons, their families, and their possessions. Other rights and stipulations may also apply. According to Ibn Taymiyya, one of the jurists who accepted the authenticity of the pact, the dhimmis have the right "to free themselves from the Covenant of 'Umar and claim equal status with the Muslims if they enlisted in the army of the state and fought alongside the Muslims in battle."
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look up the bone cathedrals of Islamic Europe where the bodies of massacred Jews and Christians were used to line the walls. That is the real truth about Islamic rule
Where do you find that islam doesn't give equal rights?
Does the jewish Apatheid state offer equal rights for christians and muslims?

to Israelis they do

You are complaining about people who have declared war on Israelis not getting the ame rights in the WB or G, or when they enter Israel.

No, palestinans do not get to vote in Israeli election. Palestinians in the WB will get to vote in local election, G have refused to hold elections.

It is for the PA to determine right for palestinians in the PA.
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Muslims and Christians have rights in Israel.
Palestinians, being "foreigners" from a neighboring territory, have limited rights because they enter on a visa.

They did not want to stay and become Israelis. They left on their own or were told to leave by fellow arabs. When they stop attacking Israelis or trying to "wipe the jews from the face of the earth", things might change.

We fled not expelled

01/14 Links Pt2: 1948 Palestinian: “We Fled...They Didn’t Expel Us”; Lies about Israel, lies about Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Elder Of Zion source! please don't be more stupid! :lol:
1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You will learn to bow to Assad.

You guys should get a room with a bed. Ha ha ha.
One of the most basic rights is that of free speech but that right is not allowed by some. We are privileged to be able to speak and not persecuted for our opinions or for presenting facts about how others can be harmed by the abuse of religion.

Islamophobia’ as I define it is not about people who have a kind of good fact-based criticism of the Islamic religion. There’s nothing negative about that. People are entitled to those types of criticisms. ‘Islamophobia’ is when you have an unfounded irrational fear that tends then to lead to bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes
~John Esposito

"bias, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes", isn't that what is behind so much of the anti-semitism and anti-Israeli hate that has lead to a century of violence? What is behind so many lies and has prevented peace?

Article: The Qur'an is the Source of Discontent in Many Countries | OpEdNews

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Denied Honorary Degree At Brandeis University

Where do you find that islam doesn't give equal rights?
Does the jewish Apatheid state offer equal rights for christians and muslims?

In the koran, hadiths and national laws of Islamic nations

Yes it does as they are allowed the same freedoms as the rest of society. Can a Christian build a church in Mecca that is bigger than any Islamic building. Can Jew proclaim his religious beliefs loudly on the streets of Medina. No they cant but muslims can build a mosque to tower over St peters basilica in Rome or scream out the call to prayer on the streets of paris in the middle of the night,

and religious fatwas

The Hadith of Prophet said; "Every person who will hurt or kill Pact non-muslims he would be my enemy in the judgement day".
You forget that Mohammad was a schizophrenic, epileptic, illiterate megalomaniac with many sexual insecurities who said many contradictory things. In the beginning he did not preach violence and intolerance toward those that opposed him, but later when he had gained strength and popularity became a ruthless genocidal mass murderer.
Where do you find that islam doesn't give equal rights?
Does the jewish Apatheid state offer equal rights for christians and muslims?

to Israelis they do

You are complaining about people who have declared war on Israelis not getting the ame rights in the WB or G, or when they enter Israel.

No, palestinans do not get to vote in Israeli election. Palestinians in the WB will get to vote in local election, G have refused to hold elections.

It is for the PA to determine right for palestinians in the PA.
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Read your koran and hadiths again and see the way that Jews and Christians are treated under islam

Christians and jews were treated by torture and pogroms in Europe so most jews prefered to live in Islamic Spain or arab countries.

In general, the pact of Omar contains a list of rights and restrictions on non-Muslims (dhimmis). By abiding to them, non-Muslims are granted security of their persons, their families, and their possessions. Other rights and stipulations may also apply. According to Ibn Taymiyya, one of the jurists who accepted the authenticity of the pact, the dhimmis have the right "to free themselves from the Covenant of 'Umar and claim equal status with the Muslims if they enlisted in the army of the state and fought alongside the Muslims in battle."
The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wrong again----MOST jews have lived in Christian countries for the past 500 years----lots FLED arab and non arab muslim countries-------some of which were later CONQUERED by muslims anyway. The historic pattern over the past 1400 years has been------ONCE ISLAM GETS THERE----jews start to leave. Jews had lots of GOLDEN AGES in lots of places including Germany and even Poland. The GOLDEN AGE were not made GOLDEN by kindly muslims or kindly Christians----
they refer mostly to academic issues

Yessisree, the Jews were treated so nicely in Muslim countries.

Who is an Arab Jew? by Albert Memmi

A Jewish deli probably wouldn't have ham on their menu. Therefore if they refuse to serve all people ham, they're doing nothing wrong.

A Muslim caterer wouldn't have pork on their menu, therefore why would they be asked to serve at Pork Producers convention? Surely they'd want pork.

An atheist baker might not do cake toppings, but they might do a Christmas cake, because atheists might actually like Christmas.

Christians want to be able to serve something to some people, and not to others. There's the difference.

If the Jewish people served ham to Jews, but didn't serve ham to Christians, then there'd be a a problem.

But this isn't the case.... and your view of rights is out of whack.
to Israelis they do

You are complaining about people who have declared war on Israelis not getting the ame rights in the WB or G, or when they enter Israel.

No, palestinans do not get to vote in Israeli election. Palestinians in the WB will get to vote in local election, G have refused to hold elections.

It is for the PA to determine right for palestinians in the PA.
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Read your koran and hadiths again and see the way that Jews and Christians are treated under islam

Christians and jews were treated by torture and pogroms in Europe so most jews prefered to live in Islamic Spain or arab countries.

In general, the pact of Omar contains a list of rights and restrictions on non-Muslims (dhimmis). By abiding to them, non-Muslims are granted security of their persons, their families, and their possessions. Other rights and stipulations may also apply. According to Ibn Taymiyya, one of the jurists who accepted the authenticity of the pact, the dhimmis have the right "to free themselves from the Covenant of 'Umar and claim equal status with the Muslims if they enlisted in the army of the state and fought alongside the Muslims in battle."
The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wrong again----MOST jews have lived in Christian countries for the past 500 years----lots FLED arab and non arab muslim countries-------some of which were later CONQUERED by muslims anyway. The historic pattern over the past 1400 years has been------ONCE ISLAM GETS THERE----jews start to leave. Jews had lots of GOLDEN AGES in lots of places including Germany and even Poland. The GOLDEN AGE were not made GOLDEN by kindly muslims or kindly Christians----
they refer mostly to academic issues

Yessisree, the Jews were treated so nicely in Muslim countries.

Who is an Arab Jew? by Albert Memmi

Israel is an AshkeNazi state, even sephardic jews are subject of descrimination.

300% increase in complaints of discrimination against Sephardic girls

You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Read your koran and hadiths again and see the way that Jews and Christians are treated under islam

Christians and jews were treated by torture and pogroms in Europe so most jews prefered to live in Islamic Spain or arab countries.

In general, the pact of Omar contains a list of rights and restrictions on non-Muslims (dhimmis). By abiding to them, non-Muslims are granted security of their persons, their families, and their possessions. Other rights and stipulations may also apply. According to Ibn Taymiyya, one of the jurists who accepted the authenticity of the pact, the dhimmis have the right "to free themselves from the Covenant of 'Umar and claim equal status with the Muslims if they enlisted in the army of the state and fought alongside the Muslims in battle."
The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wrong again----MOST jews have lived in Christian countries for the past 500 years----lots FLED arab and non arab muslim countries-------some of which were later CONQUERED by muslims anyway. The historic pattern over the past 1400 years has been------ONCE ISLAM GETS THERE----jews start to leave. Jews had lots of GOLDEN AGES in lots of places including Germany and even Poland. The GOLDEN AGE were not made GOLDEN by kindly muslims or kindly Christians----
they refer mostly to academic issues

Yessisree, the Jews were treated so nicely in Muslim countries.

Who is an Arab Jew? by Albert Memmi

Israel is an AshkeNazi state, even sephardic jews are subject of descrimination.

300% increase in complaints of discrimination against Sephardic girls


sure sure----whenever hubby and I argue -------he yells "ASHKENAZI" at me
(come to think of it------he is damned prone to complaining TOO-----it's not
just the girls)
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Read your koran and hadiths again and see the way that Jews and Christians are treated under islam

Christians and jews were treated by torture and pogroms in Europe so most jews prefered to live in Islamic Spain or arab countries.

In general, the pact of Omar contains a list of rights and restrictions on non-Muslims (dhimmis). By abiding to them, non-Muslims are granted security of their persons, their families, and their possessions. Other rights and stipulations may also apply. According to Ibn Taymiyya, one of the jurists who accepted the authenticity of the pact, the dhimmis have the right "to free themselves from the Covenant of 'Umar and claim equal status with the Muslims if they enlisted in the army of the state and fought alongside the Muslims in battle."
The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wrong again----MOST jews have lived in Christian countries for the past 500 years----lots FLED arab and non arab muslim countries-------some of which were later CONQUERED by muslims anyway. The historic pattern over the past 1400 years has been------ONCE ISLAM GETS THERE----jews start to leave. Jews had lots of GOLDEN AGES in lots of places including Germany and even Poland. The GOLDEN AGE were not made GOLDEN by kindly muslims or kindly Christians----
they refer mostly to academic issues

Yessisree, the Jews were treated so nicely in Muslim countries.

Who is an Arab Jew? by Albert Memmi

Israel is an AshkeNazi state, even sephardic jews are subject of descrimination.

300% increase in complaints of discrimination against Sephardic girls


Netivot Chochmah Seminary, Beitar Illit, Israel

The school has an application and interview process. Many of the complaints were because students did not pass in test and interview.

>>Education Ministry began an education campaign in the haredi media calling for parents to file complaints about discrimination. Since then, the ministry has reported an increase of 300% in complaints received.<<

The point was to impose a zero tolerance policy at the school. They want to know the problems so they can be dealt with.

This is a jewish school and has nothing to do with arabs or christians.
If there is descrimination against sephardic jews and Falachas, how you want equal rights for christians and muslims?!

Where do you find that islam doesn't give equal rights?
Does the jewish Apatheid state offer equal rights for christians and muslims?

to Israelis they do

You are complaining about people who have declared war on Israelis not getting the ame rights in the WB or G, or when they enter Israel.

No, palestinans do not get to vote in Israeli election. Palestinians in the WB will get to vote in local election, G have refused to hold elections.

It is for the PA to determine right for palestinians in the PA.
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Read your koran and hadiths again and see the way that Jews and Christians are treated under islam

Christians and jews were treated by torture and pogroms in Europe so most jews prefered to live in Islamic Spain or arab countries.

The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.

In general, the pact of Omar contains a list of rights and restrictions on non-Muslims (dhimmis). By abiding to them, non-Muslims are granted security of their persons, their families, and their possessions. Other rights and stipulations may also apply. According to Ibn Taymiyya, one of the jurists who accepted the authenticity of the pact, the dhimmis have the right "to free themselves from the Covenant of 'Umar and claim equal status with the Muslims if they enlisted in the army of the state and fought alongside the Muslims in battle."
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look up the bone cathedrals of Islamic Europe where the bodies of massacred Jews and Christians were used to line the walls. That is the real truth about Islamic rule
Where do you find that islam doesn't give equal rights?
Does the jewish Apatheid state offer equal rights for christians and muslims?

to Israelis they do

You are complaining about people who have declared war on Israelis not getting the ame rights in the WB or G, or when they enter Israel.

No, palestinans do not get to vote in Israeli election. Palestinians in the WB will get to vote in local election, G have refused to hold elections.

It is for the PA to determine right for palestinians in the PA.
You didn't answer the first question.
I talk about christians and muslims living in the 1948 territory.

Read your koran and hadiths again and see the way that Jews and Christians are treated under islam

Christians and jews were treated by torture and pogroms in Europe so most jews prefered to live in Islamic Spain or arab countries.

The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.

In general, the pact of Omar contains a list of rights and restrictions on non-Muslims (dhimmis). By abiding to them, non-Muslims are granted security of their persons, their families, and their possessions. Other rights and stipulations may also apply. According to Ibn Taymiyya, one of the jurists who accepted the authenticity of the pact, the dhimmis have the right "to free themselves from the Covenant of 'Umar and claim equal status with the Muslims if they enlisted in the army of the state and fought alongside the Muslims in battle."
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look up the bone cathedrals of Islamic Europe where the bodies of massacred Jews and Christians were used to line the walls. That is the real truth about Islamic rule

Wacky! you mean the bloody crusades!
There were freely churches and synagogues in islamic Spain but there were no mosques in Europe!

A Christian world under Islam's rule
Christopher Howse is surprised to discover that for 400 years, a half of the world's professing Christians lived under Muslim rule.
A Christian world under Islam's rule

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